Nextiva Contact Center: Configuring Services

A service in Nextiva is used to integrate 3rd-party functionalities into the application. Some of the most common examples are text-to-speech, transcription, or conversational bots. These services are first designed for integration by an engineer, and then a Service object is created to link the code up to the appropriate functionality. For example, text-to-speech is a feature enabled on a tenant’s GCP. However, it cannot be used until Nextiva has enabled the service. 

There are a few service providers that Nextiva integrates with, most notably Google, as this is where Nextiva gets its transcription, tone analysis, DLP, and text-to-speech features. 

Creating Services 

Search for the Service icon in the Options Menu. Click Plus (+) and enter the required information below. Click Save when done.  

Information Tab 

Field Name Description
Name The name of the service.
Description A description of the service. 
Provider The provider of the service. 

The type of service.  

NOTE: Not all service types are provided by all providers. Generally, the type is provider-specific. The current types are Azure, Catasys, Deepgram, DNC, FREESWITCH, Freshdesk, Google, IBM, Moneris, Slack, and Telnyx. 

Enabled Switch the toggle on to enable the service. 

Parameters Tab 

Depending on the service being enabled, it may be necessary to provide parameters to the service. This is a set of key-value pairs that pass variables in the headers of API calls to third-party systems. 

Credentials Tab 

Credentials of a particular service can be attached to the object. These are on a JSON file that is uploaded and contains details of the third-party service. It is used to distinguish the service account called by that service object when multiple services of similar nature are created in the same tenant. 

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