Top 6 Alternatives to Twilio Flex Contact Center

April 17, 2024 7 min read

Danny Grainger

Danny Grainger

If you’re the owner of a growing e-commerce business, you’re probably familiar with having your customer support team struggling to keep up with the increasing volume of inquiries across multiple channels. 

You know you need a powerful contact center solution to streamline your operations, but which should you choose? 

Twilio Flex is a robust, cloud-based contact center solution. It enables extensive customization of customer communication channels across voice, text messaging, chat, video, and more. 

However, its highly advanced features and flexibility come at a cost — both financially and in terms of technical resources required to get it up and running.

So, should you go with Twilio Flex, or are there better, more suitable options out there? Let’s compare the top contact center platforms.

What Are Some Strengths of Twilio Flex?

While Twilio Flex packs a powerful punch with its comprehensive features, it’s important to understand the key strengths that make it such a compelling contact center solution for many businesses.

Twilio Flex


One of Flex’s biggest strengths is its ability to seamlessly integrate with a wide array of business apps and systems. 

Whether it’s your CRM software, workforce management tools, or advanced analytics platforms, Flex’s high functionality with other apps means it can connect numerous providers for a unified workflow. This level of integration is crucial for larger enterprises with complex technology stacks.


Flex shines for businesses with dedicated developer resources. It provides a comprehensive set of APIs and SDKs that empower developers to build tailored contact center experiences aligned with specific processes and requirements. 

From custom integrations to bespoke agent interfaces, if you’ve got the technical chops, the possibilities of what you can develop with Twilio Flex are impressive.

Unified agent experience

A key feature is Flex’s ability to consolidate all customer communications into a single, unified interface for live agents. No more juggling between disparate applications — agents can seamlessly handle voice calls, chats, emails, and more from one central console. 

Advanced routing capabilities

Leveraging AI and machine learning, Twilio Flex offers sophisticated routing algorithms to ensure each customer inquiry reaches the most qualified agent. This intelligent routing can significantly improve first-contact resolution rates and customer satisfaction levels.

Why Customers Look for an Alternative to Twilio Flex

While powerful, Twilio Flex isn’t the perfect fit for every business. Here are some common reasons companies explore alternatives.

Complexity for smaller teams

The extensive customization options that make Flex so flexible can also make it daunting, especially for smaller teams without dedicated technical resources. Setting up and managing a fully customized Flex deployment requires significant effort, which may be overkill for modest contact center or call center needs.

Twilio Flex customer review


Flex operates on a pay-as-you-go pricing model based on usage. While this is potentially cost-effective for high-volume operations, smaller businesses with lower interaction volumes tend to find the costs quickly piling up, especially when factoring in professional services for customization.

Resource intensity

Building and maintaining a tailored Flex environment necessitates having developers and IT staff on hand. Many businesses, particularly SMBs, lack the in-house technical capabilities to fully leverage Flex’s programmability.

Learning curve

With great power comes a steep learning curve. Flex’s vast array of features and configuration options translates into a longer ramp-up period for administrators and agents. Companies seeking a more turnkey solution may find the learning curve a deal breaker.

Related: Five9 vs. Twilio Flex: Which Contact Center Is Better?

6 Top-Rated Alternatives to Twilio Flex

If Twilio Flex seems like overkill for your needs, there are plenty of great alternatives worth exploring:

1. Nextiva

Nextiva offers an all-in-one communications platform and cloud contact center that combines VoIP, CRM, and contact center capabilities into a unified solution. 

A key selling point of Nextiva is its emphasis on simplicity and ease of use — which drives better overall customer engagement, making it an attractive option for businesses prioritizing rapid deployment and low IT overheads.

Nextiva all-in-one communications platform and cloud contact center

Some standout Nextiva features:

2. Five9

Five9 is a pioneer in applying AI and machine learning to the contact center space. Its intelligent cloud platform optimizes every customer interaction, from skills-based routing to agent coaching and customer journey analytics.


Key capabilities include:

3. Broadvoice

While primarily known for VoIP services, Broadvoice has expanded into the contact center arena with its cloud-based solution tailored for startups to midsize businesses. 

A major draw is its simplicity — Broadvoice prides itself on solutions that are easy to deploy, use, and manage with limited technical resources. 


Broadvoice offers:

4. Talkdesk

Talkdesk is a cloud-native contact center platform built from the ground up for innovation. With Talkdesk, you gain a future-proof solution delivering AI-powered routing, self-service, agent augmentation, and extensive customization capabilities.

Talkdesk contact center

Notable features include:

5. Genesys Cloud

Genesys is a household name in contact centers, and its Genesys Cloud offering brings that pedigree to an all-in-one cloud customer experience platform. It’s designed for high availability, security, compliance, and seamless scalability from small sales teams to global enterprises.


Core capabilities:

6. NICE CXone

NICE CXone is a full-suite contact center platform focused on driving operational efficiency through cutting-edge automation. It leverages the latest AI, analytics, and journey mapping technologies to optimize both agent and customer experiences.


Key differentiators of CXone:

The Final Verdict: Why Nextiva Wins

When considering Twilio Flex alternatives, Nextiva emerges as an extremely compelling option, especially for small to midsize businesses.

Here’s why Nextiva stands out:

If you’re a small to midsize business in need of a powerful yet user-friendly and cost-effective contact center solution, it’s time to give Nextiva a try.

With its intuitive, all-in-one platform, top-notch support, and scalable architecture, Nextiva provides everything you need to elevate your customer experience today while positioning your business for sustainable growth tomorrow.

Surprise and delight customers.

Have conversations with customers the way they prefer to communicate – in a single app.


Danny Grainger

Danny Grainger is a seasoned copywriter who specializes in helping brands build awareness and effectively communicate their value to both businesses and clients. With a focus on business marketing, advertising, and SaaS, he has a knack for translating the intrinsic worth of products and services into compelling narratives.

Posts from this author

The quality of your customer service can make or break your business.
According to American Express, one-third of Americans would consider switching providers after just one bad customer service experience
That’s right. One bad customer service conversation can be fatal to your business.
It shouldn’t be a surprise. Chances are, you’ve been on the receiving end of difficult customer at least once in your life. Traumatic experience, right?
Skip right to the 9 worst phrases >>>

The opposite of poor customer experience is customer success. Sixteen Ventures CEO and customer service expert Lincoln Murphy define customer service as “the moment when your customer achieves their Desired Outcome through their interactions with your company.”
Skip to the 12 phrases you MUST use >>>
Murphy emphasizes “interactions with your company” to raise a critical point. Your customer experience is not just the use of your product or service. It’s every engagement they have with your company, product, and employees included, where customer service plays a key role.

What dictates customer experience? Your employees.
As CX Journey CEO Annette Franz points out, “the employee experience drives the customer experience. It’s called the spillover effect, or ‘the tendency of one person’s emotions to affect how other people around him feel.'” 
Pro-Tip: We recently published 100+ stats on customer service you definitely need to check out after reading this article.

9 Customer Service Phrases You Should NEVER Say

  1. “I’m not sure.”
  2. “Let me check.”
  3. “I can’t help you.”
  4. “Visit our Help Center instead.”
  5. “Calm down.”
  6. “You’re mistaken.”
  7. “I’m having a bad day.”
  8. “We’ve never had this issue before.”
  9. “Let me call you back.”

The quality of your customer service depends on your customer service team having great communication with your client base.
A lot of lip service gets paid to teaching reps what to say on a customer service call. But it’s equally important to know what not to say.
Awful Customer Service Phrases: Examples of what you shouldn't say
Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit author Michael Solomon calls out an excellent customer service practice in his book.
“Great companies develop a set of key phrases to use — and not use — in talking to customers,” says Entrepreneur writer Carol Tice. “Solomon reports that Ritz-Carlton hotel employees carry pocket-sized cards with reminders of recommended and discouraged phrases to use in common scenarios.”
Which is where this article comes in – submitted below are 9 awful phrases you should NEVER say on a customer service call under any circumstances and 12 excellent customer service phrases that you should use frequently.

1. “I’m not sure.”

There are a million better ways to respond to a customer question you’re uncertain of than the outright omission, “I’m not sure.”

This phrase is often used when a customer service representative does not have immediate knowledge of or a solution to a customer’s issue. It’s the verbal equivalent of throwing your hands in the air – it signifies helplessness and lack of competence.

While it’s intended to be an honest admission of uncertainty, it can inadvertently convey unprofessionalism or a lack of commitment to resolving the customer’s problems. Customers may feel frustrated or lose confidence in the service provider, believing that their concerns are not being taken seriously.

You’re better off pushing for more information to get a better idea of what they are saying.

2. “Let me check.”

“Let me check” is a vague phrase that leaves your customer in limbo. It might leave customers wondering about what’s happening behind the scenes, potentially causing anxiety or impatience if they feel left out of the loop.

Rather, be more specific.

For instance, saying, “I am going to verify this detail with our technical team to ensure we resolve your issue accurately,” helps set clear expectations and gives the customer insight into the process.

Don’t use “let me check” in isolation unless you want to raise your customer’s blood pressure unnecessarily.

3. “I can’t help you.”

This should be a no-brainer, but we’ve all been on the receiving end of this phrase with a customer service rep at one time or another.
ChurnZero Director of Marketing Cori Pearce cites “declining help with no context” as an easy-to-miss customer service blunder you should avoid at all costs.

The standalone phrase “I can’t help you” does not belong in the customer service lexicon. While it may be a straightforward acknowledgment of limitations, it can be very disheartening for the customer to hear. This expression can quickly diminish the customer’s trust and confidence in the service provider, making them feel abandoned in their time of need.

A better way to express this is to use phrases like, “Let me connect you with someone who specializes in this area,” or “I will escalate this issue to our senior team to ensure you get the necessary support.” This type of response shows the customer that efforts are being made to resolve their issue, even if the initial contact cannot directly solve the problem.

Also: Per Dimensional Research, 72 percent of consumers see having to explain their problem to multiple people as poor customer service. Therefore – it’s best to set up your customer service CRM process to keep the conversation with one rep as often as possible.

4. “Visit our Help Center instead.”

It’s okay to advise customers to visit your Help Center after completing their customer service request (i.e. in cases where the Help Center has the information they need).
It’s not okay to use the Help Center as a way to get the customer off the call. Telling a customer to reference the Help Center while you’re on the phone with them is like someone you ask for directions handing you a map and saying, “figure it out.” Rude, unprofessional, and a huge turnoff to all.

It can even sometimes come across as dismissive or as shirking responsibility, especially if the customer has already attempted to solve the issue themselves or prefers a more personal interaction.

A better approach is saying, “Our Help Center has a detailed guide on this topic which might be very useful immediately. Would you like me to assist you in finding the right information there?” This approach not only guides them to the help they need but also keeps the interaction supportive and engaged.

Additionally, offering to follow up after customers visit the Help Center can enhance their experience and show a commitment to ensuring their issue is resolved.

Alternatively, opting for a friendly chatbot could save the day when your team is bogged down with calls. Reps wouldn’t be compelled to redirect customers to a help center instead.

5. “Calm down.”

Would you wave a red flag in front of a charging bull? Telling a customer to “Calm down” might as well be the same thing.
If a customer is angry or upset, it is your job as the customer service rep to calm them down by solving their issue, not by telling them how they should be feeling.
To be fair, this is often much easier said than done and can require a great deal of self-control on the part of the customer service agent.
People get irrationally upset, jump to negative conclusions, displace their anger or frustration with something else towards you, et cetera.
But it’s pivotal to maintain control even when your customer is a raging torrent of hate and anguish. Just don’t tell them to calm down.

6. “You’re mistaken.”

Any variation of “You’re mistaken” is disastrous. “You’re wrong.” “That’s wrong.” “Incorrect.” All off limits. This kind of direct contradiction can put the customer on the defensive, potentially leading to an argumentative or negative interaction.

Let’s double-check the first rule of business. Yep. It’s still “The customer is always right.”
Telling a customer that he or she is wrong is committing a cardinal sin. You’re breaking the first commandment of good business.

According to CX czar Blake Morgan, starting in the 1900s, “retailers knew the power of customers. They believed it’s better to trust customers and risk getting taken advantage of occasionally than to get a reputation of being mean or disrespectful.”

The customer can be as wrong as the day is long. The phrase, “You’re mistaken” should never be uttered from your mouth.
Shy away from any language that smacks of correction or direct contradiction to what the customer is saying.

A more constructive response would be, “Let’s review the details together to ensure we’re on the same page,” or “I can see how this information might seem confusing. Let me clarify that for you.”

7. “I’m having a bad day.”

We all have bad days. Negative external forces and events are a reality of life, and it’s up to each and every customer service professional to make sure their customers never hear about them or how they are affecting us.
Your coworkers? Yes.
Your friends and family? Absolutely.
Your customers? Never.

In a customer service context, this kind of personal disclosure can seem unprofessional. It shifts the focus from the customer’s needs to the representative’s personal issues, potentially making the customer feel that their concerns are secondary.

Important tip for customer service managers – if you have a rep who is going through a difficult time and is clearly emotional and struggling to maintain composure on the floor, it’s okay to give that person a quick break to regain his or her composure before interfacing with customers.

As CX expert Colin Shaw astutely asserts on his blog, “Employees are just like Customers in that they are at their best at work when they are Happy and Pleased.”

The bottom line: your employees are a reflection of your business. If they are clearly struggling on the phone with clients, in the mind of the customer, so is your business.

8. “We’ve never had this issue before.”

This futile attempt at reassurance makes no difference in the mind of the customer, who is currently experiencing the issue and now feels more alarmed upon hearing that it’s a new problem your company has never had to solve before.
There are other ways to reassure customers that an issue they may be experiencing is rare and almost certain never to happen again. Whatever you do, do not use the “We’ve never had this issue before” approach.

9. “Let me call you back.”

Our 9th and final awful phrase should be another no-brainer. Yet, many companies fail to realize that no customer is willing to hang up mid-call and wait for you to call them back to finish resolving their issue.
If you need to do some serious research or consulting with your team prior to resolving their issue, let the customer know. Under no circumstances should you blindside a customer with a request to call them back.

Keep your team on the same page.
Try the business phone system with no compromises.

