Nextiva Contact Center: Dial Plans

Dial Plans are used to configure which phone provider to use, depending on the number pattern being dialed. Many dial plans can be created for different phone prefixes or even individual phones. However, it is important to maintain a structured order for these. If you are using an external provider for Nextiva, you must fill out the SIP and SIP Headers tabs. 

Creating Dial Plans 

Search for Dial Plan in the options menu. Click Plus (+) and fill out the required information.  

Information Tab 

Field Name Description
Name The name of the dial plan. 
Description The description of the dial plan. 
Order The priority of the particular dial plan. One is the highest priority. 
Tag This is used when making predictive calls, which will be sent to the list of FreeSWITCH machines with this tag. When you create a FreeSWITCH machine, the same tag must be specified. The dial plan will send the call to any FreeSWITCH machine with the same tag. In the Shared Service object in the Options tab, the Tag field must match the tag here in the Dial Plan. 
Fallback Dial Plan The fallback dial plan is to be used. 
Internal Route Set it to true if you’re connecting two external systems and not dialing outside. 

Dial Plan Tab 

Field Name Description
Dial Plan Where to upload a list of patterns of numbers that can be used for this Dial Plan. 
Dial Route SIP or PSTN. 
Prefix Where to enter any prefix required by the SIP. 


Field Name Description
SIP Host The hostname or IP address that the SIP provider gives.
SIP Proxy If you want your outbound call to traverse through a SIP proxy, the SIP proxy IP will go into this field. 
SIP Username The username that the SIP provider gives. 
SIP Password The password that the SIP provider gives. 

SIP Headers Tab 

The SIP Headers Tab allows the creation of Headers for an external SIP dialer. These are key-value pairs that authorize dialing on the external system.

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