Nextiva Contact Center: Region

Regions contain area codes and outbound hours objects, which determine when calls can go out to numbers in these regions.   

Creating a Region 

Search for the Region icon in the Options Menu. Click Plus (+) and enter the required information below. Click Save when done.  

Information Tab

Field Name Description
Name The name of the region. 
Description The description of the region (optional). 
Type This is the type of region you are defining. This has three values: area code, country, or state. 
Code The two-letter code for states. This is a short string describing the region. 
Monitoring Either one party or two parties. This describes whether permission for recording needs to be granted by one or two parties (Agent and customer). 

Restricted Call Dates Tab

Field Name Description
Restricted Dates  This is a Business Event that contains dates for which calls are restricted. A warning will be shown when outbound dialing a number in this region. Predictive and Progressive Calls will be blocked by the dialer. 
State of Emergency  Works similarly to restricted dates but can only be set to true or false. When true, the warning or dialer will not be present. 

Area Codes Tab 

The Area Codes tab contains the area codes for the region. 

Outbound Hours Tab 

The Outbound Hours tab lists weekday hours inside which the region can be dialed. 

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