12 Excellent Customer Service Phrases You SHOULD Say

  1. “Thank you.”
  2. “I can absolutely help you with that.”
  3. Great question.”
  4. “I understand.”
  5. “What else can I help you with?”
  6. “How is your day going?”
  7. “I appreciate you bringing this to our attention.”
  8. “We appreciate your feedback.”
  9. “I can do that for you.”
  10. “Your business means a lot to us.”
  11. “I’m sending an update/confirmation.”
  12. “Did you know about our additional service?”

Looking to get ahead of the curve?
Customer Service Phrase: Best Phrases to Say
Use these 12 excellent customer service phrases to delight and excite your customers while they are on the phone with you.

10. “Thank you.”

Customers love to feel valued. Thanking them throughout the call – from its initial opening to the final sign-off, will dramatically increase the feelings of goodwill from the interaction.
Telling a customer “thank you” can occur at a variety of points throughout the conversation. Thank them for calling in, for being a customer, for raising an issue, for going through a troubleshooting scenario, and for their ongoing business.

Here’s a quick example: Say after resolving a customer’s issue, a representative might say, “Thank you for your patience while we resolved this matter,” or “Thank you for bringing this to our attention.” These phrases acknowledge the customer’s contribution to the interaction, whether it be their patience or their helpfulness in improving the service.

11. “I can absolutely help you with that.”

CX expert Ian Golding defines customer service as, “the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.”
The customer service phrase, “I can absolutely help you with that,” signals your willingness and ability to help the customer address whatever issue they’re facing. It conveys a strong commitment to the customer, instantly building trust and setting a positive tone for the interaction.

However, using this phrase effectively involves more than just making a promise; it requires follow-through. For example, after stating, “I can absolutely help you with that,” the representative might continue with, “Let me start by verifying your account details,” or “I will need to check the system and update you on the next steps.” This shows the customer a clear path forward and keeps them informed about the process.

Remember – customers are often calling you in a state of anxiety. This customer service phrase immediately dials that down.

12. “Great question.”

You have heard the phrase: “There’s no such thing as a dumb question.”
Guess what? That’s doubly true in customer service.
When a customer hits you with a reasonable query, this phrase affirms the validity of their call and signals that the conversation is heading down a good path. It also sets the stage for a meaningful exchange of information which should be followed by a comprehensive and thoughtful answer that addresses the customer’s inquiry fully.

An example of a follow-up to that can be “Here’s how that works…” or “To answer that, let’s consider…”

Customer Experience consultant and expert Jeannie Bliss captures the integral importance of communication to the customer experience on her blog. “Two-way trust, open and honest communication and fearless sharing are cornerstones of the relationships that come to mean the most to us.”

13. “I understand.”

Another response that alleviates customer anxiety and signals your own competency and ability to help. “I understand” is a great customer service phrase that reassures your customer that they’re on track to solving their problem.

To maximize the impact of “I understand,” follow up with a specific acknowledgement of the customer’s issue or sentiment and then an actionable step or solution.

For example, a representative might say, “I understand how frustrating it must be to experience this delay. Let me check what is causing the hold-up and how we can expedite your request.” This shows empathy and a proactive stance towards resolving the issue.

14. “What else can I help you with?”

The best customer service experience knocks out all customer concerns and issues in one fell swoop.

It demonstrates thoroughness and a genuine interest in the customer’s satisfaction, rather than just resolving a single issue or rushing through the service process. This question invites the customer to voice any other issues or questions they might have, potentially preventing future problems and enhancing their overall experience.

When used effectively, “What else can I help you with?” can make the customer feel valued and cared for, reinforcing a positive perception of the company. It should be delivered with a genuine openness to continue assisting, rather than as a mere formality.

15. “How is your day going?”

This question is a friendly and personable way to start a customer interaction. It helps establish a warm and approachable atmosphere, signaling to the customer that the service provider sees them as a person, not just another ticket number. This can be particularly effective in diffusing tension if the customer is calling with a complaint or problem, as it momentarily shifts the focus from the issue to the human connection.

This approach builds rapport and provides valuable context about the customer’s current state of mind and potentially their patience levels. Understanding this can help the representative tailor their approach to meet the customer’s emotional and service needs more effectively during the interaction.

As further proof, customer success influencer and Forbes Coaches Council author Jeannie Walters lists empathetic and engaging behavior as a trait of customer service superstars.

16. “I appreciate you bringing this to our attention.”

Using “I appreciate you bringing this to our attention” effectively transforms a potential negative situation into a collaborative effort for improvement. It should be followed by an assurance that the issue will be addressed or an inquiry into further details to deepen understanding.

For example, a representative might say, “I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Could you tell me more about what happened so we can make sure it doesn’t occur again?” This not only shows readiness to act on the feedback but also engages the customer in the problem-solving process.

17. “We appreciate your feedback.”

Similar to the previous customer service phrase, thanking a customer for feedback is a basic move you can execute that signals to your customer that your company is genuinely committed to problem-solving and improving the overall customer experience.

Using the inclusive “we” instead of “I” signals to your customer that you are speaking on behalf of the entire company when you thank them for their feedback.
This also gives you an opportunity to ask for a product or service review!

Pro-Tip: Customer Service consultant and author Shep Hyken recommends using a single-question survey to determine the quality of a customer’s interaction with your business.“The next time you call us, would you want the same person to take care of you? Push 1 for yes and 2 for no.”

18. “I can do that for you.”

When a customer requests something that is within your scope of execution, let him or her know. Again, this customer service phrase quickly signals that the conversation is heading towards a positive resolution of the customer’s problems.

The goal is to mitigate customer anxiety as fast as possible. Use this phrase to get customers to let their guards down.

Additionally, when saying “I can do that for you,” combine this assurance with specifics about how the representative plans to resolve the issue or fulfill the request. For example, a representative might say, “I can do that for you right now. I just need a few details to proceed,” or “I can help you with that. Let’s get started by updating your information.”

19. “Your business means a lot to us.”

Every customer is important, regardless of how much they are paying your business. Treat them as such.

Never miss an opportunity to show gratitude to a customer. Use this customer service phrase early and often in customer conversations.

20. “I’m sending an update/confirmation.”

Making changes to a customer account? Rebooting his or her service? If your company sends a standard confirmation alert upon doing so, let the customer know you’ll be doing so while they are on the call.
Customers always appreciate written verification of issue resolution or account updates. Confirm they will receive one and push the conversation in the right direction.

21. “Did you know about our additional service?”

When the right opportunity to upsell or cross-sell presents itself, use it. If a call has gone well, you can always reference additional products or services that your customer may need but is not aware you provide. Used in the right situations, this phrase can generate more revenue and surprise and delight your customers.

What are the Most Memorable Customer Service Phrases You’ve Heard?

The right or wrong customer service phrase can steer the entire direction of your call. 
If there are two takeaways from this article, they are:

  • Choose your words carefully with customers.
  • Use a script if need be.  

Remember – the Golden Rule, Karma, and the Law of Nature apply in business just as much as they do in life.

  • You should treat your clients the way you would want to be treated.
  • What goes around comes around.
  • The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.

As the folks who put on Fyre Festival are finding out the hard way, these laws are very real. And they hold major implications for your business based on the customer experience you provide.

Awful customer service phrases: Fyre Festival example
Pictured: Fyre Festival CEO Billy McFarland using every bad customer service phrase in this article.

If you’re looking for a surefire way to improve the customer service experience in your business, check out Nextiva’s award-winning cloud communications platform for customer service teams.

Delight customers with a virtual phone system.
Fast setup. Easy to use. No hardware.


Ken McMahon

Ken McMahon leads Customer Success for Nextiva. His 25 years of experience leading various aspects of the customer experience including professional services, customer success, customer care, national operations, and sales. Before Nextiva, he held senior leadership roles with TPx, Vonage, and CenturyLink. He lives in Phoenix with his wife and two children.

Posts from this author

Five9 vs. NICE inContact: An In-Depth Breakdown

April 16, 2024 7 min read

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

Five9 and NICE inContact offer omnichannel contact center as a service (CCaaS) software with a voice over internet protocol (VoIP) phone system. 

These contact center platforms offer omnichannel routing across multiple channels, such as voice, SMS, and social media. But what features and differences make one option better than the other? Here, we’ll dig into the differences between Five9 and NICE contact center software solutions. By the end of this article, you’ll know which CCaaS provider is right for your company. 

Five9 vs. NICE inContact: Comparing the Benefits

Five9: Exploring the pros

Below are some features that make Five9 stand out in the market.

Unified chat experience

Five9 states that 74% of customers access customer service using three or more channels. Five9 provides users with a unified messaging interface to keep these conversations in the same place. It uses automation to bring all customer interactions on email, social media, SMS, or chatbot into one place. The platform routes conversations to the most suitable agent using intelligent omnichannel routing. 

Five9 offers a seamless messaging experience and simplifies routine tasks like sending appointment reminders or other critical account updates. It allows agents to instantaneously escalate live calls into video meetings with screen sharing to support clients, increasing customer satisfaction.

Comprehensive user interface

The Five9 desktop app’s agent interface lets agents connect with customers via different communication channels. Agents can access the customer’s information and journey, ensuring personalized engagement. 

Agents have the option to monitor multiple phone numbers simultaneously, and various agents can collaborate on one phone number, enabling queue functionality. The interface gives actionable insights into agents’ performance metrics via visibility into their call distribution status, wait times, etc. 

Five9 dashboard

Any new inbound task can be easily tracked via notifications on the left-hand menu. The “My Activity” tab allows agents to view their activities and supplies information like call logs and messages sent, with details like talk time, relevant campaigns, and comments.

Related: Five9 Pricing: How Much Does Its Cloud Contact Center Cost?

Dynamic phone system

Five9 offers HD voice quality on five continents. The platform directs inbound queries to the right agent based on their skills and availability. It allows agents to share inbound call responsibilities and organize calls in a visual queue. The platform has an IVR that customers can navigate using app-style buttons or dual-tone multi-frequency audio selections. 

With Five9, agents record calls and transcribe the audio in real time. These transcripts support artificial intelligence (AI) coaching, helping improve their performance.

Call center supervisors monitor all incoming calls and agents in real time from their dashboards. Five9 supports outbound auto dialer software with predictive, progressive, power, and preview dialers. These tools allow agents to rapidly dial large groups of customers according to preset campaigns, which can be configured in your CRM system or database. The company delivers robust call center software for diverse use cases. 

NICE inContact: Exploring the pros

NICE inContact shares some pros with Five9. But some stand out.

NICE inContact dashboard

Diverse communication channels

NICE inContact helps agents connect with customers via more than 30 mediums, which are categorized into seven channel types. One of these channels is voice, which supports features like autodialers. Agents can reply to emails, send messages, and post on social media platforms, all via NICE inContact. 

You can build or import automated chatbots on the NICE inContact platform. It automates customer messaging and lets agents connect with clients on live chat to resolve their issues quickly. 

Unique dashboard

NICE inContact’s desktop app dashboard, My Agent eXperience, offers a user-friendly, intuitive omnichannel inbox. It handles multiple customers, tasks, and queues simultaneously. The multichannel inbox also alerts agents to new functions, and agents can monitor and respond to social media posts, messages, and inbound calls.

It forwards tasks and lets agents add comments and notes for future reference. The dashboard gives complete visibility into calls in queue, wait time, call history, voicemail, and daily schedules. It makes agents more productive, allowing them to better plan their days and prioritize tasks. 

NICE inContact’s desktop app dashboard, My Agent eXperience

Superior phone system

NICE inContact’s virtual phone system offers global VoIP telephony capable of making HD voice calls to over 130 countries with 99.99% uptime. NICE inContact helps administrators purchase local and toll-free direct inward dialing numbers anywhere and manage them in the administrator portal. It makes international operations seamless. 

The phone system includes built-in inbound routing and automatic call distributor technology, directing calls to the most suitable agent. The outbound autodialer functionality makes proactive outbound calls from campaign lists, reducing the load on agents. 

Five9 vs. NICE inContact: Comparing the Drawbacks

While both platforms have some incredible features, they have their shortcomings too. Let’s find out what they are.

Five9: The cons

Users talk about challenges around implementation, interface, and a few other things while working with Five9. 

Five9 customer review

Below are some more notable things users suggest looking out for. 

NICE inContact: The cons 

NICE inContact’s reporting and forecasting module is tricky for some users to understand and navigate. 

NICE inContact bad customer review

Below are a few things you should consider before moving ahead. 

Contact Center Comparison: Nextiva, Five9 & NICE

Let’s compare Five9 and NICE inContact with Nextiva, which has a rating of 4.6/5, as per Software Advice. The following table gives you a quick overview of what to expect when working with these three platforms. 

NextivaFive9NICE CXone
Set up in hours
Monthly price$99+ per user$149+ per user$94+ per user
UC + CC integration
Free trialCustom proof of concept60 days
24/7 support
Workforce management
Outbound and inbound
AI agent assist
CRM integration

As you can see, Nextiva’s pricing is competitive, given the range of features it offers for contact center personnel. The tool provides excellent service across all plans, greater value for money, and superior customer support.

Nextiva call center

Below are some notable advantages of Nextiva over Five9 and NICE inContact.

These data points are based on G2’s comparison of the three products, which was done on April 4, 2024. 

Five9 vs. Nextiva comparison

Curious about how Five9 performs against Nextiva Contact Center? We’ve got you. Here’s a head-to-head matchup of the two platforms.

Nextiva vs Five9 comparison chart of features

🔍 Dive Deeper: Is Five9 Better Than Nextiva? [2024 Comparison]

Nextiva: A Flexible Contact Center for Every Business

While Five9 and NICE inContact offer comprehensive contact center solutions, Nextiva combines the positives of both. It offers an easy-to-use platform that small businesses prefer because of its intuitive interface and simplified reporting capabilities. 

Nextiva adds affordability to advanced features. It offers several pricing plans to help companies select one based on their needs. 

For mid-market and enterprise businesses, Nextiva delivers a comprehensive set of features with the advanced capabilities that bigger companies require. It offers call recordings, APIs to integrate with other business systems, workforce engagement features, and a robust cloud platform to deliver decent customer engagement and support. You have a comprehensive knowledge base to promote self-service and enable customers to resolve issues faster.

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Business VoIP service done right.

Level up team and agent performance with Nextiva – there’s something for every business.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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Bandwidth and Twilio are two cloud communication platforms that provide features like text messaging and voice calling, with each offering SIP trunking and VoIP systems. They’re both reliable communications platforms, though each has its distinct pros and cons. 

