Nextiva Contact Center: Authorities

Authorities in Nextiva are used to configure user permissions, ensuring that the right people have access to the necessary features and information. Authorities are grouped into Authority Sets, which are associated with User Profiles to manage permissions across different user groups efficiently. 

Creating an Authority

Search for the Authorities icon on the options menu. Click Plus (+) and fill out the required information. Click Save

Information Tab

Field Name



The name of the authority.

Authority Set Identifier

Select which authority set this authority will be assigned from the list.


The description of the authority.

The Authorities Tab

The Authorities are broken down into three sections:

  1. Domain: Select the domain for which the permissions will be configured. The possible domains are:
  • “*”
  • “type”
  • “”
  • “type.note”
  • “type.tenant”
  • “type.workitem”
  • “ui”
  • “ui-potent”
  1. Entity: Select which entities (objects or tables) in the domain to assign or remove permissions from. The types of entities are:
  • *
  • account
  • actiontemplate
  • acd-logout
  • allowedipaddress
  • areacode
  • assistance
  • auditlog
  • authorities
  • authorityset
  • authoritysetassignment
  • billing
  • billingdigitalrate
  • billingvoicerate
  • blocked
  • businessevent
  • businesseventtimeevent
  • calendarevent
  • callback
  • callcontrol-conference
  • callcontrol-hold
  • callcontrol-mute
  • callcontrol-transfer
  • callcontrol-voicemail
  • campaign
  • campaignagentscript
  • campaigncompliance
  • campaigndialplan
  • campaigndisposition
  • campaignentity
  • campaigngoals
  • campaigngoalsperformance
  • campaignoutboundlist
  • campaignperformance
  • campaignscorecard
  • campaignscript
  • paignspeechcontext
  • campaignstate
  • campaignstatedid
  • campaignsurvey
  • campaigntemplate
  • category
  • categorygroup
  • categorysummary
  • channel
  • cherrypick
  • classification
  • click-to-dial-all
  • click-to-dial-terminated
  • cluster
  • commconsent
  • compliancedisposition
  • component
  • consumerportal
  • donotrecordnumber
  • download-recording
  • emailaccount
  • email-outbound
  • etl
  • extension
  • facebookpagetoken
  • facebookusertoken
  • fieldmappings
  • file
  • fileserver
  • filter
  • flashconfig
  • flashimage
  • function
  • googlescriptconnector
  • googlescriptconnectorgooglescriptdata
  • googlescriptdata
  • group
  • dial-from-icon
  • dial-type-select
  • dial-pad
  • dialplan
  • directory
  • directory-agent
  • directory-queue
  • directory-topic
  • directory-voice-message
  • disposition
  • header-click-to-dial
  • healthmetric
  • holiday
  • holidayoutboundrestriction
  • home
  • hometab
  • contactpreferredphonenumber
  • contactticket
  • countryholidays
  • creditcard
  • dashboard
  • datastudio
  • demographicdisposition
  • contactnote
  • contactnotification
  • contactphonenumber
  • contactcreditcard
  • contactinsight
  • contactdial-campaign-select
  • dialeractionresult
  • hometabwidget
  • incident
  • incidententry
  • incidententrylist
  • incidenthealthmetrics
  • insight
  • invoice
  • ipaccesslist
  • ipaddress
  • language
  • lead
  • leadattempt
  • music
  • musicprompt
  • networkregion
  • note
  • notification
  • objectlist
  • operatinghours
  • optin
  • outbound-campaign
  • outboundhours
  • outboundlist
  • outboundlistfilter
  • outboundrestriction
  • outbound-statistic
  • passwordrule
  • paymentportal
  • performance
  • phonenumber
  • portalpaymentadminsettings
  • portalpaymentdebtor
  • portalpaymentdisputedebt
  • portalpaymentemailtemplate
  • portalpaymentinstallment
  • portalpaymentlog
  • portalpaymentloginattempt
  • portalpaymentmessage
  • portalpaymentrecurring
  • portalpaymentregistration
  • portalpaymentrequestdoc
  • portalpaymentsettings
  • portalpaymenttransaction
  • portalpaymenttransactionitem
  • portalpaymentuser
  • privatekey
  • progressdisposition
  • prompt
  • pstnnumber
  • publickey
  • quarterback
  • queue
  • rate
  • realtimestats
  • recording
  • recordingscorecard
  • regex
  • region
  • regionareacode
  • regionoutboundhours
  • regionoutboundrestriction
  • relation
  • report
  • report-generic-query
  • reportlegend
  • reportuser
  • restcall
  • rpc
  • rpcdispositon
  • salesforceusertoken
  • schemalayout
  • schematype
  • scorecard
  • scorecardclassification
  • script
  • service
  • session
  • settings
  • settings-general
  • settings-telephony
  • settings-acd
  • settings-notification
  • settings-duration-notification
  • settings-hold-notification
  • settings-disposition
  • settings-signature
  • settings-dialpad
  • settings-directory
  • settings-sound
  • settings-supervised-campaigns
  • settings-supervised-queues
  • settings-supervised-users
  • settings-supervised-users-in-queues
  • sharedservice
  • sipcredentials
  • sipcredentialslist
  • sipdomain
  • workitem
  • workitemhistory
  • workitemlog
  • workitemtype
  • workitem-voice-message
  • zipcode
  • sipendpoint
  • skill
  • smscompliance
  • sms-emoji
  • sms-outbound
  • statedid
  • statedidptsnnumber
  • status
  • supervisor
  • supervisorcampaign
  • supervisorqueue
  • supervisorqueueusers
  • supevisoruser
  • survey
  • survey-history
  • surveytheme
  • template
  • temporarydnc
  • tenant
  • tenantcountryholidays
  • tenantDNC
  • tenantfacebookpagetoken
  • tenantfacebookusertoken
  • tenantservice
  • tenanttoken
  • tenanttwitterusertoken
  • ticket
  • timeevent
  • timeeventoutboundrestriction
  • token
  • topic
  • transcript
  • translationkey
  • twitterusertoken
  • user
  • userclientsettings
  • usergroup
  • userhometab
  • userprofilechannel
  • userprofiledashboard
  • userprofilehometab
  • userpromo
  • userqueue
  • usersalesforceusertoken
  • userskill
  • vertical
  1. Values: Sets the permissions for the selected entities. The possible values are:
  • “*”
  • “view”
  • “view-mine”
  • “search”
  • “search-all”
  • “create”
  • “update”
  • “update-mine”
  • “delete”
  • “hide”
  • “show”
  • “login”
  • “login-to-tenant”
  • “record”
  • “listen”
  • “join”
  • “logout”
  • “terminate”
  • “outbound”
  • “extension”

Duplicating an Authority

To duplicate an existing authority, highlight the authority and click the Duplicate icon to the right of the search field.  

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