Are your customer service emails doing more harm than good?

Emails leave a lot of room for interpretation. This is why good email communication is now a sought-after customer service skill.

Email is one of the top communication channels for discussing product pricing, reporting issues, and getting product help.

It stands to reason that to grow customer loyalty, you need to make your emails crisp, personable, and genuinely helpful. And in 2024, customer retention is critical.

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This guide packages actionable advice, strategies, and email templates to elevate your customer experience.

What Are Customer Service Emails?

Customer service emails are email responses from your company that address customer questions, complaints, or feedback.

While primarily managed by customer support teams, these email messages can be handled by other teams, such as marketing, sales, or even product and engineering, based on the information or solution requested.

Types of customer service emails

Customers can get in touch with your company in many ways. These include contact forms, phone numbers, chatbots, the help desk, and email addresses mentioned on the company website or social media messages.

We’ve rounded up 10 customer service email templates so you don’t have to write each message cold. These will enable you to assist more customers at scale.

10 Customer Service Email Examples

Now that we’ve seen what goes into making a good customer support email, let’s dive into a few customer service email templates.

  1. Welcome and onboarding
  2. Follow-ups
  3. Order confirmations and updates
  4. Complaint resolutions
  5. Troubleshooting and technical support
  6. Feedback and surveys
  7. Negative feedback responses
  8. Cancellation acknowledgments
  9. Educational outreach
  10. Special occasions

1) Welcome and onboarding

The first official communication between you and your new customers often comes in the form of a welcome email. These emails are important to ensure the customer is onboarded correctly.

These introductory emails are typically automated, but that doesn’t mean they need to sound like they came from a robot. The more personal, the better. One way to personalize a welcome email is to send it from a specific person, such as the CEO.

Here’s a sample email template:


2) Follow-ups

Remarkable customer service isn’t just about that first email. Proactively following up is perhaps more important. Unless the customer has explicitly stated that you should never contact them again, follow up until the issue is resolved.

Follow-up emails can be key to customer satisfaction. They let customers know you haven’t put their problems on the back burner but are actively working on a solution.

Here’s a good example:


Subject: Assistance with credit card update

Hi [Customer First Name],

I want to check in and make sure you were able to update your credit card information. If you need more guidance, please let me know. I’m happy to help.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything else we can do for you in the future.


[Your First Name]

3) Order confirmations and updates

Most customers appreciate regular updates about the progress of their orders, from the point of purchase to delivery.

However, striking the right balance is crucial — too many emails can be annoying. Based on the nature of your company, identify key milestones in the process that warrant an email update. Remember to keep the tone of the email upbeat and the contents concise.

Check out this template for reference:


Subject: Action required: Update your credit card for order processing

Hi [Customer First Name],

Thank you for shopping with us!

Your order is temporarily on hold until you enter your new credit card information. Once you’ve updated your card, your order should be processed right away.

You can always check the status of your orders by clicking My Account and selecting My Orders from the left menu.

Thanks again for reaching out. Let me know if you have any further questions!


[Your Name]

4) Complaint resolutions

Addressing customer complaints through email requires finesse, empathy, and creativity. Customer service agents must be able to think on their feet to offer compensation and incentives to pacify unhappy customers.

The aim is to transform dissatisfaction into opportunity and show the customer that you care. Gestures of goodwill are a great way to ensure customers leave the conversation happy and satisfied.

This template can help:


Subject: Apologies: Refund and gift card for your damaged item

Dear [Customer First Name],

I’m very sorry your package arrived damaged. That’s not in keeping with our shipping practices. We want everyone to have a positive experience, and it’s clear that didn’t happen.

It sounds like your trip is over, and you no longer need the items. I’m sure that was both frustrating and disappointing.

I’d like to offer you a refund for the damaged items and a gift card for future use. I hope we get the opportunity to serve you again.


[Your First Name]

5) Troubleshooting and technical support

It’s not uncommon for support reps to need more information to troubleshoot technical issues. However, it’s important to request that information in a way that the customer understands. Your email shouldn’t appear to blame the customer for not providing the necessary information in the first place.

When a customer asks you a question, they’re already unsure about your product or service. Don’t confuse them further. Give clear answers without industry jargon unless they’ve already used it themselves.

Use this template to craft a quick and effective email:


Subject: Easy steps to update your credit card information

Hi [Customer First Name],

Thanks for contacting us about changing the credit card on your account. I can help you do that.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the My Account icon in the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. Your account page will appear. Select Payment Options from the menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Click the Add Card Info button.
  4. Fill out the form with your card information.
  5. Click Save.

You can read more about managing payment options in our help center here [insert link].

If you have any further issues, don’t hesitate to ask!


[Your First Name]

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6) Feedback and surveys

From time to time, you may have to ask your customers for help. Prime examples of this are when you’re looking for customer feedback or seeking information to help you serve them better.

Customer insights can be critical to your company’s future. So, it makes sense to do your best to get those insights. A well-written email can help.

Of course, not everyone will take the time to fill out a survey or provide feedback. You’ll be more successful if you can remind your customers of the value they’ve experienced and show them why it’s in their best interest to respond to you. Learn how to create a Scalable Customer Feedback Loop.

Here’s how to write the email:


Subject: Share your tax filing experience with us!

Hi [Customer First Name],

I hope the tax season went well for you. I see you filed your federal return using our software. I want to hear what you thought about the tools. I’d love to have you fill out a quick survey to help us make next year’s returns easier for you.

I know you’re busy, so thank you for letting us know how we’re doing. Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything I can do to help.


[Your First Name]

7) Negative feedback responses

Emotions can escalate rapidly when a customer is unhappy. However, this situation presents an opportunity to showcase the exceptional quality of your customer service.

Negative feedback, though challenging, is good for your company. It serves as a catalyst for improvement, helping your business to evolve and outshine the competition.