Here, we’ll break down Twilio vs. Bandwidth’s VoIP services with detailed comparisons to help you determine which may be better for you.

Bandwidth vs. Twilio: The Pros

Bandwidth and Twilio are both communication platform as a service (CPaaS) providers with comparable services and functions. Let’s take stock of each platform’s most significant strengths.

Pros of Bandwidth

These are Bandwidth’s advantages that small businesses, enterprise companies, and contact centers can benefit from:

Pros of Twilio

Twilio’s most significant advantages include the following:

How IVR works

Bandwidth vs. Twilio: The Cons

Just as Bandwidth and Twilio each have distinct advantages, there are a few potential weaknesses to consider.

Cons of Bandwidth

These are the potential cons of Bandwidth:

  • Some users find the process for porting telephone numbers cumbersome and time-consuming, as there’s no direct way to add or remove numbers without canceling and re-entering them.
  • Adjusting settings on multiple DID numbers can be unintuitive and slow, impacting the efficiency of managing communications.
  • Some customers felt that the setup wasn’t intuitive, and the need for developers to set up complex workflows or integrations was cumbersome.
  • Some customers were unhappy with the contract pricing and felt like they were overpaying compared to the services used or that there was a lack of flexibility or transparent pricing.  

Cons of Twilio

These are the potential cons of Twilio:

  • Specific functions within Twilio can be challenging to set up, even with the available thorough documentation.
  • The setup for routing multiple channels to the same agents has been noted as particularly difficult for customers, which can directly impact businesses and call centers trying to streamline their communication channels.
  • Some user reviews noted delayed customer support response times, with assistance for their plans only available through email.
  • The software and the setup process have steep learning curves for many users, requiring developer work to set up API integrations and complex workflows.

Comparing Bandwidth and Twilio vs. Nextiva

Twilio and Bandwidth are both good options for businesses looking for CPaaS providers, but it’s also important to compare them to additional services.

Nextiva offers many similar functionalities as Bandwidth and Twilio through individual products (like VoIP or SIP trunking services), in addition to a full unified communications as a service platform.

Let’s discuss how Nextiva’s VoIP solution compares to Bandwidth and Twilio.


Cost efficiency

Nextiva offers significant savings on call expenses compared to both Bandwidth and Twilio, potentially reducing your overall phone bills by up to 60% for small businesses.

Nextiva’s pricing model is also transparent, allowing businesses to pay a flat fee per user per month, depending on their plan of choice. Plans start at $18.95 per user per month when paid annually. This includes unlimited voice and video calling.

nextiva pricing plans

Twilio and Bandwidth both break down pricing by usage. For example:

  • Twilio has prices starting at $0.0085 per minute to receive a call and $0.014  per minute to make a call.
  • Bandwidth pricing starts at $0.010 per minute for domestic outbound calls and $0.0055 per minute for domestic inbound calls.

Enhanced accessibility

Nextiva users can make and receive calls from anywhere in the world as long as they have a data connection, offering complete portability and flexibility. This is increasingly essential for a mobile workforce, as workers can access their work phone line through the Nextiva mobile app or the Nextiva desktop app on an existing phone in or out of the office.

Advanced features and scalability

Nextiva offers advanced features that lend themselves to high scalability potential, which can be useful for both growing businesses and call centers.

Some of Nextiva’s most useful features include:

Unique collaboration tools

We know that collaboration is a critical part of being able to reliably deliver strong customer experiences, so Nextiva offers collaboration tools designed to improve communication within teams that include the following:

  • Threaded conversations across different communication channels
  • Video meetings
  • Integrated calendars

These features can enhance teamwork and productivity.

Nextiva video meeting software

Comprehensive communication solutions

Nextiva’s communication solutions vary depending on the plan you choose, with available solutions potentially including the following:

High reliability and security

Some VoIP platforms don’t have the best reputations when it comes to reliability, with customers frequently citing deliverability issues, dropped calls, or poor call quality.

Both Twilio and Bandwidth had multiple customer reviews complaining about the reliability of the platforms, including message deliverability concerns.

As a result, choosing your provider carefully and considering performance consistency are essential.

Nextiva prides itself on offering both high reliability and security, knowing that these are essential for a customer’s communication channel.

Nextiva promises a 99.999% uptime with our secure network, which is protected by features like call encryption and third-party audits to ensure reliable and secure communications.

Strong customer support

Many customer reviews for Twilio and Bandwidth note negative customer service experiences, including delayed responses or limited options for customer support channels.

All of Nextiva’s plans include 24/7 customer support, with customer service channels for email, chat, and phone. We also offer multisite support and real-time system status alerts for all customers, regardless of plan.

Get the Best Value in VoIP With Nextiva

While Bandwidth and Twilio both offer robust VoIP, SIP trunking, and communication solutions with distinct features, many businesses find that they get more by opting for Nextiva as their communications provider instead.

Where Nextiva lags in open APIs and developer communities, it excels in a flexible and ready-to-use communications platform. You won’t ever need developers or engineers just to get your team talking.

Nextiva’s VoIP service emphasizes cost savings, an extensive feature set, collaboration tools, and exceptional reliability, making it an appealing choice for businesses looking for a comprehensive communication tool.

All our products were designed with ongoing performance in mind, and that includes ease of use to ensure that you can set up and adopt our software as quickly and efficiently as possible — even if your team members aren’t necessarily tech-savvy.

Whether you’re looking for a virtual phone system for your small business or advanced contact center solutions, across diverse channels.

Related: Top 6 Alternatives to Twilio Flex Contact Center

Business VoIP service done right.

Integrate secure phone service, SMS, video, and team chat in ONE platform.


Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby is a marketing specialist at Nextiva. He spent three years on the front lines of technical support, troubleshooting internet and VoIP topics. He moved forward into the technical writing and content creation space. He’s helped set up hundreds of businesses and advised thousands of people with their cloud communications.

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What does CSAT stand for?

CSAT stands for customer satisfaction and can sometimes be synonymous with customer satisfaction score. Businesses use CSAT scores to measure the satisfaction levels of their customers with products, services, or interactions.

You want to ensure every customer has a positive experience, no matter the nature of their interaction. However, measuring the customer experience (CX) involves taking note of several moving parts, and an essential one is customer satisfaction (CSAT).

The CSAT meaning gives a numerical value to the level of satisfaction among your customer base. You start by creating and sending a CSAT survey to follow up on customer interactions, and then you collect and average the responses to your CSAT metric score.

In this article, we’ll break down the meaning of CSAT and how you can calculate a CSAT score. We’ll also touch on tips about how to use the metric to improve your operations.

Here’s what you need to know about customer satisfaction and CSAT scores.

Surprise and delight customers.

Have conversations with your customers the way they prefer to communicate – in a single app.

Why CSAT Scores Are Important to Businesses

CSAT scores are a critical customer service metric because they peel back the curtain to reveal how satisfied your customers are with your business.

List of reasons why businesses need to measure CSAT scores, including to help monitor customer loyalty, flag issues, and retain customers.

Here’s what you can do when CSAT is a part of your customer experience overview:

  • Monitor customer loyalty because satisfied customers might become repeat customers, buy more over time, and even become brand advocates.
  • Flag potential issues before they escalate, preventing customer churn.
  • Stand out from competitors with a positive customer experience.
  • Retain more customers and reduce the need to constantly acquire new customers.
  • Enhance brand reputation with positive feedback that boosts credibility.

You should aim to create the most comprehensive view of your customer experience possible. With more detail from more customer experience analytics, you can get granular with improvements and offer personalized, targeted services and products to your customers.

According to a research team from Boston Consulting Group, adopting a data-first mindset is key to succeeding in today’s competitive business landscape:

“Many retailers are sitting on a fortune of data, yet most neither collect first-party customer data in a structured way nor leverage its full potential. The missed opportunities are massive … setting up a best-in-class loyalty program to collect first-party data and scaling 1:1 personalization offers typically improves revenue and profit by 3% to 5%.”

Source: Boston Consulting Group

Overall, CSAT data can help inform critical business decisions like product improvements, service enhancements, and marketing strategies.

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction

To measure CSAT, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a customer survey method to collect CSAT data, like email surveys, phone calls, in-app surveys, or on-site surveys.
  2. Design the survey or work with a template with simple, easy-to-understand questions and use a scale or a smiley face system. Usually, they range from “Very satisfied” to “Very unsatisfied,” and sometimes they include a numerical score.
  3. Distribute the survey to customers as soon as possible after an interaction to get the most accurate feedback.
  4. Calculate your CSAT score by adding up all the positive responses, dividing by the total number of responses, then multiplying by 100 for the percentage.
Calculate CSAT score by adding up all the positive responses and dividing by the total number of responses, then multiplying by 100 for the percentage.
  1. Analyze the results and look for trends and patterns, noting which products, services, or interactions have satisfaction rates that are higher or lower.
  2. Take action by developing a plan based on the survey results to target specific pain points, whether those are changes to products, services, or processes.
  3. Monitor progress continuously to track improvements and ensure that your changes have a positive impact.

With a goal of continuous improvement, you can incorporate CSAT into your decision-making process overall. Data-driven decisions can help you prioritize projects and initiatives that will greatly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What’s a Good CSAT Score? 

A good CSAT score is entirely relative and will vary depending on industry, company size, specialty, and even geographic region.

Many industries aim for a CSAT score between 70%–85% as a marker of strong customer satisfaction.

The higher the CSAT score, the more satisfied customer responses you receive as a percentage of total responses.

CSAT Score Example

Customer satisfaction is crucial in high-turnover, low-loyalty industries like hospitality. Hotels and restaurants rely heavily on satisfaction to drive repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, and measuring CSAT helps assess service quality and make improvements as quickly as possible.

When Is Best to Measure CSAT? 

The best time to measure CSAT is shortly after a customer interacts with your business. This ensures the experience is fresh in their mind, leading to more accurate and meaningful feedback.

Average survey response rates fall around 33% but can vary from 13%–57% depending on how you conduct the survey (in-person and mail surveys have the highest response rates, while telephone surveys and in-app ones have the lowest).

Measuring CSAT at various touchpoints along the customer journey is also beneficial. It can help you identify areas of improvement at different stages and tailor your efforts to enhance CX.

Example: Measuring CSAT after a customer support interaction can help gauge your support team’s effectiveness while measuring CSAT after a purchase can give you product or service quality insights.

CSAT Pros and Cons 

These are the main pros and cons of using CSAT as a CX metric:

Easy to understand and communicate across the organization
Provides quick feedback for fast changes and closes the loop. 
Can help measure specific interactions like support calls
Gives insights for proactive customer management
Measures a specific point in time and not overall customer experience
Responses can involve sway from extremely happy or unhappy customers
Influenced by factors outside your control
Might not always provide actionable insights

How to Use CSAT to Boost Customer Retention

While it has pros and cons as a metric, you should aim to understand your customer satisfaction score no matter your business type. 

You can also integrate your CSAT findings with other customer experience metrics, such as Customer Effort Score (CES) and Net Promoter Score® (NPS) to better understand your customers and improve customer experience. 

Businesses can use CSAT to benefit from personalized customer support, improved communication, customer loyalty, and training thanks to continuous improvement.

Provide proactive and personalized support 

CSAT can help you give your customers more tailored, in-depth support that makes them feel appreciated. You can use CSAT feedback to anticipate and address issues before they escalate.

Example: Your customer gives you a low CSAT score after a support interaction, so you reach out to understand their concerns and offer a personalized solution.

This demonstrates that you value customer feedback and you’ll do what it takes to prevent further dissatisfaction.

Use customer advocates for marketing 

CSAT scores aren’t just part of a customer service strategy. They also provide a transparent marketing opportunity: you can share them directly with your customers as use cases for your product. Customer advocates are often some of the most qualified salespeople, so why not take their words directly to convince others of your quality?

You can also use CSAT survey data to spot common pain points and communicate these to customers to gain trust.

Example: You notice a trend of low CSAT scores related to a specific product feature, so you reach out to customers about upcoming improvements to address the issue.

This helps manage customer expectations and shows that you’re actively working to enhance their experience.

Reward customer loyalty

Loyalty programs are great ways to reward customers for providing feedback while maintaining a high CSAT score. You may even create special loyalty tiers for extra-loyal customers over a period of time by using CSAT data to identify customers who choose to share their positive experiences.

Example: You offer a discount and an exclusive product sneak peek to customers who consistently give high CSAT scores for their interactions.

This incentivizes customers to provide feedback and rewards them for their loyalty and positive customer engagement with your brand.

Train to continuously improve

CSAT feedback is key to identifying training opportunities and areas for improvement, both with soft skills and more technical ones. After you analyze and interpret the data to spot the issue, you can monitor CSAT scores before and after an improvement to see how successful the implementation was.

Example: Your customers consistently give low CSAT scores for the checkout process, so you provide targeted training for better purchasing support and overhaul the cart on your site.

This improves customer experience and can improve employee performance and the overall employee experience.

Get Actionable Insights to Drive Retention with Nextiva

When measuring the customer experience, there isn’t just one metric that will give you a pulse on how things are going. You need to take a comprehensive look at how your customers engage with your business throughout their journey.

However, customer satisfaction metrics are key because they offer immediacy, specificity, and simplicity in revealing customer sentiment about your business.

With an AI-driven customer experience management solution like Nextiva, you have the power of data at your fingertips. With a centralized dashboard and data-driven insights, you can confidently manage your customer experience and innovate.

Surprise and delight customers.

Have conversations with your customers the way they prefer to communicate – in a single app.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score, and NPS are registered trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.


To learn more about CSAT and CSAT scores, read these frequently asked questions.

What’s the difference between CSAT vs. CES?

The difference between CSAT vs. customer effort score (CES) is that CSAT measures overall satisfaction with a particular interaction, product, or service. CES measures the ease of the customer’s experience with accomplishing a specific task or goal.

Are CSAT measurements consistent across industries?

CSAT measurements are not consistent across industries. This is due to differences in customer expectations, preferences, and the nature of business offerings. A high CSAT score in one industry may be a low score in another.

How often should I measure CSAT?

You should measure CSAT continuously to capture ongoing feedback and trends. Measurement frequency might depend on your business needs, industry benchmarks, and how you interact with customers. As a general rule, you should at least aim to measure it after major customer touchpoints, such as product launches.

