Nextiva Contact Center: File Server

A file server is a tenant host outside the Nextiva platform, where a tenant’s files can be uploaded and stored. When associating a file server to a campaign, all recordings for that campaign will be uploaded to that file server using a tenant-provided public key. File transfers can be done over SCP or SFTP protocols. SFTP and SCP offer features, including data-in-motion encryption and public key authentication. Additionally, both protocols support transferring large files, as they don’t have file size limits. 

Creating File Servers 

Search for the File Server icon in the Options Menu. Click Plus (+) to the right of the Search field. Enter the required information under each tab.  

Information Tab 

Field Name Description
Name The name of the public key. 
Description The description of the public key. 
Connection Type Choose the protocol for file transfers, i.e., SFTP or SCP. 
Remote Folder The path on the remote host is where files are uploaded. 
Timeout (ms) The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the file server to respond to the initial connection request. 

Authentication Tab 

The Authentication Tab will have a drop-down list of Authentication types to choose from: 

  • AWS Access Key
  • Google Credentials
  • Password
  • Public Key
Field Name Description
Authentication Type  Select the “Password” or “Public Key” authentication. 
Username  The username is to be used during authentication. 

Encryption Tab 

The Encryption Tab will have a toggle button called Encryption, which should be enabled if files are encrypted with a public key.  

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