Nextiva Contact Center: Email Accounts

Creating an email account is essential for organizations that plan to use the Nextiva system to pick up and route email workitems. Accurate and valid information must be entered in all fields to ensure the system can access your email server and manage emails effectively. 

Creating Email Accounts 

Search for Email Account in the options menu. Click Plus (+) and fill out the required information.  

Information Tab 

Field Name Description
Name The name of the email account. 
Description The description of the email account. 
Email Address The email address that you want the system to access to pick up and distribute emails amongst your users. 
Type The email communication protocol for connecting to email servers. The types are IMAPS, Microsoft, POP3S, SENDGRID, SMTP + TLS, Gmail Client ID, and Gmail Service Account. 
Outbound Email Only Enable if you want to send emails from a certain account but do not want responses sent to that email address. 

Email Configuration Tab 

Depending on the email type specified in the Type field, different fields will be displayed in the Email Configuration Tab. 

If the Type is IMAPS, the Email Configuration Tab will have the following fields: 

Field Name Description
Username The username you chose when you created your email account. 
Password The password you chose when you created your email account. 
Host The name of a server or group of servers handling your incoming email. You can find your hostname by consulting your IT Manager or accessing your provider’s web page. 
Port The port on the incoming email server is open to communicate with other email servers. You can find your port by consulting your IT Manager or accessing your provider’s web page. 
SMTP Host The name of an SMTP server or group of SMTP servers handling your incoming email. You can find your hostname by consulting your IT Manager or accessing your provider’s web page. 
SMTP Port The SMTP port on the incoming email server is open to communicate with other email servers. You can find your port by consulting your IT Manager or accessing your provider’s web page. 
Connection Timeout (ms)  The amount of time you would like the system to wait when connecting to the email account. 
Read Timeout (ms)  The amount of time you would like the system to wait when retrieving email from the email account. 

If the Type is Microsoft, the Email Configuration Tab will have the following fields: 

Field Name Description
Username The username you chose when you created your email account. 
Password The password you chose when you created your email account.
Microsoft Azure Tenant ID  Identifier of the Azure Solution, hosting the Registered Application. 
Microsoft Azure Client ID  Identifier of the Azure Registered Application to be used to connect to the Microsoft Graph API and send/receive emails using this account. 
Microsoft Azure Client Secret  A secret string is used by the Registered Application to prove its identity when requesting a token. 

To use OAuth client ID credentials to configure a Microsoft Outlook email account, operate via the Microsoft Graph API in the Information tab, set the “Type” field to Microsoft Client ID. In the Email Configuration tab, enter the “Microsoft Azure Tenant Id”, “Client Id,” and “Client Secret” obtained from an Azure registered application. 

NOTE: After saving the email account with the changes described previously, it’s important to click on the Microsoft Graph Icon in the top right of the screen. This will open a pop-up window where users will be prompted to select an account to login with. The selected account must be the same as the one configured in the Nextiva UI. 

If the Type is POP3S, the Email Configuration Tab will have the same fields as the IMAPS type. 

If the Type is Sendgrid, the Email Configuration Tab will have the following field:

Field Name Description
Sendgrid Key ID  Sendgrid Key is a unique identifier that authenticates requests associated with the Sendgrid account. 
Sendgrid Sender Name  Customers will see the name associated with the email account as the account that originated the email messages. 

If the Type is SMTP + TLS, the Email Configuration Tab will have the same fields as the IMAPS type without the SMTP fields. 

 If the Type is Gmail Client ID, the Email Configuration Tab will have the following fields: 

Field Name Description
Gmail Client ID  The Gmail Client ID was obtained from a Google Cloud Platform OAuth 2.0 Client ID credential. 
Gmail Client Secret  The Gmail Client Secret is obtained from a Google Cloud Platform OAuth 2.0 Client ID credential. 

If the Type is Gmail Service Account, the Email Configuration Tab will have the following field: 

Field Name Description
Credentials Credentials from a Google Service account were created using the Google Gmail API. 

NOTE: The email address configured in the Nextiva UI must exist within the domain of the Google project. 

Assigning an Email Account to a Campaign 

After you have completed creating an email account, you must assign the email account to a campaign in order for the system to begin routing emails. 

Under Campaigns, select the campaign and scroll down to the email account located under Address. Select the File icon to the right of the email account and select the email account to assign to the campaign. Click OK. 

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