Nextiva Contact Center: Admin Functions

Functions are reusable pieces of workflow that can be utilized across multiple campaigns. By using functions, you can avoid the redundancy of creating the same workflows repeatedly. For example, if several campaigns play different greeting prompts but share the same menu and actions, you can consolidate these shared elements into a function. 

To create or modify a Function, search for the Function icon in the Options Menu. 

Creating a Function

To create a new function, click plus (+) to the right of the Search field. The system will present an empty template to fill in. The template will have the following tabs: 

The Information Tab

Field Name



The name of the function.


A description of the function.

Show in dashboard option

If enabled, and there is a transfer to a function configured in a dashboard, this function will be displayed in the dashboard.

If this is a new Function, you must click the Save button at the top right of the screen before configuring the State Machine.

The Content Tab

The Content Tab is where the function will be configured.

Configure an ACD Voicemail Function

To use the ACD Voicemail function correctly, the following settings should be configured in the workflow that will use ACD Voicemail.

  1. In the Begin State, add a Save Variable action box as one of the first actions with the following parameters:
    • Set the Variable Name to messageRecorded.
    • Set the Expression to 0.
  2. In the End State, add an ACD Voicemail action box before the Terminate action box.
    • Set the Condition Type to And.
    • Set the Expression to
    • Set Sign set to ==.
    • Set Value to 1.
  3. An Execute Function action box will need to be placed in the workflow at the point where the customer will be directed to leave the voicemail with the following parameters:
    • Set the Function identifier to ACD Voicemail.
  4. Set the Workflow Option: Final State Customer Hangup to point to End State. This will allow the system to call the End State if the customer hangs up after recording the voicemail.
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