Hoteling is a feature typically used when multiple employees use a single device. It is broken into two separate features; Hoteling Host and Hoteling Guest. All inbound phone calls for the Hoteling Guest will be redirected to the Hoteling Host’s device for a pre-specified amount of time. The Hoteling Guest will be able to make all outbound phone calls from the Hoteling Host’s device as if they were using their own device with all included features, including Caller ID and voicemail. This feature can also be set up with a limitation for the amount of time a guest can be signed into a host’s device. This time limitation is specified in the Hoteling Host feature.
Hoteling Host: Designates a user as a host, which allows another user with the Hoteling Guest service to use the host’s device with the guest’s service profile.
Hoteling Guest: Associates the user’s service profile with a host user, and the guest user can use the host’s device like their own office phone.
NOTE: You cannot specify which guest users are allowed to utilize a host device. Any guest user can use any available host device.
- Visit, and click Client Login to log in to NextOS.
- From the NextOS home page, select Voice.
- From the Nextiva Voice Admin Dashboard, hover over Users at the top of the screen and select Manage Users.
Manage Users
- Hover over the name of the user, and click the pencil icon to the right.
Edit User
- Scroll down and select Routing.
Routing Section
- Select the pencil icon to the right of Hoteling guest.
Edit Hoteling Guest
- Select the host this guest will be assigned to in the Available hosts box on the right side of the screen.
Available and Assigned Host
NOTE: If you do not see the desired host listed, make sure the Hoteling host service is turned on for that user. If you still do not see the host listed, make sure the host has a device assigned to them. If they do not, you will need to assign a device to them first.
- Click the grey OFF button at the top of the Hoteling guest menu to save the changes and turn the feature ON. A pop-up message appears stating that the Hoteling Guest Service has been updated. This guest user is now the active service profile on the host device.
Pop-Up Message
NOTE: If the host has more than one device, such as when using Shared call appearance, the Hoteling feature will only work on the host’s primary device. The host’s primary device is indicated by the MAC address located under the host user’s profile within the Device section.