Nextiva Contact Center: Contacts

Contacts contain information about the contact, such as the contact’s name, address, phone number, email address, and notes. The Contact section allows you to create, edit, and view contact records. 

Search for the Contact icon on the options menu. 

Creating a Contact

Click Plus (+) and fill out the contact details. Click Save when done. 

Information Tab  

Field Name 


First Name 

The contact’s first name. 

Last Name 

The contact’s last name. 


The contact’s address. 

Address 2 

The contact’s address. 


The city in the contact’s address. 


The state in the contact’s address. 

Zip Code/Postal Code 

The zip/postal code in the contact’s address. 


The contact’s country. 


The time zone the contact is in. 


The contact’s email address. 


The contact’s main phone number. 


The contact’s mobile phone number. 


The contact’s fax address. 

Preferences Tab 

Toggle Button 


Email Preference 

Enable it if the contact prefers to receive email communications. 


Enable it if the contact prefers to receive Chat communications. 


Enable it if the contact prefers to receive voice communications. 


Enable it if the contact prefers to receive SMS communications. 

Notes Tab  

The notes tab lists the associated contact notes created during communication with them or after-call work. 

Additional Tabs 

Depending on the choice of custom fields associated with the contact record, you may find additional panels containing this information. 

Assigning a Contact to a Workitem 

Not all incoming workitems will be associated with an existing contact record. If a workitem displays “No Contact Found” at the top of your workspace, you need to decide if you want to associate the workitem with a contact or create a new contact for this workitem. 

Creating a Contact Record

When you accept an interaction/workitem from a contact, you can create a contact record so that all the information that was recorded about that customer is displayed in your workspace. This information provides some familiarity with the contact and the contact’s previous activities or issues. To easily track the relationship between a contact and the business/company they work with, an Account (Account Identifier) can be assigned to a Contact.

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