Nextiva Contact Center: ETL

ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) allows data from multiple sources to be combined in a single location. In Nextiva, an ETL is an object that can copy over the tables from MongoDB to Google BigQuery. The MongoDB database holds the active objects (campaigns, users…), whereas Big Query records past items (mostly workitems) for reporting purposes. 

Copying over schema types (tables) allows the current configuration of objects such as campaigns, users, consent, surveys, and many others to be used in standard SQL queries for reporting purposes. You can use these in the Generic Query type Reports. 

Creating an ETL 

Search for ETL in the options menu. Click Plus (+) and fill out the required information.  

Information Tab 

Field Name Description
Name The name of the ETL.  
Description The description of the ETL.  
Type For running jobs, this provides a copy of an object in Nextiva in a MongoDB table and moves it to a Google Big Query table. 
Schema Select the schema types (Nextiva native objects) you want to copy into Google BigQuery. 
Time This is the Business Event defining when the tables will be copied over. Time events inside here must be of type “Job”. 


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