Here’s a template you can tweak:


Subject: Our apology: A special coupon code and improvements coming your way

Hi [Customer First Name],

We’re sorry to hear you had a bad experience with our product. I apologize for this and want to make it right.

I have shared your feedback with our product managers so we can improve the product.

As a gesture of our apology, please accept this coupon code [exclusive code] that waives any charges for the upcoming three months. You can redeem it in the Gift Cards section under My Account.

Please use this period to reassess whether the product improvements meet your expectations.

If there’s anything else I can do, please let me know. Again, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.


[Your First Name]

8) Cancellation acknowledgments

When a customer decides to leave due to negative experiences, use customer service emails to dig deeper. Prove to the customer that your company doesn’t want to lose the customer’s business and is eager to correct whatever went wrong.

If that doesn’t work and the customer insists on leaving, ask them for feedback and use it to improve the product or service. You may be able to win them back in the future.

Here’s how to write this email:


Subject: Account cancellation processed – Seeking your feedback for improvement

Hi [Customer First Name],

Thanks for getting in touch regarding your contract. We’re sorry you didn’t have a good experience.

I’ve gone ahead and canceled your account and initiated a refund. The amount should hit your bank account within [number of days] days.

If you don’t mind, can you tell us what went wrong? We can use the insights to improve our product. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Once again, apologies for the inconvenience this negative experience has caused.


[Your First Name]

9) Educational outreach

As your company and product continue to evolve, keeping your customers informed about new services, features, and enhancements becomes important.

You can use customer service emails to inform them of new developments while also triggering conversations and opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling.

If a certain feature or enhancement was something the customer previously asked for, make sure to reference this in the email.


Subject: Try [service/feature name] with a free trial today

Hi [Customer First Name],

We’re very pleased to announce the launch of [service name/feature name]. I remember you requested it last year, so I thought I’d write to see if you’d be interested in a free trial. You can get started using [this link].

I look forward to your feedback on [service name/feature name]. Let me know if you need any help!


[Your First Name]

10) Special occasions

The best way to make your customers truly feel valued is to remember the details. You can automate customer service emails to hit their inboxes on birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions.

These thoughtful gestures crank up the support experience, making your customer service extra memorable. It can work wonders for customer retention, word-of-mouth promotions, and referrals.

Here’s one to share on your customer’s birthday.


Subject: Your special day!

Hi [Customer First Name],

[Company name] wishes you a happy birthday.

We’d love to treat you on your special day! Here’s an exclusive discount coupon that gives you [number]% off any product on our website.

We can’t wait to see what you gift yourself with this coupon! Don’t forget, the offer expires on [date].

Happy birthday again!


[Your First Name]

Best Practices for Effective Customer Service Emails

Customer service conversations are often difficult when you’re dealing with customer complaints. Yet, it’s surprisingly easy to write friendly, nuanced, and effective customer service emails if you keep a few key things in mind.

Show empathy

Facing issues when using a product or service is frustrating for customers. When you acknowledge this, it will be easy to write the perfect response to soothe unhappy customers.

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Understand the problem and how it impacts them. This helps to validate their feelings of dissatisfaction or anger, establish an emotional connection, and build trust. They’re more likely to trust that you are indeed trying everything in your power to resolve their issues and help them out.

Empathizing with frustrated customers showcases good customer service, putting the customers at ease.


Personalize your emails

The last thing an angry customer needs is a generic email that reads like no one took the time to address their issue. It makes customers feel unimportant and unvalued — exactly the opposite of what customer service emails should do!

So, steer clear of generic greetings such as “Dear Customer.” If, for any reason, you don’t have access to the customer’s name, go for a friendly greeting such as “Hey there,” “Good day,” or “Hello from [your company’s name].”

Add a personal touch by using their name and reiterating their issue to show you know and understand their problem. Personalized emails resonate with customers and make them feel important and valued, assuring them that your company cares about their problems.

Use a conversational tone

It’s easy to misinterpret the tone of emails. What seems professional and helpful to you may come across as curt to the customer. Moreover, technical language, big words, or complicated sentences may confuse and anger the customer more.

When crafting customer service emails, keep your language simple and concise. Share complex information in easy-to-understand steps. Avoid using jargon and niche technical terms unless you’re absolutely sure that the customer knows what you are talking about.

Always remember this: If a sentence doesn’t sound natural when you read it out loud, avoid using it in the email.

Use clear subject lines

Given the sheer volume of emails sent every single day, those with unrelated or misleading subject lines can easily get missed in inboxes.

To ensure your customers never lose track of your customer service emails, write clear, informative subject lines. Ensure that the subject line accurately reflects the email’s contents.

Keep it short and use keywords to help customers find the email at a glance.

Get to the point quickly

Once the customer has opened your email, they expect to find the solution right at the top.

As tempting as it is to provide a thorough background or context and then present the resolution, cut to the chase. Don’t bury the lead. You may briefly state the purpose of the email in the first paragraph, but don’t overdo it.

In most cases, the trailing paragraphs have more than enough context regarding your conversation, and the customer can refer to those if necessary.

Apologize when necessary

Nothing soothes an irate customer like a genuine, heartfelt apology.

If there’s an error, acknowledge it, and offer a sincere apology. Not only does it show humility, but it also reassures customers that you value their experience and are committed to making things right.

Make sure that you apologize for what happened, not for the customer’s response to it. Think about the difference between “I’m sorry that happened” and “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Show them this is more than just a routine business transaction.

The apology will prime the customer to accept the next steps or solution more positively.


Offer solutions

There’s no substitute for fully solving a customer’s issue to their satisfaction. Without an actionable solution, your apology counts for little.