How should I respond to negative customer feedback?

Respond promptly and empathetically, acknowledging the customer’s concerns and thanking them for their feedback. Offer a solution or apology, and if it’s appropriate, follow up to ensure their issue is resolved. Use negative feedback as an opportunity to improve your business and show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Can I automate CSAT measurement?

Yes, you can automate CSAT measurements. You can use survey tools that send out surveys automatically after certain interactions or tools that crawl websites like Google and Amazon for customer feedback about your business.


Ken McMahon

Ken McMahon leads Customer Success for Nextiva. His 25 years of experience leading various aspects of the customer experience including professional services, customer success, customer care, national operations, and sales. Before Nextiva, he held senior leadership roles with TPx, Vonage, and CenturyLink. He lives in Phoenix with his wife and two children.

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Imagine two competing brands in the same industry. Brand A limits its presence to Instagram, relying solely on a single channel to promote its product.

Brand B casts a wider net. This brand is active on all major social media platforms, runs targeted ads on Google and YouTube, regularly sends out a newsletter, and even features its campaigns on billboards.

Which brand do you think reaches its customers more effectively and offers a better customer experience (CX)? Brand B, obviously.

This is a clear example of a company using multichannel marketing to reach its audience, provide a positive experience across different channels, and ultimately, boost sales.

In this guide, you’ll learn what multichannel marketing is as well as its benefits, how it impacts the customer experience, and three tips on how to unify your marketing channels for better CX.

What Is Multichannel Marketing?

Multichannel marketing is a marketing strategy that involves engaging with customers across different online and offline channels. Unlike omnichannel marketing, where the different channels are interlinked, multichannel marketing platforms are often in silos: 

For example, if you were to use a multichannel marketing strategy, you might launch a social media ad featuring a special offer. 

Interested customers might then look up your brand online and visit your website. 

There, they can explore the offer further and read customer testimonials or FAQs. For additional queries, customers have options such as chatting with online support or contacting the call center.

The main aim of multichannel marketing is to increase the reach of your marketing message and improve your company’s CX and engagement by being wherever your audience is.

It includes reaching your audience through various channels, including:

  • Email
  • Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn 
  • Websites
  • Direct mail
  • Printed flyers
  • In-person stores
  • Direct mail
  • Events and trade shows

5 Benefits of Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel marketing campaigns rely on data-driven insights, personalized messaging, and unified experiences across various channels to:

  1. Reach more people 
  2. Increase engagement 
  3. Drive conversions 
  4. Build brand loyalty 
  5. Gain deeper customer insights

Let’s look at these benefits in more detail.

1. Reach more people

    Your customers are everywhere. They’re scrolling through social media feeds, checking emails, and visiting in-person stores. 

    With multichannel marketing, you can reach them through all those channels. Potential customers can discover your brand, find the information they need, and make purchases more easily. 

    The results? Increased brand awareness, enhanced customer engagement, and more sales.

    2. Increase engagement

      Multiple touchpoints give customers more opportunities to engage with you on their preferred channel. 

      This makes your CX more accessible and convenient. People are also more likely to interact with and remain loyal to a brand that engages with them where they’re most comfortable.

      For instance, imagine that your company has a contact center and offers in-app tutorials. 

      A customer who prefers direct communication can easily reach out to the contact center for immediate assistance. Meanwhile, another customer who favors self-service can benefit from the in-app tutorials by getting to know your product at their own pace.

      3. Drive conversions

        Each touchpoint in multichannel marketing is an opportunity to streamline the customer journey with consistent messaging and calls to action:

        A marketing message that’s consistent across all channels reinforces your brand and what you’re offering. This repetition makes customers more familiar with your product or service and gradually builds their trust in your brand. 

        And as long as you include clear calls to action, they know exactly how to make a purchase or what step to take next, increasing conversion rates.

        Imagine you run a health and wellness website. 

        So you post an engaging article about healthy eating on your blog and share snippets of the article on social media. In your newsletter, you include a link to a free meal planning guide, which requires an email signup — your direct call to action.

        A reader who’s been following your blog and social media posts and finds value in your content will be more inclined to sign up for the guide than someone who’s had less exposure to your brand.

        4. Build brand loyalty

          Effective multichannel marketing helps build brand loyalty by ensuring that your audience has consistent, positive interactions with your brand across various channels.

          And positive interactions are good for your brand because 80% of consumers find the experience a company provides equally as important as the company’s products or services. 

          By consistently engaging with your customers across different channels, you’ll build a loyal following.

          These loyal customers could even become brand advocates by sharing their positive experiences with others, leaving good reviews, and recommending your brand to friends and family.

          5. Gain deeper customer insights 

            Marketing on many different channels allows you to gather information from various sources. 

            You can then use the customer data you gather to personalize your marketing efforts, remove sales blockers, and optimize your strategies to improve conversion rates.

            By tracking customer behavior and engagement across different channels, you can gather valuable insights on your audience, including:

            How Successful Multichannel Marketing Impacts Your Customer Experience

            Here are four ways a multichannel marketing approach helps improve your CX and brand reputation:

            1. It puts your audience in control.
            2. It feeds into personalization. 
            3. It creates a seamless customer journey. 
            4. It leads to faster issue resolution.

            Let’s look at each of these outcomes in more detail.

            1. It puts your audience in control

              Multichannel marketing allows customers and prospects to interact with your brand on their terms —  anywhere, anytime. 

              Sportswear company On Running is an excellent example of being wherever your audience is. They use OFF, their in-house magazine, to share inspiring athlete stories and showcase their latest products.

              They’re also active on social media platforms, with 46,000 followers on TikTok and 1.6 million followers on Instagram:

              Finally, they team up with athletes to help people interact with them through their favorite sports influencers. All these interactions complement their direct-to-consumer online and in-person stores.

              2. It feeds into personalization

                Being on different platforms means you can tailor your CX, offering your target audience exactly what they want where they’re most active.

                For example, you can analyze the types of content your audience engages with most on each platform. 

                If they interact a lot with how-to videos on social media, you could focus on creating more of these videos. 

                If they tend to download white papers or case studies from your website, you can tailor your newsletter to highlight these resources. 

                This way, you’re not only providing content that interests them but also making it available on their preferred platform, enhancing their overall experience with your company.

                3. It creates a seamless customer journey

                  By using the same data and strategies across different channels such as email, social media, and in-store interactions, you ensure that your customers get a uniform message and brand experience. 


                  So whether they’re shopping online or in your physical store, the experience feels continuous and familiar.

                  Seamless journeys are crucial because customers expect a consistent experience regardless of the channel they use. If customers feel a disconnect in their interactions with your business, they can become frustrated and lose trust in your brand.

                  On the other hand, customers who experience consistency and personalized attention are more likely to remain engaged, make purchases, and recommend your brand to others. 

                  4. It leads to faster issue resolution

                    Nobody likes waiting for support, especially when it puts their business on hold. 

                    A successful multichannel marketing strategy ensures that customers have multiple ways to reach you when they need help, including:

                    • Chatbots for quick questions
                    • Knowledge bases for self-service troubleshooting 
                    • Email support for more complex issues
                    • Contact centers to speak to a human in real time

                    Pro tip: Be careful with chatbots. They might seem cost-effective, but customers often rank chatbots as the least desirable support option:

                    This means you should always ensure that other touchpoints are available so customers can get the support they need whenever they need it.

                    3 Ways to Unify Marketing Channels for Better Customer Experience 

                    Customers get confused when your marketing on different channels appears disjointed. Creating a unified experience can boost customer satisfaction, build stronger relationships, and help you meet your growth goals. 

                    Here are three ways to make that happen:

                    1. Combine data for a holistic view 
                    2. A/B test your multichannel approach 
                    3. Focus on customer lifetime value

                    1. Combine data for a holistic view

                    When you focus on just one type of data, like website analytics, you limit yourself to just one part of the story. 

                    But when you add more information, like customer feedback and support interactions, you start to see the whole picture. 

                    Imagine that your marketing team has noticed a dip in online sales conversions through your website analytics.

                    Meanwhile, your CX department is receiving complaints about confusing checkout processes.

                    If your marketing and customer experience teams worked together, the combined CX metrics would likely help them discover that the decline in sales could be linked to the checkout process. 

                    Now that they have the whole picture, they can work on addressing the issue, potentially recovering the loss in sales and improving the CX.

                    Start by identifying the key touchpoints customers use to interact with your brand. These might include your website, social media platforms, customer service calls, email inquiries, and online reviews. 

                    Next, use an analytics tool that can integrate the data from these touchpoints. 

                    Nextiva voice analytics

                    Look for patterns and correlations in the data. 

                    For example, are there high traffic times on your website that correlate with many customer service calls? 

                    Are there common issues mentioned in online reviews and customer emails? 

                    Once you identify these patterns, you can take targeted actions to address any problems and ultimately improve the overall customer experience.

                    2. A/B test your multichannel approach

                      A/B testing is a method where you compare two versions of a marketing asset to see which one performs better. 

                      This can involve testing different aspects of your multichannel approach, like your email formats, social media content, or in-store promotions. You can even A/B test your buyer personas to ensure you deliver the right message to the right people through the right channels.

                      The first step is to identify which elements of your multichannel strategy you want to test. 

                      These could be the wording of your calls-to-action, the design of your ads, the timing of your email campaigns, or the type of content you post on different platforms. 

                      Once you’ve pinpointed the elements you want to test, create two different versions of each and deploy them simultaneously to similar audience segments. 

                      By analyzing the performance of each version, you can determine which resonates better with your audience and optimize your multichannel strategy accordingly.

                      3. Focus on customer lifetime value

                        Customer lifetime value (CLV) represents the total revenue a customer is expected to bring to your business over the entirety of their relationship with you.

                        By factoring CLV into your marketing mix, you can prioritize long-term relationships and customer retention over short-term sales.

                        Start by measuring the CLV for each of your traditional and digital marketing channels. The goal here is to understand which channels bring in customers with higher lifetime values.

                        This way, you can adjust your strategies to strengthen and invest more in channels that are proven to attract and retain high-lifetime value customers. 

                        Multichannel Management with Nextiva

                        Multichannel marketing expands your brand’s reach by letting you tailor your messaging to different platforms, drive conversions, and track customer data more successfully. 

                        However, managing multiple channels can become overwhelming and disjointed without the right tool.

                        This can lead to inconsistent customer experience, unsuccessful marketing efforts, and a greater workload for your team.

                        That’s where Nextiva steps in.

                        Nextiva’s AI-powered cloud-center software integrates your customer communication channels, including phone, SMS, email, video chat, and social media, to ensure a unified customer experience. 

                        By using Nextiva, your customer success agents can pass on valuable insights on customer behavior across channels, helping you refine your marketing strategies and improve customer engagement.

                        A complete call center solution.

                        See why thousands of businesses made the switch to Nextiva.

                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                        Hava Salsi

                        Hava Salsi is a content writer and editor specializing in B2B SaaS, HR, and tech. With over five years of experience working with startups and businesses around the world, she produces engaging, user-centric content that educates, ranks highly, and drives conversions. She spends her time building her virtual writers' community, the H Spot, and tending…

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                        Talkdesk vs. Five9: How Each CCaaS Platform Stacks Up

                        April 15, 2024 7 min read

                        Robert Pleasant

                        Robert Pleasant

                        There are many great cloud-based contact center platforms on the market today — so many that it can be hard to find the right one for your business. With all the various vendors, packages, features, and pricing plans out there, finding the right one can feel overwhelming. 

                        Perhaps the best way to pick a platform is to compare the options and see which ones come out on top. With that in mind, let’s look at the pros and cons of Talkdesk and Five9, what features each one provides, and how they compare to each other.

                        Talkdesk vs Five9: The Pros

                        Both Talkdesk and Five9 are popular Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) platforms and for good reason. Both provide several features designed to improve agent productivity and customer satisfaction, but which one has the right tools for your contact center?

                        UCaaS versus CCaaS. Which one to choose

                        Pros of Talkdesk

                        Talkdesk is a contact center platform praised for its ease of use, customization, and robust functionality. Its platform and agent desktop are very intuitive, which makes Talkdesk easy to learn and allows agents to get right to work without any difficulty.

                        Talkdesk’s platform is also designed for collaboration, as it features communication tools for both customer support and internal teams. Agents and reps can seamlessly work together, consult experts, and help customers as a team without leaving the Talkdesk platform.

                        Additionally, Talkdesk uses artificial intelligence (AI) to empower agents and assist customers. This includes AI-powered self-service tools, customer insights, and a suite of customer experience (CX) applications.

                        Other popular Talkdesk features include:

                        Talkdesk has four subscription options:

                        • CX Cloud Essentials and Digital Essentials, each of which costs $85 per user per month
                        • CX Cloud Elevate, which costs $115 per user per month
                        • CX Cloud Elite, which costs $145 per user per month

                        Pros of Five9

                        Five9 is a leading cloud contact center software provider that offers a comprehensive package, which includes an integrated dialer, lead management, and reporting tools.

                        Five9 also has a strong focus on employee engagement, as its CCaaS platform includes tools for workflow optimization, workforce management, and quality management. These tools help keep agents organized, scheduled properly, and equipped to provide the best service possible.

                        Additionally, Five9 uses task automation and multi-channel orchestration to optimize and automate support. These features can help companies maximize revenue and improve customer loyalty.

                        Five9 supports customers across channels, including SMS, phone calls, messages, email, social media, and video calls.

                        A few extra Five9 features include:

                        Five9 offers five different packages, all of which are priced per user:

                        • Digital and Core packages, which each cost $175 monthly
                        • Premium at $235 a month
                        • Optimum at $290 per month
                        • Ultimate at $325 per month

                        Talkdesk vs Five9: The Cons

                        While Talkdesk and Five9 each have plenty of benefits, they still fall short in certain areas. Here are some of the downsides of each:

                        Cons of Talkdesk

                        Users looking for a more customizable contact center platform might be frustrated with Talkdesk. User reviews have stated that certain features can’t be customized on the user end, so users need to contact Talkdesk to make any changes, but support is not always responsive.

                        Additionally, although Talkdesk offers call recordings, the audio quality could be better. A common complaint is that recordings don’t balance the caller’s and agent’s voices.

                        This means that if you’re listening to a call, the volume and audio quality can shift dramatically whenever someone speaks, which is not only annoying but also impacts the quality of the review process.

