Nextiva Contact Center: Workitem History

Click on the History icon in the Options Menu to view the history of workitems. This option also allows you to listen to recordings and voicemails. 

Searching for a Workitem 

To search by a specific phone number or Workitem ID, enter the information in the top search window and click Search. 

 Click the Filter icon next to the Search icon, and a window will appear that allows you to narrow your search even further. You can limit the search by: 

  • A specific user 
  • Campaign 
  • Queue 
  • Disposition 
  • Duration 
  • Date Range 
  • A combination of any of the above 

You can display an agent’s name in the list view in history by double-clicking and selecting the column User (ownedByID). You can display the workitem duration in the List view by double-clicking and adding the column Duration (_duration). 

NOTE: Modifying the history of a workitem will not trigger actions and functions associated with the disposition of that workitem. 

Clicking on an individual workitem will bring up the Information, Data, and Events of that workitem. Depending on the type of workitem, other information, such as recordings and user surveys, will also be available. 


In the history of any workitem, there will be a row of icons in the right corner: 

  • Email the transcription. 
  • Allow access to the QM survey. 
  • Allow the survey and disposition of the workitem to be modified. 
  • Allow the history of the workitem to be printed. 
  • Export the history of the workitem. 

History Headers 

The headers along the top act as shortcuts to navigate the specified area. 

You can either scroll down to the options you wish to view or click on one of the headers along the top, and the system automatically brings you to the selected section. 

Header Description
Identifier A unique call identifier.
Call ID The ID of the call.
Avatar The avatar of the user who handled the workitem. 
Type The type of workitem. 
From The origination address of the workitem. 
To The destination address of the workitem. 
Duration The duration of the workitem. 
Campaigns The name of the campaign that the workitem entered. 
Queues The name of the queue that the workitem was handled by. 
Users The user who handled the workitem. 
Created At The date and time that the workitem was created. 
Terminated At The date and time that the workitem was terminated. 

Information Tab 

Header Description
From The origin of the workitem. 
To The destination of the workitem. 
Priority The priority of the workitem. 
Created At The time the workitem was created at. 
Queued At The time the workitem was assigned to a queue. 
Terminated At The time the workitem was terminated at. 
Offered At The time the workitem was offered to a user. 
Assigned At The time the workitem was assigned to a user.
Dispositioned At The time the workitem was dispositioned at. 
Workitem Id The ID of the workitem. 
Call ID The ID of the call. 
Agent The agent to whom the workitem was assigned. 
Queue The queue that the workitem was assigned to. 
Campaign The campaign that the workitem belongs to. 
Disposition The disposition of the workitem. 
Duration The duration of the workitem. 

Conversation Tab 

The Conversation tab shows the entire conversation for Chat, SMS, Facebook, or Email workitems. 

Recordings Tab 

The Recordings Tab will show all recordings attached to the workitem. 

User Survey Tab 

For workitems with a survey attached to them, the User Survey Tab will represent the survey attached to the workitem. 

Quality Monitoring Survey Tab 

The Quality Monitoring Survey Tab displays the quality monitoring survey attached to the workitem. 

Data Tab 

The Data tab displays all the custom variables of the workitem. 

Events Tab 

Shows the list of events attached to the workitem.  

Editing History 

Certain fields in a workitems history can be edited. Click the Edit button, and a pop-up window will appear. When done, click OK. 

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