Be proactive in your email. Show the customer that you have identified their problem and have a solution. Ensure that the solution is presented in a step-by-step, easy-to-understand manner that leaves no room for confusion.

If a solution isn’t handy in a timely fashion, suggest alternative options, resources, or anything else that can help resolve the customer’s issue. If you need more time, communicate this to the customer and keep your word.

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Use automation

To get through more customer service requests via email, you can automate the process. However, your automated emails must sound human and be as personalized as possible.

You can save significant time and repetitive effort using canned replies for common issues. To prevent delays or oversights for time-sensitive alerts, try setting up email auto-responders.

You can also categorize emails for priority-based responses and use templates and shortcuts to streamline your email composition process.

These automated tools can help you save time, reduce response time, ensure consistency in communication, and drive up efficiency when handling customer service requests.

Call to action

A clear, concise call to action (CTA) is the hallmark of an excellent customer service email. It tells the customer exactly what to do next.

Craft your CTA to fit the situation. For instance, you can ask the customer if they have any further questions or if they’d like to continue the conversation.

If troubleshooting the issue is possible, the CTA can direct the customer to click on a link to your company’s knowledge base or get them to jump on a call with your customer service team.

A good CTA will nudge the customer to take the next step with as little friction as possible, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Proofread and edit

Typos and errors massively undermine the credibility of your customer service solutions. They make you and the company you represent appear unprofessional.

Before you hit send on your customer service email, make sure everything is on point — spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.

Your message should be accurate and clear, properly formatted, and easy to read. To cut down on chunky text, use bullet points.

Triple-check everything because there’s no room for error when you want to turn a customer’s negative experience into a positive one.

End with gratitude

The adage “Customer is King” survives for a reason. The least customers expect in return is heartfelt gratitude for their business with your company.

Close your customer service emails on a courteous note; express gratitude for their patience and understanding. This is an excellent customer service psychology tip!

Thanking the customer is a minimum requirement. But you can also create a personal connection, offer assistance, and even provide a few key resources to help the customer succeed.

Ending with gratitude shows appreciation for the customer’s time, ensuring a positive customer service experience. It’s also a good opportunity to strengthen customer relationships.

Takeaways for Better Email Communication in Customer Service

When writing customer service emails, always remember to:

Consider a Unified Customer Communication Platform

It’s one thing to have customer service email templates, and it’s another thing to use them effectively. One of the best ways to support your customer service representatives is to equip them with the right tools.

To avoid missteps, try centralizing your business communications with Nextiva’s highly customizable, all-in-one customer help desk. It has everything your team needs to provide amazing customer service across channels.

Regardless of the CX tools and tactics in your arsenal, the best customer service emails are timely and human — the ones that make your customers feel heard, appreciated, and truly understood.

Related: 18 Best Customer Experience Tools to Boost Satisfaction & Engagement

Scale up with unified customer service

With prebuilt templates, keyboard shortcuts, analytics, and automated rules, Nextiva has it all.

Customer Service Emails FAQs

How do you write a customer service email?

Writing a customer service email involves several key steps:

Start with a polite greeting: Address the customer by name if possible.
Acknowledge the issue or query: Show that you understand their concern or question about your product/service.
Provide a clear response: Answer their question or explain the solution to their problem. Be concise and to the point.
Offer further assistance: Let them know you or an account manager are there to help with any additional questions or concerns.
Close politely: End with a courteous sign-off, like “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name and position.

What is the customer care email?

The customer care email is a dedicated email address used by a company to receive and respond to customer inquiries regarding your product/service. It is usually something like [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]. The specific email address varies depending on the company.

Emails to these addresses can create new support tickets or requests for your team with automation. From here, you can prioritize requests between new clients and loyal customers so you can exceed customer expectations.

What is an example of a customer service email response?

Here’s a hypothetical example (be sure to scroll up and read the whole blog post for more examples!):

Subject: Response to Your Inquiry Regarding Order #12345
Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for reaching out to us about your recent order #12345. I understand that you have not received your package yet and are concerned about the delivery status.

I’ve checked our system and can confirm that your order was shipped on [Date]. Due to unexpected delays in the shipping process, it appears the delivery will be slightly delayed. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

As per the latest update, you should receive your package by [New Estimated Delivery Date]. If you do not receive it in the next four business days, or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We value your business and are here to help.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
Customer Service Representative
[Company Name]

How can I write a customer service email that leaves a positive impression?

To make sure your customer service email leaves a good impression, keep these points in mind:

Empathize: Show understanding and empathy for the customer’s issue.
Be Positive: Use positive language and tone.
Personalize: Address the customer by name and tailor the response to their specific issue.
Provide Clear Solutions: Offer clear, concise solutions or steps to resolve the issue.
Be Professional and Polite: Maintain a professional tone throughout.
Offer Additional Help: Let the customer know you are available for further assistance.
Timely Response: Respond promptly to show that you value their time and business.

What are the key elements of a well-crafted customer service email?

In general, a good customer support email will include these elements:

Subject Line: Clear and relevant to the customer’s query or issue.
Personalized Greeting: Address the customer by name.
Acknowledgment: Recognize the customer’s issue or question.
Resolution or Information: Provide a solution or the information requested.
Clarity and Brevity: Be clear and concise.
Professional Tone: Maintain a friendly yet professional tone.
Closing Statement: Conclude with an offer for further assistance and a polite sign-off.
Contact Information: Include your contact details or that of your support team.

How can I handle difficult customer inquiries through email effectively?

Responding to difficult customer inquiries via email can be easier when you keep these points in mind:

Stay Calm and Professional: Keep a level head and a professional tone.
Empathize: Acknowledge their frustration or dissatisfaction.
Understand the Issue: Ensure you fully understand the problem before responding.
Offer Solutions: Provide clear and practical solutions.
Take Responsibility: If the mistake is on the company’s end, acknowledge it and apologize.
Follow-Up: If the issue is complex, let the customer know you are working on it and will update them regularly.