                        While Talkdesk’s integration library is a point in its favor, setting up and customizing the integrations is another story. Getting integrations to work seamlessly with existing systems can be a complex and time-consuming process.

                        Cons of Five9

                        Five9 offers comprehensive and powerful features, but that makes for a steep learning curve. New users often struggle with the complexity, so it can take a while to really see benefits from the platform.

                        This is made even more difficult when there are technical issues, and some users have reported intermittent login problems where they couldn’t log in for a time. 

                        Needless to say, being unable to access the contact center makes it impossible for agents to work, so there were operational disruptions any time they couldn’t log in.

                        Additionally, some Five9 customers have reported connectivity delays in which calls lag for a few seconds before they connect to an agent. Not only are these delays off-putting for customers but those few seconds can add up over time and end up costing hours of productivity.

                        Nextiva vs. Talkdesk and Five9

                        After going through the pros and cons of Talkdesk and Five9, you might be uncertain. Perhaps Five9 is out of your price range, and its learning curve and technical issues are putting you off. Or maybe you need more customization than Talkdesk offers.

                        Fortunately, there is another option: Nextiva.

                        Nextiva’s AI-powered contact center platform is a flexible, scalable, enterprise-grade contact center solution built for omnichannel communications.

                        Nextiva users save time and money on every customer interaction when compared to alternative platforms. According to customer reviews, Nextiva is also rated higher overall than Talkdesk and Five9.

                        In addition, Nextiva offers a wide range of contact center and telephony features, including:

                        PlanCX Cloud EliteUltimateProfessional
                        Monthly price$145/user$325/user$119/user
                        Key featuresDigital engagement across all channels
                        Performance management
                        Real-time dashboards
                        Chat, voice, email, SMS/MMS, and social messaging channels
                        Full-platform workflow automation
                        Blended inbound/outbound functionality
                        Full omnichannel capabilities
                        Plug-and-play advanced AI
                        Quality management
                        Customer rating (G2)4.4 out of 5 (2,199 reviews)3.9 out of 5 (385 reviews)4.5 out of 5 (3,100 reviews)
                        Best forSupport teamsSupport teamsSales, service, and support teams

                        So, why should you choose Nextiva? Let’s look at what it brings to the table.


                        Nextiva provides more than just call center software. It provides unified communications and omnichannel contact center capabilities, giving users a broader range of business communication tools.

                        Organizations looking for an all-in-one VoIP communications solution for their teams and contact centers will find everything they need with Nextiva.

                        CX focus

                        Nextiva is dedicated to creating a great CX and user experience. So, not only does Nextiva’s contact center enable users to provide a quality CX, but its own customer support is also awesome.

                        Nextiva uses AI-driven data and analytics to manage and enhance the CX. It can identify trends, analyze customer sentiment, and improve first-call resolution rates, all of which are great for businesses that prioritize customer satisfaction and engagement.

                        Nextiva itself also has a quality CX, as Nextiva’s customer support is highly regarded. Anyone contacting Nextiva for support will quickly get firsthand experience of how well their contact center solution works.

                        Customizable solutions

                        A contact center is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every business will have different communication and contact center needs based on its size, industry, and more. That’s why customizable and scalable solutions are so important. 

                        Nextiva is known for its scalability. Users can add seats as needed so their contact center system can grow with their business. 

                        Additionally, the Nextiva contact center solution is highly customizable, so organizations can add any apps, CRM integrations, and capabilities they need.


                        Nextiva also has several AI-powered tools and features to enhance agent productivity and customer satisfaction.


                        These include customer self-service tools, such as an AI-powered chatbot and speech-enabled IVR, and tools to assist agents with their everyday tasks.

                        Nextiva’s AI-powered features include:

                        Nextiva: There’s Something for Every Business

                        Talkdesk and Five9 are fine contact center solutions, and each has plenty of features and benefits to offer organizations. They specialize in providing robust contact center software with a focus on AI, automation, and omnichannel support and are well-regarded by their users.

                        However, Nextiva stands out with its broader focus on wrangling multiple business communication channels, optimizing CX management, and providing versatile solutions that can be tailored to a wide range of business needs.

                        Now that you know what Five9, Talkdesk, and Nextiva can offer a business, the choice is clear: when you need a robust contact center platform, you can’t go wrong with Nextiva.

                        Wow customers every day.

                        Level up the customer experience in every interaction they have with your agents.

                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                        Robert Pleasant

                        Robert Pleasant is an experienced content writer, having begun his career as a freelancer for BCStrategies before moving on to work for several tech and unified communications companies, including ShoreTel and Dialpad. He currently works as a freelance writer, bringing his experience in UCaaS, CCaaS, and AI to news sites and blogs across the communications…

                        Posts from this author

                        Comparing Cisco vs. Avaya contact centers means you’re putting two telecom heavyweights up against each other.

                        Who comes out on top in this title fight?

                        Read on to see the pros and cons of each contact center solution to discover which best suits your unique business needs and find out whether there’s a third option worth considering in this battle.

                        Cisco vs. Avaya Contact Center: The Pros

                        To make this a fair test, we’re going to break down the pros and cons of both Cisco and Avaya.

                        In the past, both Cisco and Avaya have provided on-premises and hosted contact centers.

                        Today’s modern offerings take the shape of virtual call centers and omnichannel contact centers. This means you get channels like voice, SMS, email, web chat, and social media as standard.

                        You also get a wide range of calling features, like call queueing, auto attendants, and interactive voice response systems.

                        How IVR works

                        These are table stakes.

                        But there are some neat new features you might not be aware of — and they just might make your decision for you.

                        Pros of Cisco

                        Administration and customization

                        By handling incoming calls, providing comprehensive reports and dashboards, and integrating with other collaboration solutions​​, Cisco helps transform contact center efficiency holistically rather than app-by-app.

                        This is thanks, in part, to its integration into the Webex portfolio (Cisco bought Webex back in 2007 and drip-fed functionality into its unified communications (UC) and video conferencing products over time).

                        Upon deciding to incorporate all communications into a single stack, an interface refresh and focus on usability began. This overhaul signified a major brand and usability refresh compared to traditional Cisco Systems UC solutions. This change coincides with Gartner’s inclusion of Cisco as a Niche Player in its Magic Quadrant for contact center as a service.

                        The number of integrations seems to be growing every day at Cisco, making it a flexible solution with a large partner base. This stems from a move away from on-premises Communications Manager setups, favoring web-based SaaS.

                        There are also several Cisco products that you can integrate with Webex. If you’re a Cisco customer for networking, security, or voice, everything can now live under one roof, with a global admin center for all moves, adds, and changes.

                        Advanced features

                        Features include intelligent routing and customizable contact flows, as well as queue management, wrap-up codes for tracking reasons for call ends, and options for callbacks to reduce wait times and provide a better overall customer experience.

                        Stand-out features of the Webex Contact Center include:

                        Cisco’s Webex Contact Center is built for scalability and flexibility, with cloud technology allowing easy deployment and omnichannel support. It includes 360-degree customer journey analytics and predictive analytics for call routing, as well as integration with CRM systems for a comprehensive customer view​​.

                        Webex offers staff scheduling, as well as efficient and customizable call reports and call flows. This combination helps both agents and customers become more productive.

                        AI capabilities

                        Building on an already impressive feature set, AI opens the door to even more functionality designed to make agents more productive and less stressed.

                        As an example, take the agent-break feature, Thrive Reset, which is focused on user experience. By detecting burnout or stress, Webex will now prompt agents to take breaks so they don’t continue putting themselves under pressure.

                        By prioritizing agents’ well-being, Webex has a rather nice differentiator when comparing Cisco to Avaya.

                        That said, when mentioning this feature over dinner the other day, a friend and industry analyst with EnableUC, Kevin Kieller, pondered the repercussions of such a feature. What happens when certain agents keep needing more breaks? Are they the first out the door if downsizing needs to happen?

                        In the same conversation, Dom Black, Research Director at Cavell, said this would be a good thing for contact center management. Having access to this unique data presents an opportunity for training and better resource planning.

                        Pros of Avaya Contact Center

                        Digital and blended interaction capabilities

                        Avaya’s platform supports digital interactions and blends agents effectively, facilitating seamless transitions between different communication mediums​​.

                        This encourages the cross-skilling of agents, leading to a more efficient use of your workforce. When agents can tend to both inbound inquiries and outbound calls, there is less dead time when they aren’t contributing to your business. Everything becomes one workflow instead of disjointed departments.

                        Customer prioritization and skills-based routing

                        Intelligent algorithms ensure customers get routed to the most appropriate agents, enhancing personalized service delivery and managing queues efficiently​​.

                        This reduces the customer’s hassle of getting through to the wrong person, repeating their inquiry, and then getting transferred again.

                        Once a customer interaction is complete, Avaya’s powerful suite of analytics translates data and customer outcomes into trend analysis and graphical displays of your business’s performance.

                        Related: Avaya Contact Center Pricing: Is It Worth It?

                        Comprehensive contact management

                        Avaya has come a long way since being thought of as a phone system with some call queue treatment. Back in the on-premises days, Avaya was in danger of losing out in the cloud-contact center market.

                        Now we see key contact center features like:

                        With a renewed focus on contact management, Avaya has stepped into the 21st century, enabling the service of your customers on their channel of choice.

                        Cisco vs. Avaya Contact Center: The Cons

                        It’s only right to also point out the weakness of contact centers. Let’s take a look at what real users report as the cons of both Cisco and Avaya.

                        Cons of Cisco

                        SMS limitations

                        While Cisco’s acquisition of IMImobile in 2021 added SMS messaging to its omnichannel roster, business texting remains one-to-one and text-based only. As of early 2024, there is no support for MMS or group chat.

                        The alternative is to use an app in the Webex store, but this creates a disjointed reporting experience as information gets siloed.

                        Reporting limitations

                        There’s no denying Webex has a ton of reports available. But some users find challenges in obtaining detailed reports for specific call scenarios and integrating with recording and other communication solutions​​.

                        When using multiple platforms for different calling components, some admins report that it’s challenging to find what they need to piece together a full customer journey.

                        Complex licensing and upgrades

                        Licensing can be complex, and provisioning specific features may take time. That’s the feedback from those outside the Cisco community.

                        Rob Harris, an independent technical consultant, scores Cisco 10/10 but still points out, “Licensing is complex, and to get certain things provisioned takes a little bit longer than it probably could.”

                        If you’re an insider with connections and a dedicated resource, this problem disappears. But new customers getting set up for the first time cite the initial implementation of new features to be problematic.

                        Even the biggest fans of Webex report that there should be more testing before releasing new features into the wild:

                        “Upgrades can be problematic, Cisco should do more testing before releasing updates and new versions of software.”

                        ~Verified TrustRadius user

                        Cons of Avaya Contact Center

                        Reporting and launch latency

                        Some users experience delays in reporting and system launching, affecting operational efficiency​​. When considering Avaya alternatives, cloud-native platforms like Five9 and Nextiva tend to get the nod.

                        App and dashboard limitations

                        The mobile app can be slow, and TrustRadius reviewers have noted a desire for dashboards that are more customizable to better suit individual needs​​.

                        In a market that must be highly responsive to demand and fulfill customer satisfaction, taking customer considerations and deploying new features and iterations is a must if Avaya wishes to remain competitive.

                        Integration and usability challenges

                        While Avaya integrates well with CRM systems, there can be challenges in streamlining these integrations and ensuring ease of use​​. Often, you need the help of an Avaya support rep when setting up third-party integrations. This potentially lengthens implementation and drives up unexpected costs.

                        This problem appears to extend to overall implementation and onboarding. Ethan, a writer for SYSGeeker, concludes the following:

                        “Due to its extensive features and functionalities, Avaya Call Center Elite may require some time and resources for proper implementation and training. Some businesses may find the learning curve a bit steep initially.”

                        Comparing Cisco and Avaya Contact Center vs. Nextiva

                        When comparing Cisco vs. Avaya, there’s a third name you need to know about.

                        Here’s where Nextiva excels when standing next to these old heads.

                        Ease of use✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅☑️✅✅✅☑️☑️
                        Robust features✅✅✅✅☑️✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅☑️☑️
                        Quality of support✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅☑️✅✅✅☑️☑️

                        Ease of use

                        Nextiva is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible even to those who aren’t technologically savvy.

                        If you have a team of agents who need to get up and running fast, Nextiva makes it possible to turn up to work and learn on the go. The learning curve is minimal, taking UI inspiration from familiar apps agents already have at hand.

                        Nextiva contact center solution

                        This simplicity extends to the setup process and ongoing management of the system​​​​. As a cloud-only solution and SaaS model, you can provision licenses at the click of a button and make changes on the fly in Nextiva’s admin portal.


                        Nextiva offers competitive pricing, often coming in as a more affordable option compared to other solutions, without sacrificing features or performance​​.

                        With the essential package starting at just $99 per user monthly, you can turn on inbound and outbound capabilities, access advanced analytics and reporting, and use its API, if desired.

                        Upgrading to omnichannel starts at just $20 more.

                        That means you get web chat, email, SMS, and social media for a few dollars per channel.

                        Robust features and flexibility

                        From auto attendant menus, call routing, and supervisor monitoring to advanced reporting and call recording options, Nextiva provides a wide array of functionalities.

                        As a cloud-native platform, Nextiva customers benefit from new features as soon as they come to market.

                        There’s no legacy-on-premises hangover, and the culture is very much that of innovation and customer empowerment. You don’t need to be a premium-rate customer, and there’s no waiting list.

                        If there’s new functionality, like call center automation, you too can start benefiting from 30% cost elimination while automating up to 90% of your routine customer interactions.

                        High-quality support

                        Nextiva boasts a 99.999% uptime and is backed by a 24/7 support team and world-class monitoring. The company recognizes the importance of having both self-service customer support and someone on the end of the phone for you.

                        Nextiva’s technical support is frequently praised for its helpfulness and effectiveness in resolving issues and assisting with system setup and optimization​​.

                        “We made a phone call to Nextiva and they were able to switch us over immediately, so we had no downtime. The temporary numbers Nextiva gave us rolled in, and it was seamless.”

                        ~Jeff Bratschie, Franchise Director of Operations, Stanley Steemer

                        Nextiva: There’s Something for Every Business

                        Nextiva offers the advanced features, flexibility, and support needed to scale your contact center affordably.

