Time and date out of sync

When a phone’s time and date are out of sync, a network or hardware issue is usually the cause. It is important to determine if only one device or multiple devices are experiencing the issue. If only one device is out of sync with the time and date, the issue is likely hardware related.

If experiencing time and date sync issues on one single device:

  1. Check that the physical connections (e.g., cords, Ethernet cables, etc.) are fully connected and not damaged.
  2. Test the connections with another device. If the issue persists, the moved cord is likely the culprit.
  3. Plug the non-working device into a location where there is a working device. If the device works, the Ethernet wall port connection is defective.
  4. Try a working phone in the same area where there is a non-working device. If the device does not power on, the wall port or power supply is defective.

If experiencing a time and date sync issue on multiple devices:

  1. Verify the Internet connection is working correctly for all devices connected to the network.
  2. If there is more than one router on the network, check for Double NAT. For information on Double NAT troubleshooting, click here.
  3. Check the router for a setting called SIP ALG; this can affect VoIP traffic while not affecting computer traffic. For information on disabling SIP ALG, click here.
  4. Add Nextiva’s firewall access rules to the router. For information on adding firewall access rules, click here.
  5. Check for packet loss by running Nextiva’s Network Quality Test. Packet loss affecting Internet traffic can also affect VoIP traffic. Call the local Internet Service Provider (ISP) to ensure that the network can handle VoIP traffic.
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