How can I improve response rates in customer service email communication?

To get better response rates with your customer service emails, keep these points in mind:

Prompt Replies: Respond quickly to customer emails.
Personalization: Customize emails to address the customer’s specific needs.
Clear Subject Lines: Use informative and engaging subject lines.
Call to Action: Include a clear call to action if a response is needed.
Follow-Up: If you haven’t heard back, a polite follow-up email can be effective.
Make it Easy to Respond: Keep the email simple and easy for customers to reply to.


Ken McMahon

Ken McMahon leads Customer Success for Nextiva. His 25 years of experience leading various aspects of the customer experience including professional services, customer success, customer care, national operations, and sales. Before Nextiva, he held senior leadership roles with TPx, Vonage, and CenturyLink. He lives in Phoenix with his wife and two children.

Posts from this author

What Are the Pros & Cons of Cloud-Based Phone Systems?

January 25, 2024 9 min read

Chris Reaburn

Chris Reaburn

All businesses need an effective and reliable communication system. For most companies today, this means a cloud-based phone system that works via the internet. 

The flexibility and scalability of cloud-based phone systems make them an attractive choice for businesses of all sizes, from small businesses on the go to enterprises that run call centers. 

But is it the best choice for your business? 

In this post, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of cloud-based phones to help you make an informed decision.

But if you’re pressed for time, here’s all the information you need at a glance:

More cost-effectivePrices can add up
Better reliability and performanceRouters and switches required
Faster implementation and setupStable, high-speed internet required
Less maintenanceOccasional latency issues
Better featuresLimited location info for emergency calls
Better customer experienceOverwhelming for legacy users
Ideal for remote and hybrid work
Unified communications

What Is a Cloud-Based Phone System?

A cloud-based phone system uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to connect phone calls. 

Unlike legacy technology, such as landline phones, VoIP phones don’t need any special hardware or infrastructure. There’s no reliance on copper wire networks to make or receive calls like traditional landlines. All you need is a high-speed internet connection to make VoIP calls. 

This makes it easy for businesses to start using cloud-based phone systems and enjoy advantages like lowered monthly running costs, better mobility for remote work, and hardly any maintenance. 

Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of using a cloud-based phone system in the next section. 

Advantages of a Cloud-Based Phone System

Cloud technology is increasingly the norm, which affords many benefits for businesses. From flexibility to remote work perks, these systems are changing the game in how employees connect, collaborate, and communicate. 

Let’s look at the upsides that make cloud-based phone systems a smart choice for growing businesses.

Lower costs

Cloud-based phone systems are more cost-effective compared to traditional telephone systems.

On average, a landline phone system costs businesses $50 per line each month for local or domestic calls. In contrast, VoIP plans start at less than $20 per line per month with international calling, video conferencing, and many other features.

Cloud phone systems are an effective way to trim communication costs. All you need is a stable internet connection and software that enables VoIP capabilities. 

This means you can cut down traditional phone-related expenses that you would have otherwise incurred, such as:

  • Setup cost and upfront investment for on-premises Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
  • Recurring maintenance costs
  • Add-ons for features like auto attendants, voicemail transcription, call queueing, etc.

With VoIP, you get free local numbers, toll-free numbers, and inexpensive international calls. A traditional landline can never give you the same bang for your buck.

Better reliability and performance

A cloud-based phone system is a great safety net for your business continuity plan — especially when something unexpected, like a natural disaster or a cyber attack, disrupts regular operations. 

Your business could face downtime and risks with a traditional phone system based in one location. In contrast, a cloud-based phone system operates from remote data centers with built-in backup and redundancy plans. If one data center has an issue, others take over seamlessly. 

This helps your business keep running smoothly, and your customers won’t be affected. Their information remains secure and readily available to your team, so you won’t lose connectivity. 

Cloud phone systems can thus offer reliable backup and consistent performance, helping your business stay up and running even during unforeseen challenges.

It is also a more dependable choice for everyday business operations. It is less prone to disruptions because there are fewer critical points that, on failure, would impact the service. This reliability makes it a solid bet for uninterrupted business-as-usual activities.

Faster implementation and setup

Your phone system shouldn’t get in the way of growing your business.

With a traditional phone system, adding scale can be time-consuming and expensive. You’d need to add new phone lines and ports to give each new employee their phone number, which can take weeks. That’s a lot of productivity lost.

With a cloud-based phone system, you can expand your business anytime. It scales to accommodate your team’s growing needs while keeping all your business communications running seamlessly.

Pro Tip: If you want to increase employee collaboration and productivity significantly, try swapping your traditional phone systems with a virtual phone service!

Less maintenance

Maintenance is an unnecessary overhead that can negatively impact employee experience. And the effort and investment required for maintenance can quickly add up. 

Legacy phone systems need at least one or more individuals dedicated to looking after the system’s upkeep. Most companies either end up overburdening their already swamped IT teams or spend more money to hire outside contractors. 

Besides, companies fail to account for the time and effort spent troubleshooting malfunctions and conducting repairs. Not only does this impact employee productivity and morale, it also slows down business growth. 

Instead, when using a cloud PBX system, your VoIP provider expertly handles all these hassles. They manage the phone system entirely off-site on the cloud and ensure uninterrupted service on priority. 

Additionally, they provide stringent service-level agreements (SLAs) and round-the-clock customer service to expedite issue resolution. And all this without disrupting your team’s tasks or the quality of business communication your customers expect.

