Nextiva Contact Center: Load Objects

Load Objects is used to import large amounts of objects into Nextiva. For example, contacts, users, or consent are often defined in an external database and are desirable to copy in a batch. Load Objects uses field mapping to map the headers of a CSV file to the fields in Nextiva native objects. A successful loading of objects can save a lot of time. 

Creating Load Objects 

Search for Load Object in the options menu. Click Plus (+) and fill out the required information.  

When uploading objects, it is recommended that you create a field mapping with your CSV. This will ensure that the fields for the uploaded objects are mapped correctly. 

Upon saving, the Load Objects will execute, and a set of logs will be displayed as a result of the upload. 

Information Tab

Field Name Description
Name The name of the Load Objects. 
Description The description of the Load Objects. 
Field Mappings The Field Mapping is to be used to select which objects are being loaded into Nextiva. 

The type of loading that is desired. There are two options: 

  • Drop and Insert
  • Insert, Update, Delete

Drop and Insert is used when it is the first load objects or when it is desirable to replace all objects. This will drop the table of records and insert the new values. 

Update, Insert, and Delete are flexible enough to determine and update whether a record exists. If the record does not exist, then it just inserts it. This method can also delete records if a deleted parameter is passed with a UNIX time in milliseconds. To use this method efficiently, you must pass the identifier or unique key of the updated object. 

Uploaded File The CSV contains the list of records to be imported and defines the mapping between the fields of the CSV and the Nextiva native object. 

Upload Result Tab  

Field Name Description
Filename The name of the uploaded file. 
Transaction Id The unique identifier of the insert operation. 
Created At The timestamp of the operation. 
Total In FIle The number of rows detected in the file. 
Total Inserted The number of new rows inserted into the database. 
Total Updated The number of preexisting records that have been updated. 
Total Deleted The number of records deleted. 
Total Exists The number of existing records. 
Total Failed The number of records that failed to be inserted. Check the Error Report object for additional details on these. 
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