                        That’s why this newcomer always sneaks into the conversation when comparing Cisco vs Avaya contact centers.

                        While there are use cases for both Cisco and Avaya, unless you’re an existing customer, there’s little drawing you to each vendor when compared to an agile contact center provider like Nextiva.

                        If your priority list includes:

                        • Ease of use
                        • Cost-effectiveness
                        • Robust features
                        • Quality of support

                        Then you need Nextiva.

                        Don’t just take our word for it, either. We won Best in Show at Channel Partners Expo 2024!

                        To find out why customers choose Nextiva, check out our customer stories library. It really is a library. There’s that many.

                        Related: Cisco Contact Center: Is UCCX Right for Your Business?

                        Elevate your CX standards.

                        Nextiva’s contact center solution delivers the ultimate customer experience and boosts agent productivity.

                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                        Dominic Kent

                        Dominic Kent is a content marketer specializing in unified communications and contact centers. After 10 years of managing installations, he founded UC Marketing to bridge the gap between service providers and customers. He spends half of his time building content marketing programs and the rest writing on the beach with his dogs.

                        Posts from this author
                        What is an AI-based call center?

                        An AI-based call center uses artificial intelligence to handle customer interactions, automating time-consuming tasks to boost efficiency and satisfaction.

                        In the race for a competitive edge, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to deliver exceptional customer experiences. This is where an AI-based call center comes in.

                        AI (artificial intelligence) has the power to enhance customer connections, streamline support processes, and provide valuable insights from customer data. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of integrating AI into your contact center, common use cases for AI-based call centers, and future trends to help you stay ahead of the curve.

                        Benefits of AI Call Center Solutions

                        AI-based call centers offer solutions that have plenty of benefits that transform the way businesses handle customer interactions and optimize contact center operations. Here are some advantages you’ll get by deploying AI into your contact center. 

                        Five ways AI can improve call center efficiency

                        Improves agent efficiency

                        With the help of AI, you can automate routine tasks to streamline operations. For instance, during high call volume periods, AI can efficiently manage simple customer queries, allowing agents to dedicate their attention to addressing more complex inquiries.

                        In fact, chatbots can handle up to 80% of routine questions, significantly reducing agent workload. This efficiency boost helps agents handle more customer calls effectively, leading to higher productivity and shorter wait times for customers.

                        Enhances customer experience

                        By combining the power of live human agents and artificial intelligence, you can greatly enhance your customer experience (CX).

                        Nextiva call center software dashboard

                        For example, AI enables hyper-personalized interactions, a feature sought by 76% of customers in their call center experiences. 

                        AI algorithms can analyze vast sets of customer data, including past interactions, purchase history, preferences, and demographics. By processing this information, AI can generate detailed customer profiles that agents can use to tailor interactions based on customers’ needs and preferences. 

                        Reduces costs

                        With automated tasks and optimized resource management, AI offers opportunities to reduce costs. For example, intelligent virtual agents can efficiently handle tasks that would otherwise require human intervention, leading to potential labor cost savings of up to 30%. Organizations can decrease operational expenses by streamlining processes and minimizing human involvement without compromising service quality.

                        Provides real-time customer insights

                        AI call center solutions offer actionable customer insights through real-time data analysis, enabling organizations to identify trends and areas for improvement. For example, sentiment analysis tools can detect customer dissatisfaction during calls, prompting agents to intervene and resolve issues proactively. By using these metrics and insights, businesses can continuously optimize operations, improve service quality, and effectively adapt to evolving customer preferences.

                        Lowers agent turnover

                        With AI handling repetitive tasks, agents can focus on more complex and meaningful interactions, reducing burnout and churn rates. This shift results in significant cost savings for organizations, with each agent turnover costing around $20,000 annually in replacement costs alone. 

                        Graphic showing why call center turnover rates matter

                        Organizations can improve employee satisfaction and retention by empowering agents with AI-powered tools, which maximizes operational efficiency.

                        Top 5 Use Cases for Call Center AI

                        From streamlining interactions to minimizing mistakes, there are plenty of use cases for call center AI. Check out how you can use artificial intelligence in your contact center. 

                        Top uses for AI call centers: Predictive analytics, intelligent product recs, repetitive tasks, natural language processing, regulatory compliance.

                        Predictive analytics

                        AI-based call centers can use the power of predictive analytics to personalize the customer experience. Call center predictive analytics analyzes various data points about a caller. These analytics can include:

                        • Past interactions
                        • Purchase history
                        • Demographics

                        For example, if a customer contacts a telecom company’s call center about their internet service, predictive analytics analyzes their history to gauge their technical expertise and past issues. Based on this, the AI system uses machine learning to predict the likely reason for the inquiry and suggests custom solutions to the agent.

                        Intelligent product recommendations

                        AI algorithms can also provide intelligent product recommendations during customer interactions. AI can suggest relevant upsells or cross-sells to customers by analyzing customer data and purchase history. 

                        For instance, when a customer orders an appliance, AI can recognize the context and suggest compatible accessories or warranty extensions. This ensures your customer is getting the most out of their purchase.

                        Virtual agents and chatbots call deflection

                        Businesses increasingly use virtual agents and chatbots to deflect routine inquiries away from human agents to reduce wait times and improve overall efficiency. These AI-driven systems can handle repetitive tasks, like answering frequently asked questions or processing simple transactions. These can help free your human agents to focus on more complex issues. 

                        Organizations can streamline their operations by automating customer service and delivering faster, more responsive customer service.

                        Natural language processing (NLP) for smarter communication

                        Natural language processing helps call center AI grasp and reply to customer queries in everyday language, which can streamline communication. AI systems have the capacity to do the following:

                        • Chat naturally with your customers. 
                        • Pick out important details in a conversation.
                        • Give fitting replies, whether spoken or written. 

                        This knack for understanding and responding suits interactions better, easing customer frustration and boosting satisfaction and loyalty levels.

                        Industry or regulatory compliance

                        Call center AI plays an important role in ensuring industry or regulatory compliance by monitoring customer conversations in real time. AI can ensure that mandatory disclosures are communicated to callers effectively by analyzing dialogue and detecting specific keywords or phrases. 

                        For example, in financial call centers, AI can verify that an agent made a disclosure to a customer before pulling their credit report. This ensures adherence to regulatory requirements and mitigating compliance risks.

                        Call Center in Action

                        💡Our collection of case studies shows how thousands of companies grow and succeed using Nextiva’s AI-powered contact center solutions.

                        Future Trends and Predictions for AI-Based Call Centers

                        Call centers evolve with AI technology and changing expectations, shaping customer service. Here are key trends to note.

                        Future trends and predictions for AI-based call centers.

                        Omnichannel becomes even more important

                        As communication preferences change, traditional phone support is no longer the only choice for customers. Live chat is now the preferred channel, which 41% of customers favored.

                        However, phone calls still remain a popular support method, especially when dealing with complex customer inquiries. Having an omnichannel system in place is essential to meet evolving customer expectations. This includes integrating communication channels to provide a seamless experience across all touchpoints. With AI, maintaining consistency and streamlining communication becomes more manageable.

                        Hyper-personalization becomes the CX norm

                        As businesses strive to deliver better customer experiences, hyper-personalization is emerging as the new standard. By leveraging AI, companies can tailor interactions to individual preferences, customer behaviors, and past engagements. 

                        This approach fosters deeper connections and drives brand loyalty, from personalized product recommendations to customized marketing messages. Embracing hyper-personalization allows companies to stand out in the competitive landscape by delivering memorable experiences that resonate with customers on a personal level.

                        Customer support benefits from AI-driven quality assurance

                        AI-driven quality assurance is changing the game in customer support. With AI analyzing customer interactions, it spots patterns and trends, helping businesses improve service quality. 

                        Plus, AI can give instant feedback, helping improve agent performance so they can provide top-notch service every time. It also helps call centers stay on top of regulations, catching potential issues early. By using AI, businesses can: 

                        • Make their customer support smoother
                        • Keep customers happy
                        • Work more efficiently

                        Answer More Calls with Nextiva

                        Consider implementing AI-based call center solutions to boost your team and enhance customer experiences. Start by adding features like website chat to engage customers instantly. If you feel swamped with inquiries, deploy chatbots to handle basic queries, freeing up your team for more complex interactions. With AI platforms handling routine tasks, your team of live agents can focus on delivering personalized support.

                        Nextiva’s AI-based tools, including our advanced interactive voice response (IVR) system, offer unparalleled efficiency for phone systems. They automate tasks and facilitate seamless support across channels, allowing your team to assist customers without interruptions.

                        Scale up with contact center AI.

                        The modern contact center has arrived. See how Nextiva helps you deliver the best customer experience at scale.

                        AI-Based Call Center FAQ

                        Discover more about AI-based call centers with the answers to these frequently asked questions below.

                        Will AI replace call center agents?

                        AI won’t replace call center agents; instead, it’ll boost their abilities to add more value along the customer journey. According to HubSpot, 62% of customer service specialists believe AI and automation help them understand customers better. While they support using AI, they also advise against over-reliance on it.

                        How does AI help improve customer service?

                        AI improves customer service by making service available 24/7, streamlining processes, and offering real-time insights for better decision-making. For instance, customer service professionals have reported saving an average of 2 hours and 11 minutes per day by utilizing generative AI to craft responses to customer queries.

                        What are the challenges of implementing AI in call center operations?

                        The challenges of implementing AI in call centers may include integration with existing systems and ensuring effective training for agents to use AI tools efficiently. In fact, a HubSpot report found that 32% of teams found it difficult to integrate tools with existing systems. 

                        Can I add AI functionality to my call center?

                        Artificial intelligence functionality requires connectivity between customer data and a large language model (LLM) provider to deliver AI benefits to customers and agents. However, businesses can gracefully transition their call center to the cloud using Nextiva one team or department at a time. Whenever ready, you can easily enable modern AI features as your business needs.

                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                        Alex Doan

                        Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

                        Posts from this author

                        RingCentral Pricing, Plans, & Feature Breakdown

                        April 14, 2024 11 min read

                        Alex Doan

                        Alex Doan

                        RingCentral is a cloud-based communication platform offering a suite of business solutions. As a cloud phone system, it lets businesses ditch traditional landlines in favor of a more flexible and scalable solution. But how much does it all cost? And is it worth it?

                        In this guide, we’ll explore RingCentral’s pricing structure and help you decide if it’s the right fit for your business communication needs. We’ll also discuss scenarios where alternative solutions might be a better match.

                        RingCentral Plans and Pricing

                        RingCentral offers VoIP services, virtual meetings, call centers, and AI solutions. It’s a common choice for organizations looking for a business phone system, particularly mid-sized businesses and enterprises.

                        RingCentral’s phone system offering, RingEX, has three core plans: Core, Advanced, and Ultra. Earlier these plans were part of RingCentral’s MVP offerings, but are now rebranded under RingEX.

                        Here’s a quick comparison chart of RingEX’s main plans.

                        Price per user (per month, billed monthly)$30$35$45
                        Ideal forSmall businessesGrowing businessesLarge enterprises
                        Included minutes (US & Canada)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
                        PBX featuresYesYesYes
                        Auto attendantYesYesYes
                        Team messagingYes (limited storage)Yes (limited storage)Yes (unlimited storage)
                        Unlimited online faxingNoYesYes
                        Video conferencingUp to 100 participantsUp to 100 participantsUp to 200 participants
                        Call recordingOn-demandAutomatic /on‑demandAutomatic / on‑demand
                        Voicemail transcriptionYesYesYes
                        Advanced analyticsNoLimitedYes

                        Note: These are starting prices, and the exact cost may vary depending on the number of users and specific features you choose. RingCentral also offers a discount for annual billing, so you can save money by paying for a year upfront.

                        All three plans add or upgrade features from the prior tier.

                        While this structure enables organizations to purchase a plan that best meets their size and business needs, there are some features only available as add-ons for an extra charge, regardless of the plan.

                        Let’s look at each plan in detail:

                        Core plan

                        RingCentral’s Core plan begins at $30/user/month if paid monthly or $20/user/month when paid annually. This is their most standard offering, including basic call features, limited team messaging, and file-sharing capabilities, as well as:

                        RingCentral’s first pricing tier covers the basics for a small business just getting started. However, it’s pretty limited when it comes to functionalities that allow businesses to be flexible in today’s work environment, including hot desking, custom roles and permissions, and advanced analytics.

                        Advanced plan

                        Moving beyond the Core plan, RingCentral’s Advanced plan adds features and upgrades such as enhancements to its team messaging and file-sharing capabilities. This comes at a higher cost, with a price tag of $35/user/month if paid monthly or $25/user/month when paid annually.

                        RingCentral’s Advanced plan includes everything in the Core plan, plus:

                        RingCentral’s middle tier is the most popular plan according to their website. This plan is built for established companies that are looking for a solution to grow and scale their business, as it includes more features focused on system management and admin.

                        There are a few notable downsides to the Advanced plan, including the lack of device-specific analytics and limited storage for files, messages, and recordings.

                        Ultra plan

                        RingCentral’s third tier has the most features but is also the most expensive. The Ultra plan is available at $45/user/month if paid monthly or $35/user/month when paid annually. 

                        This tier includes everything from the Advanced plan, plus:

                        RingCentral’s highest tier includes all the advanced features you would need to implement and manage a communication system for a large business. The biggest advantage for businesses using the Ultra plan is the ability to centralize communications, including phone calls, video, chat, SMS, and fax, into one app.

                        Options and add-ons

                        Given the price of the Ultra plan, you might assume that it includes everything RingCentral has to offer, but that’s not actually the case. RingCentral has options that are available as add-on features to any plan, albeit at a higher price.

                        These add-ons include:

                        While it’s convenient to add these features to any plan, it can quickly push you over budget. With add-ons, you need to make sure you have a process for license and seat management so you’re not overpaying for users who don’t need these features.

                        Notable exclusions per plan

                        While each RingCentral plan offers a respectable number of features, there are still some key capabilities they lack. Organizations looking for these specific features may have to either spend extra for a higher tier or look elsewhere.

                        For the Core plan, there’s no access to advanced business analytics. This is an important feature for business communications platforms, and its exclusion is worth noting.

                        Nextiva Contact Center - Analytics Dashboard

                        Additionally, this plan only offers limited team messaging and file sharing, so collaboration may be challenging. Automatic call recording is also only available as an on-demand feature.