Access to robust call features

Cloud-based phone systems offer state-of-the-art VoIP features that enhance business communication. Some popular features business owners deem valuable include:

FeatureCloud-based phone systemsTraditional phone systems
Advanced call forwardingx
Automatic call recordingx
Voicemail to email or textx
Call queues with on-hold musicx
Custom caller IDx
One-click conference callsx
Multi-level auto attendantsx
Call analytics and logsx

Clearly, cloud-based phone systems have advanced features that can level up your business communications. Besides, access to features helps your team communicate with customers better, constantly improving customer service quality. 

Especially if you run a call center, cloud-based phone systems help you operate it with confidence. You can also integrate your phone system with third-party tools like CRM or accounting software, building a centralized repository for your team.

The best part? A great service provider will let you add new features without hardware updates, complicated requests, or confusing jargon. You can tailor your cloud phone system as and when you need it, to suit your evolving business needs.

Improved customer experience

Customers today have moved on from being price-sensitive. In fact, they don’t mind paying a premium for excellent customer experience. Moreover, they are more likely to purchase products and services from these companies in the future. 

Recent customer service statistics confirm this:

  • 42% of consumers would pay more for a friendly, welcoming customer service experience.
  • 91% of customers are more likely to make another purchase after a great customer service experience.
  • 68% of customers said a positive customer experience significantly improved their brand loyalty.

Cloud-based telephone systems offer businesses enhanced flexibility, scalability, and accessibility to ensure a positive customer experience. 

Customers never have to wait due to the efficient management of call volumes, which redirects calls to the next available support team member. Customer information readily available to service agents results in a more personalized interaction, impressing customers. 

Besides, cloud-based phone providers also let service agents work from anywhere, providing uninterrupted support quickly and efficiently. After all, knowledgeable and happy customer service agents often mean happy customers!

Speed, quality, and perceptions of customer service modernity can be at risk when large businesses continue to use traditional landlines. 

Easily supports remote and hybrid work

The hybrid work model – a few days at the office and a few days of work from home – is now the new normal.

For businesses still using traditional phone systems, this is a two-fold issue. First, they have to maintain the existing infrastructure at the office. Second, they have to spend time and resources to empower their remote workforce

This includes providing employees with the right tools and all the customer information they need to do their jobs efficiently. 

Cloud-based phones are perfect for this use case. Remote work features are available out of the box without a complicated setup. Your team can use VoIP desk phones at the office and a business phone app when working from home. It is the best of both worlds!

No matter their work location, everyone on your team can:

  • Keep the same phone number and remain accessible to customers and coworkers
  • Make and receive phone calls with a VoIP softphone app
  • Use advanced features like call forwarding, virtual voicemail, and call recording
  • Communicate clearly with substantially better call quality thanks to HD Voice

Unified communications

Cloud-based phone systems make it easy to centralize all your business communications on a single platform, without changing existing infrastructure or telecommuting technology.

This solution, called Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), encompasses phone calls, video conferencing, instant messaging, conference calls, and file sharing.

UCaaS improves productivity and collaboration between on-site employees and remote teams. Everyone has access to the relevant communication tools they need for their day-to-day.

Cloud phone services accelerate employee onboarding and simplify virtual meetings. It removes the barriers and silos associated with older communication systems like traditional phones, which often lack any of these advanced features.

Cloud-Based Phone System Drawbacks

While cloud-based phone systems have several cons, no technology is flawless. There are inherent challenges that might be of particular interest to your business, making cloud-based phone systems less attractive as an option. 

Here are the potential downsides that come with running your business phone system entirely over the internet.

Prices can add up

Cloud-based phone systems today often charge on a per-user monthly basis. Over time, these costs can add up. 

You may be charged for add-on features you don’t even intend to use or incur metered prices for other features you heavily use. For small businesses, subscription prices might be steep compared to simply using existing traditional phone lines. 

However, most cloud-based phone systems today come with built-in collaboration tools. This eliminates the need for costly collaboration tools such as Zoom, Slack, or separate conference bridges

Besides, you also save on time and money spent on IT support, repairing system issues, and ensuring security and compliance, to name a few. 

All these benefits can offset the monthly cost of cloud-based phone systems, making them more cost-effective than seemingly cheap traditional phones. 

If you’re still unsure about how much Nextiva’s cloud-based phone system will cost your company, you can request a no-obligation price quote.

You need fast networking equipment

Cloud-based phone systems need high-speed broadband internet connections. 

Cloud-based phone systems use Wi-Fi to function, but Wi-Fi doesn’t work well through walls. If your office hasn’t conducted a wireless site audit, you might have some dead spots.

But there are easy fixes and affordable solutions for this problem. You might need to set up Quality of Service (QoS) for your network to prevent jitter

For larger offices, consider adding a mesh Wi-Fi network for maximum speed and coverage.

How VoIP Works

Doesn’t work without a stable internet connection

One thing can make or break all the benefits of moving your phone system to the cloud  — your internet connection!

If your internet connection fails, your cloud-based phone system could cease to work. And yet, a reliable internet connection is the only system requirement for cloud-based phone systems. 

But today, stable internet is everywhere! Almost every cafe gives you strong enough Wi-Fi for video calls and streaming. 

Over the past decade, internet speeds have increased, and so has its reliability. It is common to see 100+ Mbps speeds at home or work. This bandwidth could support more than 1,000 VoIP calls at once!

If you’re not sure how reliable your internet connection is, you can take our free VoIP capacity test to see if your network is ready for VoIP.

And if your ISP goes down, you and your team can answer calls automatically on your cell phones or get forwarded to a voicemail box for follow-up. There’s basically never a “busy signal” with cloud-based VoIP. 

If you don’t have another internet connection, call our support team, and we can handle these urgent requests.

Location info is limited for emergency calls

This won’t be an issue for most people, but internet-based phone calls to 911 don’t necessarily have accurate location data attached.

When internet-based calls are directed to an emergency call center (known as a PSAP), operators may not know your location or phone number. By default, calls arrive at the nearest PSAP based on the account holder’s address.

