Nextiva Contact Center: Lists


A list is an object that holds a list of leads. Once a list is uploaded to a campaign, it can be found in a List object, where descriptions of the actions carried out on the leads can be found. Several metrics are displayed inside the list object, describing the completion stage, the number of callbacks, errors, leads still to be dialed, and details regarding the list upload. 

There are six tabs in the object: 

  • The information tab holds the list details, such as name, campaign, and the bigquery table with the leads. 
  • The Upload Select tab contains a series of choices for uploading in the campaign section. 
  • The Options tab has a toggle to activate or deactivate the list and a drop-down to assign a weighting to the list out of all the campaign’s lists. 
  • The Filter tab has three fields. The first is to select a filter object, which may be configured separately. This is a SQL “WHERE” clause that applies to the leads and is used to select the leads to be dialed. The other fields display the filter in question and any possible filter at the campaign level. 
  • The Summary and Filter Summary tabs display data totals of the current state of the list. 
  • The Leads tab has a search bar to search for leads in the list. This will display the leads in a table where details of the actions can be found. Leads can also be searched by the lead ID. Right-clicking on a lead will also provide a few more options: View Call Attempts, Reset Lead, Forward Lead to Agent and Remove from List. 

Creating Lists 

Lists should be created in the Campaign List section in a Campaign Object. 

Field Name Description
Identifier The ID that was automatically assigned to this list upon its creation. 
Name The name that was entered to the list when it was uploaded. 
Description The description that was entered when uploading the list. 
Campaign Identifier The ID that was automatically assigned to the campaign upon its creation is under which this list was created. 
Status Specifies whether the list has been successfully uploaded or not. 
Table Name The table’s name in the BigQuery database used for this list contains the data relative to the leads. There are three associated tables: Failed, holds the failed leads. Res holds the result actions. Time contains lead timezone information. 

Upload Selection Tab

Field Name Description
Uploaded File The name of the file that has been uploaded. 

The upload type selected in this campaign. This is the strategy taken on duplicate records in the list:  

  • Check duplicate phone numbers across all lists – Removes duplicates from the current list.  
  • Check duplicate phone numbers across the current campaign – Removes duplicates from the current list.
SMS Determines whether or not the list uses the SMS actions from the campaign. When enabled, the dialer sends SMSs rather than calls. 
Workflow Determines whether the campaign workflow should be used or not. 
Scrub Federal DNC The number of leads scrubbed from the Federal DNC list. 
Scrub Reassigned Numbers  The number of leads scrubbed from the Reassigned list. 
Opt-In Only  When enabled, the dialer will only use the leads whose consent is set to Opt In (inside Opt-Ina tables). 

Options Tab 

Field Name Description
Active When enabled, the list is active. Can be enabled/disabled here or in the campaign. 
List Weighting The weight assigned to the list relative to the other lists in the campaign. 

Filter Tab

Field Name Description
Filter Select a filter from the filter object to apply to this list only. 
Filter Read-only field that displays the Filter selected in the previous field. 
Campaign Filter The filter that is applied to the list from the campaign. At the campaign level, the filter applies to all lists. This field displays any if it exists. 

Summary Tab

Field Name Description
Total Leads The number of leads that were initially uploaded successfully into the list. 
Completed The number of leads that have been completed and will not be redialed. 
Max Attempts The number of leads that have been dialed the maximum times allowed, configured in the campaign, and will not be dialed anymore. 
Percentage Done The percentage of numbers completed or removed from the list. 
Never Dialed The number of leads that have not been dialed but are queued to dial now. 
Never Dialed Now The number of leads that have not been dialed but are queued to dial now. 
Never Dialed 30 The number of leads that have not been dialed but are queued to dial in 30 minutes. 
Never Dialed 60 The number of leads that have not been dialed but are queued to dial in 60 minutes. 
Callbacks The total number of leads scheduled to be called back. 
Callbacks Now This value displays, out of all the currently scheduled callbacks, how many have reached or passed their scheduled date and are queued up now. 
Callbacks 30 Number of leads that have not been dialed but are queued to dial in 30 minutes. 
Callbacks 60 Number of callbacks that are queued to dial in 60 minutes. 
Errors The number of leads that failed to dial out. These leads will be automatically scheduled to be called back if they have not reached their maximum attempts. 

Filter Summary Tab

Field Name Description
Never dialed The number of leads that still need to be dialed. 
Never dialed now The number of leads that have not been dialed but are queued to dial now. 
Never dialed 30 The number of leads that have not been dialed but are queued to dial in 30 minutes. 
Never dialed 60 The number of leads has yet to be dialed, but they are queued to dial in 60 minutes. 
Callbacks The total number of callbacks that have not been dialed. 
Callbacks Now The number of callbacks that are queued to dial now. 
Callbacks 30 The number of callbacks that are queued to dial in 30 minutes. 
Callbacks 60 The number of callbacks that are queued to dial in 60 minutes. 

Leads Tab 

The Leads Tab shows a view of the leads and information associated with each lead in a list. You can see the attempts made in each list as well. 

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