                        While the Advanced plan has more features than the Core plan, it still only offers limited storage for team messaging and file sharing. And while there are business analytics capabilities, they’re not as comprehensive as those in the Ultra plan, making it hard to fully manage your business communications system at this middle tier.

                        RingCentral Contact Center Plans and Pricing

                        RingCentral Contact Center (RingCX) is an omnichannel contact center that allows customers to connect with a business across voice and over multiple digital touchpoints.

                        It offers features such as workforce engagement management, which includes quality management, conversation analytics, and workforce management. It can also be used for outbound sales, collections, and proactive support.

                        The plans start at $65, but no clear pricing structure is available on RingCentral’s site. You need to contact their sales team for a custom quote.

                        RingCentral’s Pricing Compared To Competitors

                        Now that we understand what RingCentral’s plans provide, it’s time to explore some RingCentral alternatives and glean how much value RingCentral provides compared to its competitors.

                        We’ll take a look at Nextiva’s business plans — RingCentral’s top competitor — and see how they compare.

                        Note that what’s shown below is the monthly price — you can save even more on annual plans.

                        “I recently changed from RingCentral to Nextiva for several reasons, one of which was to make things SIMPLER. So far using Nextiva, it has been remarkable. It’s everything, and more than I previously imagined. If one is looking into a VoIP Provider, I highly suggest you take a deep look at Nextiva.”

                        ~ Miranda S, Nextiva customer since 2022, G2 Reviews

                        Essential plan

                        Nextiva’s Essential plan offers business communications necessities for $25.95/user/month if paid monthly or $18.95/user/month when paid annually. This includes a wide array of important features for VoIP calling and omnichannel communications:

                        Professional plan

                        One tier up from the Essential plan is the Professional plan, which is ideal for growing companies with larger business communications needs. This plan is available at $30.95/user/month if paid monthly or $22.95/user/month when paid annually.

                        The Nextiva Professional plan includes everything in the Essential plan plus:

                        Enterprise plan

                        Last but certainly not least, Nextiva’s Enterprise plan is aimed at big businesses with big communication requirements. This plan, available at $40.95/user/month if paid monthly or $32.95/user/month when paid annually, provides the most features, toll-free minutes, and integrations, making it a great choice for larger organizations. 

                        The Nextiva Enterprise plan includes everything in the Professional plan plus:

                        Common features across all plans

                        While each tier adds and improves upon the last, some features are universal. Whether you only want the essentials or are looking for enterprise communications, you’ll find these in every plan:

                        Nextiva call pop

                        With Nextiva, there are several features you can always expect. All users across every plan have access to amazing service 24/7, making sure Nextiva is easy to use and stress-free so you can focus on your business. 

                        Notable exclusions per plan

                        Nextiva’s plans are packaged based on common business scenarios and use cases. Some features are saved for higher tiers, so customers looking for specific features might want to consider upgrading.

                        The Essential plan doesn’t include conference calls, SMS, or CRM integrations (although it does integrate with Outlook and Google Contacts). It also has fewer toll-free minutes than the higher tiers.

                        The Professional plan doesn’t include call recording or voice analytics, which are reserved for the Enterprise plan. It also has fewer toll-free minutes than the Enterprise Plan, although it has more than the Essential plan.

                        Top Features of RingCentral and Nextiva

                        Now that we understand what RingCentral and Nextiva offer, we can break their plans down into their top features and see what value each can bring to businesses, teams, and employees working in the office or on the go.

                        “We had RingCentral and changed to Nextiva. Nextiva’s service has been top-notch so far compared to RingCentral. It’s made our business so much easier, and we look forward to growing our business with them. Before, we were always scared of our service going down and being stuck again.” 

                        ~ Tom W, TrustPilot review


                        The most important features of RingCentral’s communication solution include:


                        Nextiva’s top features are quite impressive, with an array of tools to improve business communications and the customer experience. These include:

                        Nextiva vs. RingCentral Comparison Table

                        Feature or functionalityNextiva EssentialNextiva EnterpriseRingCentral CoreRingCentral Ultra
                        Monthly price (billed annually)$18.95$32.95$20$35
                        User capacityUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
                        Unlimited voice & video calling (US & Canada)
                        Mobile apps (iOS & Android)
                        Toll-free minutes1,50012,50010010,000
                        Video conferencing participantsUnlimited200
                        Video meeting recording
                        Meeting scheduling and calendar integrations
                        Team messaging
                        Voicemail to email
                        Toll-free numbers
                        Unlimited internet fax
                        Auto attendant
                        Call recording
                        Multi-level auto attendant
                        Salesforce and HubSpot integrations
                        Call queues
                        Voicemail transcription
                        Advanced analytics and reporting
                        Microsoft Teams integration
                        Single sign-on

                        Key findings:

                        Which Provider Is Right for Your Business?

                        Now that it’s clear what RingCentral and Nextiva have to offer, we can weigh the pros and cons for each to see what they bring to businesses.


                        RingCentral provides a good selection of features for businesses looking for:


                        Nextiva is an excellent choice for organizations that want:

                        Final Verdict on RingCentral Pricing

                        RingCentral offers a feature-rich cloud communication platform with various plans to suit different business needs. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:



                        RingCentral vs. Nextiva: Nextiva Edges Out on Price

                        While both RingCentral and Nextiva offer competitive services…

                        Nextiva is the best choice for both growing small businesses and larger organizations that are looking for a cost-effective solution to scale.

                        And with Nextiva’s recent expansion in the contact center software space, you’re sure to have everything your company needs to stay connected, serve customers, and scale faster. 

                        Nextiva’s Essential plan provides all the necessary tools and features businesses need for excellent communication and collaboration, with an intuitive user interface.

                        Learn more about Nextiva’s enterprise communications platform and what it brings to your business.

                        See what your phone system is missing.

                        Level up your business communication. See why top brands use Nextiva to handle calls at scale.

                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                        Alex Doan

                        Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

                        Posts from this author

                        How to Get the Best SIP Trunk Pricing for Your Business

                        April 13, 2024 11 min read

                        Jeremiah Zerby

                        Jeremiah Zerby

                        SIP trunking can be an ideal communications technology for many businesses, typically offering great cost savings, solid scalability, and high call quality for outbound and inbound calls. Choosing a SIP trunking provider, however, is trickier.

                        Like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), not all SIP trunking services are created equal, and you rarely want to go with the lowest-cost plan on the market. 

                        In fact, some that claim to offer the lowest cost may have the lowest monthly fees yet charge high rates for extra phone numbers, e911 access, text messaging, long-distance calls, and so much more. 

                        It’s not just about finding the lowest cost but finding the best value without getting tricked into paying more than you have to. Our SIP trunk pricing guide helps you figure out which service is best for you and your budget. 

                        What Is SIP Trunking?

                        Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP, is an open standard for telephone connectivity between devices and software. It provides the technical means for calling, answering, and maintaining internet-based voice calls between users. 

                        SIP trunking acts as a bundle of phone lines using SIP. Many small and large companies rely on the trunking provider to provide their office with a backbone of business phone lines for everyone in the office so long as you have enough SIP channels.

                        SIP trunking provides VoIP connectivity between an on-premises private branch exchange (PBX) and the public switched telephone network (PSTN). 

                        SIP trunk doesn’t use analog telephone equipment to route voice calls. Instead, it sends your voice calls over data networks. 

                        In other words, SIP trunks serve as an intermediary between your phone systems and a cloud phone service provider. That happens through a SIP server — a program that handles signaling and voice access to a centralized service, such as an IP PBX.

                        Simply put, a SIP trunk provides an office PBX with service for all its phone extensions to the outside world.

                        Why businesses choose SIP trunking

                        Many businesses today are considering VoIP systems relying on SIP trunking for several reasons:

                        These perks are easy to understand on their own. Still, SIP trunking with reliable providers consistently allows for high-quality calls at a massive scale, even if everyone in the office is placing a call at the same time. 

                        FeatureSIP TrunkingTraditional PRI
                        Cost per lineLow, ~$20/month (metered)High, ~$100/month (fixed)
                        ScalabilityEasy (add/remove lines)Difficult (requires hardware)
                        FlexibilityUses existing internetLimited routing options

                        SIP Trunk Pricing Models

                        There are two main ways SIP trunk providers price their services:

                        Here are some other factors that can affect SIP trunk pricing:

                        It’s important to shop around and compare prices from different providers before you decide on a SIP trunk plan. Be sure to factor in all of the costs, including the monthly fee, per-minute charges, phone number fees, and any additional features you need.

                        How Much Does a SIP Trunk Cost?

                        Before choosing a SIP trunk service, it’s a good idea to understand what factors impact pricing and how that drives the total cost associated with the system. 

                        On average, most businesses can expect to pay between $10 to $25 per SIP trunk per month, but the pricing can vary based on your VoIP provider and your call volume. For those on a metered plan, many providers charge additional fees for phone numbers (DIDs) and assess different charges depending on the volume and origination/destination of phone calls.

                        Addressed below are different factors that impact pricing, including monthly costs, setup fees, outbound call rates, add-ons, additional business phone numbers (direct inward dialing), and PBX costs. 

                        Monthly costs

                        Many SIP trunking plans have monthly service costs, which are priced per channel of voice service. These typically offer an unlimited number of calls, though the number of minutes you get in those calls or additional features available to you (including call logs) may vary by pricing tiers. 

                        Per-minute costs (pay as you go)

                        Some SIP trunk services offer per-minute costs, which are also known as “metered” costs or “pay-as-you-go” plans. In this case, you’ll be charged a flat fee for every minute spent using the SIP trunk system. Sometimes, these services will charge a flat monthly rate in addition to the metered per-minute costs. 

                        It’s common for SIP pricing plans to charge a flat fee for calls to local numbers and another fee for long-distance or international calls. 

                        SIP trunks are usually sold in either a metered or unmetered (unlimited) calling plan.
                        SIP trunks are often sold in metered or unmetered (unlimited) plans.

                        Set up fees

                        Many VoIP and SIP trunk services require one-time set-up fees when you first sign up as a customer. They’ll get your system set up and connected for you. Some companies, however, may not charge setup fees. 

                        Add-on products 

                        Some SIP trunk services come with additional optional add-on products, which may include features such as caller ID and CNAM, call data records, and even business SMS connectivity.

                        Make sure you’re accounting for this when reviewing your budget; you either need to find an all-inclusive plan that has the features you need for a flat fee or find a lower-cost plan that you can still afford with all the additional products added on. 

                        Additional PBX costs

                        SIP trunking is the service used to connect your on-premises phone system with the PSTN. As a result, you must still use a PBX to operate the SIP trunk service, which means that you can incur additional PBX costs.

                        Indirect PBX costs that can impact your costs associated with SIP trunking include: 

                        SIP Trunk Provider Pricing Comparison

                        Looking for a quick breakdown of SIP trunk provider service costs side-by-side?

                        Some companies offer straightforward and transparent pricing online, while others may require you to contact sales for customized quotes. That said, here’s the SIP pricing information you need: 

                        SIP ProviderKey FeaturesMonthly Plan (Unlimited Calling Nationwide)Per Minute Costs (Metered)
                        NextivaEasy setup and works with almost all PBX solutions 
                        Straightforward pricing
                        Includes a free local phone number and a toll-free number
                        Superior reliability and customer support team
                        $24.95$14.95 monthly and $0.008 per minute
                        BroadvoiceOmnichannel cloud contact center
                        24/7 tech and customer support 
                        Features like call attendants and routing available 
                        $17 per user per month
                        Three-year contract required
                        $11 monthly (5000 minutes included) and $0.029 per minute over 5000 minutes
                        Three-year contract required
                        SIP.usFast and easy setup through an online dashboard
                        Flexible options allow you to choose your own providers, including phones and carriers
                        Microsoft Teams integrations 
                        $24.95 per channel per monthN/A
                        TwilioEasy scaling up or down
                        No contracts, channel fees, or porting fees 
                        Fraud prevention features
                        Worldwide coverage
                        Need to talk to sales for an unlimited plan.$0.0053 per minute outbound (depending on location), $0.0034 per minute inbound
                        $1.15 – $2.15 monthly for each phone number 
                        $0.75 per number for e911
                        TelnyxFeatures such as call recording, emergency calling, and custom voice routing
                        Five-minute set-up process
                        Private multi-cloud network with excellent uptime
                        Need to talk to sales for an unlimited plan.$1 per month per number
                        Inbound local calls: $0.0035 per minute
                        Outbound local calls: $0.005 per minute
                        E911: $1.50 per month per number

                        Trunking vs. Business Phone Service

                        You might be wondering about the differences between SIP trunking vs. an all-inclusive business phone system. While they both use VoIP, they differ in terms of features, functionality, and ease of use. 

                        Business phone systems are hosted and managed entirely on the provider’s side. This is one option for VoIP phone lines, allowing you to leverage the power of the internet to increase call quality and overall scalability, even with simultaneous calls. 

                        SIP trunking, on the other hand, potentially lets you use hardware that you already have in the office.

                        How VoIP and SIP trunking compare

                        These are the core differences you’ll see:

                        ​​If you’re considering hosted PBX and SIP trunking, here are the key differences and comparisons you should keep in mind:

                        SIP trunking typically requires that businesses are technical, and it can become complicated relatively quickly. It may also lack customer support that IT managers (and users!) need, though this depends on the provider. 

                        Diagram: VoIP vs. IP PBX Architecture

                        It’s worth considering that the cloud phone system by Nextiva can offer all the advanced features, call uptime, customer support, and ease of use that growing businesses need. 

                        Estimating SIP Trunk Usage

                        If you’re trying to assess how much you’ll spend with SIP trunking, you first need to consider your estimated SIP trunk usage.

                        First, you’ll need to know the direct-dial numbers, known as direct inward dialing. These phone numbers allow your company to connect a block of phone numbers to your business’s PBX and its extensions so you can set up virtual numbers. Direct Inward Dialing is easily scalable as your business grows. 

                        Diagram showing elastic SIP trunking in action to support multiple business phone numbers.
                        Diagram: SIP trunking in action for a business

                        You’ll also want to consider the cost of E911, which is part of the emergency phone system that automatically provides the location of the caller to 911 dispatchers. This has been a mandated service for VoIP providers since 2005. 

                        Finally, think about your average inbound and outbound call volume. It’s important.