To overcome this, update your cloud phone system’s fixed address assigned to each business phone line. This setting is known as Enhanced 911 and you should become familiar with. When employees work from home or away from the office, you should update it promptly.

We recommend using smartphones for internet-based calls as GPS data and cellular triangulation pass location data instantly to nearby PSAPs.

Limited compatibility with analog devices

If you love traditional phone equipment like fax machines, you won’t really get excited about cloud phone systems. This equipment was in its prime in the 90s, but its time is limited today. 

It gets tricky if you need PSTN connectivity between your security systems or gates, so you might need to use an analog telephone adapter or an “ATA” for short. Conversely, cellular connectivity for these services is also widely available and has solid reliability. 

Tips For Moving Your Phone Service To The Cloud

We’ve seen our fair share of successes when companies upgrade to the cloud. It can be a bit intimidating, but with a little planning, you will be very successful.

Moving your office phone system to the cloud will bring benefits that a traditional landline can never match. The pros outweigh the cons.

Here are a few action items to make your migration to the cloud go smoothly.

  • Plan ahead – Forecast your company’s growth, network requirements, ISP bandwidth, and team workflow. 
  • Leverage powerful VoIP features – To make the most out of your cloud-based phone system, thoroughly evaluate your team’s use cases and the built-in features they will require the most.
  • Follow recommendations from your VoIP provider – When moving to a cloud-based phone system, ask plenty of questions. A reputable service provider will take the time to answer your questions and help you migrate smoothly.

When choosing your business communication system, there is a lot at stake. Cloud-based phone systems provide the right flexibility, scalability, and capabilities you need for a growing business. 

But choose the right partner in your journey to cloud-based phone systems. This will ensure a smooth transition to the cloud, optimized performance, and a more reliable experience for your customers and employees.


Chris Reaburn

Chris Reaburn is the Chief of Strategic Execution at Nextiva. Known as "Reaburn" by friends/family, he is responsible for championing Nextiva's brand and products into the market in support of the company's vision to change the way businesses around the world work and serve their customers. With his previous leadership roles in the communications industry…

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Business communications have come a long way since landlines. While plain old telephone service (POTS) ruled supreme throughout most of the 20th century, the rise of internet-powered phone services is disrupting this space.

VoIP phone systems are becoming increasingly popular among both small businesses and large enterprises. However, traditional copper wire landlines still have their place in today’s communication landscape.

This article explores the key differences between traditional landline phones versus modern VoIP solutions to help readers decide which solution makes the most sense for their phone communication requirements.

We compare the technology behind each system, break down pricing differences, analyze redundancy and emergency services, and more to provide a detailed yet easy-to-grasp comparison to help you choose one that best fits your business needs.

How Landlines Work

Landline phone systems are a type of analog phone system installed by the local phone company. It’s also known as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).

Analog phones function in the same way they did more than a century ago. Sound is transmitted using electrical pulses on a wire. These wires connect to the phone service provider.

A company would configure an on-premises Private Branch Exchange (PBX) with one or more telephone lines. A PBX creates an internal phone network, placing employees onto a shared telephone system.

Dubbed “copper wire,” voice service can only travel wherever you trenched and laid wires. Traditional phone service is subject to bad weather, installation, and expensive long-distance calls.

But landlines do offer some benefits. Landline phones use widespread existing infrastructure, do not require additional bandwidth, and support legacy analog equipment better than VoIP systems.

How VoIP works

Voice over IP, or “VoIP” for short, is also known as a digital phone service or hosted phone service. It works by converting sound into data packets or digital signals and transmits them to a VoIP provider. 

VoIP service providers then direct calls between the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

This happens in milliseconds thanks to blazing-fast cable or fiber broadband internet connections. VoIP lets small businesses get all the best telecommunication features for a fraction of the cost.

An example showing how Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) works.
An example showing how Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) works.

With VoIP, companies can place and receive calls without any extra hardware. All they need is a computer, laptop, headset, or cell phone to use their business phone system.

VoIP uses your existing internet connection for phone calls. It also includes many advanced calling features such as auto-attendants, IVR, advanced call routing, and conference calls, plus other add-ons built into the service.

Keep in mind that employees are most comfortable with a desk phone. IP phones turn sound into digital signals and maintain connectivity with a VoIP provider.

Related: What Is a Virtual Phone System & How Does It Work?

Key Differences Between Landlines and VoIP


VoIP services offer significantly lower costs compared to landline telephones. VoIP hardware like IP phones and routers have become very affordable.

In addition, monthly VoIP subscription fees are typically lower, and long-distance or international calls often cost less or are even included. Many providers offer free smartphone softphone apps so no extra hardware is required.

In contrast, landlines involve high installation and equipment fees, long-distance charges, and potentially higher monthly bills that can easily cost hundreds of dollars per user per year. This makes them difficult to justify in the modern remote work era with widespread broadband internet access.

Top virtual phone services like Nextiva bundle advanced features into a simple low monthly rate starting at $18.95 per user.


VoIP matches landlines in core call quality while providing additional capabilities. With a fast, stable internet connection, calls are crystal clear. Unique IP phone features like auto-attendants, call queues, forwarding, and recording enhance productivity.

Mobility is a major benefit, as VoIP devices work anywhere with internet access, not just on a wall landline. Video calling and conference calling also help connect today’s remote teams.

Key VoIP features for businesses


VoIP relies on consistent, high-speed broadband internet, which is susceptible to disruptions from power outages or network issues.

Landlines can remain operational during internet and electricity failures. However, leading business VoIP providers deliver excellent uptime with geographically redundant data centers and automatic failover.


Cloud-based VoIP systems scale seamlessly by adding extra users, features, or service locations through simple software updates.

Landlines require expensive hardware upgrades and on-premise installations to add capacity.


VoIP setup is fast and hardware-light — usually requiring just an IP phone or desktop app download to get started. There’s no technician wiring or installation process. Phone number porting from landlines also tends quicker, often completed in 1-2 business days.

Landlines will generally work anywhere with existing analog phone infrastructure. But VoIP relies on strong Wi-Fi, so internet quality must be vetted beforehand.

Network Jitter - Illustration showing what's happening
When packets arrive at unexpected times, VoIP calls can be interrupted.

Security & privacy

VoIP data transmission may have vulnerabilities to interception since calls occur over the public internet. Leading business systems encrypt data to safeguard sensitive conversations. Landlines offer inherent security via closed telephone networks.

VoIP calls can be encrypted just like any internet traffic. Power and internet dependency also make VoIP systems more prone to service disruptions.

But, for most modern organizations, the advanced features and cost savings of VoIP outweigh the risks. You just need to choose a secure VoIP phone service that offers encryption and data security.

FunctionalityVoIP PhonesLandline Phones
Phone calls (PSTN)YesYes
Nationwide long-distanceIncludedOptional
Requires internetYes, 100 Kbps per lineNo
TechnologyIP telephony (SIP, TLS, and SRTP)Analog voice signals
Monthly cost$20–$35$35
Phone number privacyIncludedVaries
Call encryptionYes (TLS & SRTP)No
Integrations (CRM, text messaging, surveys)YesNo
Sources: VoIP information based on Nextiva’s business phone plans. Analog information is based on business rates published in ILEC tariffs for Arizona.

Advantages of Using Landlines

Analog phone systems aren’t always the wrong choice. In some cases, they can be the best option for business communications.

1) Ubiquitous infrastructure access: Landlines tap into legacy telephone infrastructure reaching the vast majority of developed areas. This presents near-universal voice service potential despite lacking the speed to support advanced digital features.

2) No bandwidth resource drain: Landlines do not require sharing broadband internet bandwidth resources for voice calls. This provides call reliability advantages for the areas with slow or no broadband access where VoIP would struggle.

3) Legacy analog system support: Some business premises equipment like older alarms, faxes, and modems rely on analog signals passed through a landline connection. While Analog Telephone Adapters can bridge this gap, natively analog landlines avoid any translation issues.

Landline coverage data
Broadband reaches nearly 94% of the United States. (Microsoft)

In situations lacking broadband infrastructure or needing to run dated analog equipment, retaining landline service can make economic and practical sense.

However, most modern businesses will outgrow these limitations over time, making VoIP systems preferable for advanced functionality, cost savings, and future-proofing.

Advantages of Switching From Landlines To VoIP Systems

1) Superior reliability

VoIP uses the same proven and redundant internet infrastructure that powers many mission-critical business systems today.

For example, leading VoIP providers like Nextiva use multiple, geographically dispersed data centers across North America to deliver enterprise-grade reliability.

Nextiva's VoIP reliability

This means your phone service continues uninterrupted even if one data center goes offline. VoIP systems intelligently route calls and data packets to reach their destination reliably.

As a result, you avoid busy signals, static, and downtime typically associated with analog phone systems. If you do experience a temporary internet or power outage, calls can be automatically forwarded to cell phones.

Top VoIP providers have dedicated support teams and account management. They continuously update software, cybersecurity, and infrastructure monitoring. Landline customer service varies greatly by provider.

2) Greater flexibility & scalability

VoIP technology enables work-from-home and remote work capabilities without clients noticing any difference in sound quality or reliability. Your office phone number is secure yet accessible anywhere via mobile apps and softphones installed on laptops and smartphones.

Nextiva softphone app

This flexibility boosts productivity by eliminating commutes and office distractions.

Employees can efficiently handle calls and voicemails via email from anywhere. And features like call forwarding and “find me, follow me” calling make it easy to route calls to the right people at the right time, even when team members are out of the office.

VoIP systems are also highly scalable, making adding new users, locations, and features easy through simple software updates.

Landline systems require expensive new hardware and wiring to add capacity.

3) Superior call quality

Cloud-based VoIP systems leverage wideband audio codecs to deliver clear, high-definition voice quality on every call. This is a stark improvement over crackly, low-fidelity analog phone calls.

With VoIP, both sides of the call experience sharp, static-free audio with less repetition and miscommunication.

4) Fast setup

VoIP systems can be set up quickly. With minimal hardware requirements, users across multiple locations can start making internet-based calls in minutes after downloading a simple smartphone app.

Most organizations can fully migrate from legacy landlines to VoIP phone services quicker than installing new landlines. Careful pre-planning and working with experienced VoIP vendors simplify the transition.

5) Advanced features and integrations

VoIP systems integrate seamlessly with popular business apps like CRM software, email, calendars, etc. This enhances productivity by bringing real-time communications and collaboration tools together in one place.

VoIP providers also offer call analytics dashboards to track real-time usage metrics and record trends. This provides visibility into call volumes, wait times, abandoned calls, etc. Landlines do not collect or report analytics.

Nextiva voice analytics

You gain access to a rich suite of calling features like call recording, auto-attendants, mobile apps, virtual fax, toll-free numbers, and unlimited calling plans.

6) Significant cost savings

VoIP services cost significantly less compared to conventional business phone services. The advanced technology minimizes infrastructure while maximizing efficiency.

With VoIP, you only pay for the calling capacity that you need instead of being locked into inflexible plans. International calls and adding new extensions cost a fraction of analog phone services. Overall, most businesses can expect 40% to 60% savings on their monthly phone bills with VoIP.

Switching to VoIP saves costs

Common VoIP Drawbacks & How To Mitigate Them

Internet dependency

VoIP systems rely on broadband internet connectivity to function. If your business experiences an internet or power outage, calls will be disrupted.