                        Knowing how many lines you use concurrently will affect the cost of a SIP trunk. Here’s a quick video that explains this for the rest of us.

                        This changes month-over-month during seasonal trends, or you might expect it to increase as your business scales up. Your estimated monthly averages are a good place to start. 

                        Tips to Lower Your SIP Trunking Costs

                        If you know you want to use a SIP trunk service but want to keep your costs down, consider these tips:

                        1) Choose the right pricing model

                        Consider your volume of inbound vs. outbound calls, average call minutes, and the features you need. This can help you choose the right monthly price point and the right pricing model.

                        If you generally have lower usage, a metered plan could work. But if you’re continuing to scale your voice usage, an unmetered SIP trunk plan offers the best value.

                        2) Bundle your services

                        Many SIP trunk providers, such as Nextiva, offer other VoIP or telecom services. You can bundle services and, in many cases, receive a discount on the total package.

                        3) Negotiate your contract

                        Work directly with a sales representative to find a custom plan for you. This may not be an option with all SIP trunk providers, but it never hurts to ask to find the best monthly fee.

                        For instance, if you don’t need direct inward dial numbers for every user, you could save on those extra costs.

                        4) Manage your call volume

                        While this can be tricky, there are strategies you can use to reduce call volumes. A lot of SIP trunk services and PBX systems are priced by concurrent calls — or phone calls happening in real-time.

                        For example, having support and help desk sections on your website can answer commonly asked questions that customers may have otherwise called for. Live chat options on your site can also help mitigate a high call volume. 

                        Example of a support knowledge base coupled with live chat - Nextiva
                        Example of a support knowledge base coupled with live chat

                        Choosing a Reliable SIP Trunk Provider

                        When choosing a reliable SIP trunk provider, look for the following:

                        SIP trunking is a cinch with Nextiva. Simple. Affordable.

                        Get your business voice, messages, video meetings, and more integrated in ONE powerful cloud PBX.

                        With affordable SIP trunk pricing, you can take your business to the next level for less. Nextiva can power your entire phone system with our powerful cloud-based PBX. 

                        Imagine a business VoIP phone system that lets you grow and doesn’t let you stress about its cost or ongoing maintenance.

                        … It’s here. NextivaONE is the complete business communications solution for companies so their teams stay connected and work smarter. Hang up the old-school PBX and answer the call to the better way to work. 


                        What are the benefits of SIP trunking?

                        Businesses choose SIP trunking for several reasons. The top benefits include:

                        – Allows companies to use existing hardware and phone lines
                        – Offers cost-effective voice service and scalability compared to traditional phone systems
                        – Handling concurrent phone calls with multi-channel trunks
                        – Straightforward setup and maintenance with a qualified IT technician
                        – Attractive domestic and international calling across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom

                        How do I set up a SIP trunk?

                        Set up a SIP trunk with the following steps:

                        1. Access your PBX software settings as an administrator.
                        2. Add credentials from your SIP trunk provider, including username, password, phone numbers, and the host/domain. 
                        3. Verify with a few SIP calls in and out from a known working cell phone

                        What is the difference between SIP trunking and VoIP?

                        VoIP provides internet-based phone calling for one user at a time. VoIP most commonly operates on the SIP protocol. The SIP protocol is an open standard for calling others and providing the media (audio) reliably. 

                        With a VoIP provider, you can access many calling features, such as call forwarding, call recording, call routing, and softphone/desk phone connectivity, without any technical setup.

                        A SIP trunk, on the other hand, is meant for multiple users (of an office) to use for phone calls. SIP trunking uses a PBX installed either on-site or in the cloud to provide users with phone service. 

                        How do I lower my telecom costs?

                        There are a few ways to optimize your telecommunications costs.
                        1. Switching to SIP trunk or cloud-based VoIP solutions that cost less than traditional phone lines
                        2. Monitor your inbound and outbound call volumes
                        3. Choose a pricing plan from a provider that aligns with your budget and needs
                        4. Consider a multi-year commitment to obtain the best SIP trunk pricing

                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                        Jeremiah Zerby

                        Jeremiah Zerby is a marketing specialist at Nextiva. He spent three years on the front lines of technical support, troubleshooting internet and VoIP topics. He moved forward into the technical writing and content creation space. He’s helped set up hundreds of businesses and advised thousands of people with their cloud communications.

                        Posts from this author

                        Let’s face it, dealing with difficult customers is inevitable in a customer service role. Whether it’s an angry outburst, a rude comment, or endless indecisiveness, these situations can test your patience and professionalism.

                        But the good news is, with the right approach, you can not only de-escalate the situation but also find a solution that leaves the customer feeling heard and valued.

                        Is your CX falling short?

                        Assess and elevate your strategy with the Gartner® CX Maturity Model report.

                        In this article, we’ll discuss different types of difficult customers you may come across, explore key strategies to deal with difficult customer situations and find a resolution that leaves everyone feeling good.

                        Types of Difficult Customers

                        1. The angry or rude customer

                        Angry customers are impatient, disrespectful, and prone to outbursts. They might yell, use abusive language, or make personal attacks when things don’t go their way.

                        Example: A customer waiting in an IVR queue yells at the customer service agent about the slow service.

                        Some ways you can deal with them:

                        2. The demanding customer

                        These customers have unreasonably high expectations and make demands that exceed company policies. They might insist on special treatment or exceptions not offered to others.

                        Example: A customer demands a full refund for a slightly used item they bought a month ago, even though the store’s policy only allows returns within two weeks.

                        How to deal with them:

                        3. The indecisive customer

                        Indecisive customers struggle to make decisions or provide clear instructions. They might constantly change their mind or take a long time to choose.

                        Example: A customer browsing a clothing store keeps going back and forth between two different shirts, unsure of which one to buy.

                        Here are some ways to deal with them:

                        4. The complainer

                        These customers frequently voice complaints, even after their issues have been addressed and resolved according to company policies. They may nitpick or find new things to complain about, making it challenging to fully satisfy them.

                        Example: A customer complains about a slight imperfection in their product, and after receiving a replacement, they complain about the packaging or shipping time.

                        How to deal with customer complaints:

                        5. The price-sensitive customer

                        These customers are primarily focused on getting the lowest possible price and may try to haggle or demand discounts beyond what is reasonable.

                        Example: A customer tries to negotiate a 50% discount on a new TV that’s already on sale.

                        Dealing with such customers:

                        6. The unresponsive customer

                        Unresponsive and uncommunicative customers fail to provide necessary information or respond to requests for clarification. This can significantly delay the service or resolution process.

                        Example: A customer doesn’t reply to emails requesting information needed to process their service request.

                        How to deal with them:

                        Understanding the Why Behind Difficult Behavior

                        Difficult customers come in all shapes and sizes. While their behavior can be frustrating, it’s important to remember there’s often a reason behind it.

                        Maybe they’ve had a bad experience with your company before, or perhaps their frustration stems from a genuine issue that hasn’t been addressed.

                        Some customers may be dealing with personal challenges or circumstances you’re unaware of, which could contribute to their behavior. Extending a little compassion and understanding can go a long way in turning a difficult situation into a positive one.

                        Approach difficult customers with empathy, actively listen to their concerns, and work together to find a resolution. You’ll not only resolve the immediate issue but also foster stronger, more positive customer relationships.

                        Empathetic customer service

                        How To Deal With Difficult Customer Situations

                        1. Embrace active listening

                        Sometimes, the best course of action is to simply let the customer vent. Listen attentively without interrupting, and focus on understanding the root cause of their frustration.

                        This doesn’t mean accepting abuse — it means staying calm and collected while they express their concerns. Once they’ve finished venting, paraphrase their issue to confirm your understanding.

                        Active listening is a powerful tool. It shows the customer you’re taking them seriously and helps build rapport.

                        Here’s a simple technique: After they finish speaking, try saying, “What I hear you say is…” followed by a summary of their problem. Once they confirm that’s accurate, you can move forward.

                        2. Maintain your calm

                        It’s easy to get flustered when faced with a customer’s anger. But remember, their frustration is likely directed at the situation, not you. Don’t take it personally.

                        Respond with confidence and calmness. Avoid phrases like “I’m sorry for the inconvenience” — these don’t address the core issue. Project a calm body language and maintain eye contact in a customer-facing situation.

                        Staying calm has several benefits. It helps you focus on finding a solution instead of getting caught up in the emotions. It also makes it easier to find common ground and build trust with the customer. Plus, a calm demeanor prevents the customer from getting even more upset.

                        Developing strong conflict resolution abilities is crucial for customer service professionals to navigate difficult situations and find mutually agreeable solutions effectively.

                        The customer support team should be well-versed in various conflict resolution techniques to defuse tensions and ensure a positive outcome when dealing with challenging customer interactions. And calmness sits at the top.

                        3. Empower with options

                        Once you understand the problem, it’s time to explore solutions. Don’t just present a single option — offer the customer a few choices for resolving their issue. This empowers them and gives them a sense of control, reducing their frustration.

                        For example, if a customer is unhappy with a product malfunction, you could offer a replacement, a refund, or a store credit. Let them choose the solution that best suits their needs.

                        What do customers actually want from customer service? (Chart from GetApp)
                        What do customers actually want from customer service? (Chart from GetApp)

                        Remember, there’s almost always something you can do, even if it’s just taking detailed notes and sharing them with your product team or management. Often, frustrated customers simply want to feel heard and know their concerns are being addressed.

                        4. Be genuine and show empathy

                        When faced with an irate customer, the first step is to carefully understand the customer’s problem from their point of view, which requires active listening and empathy — two key customer service skills.

                        Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and try to understand how they feel. Empathy is a powerful tool for building customer loyalty. Loyal customers are responsible for a whopping 65% of a company’s revenue.

                        Be sincere in your interactions, even when explaining limitations. Honesty is always appreciated. Let them know their concerns are heard and explain how their feedback can help prevent similar issues in the future.

                        5. Use humor carefully

                        Humor can be a powerful tool for diffusing tense situations with customers, but it needs to be used carefully. Only attempt humor if you’re comfortable with it and the situation seems appropriate. Don’t try to be funny if the customer is extremely angry or upset — it may backfire.

                        The key is to keep any humor light and positive. Avoid sarcasm or jokes that could come across as offensive. Be sure to read the customer’s reaction. If they don’t seem receptive, drop the humor immediately.

                        When used correctly, a bit of levity can help put the customer at ease and make the interaction feel more positive overall. But use discretion — not every situation calls for jokes.

                        6. Maintain a consistent channel & automate

                        Imagine being halfway through explaining your problem on the phone, only to be told to switch to email or chat. Frustrating, right? Avoid switching communication channels (phone, email, chat) throughout the interaction. This creates friction and makes the customer repeat.

                        Invest in a unified communications solution if possible. This allows your team to seamlessly support customers across different channels. They can see all past interactions and customer information in one place, while the customer gets to choose their preferred communication method.

                        Nextiva unified CX platform

                        Automate some of your workflows (where possible). Use self-service options to help customers find information on their own and chatbots to answer regular customer queries.

                        You can also invest in a conversational IVR to connect your customers easily to your contact center team without waiting in long queues.

                        Automation saves your time and deals with everyday customer situations. When customers can easily connect with you or discover answers to their problems, they’re less likely to get frustrated or churn.

                        7. Use de-escalation techniques

                        The situation might call for additional techniques to calm a particularly upset customer:

                        8. Teamwork makes the dream work

                        If the situation gets complex or requires specialized knowledge, don’t hesitate to involve your support team or product experts. The key is to find a solution quickly and efficiently.

                        Involve the customer in the process as much as possible, keeping them informed. Use chat tools to connect with team members or product experts while relaying information. If you need to share knowledge base articles, explain their relevance and why they’re helpful.

                        Remember, some customers might be new to your product. Explain information in multiple ways, including visuals like videos or annotated images, to increase understanding and customer satisfaction.

                        9. Don’t forget self-care

                        Dealing with difficult customers day in and day out can be mentally draining. That’s why it’s crucial to practice self-care techniques that help you de-stress and recharge.

                        Schedule short breaks throughout your shift to step away from the phone. Practice positive self-talk to counter any negativity from challenging situations. Develop healthy relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to manage stress.

                        And don’t be afraid to lean on your support system. Talk to colleagues or friends about particularly difficult customer encounters or bad days. Sometimes just venting can help relieve tension.

                        Example of a Customer Service Script To Use With Difficult Customers

                        Here’s an example of a difficult customer interaction and how to handle it.

                        Type of difficult customer: The demanding customer

                        Scenario: A customer calls in demanding a full refund for a product they bought a month ago, claiming it arrived damaged. However, the company’s policy only allows returns within two weeks for unopened items.

                        Customer: “I received this product a month ago and it’s completely damaged! I want a full refund now!”

                        Customer service representative (CSR): “I understand how frustrating that must be. Can I get your order number and some details about the damage?” (Calm and professional tone)

                        Customer: “My order number is #12345. This thing is in pieces! You should have better packaging.” (Angry tone)

                        CSR: “I apologize for the inconvenience. Our policy allows for returns of unopened items within two weeks of purchase. However, I can see if there are other options available. Would you be interested in a replacement or store credit?” (Acknowledge their frustration and offer solutions within policy)

                        Check out some more script templates here.👇

                        Know When To Involve a Manager

                        There are times when it’s in everyone’s best interest to involve your manager or business owner. Here are some key situations:

                        The Power of Delightful Service

                        Great customer service requires equally great efforts and investment in your customer success.

                        Difficult customers can be an opportunity to shine. With excellent customer service and going the extra mile, you can turn a negative customer experience into a positive one. Remember, most customers simply want to get things done — they have goals and lives outside of interacting with you.

                        Focus on being genuinely helpful in every customer interaction. Your mission is to make their day a little bit better, even if it’s just replying to a follow-up email with a clear solution. Following these steps can deliver exceptional service and leave a lasting positive impression, even on your most challenging days.

                        There’s no magic formula for dealing with difficult people, but treating them respectfully and understanding their needs.

                        Learn from a real-world example. See how Rack Attack is driving customer service excellence with Nextiva.

                        ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                        Joe Manna

                        Joe Manna was a senior content marketing manager at Nextiva. He blends his marketing acumen and deep technical background to improve people's lives with technology. His expertise helps companies large and small serve more customers. He enjoys a rich iced latte and a non-fiction business book when he's not pressing words.

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