However, leading VoIP providers like Nextiva use geographically redundant data centers and optimize latency. They also offer automatic call forwarding to cell phones during disruptions and battery backup options. Having a secondary wired phone line can also act as an extra safety net.

Call quality issues

The quality of VoIP calls depends on internet bandwidth and connectivity. If your network experiences congestion, calls may stutter or drop unexpectedly.

Invest in a business-grade router, high-speed broadband, and QoS settings to prioritize traffic. Wired Ethernet is preferable to spotty Wi-Fi. Stay up to date with the latest phones that support advanced voice codecs.

Limited mobility support

While VoIP devices can be used anywhere with a solid internet connection, most providers don’t integrate well with satellite networks. If you operate in remote areas with limited connectivity, traditional landlines may still be preferable.

Some businesses maintain wired landlines for stationary locations with no internet or mobile phone coverage while using VoIP for everyone else. Doing so gives you the best of both worlds in a hybrid model.

Security vulnerabilities

Because VoIP traffic flows over the public internet rather than a closed telephone network, it can be more vulnerable to cyber threats like hacking, eavesdropping, and information theft.

Reputable business VoIP providers make security a top priority, encrypting call traffic and maintaining robust firewalls. ITSPs that have SOC2 compliance or other security accreditations provide a higher level of VoIP security.

These strategies help minimize vulnerabilities and make VoIP systems reliable for most modern organizations. Managing expectations around internet reliability and working closely with VoIP vendors ensures the best results.

Which Phone System Is Best for Businesses?

Nextiva's VoIP phone service

A business counts on its phone system to keep employees connected and to serve customers. Most workplaces now have an operational need to enable staff to work from home.

Landline phone service can’t match business VoIP’s flexibility, features, and ease of use. If your existing phone system works and you have no plans to change how you use it, it might be acceptable to keep the landline.

A cloud VoIP is ideally the best phone system for businesses. Reputable VoIP providers like Nextiva offer extensive coverage with multiple redundant data centers, along with dozens of advanced features.

Nextiva is the top choice among enterprises and small businesses alike. It offers the most scalability for their teams to communicate. With Nextiva’s reliable VoIP services, uptime is never an issue. Plus, it can cut VoIP costs by more than half. 

Related: VoIP FAQ: 71 Questions & Answers About All Things VoIP

See what your phone system is missing.

Get more than a dial tone for your business.

Landlines vs. VoIP FAQs

Is the call quality on VoIP better than landlines?

VoIP call quality has improved significantly over the years. With a reliable, high-speed internet connection, the audio quality is often indistinguishable from that of a landline. The main factors affecting VoIP call quality include internet bandwidth and jitter/latency. Since it’s all digital, the sound isn’t susceptible to interference from motors or poor-quality wiring.

Is a VoIP system as reliable as a landline?

Yes, a VoIP phone system like Nextiva has proven backup features, like softphone calling apps, call forwarding, video conferencing, voicemail transcription, and even robust call queues to hold calls until agents are available again. Overall though, VoIP systems typically have excellent uptime. Landlines, however, are prone to weather issues, and installation errors, and have a single point of failure.

Can I keep my landline phone number if I switch to VoIP?

Yes, but don’t cancel your old phone service yet. Through porting, also known as a “port-in,” you keep your existing phone number when establishing your new business VoIP provider. The phone number porting process is easy, and you’ll be guided step-by-step.


Joe Manna

Joe Manna was a senior content marketing manager at Nextiva. He blends his marketing acumen and deep technical background to improve people's lives with technology. His expertise helps companies large and small serve more customers. He enjoys a rich iced latte and a non-fiction business book when he's not pressing words.

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Top 10 OnSIP Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

January 20, 2024 15 min read

Cameron Johnson

Cameron Johnson

Choosing the right VoIP phone service can be a daunting task for any business, given the many options available in the market. OnSIP is a notable contender, especially known for its effectiveness in facilitating SIP trunks.

However, businesses seeking a more comprehensive VoIP system — one that offers built-in CRM, seamless integrations, contact center solutions, and unified communications capabilities — might look for OnSIP alternatives.

We’ve rounded up the top competitors to OnSIP, as well as the platform features, pricing, and overall reliability of various market players, to present you with a detailed comparison of better alternatives to OnSIP.

1. Nextiva

Business Phone Service from Nextiva

Nextiva is a popular VoIP phone system for companies of all sizes. Designed with remote workers in mind, Nextiva is more than just a VoIP system. It’s a complete all-in-one solution to manage every aspect of your business communication, from voice calls through to team chat and CRM integration.

Because of its advanced features, more than 150,000 companies use Nextiva (including Netflix, Amazon, and Pac-12). That’s why U.S. News ranked Nextiva as the #1 business phone system for four years in a row.

What are some of its top features?

Nextiva customers love its all-in-one platform for many reasons. Amongst its top features include:

  • Team chat: Instead of needing different platforms to text, voice chat, and video conference with your team, just use Nextiva. It has all three communication platforms built-in; no extra subscriptions needed.
  • Auto attendant: Give incoming callers a great first impression and use auto-attendants to direct them to the person best suited to answer their query. They can press a number on their keypad to reach a specific department without having to go through a receptionist.
  • Call Pop: Greet incoming callers with a personalized script with Call Pop. You’ll see important caller details on your screen before picking up—including the caller’s name and company, last survey rating, and value of their account.
  • Voice analytics: Track important KPIs across sales, support, and call center teams with advanced voice analytics. You’ll get insight into your average call times and answer speed both as a team and individually.
  • Call center solutions: Whenever you need to start a call center or contact center, you can spin up a virtual call center for your team. It’s fully integrated with Nextiva.

Reliability, support, and security

Nextiva has eight military-grade data centers around the world, with redundancies in place should something go wrong. Not only that, but each data center has world-class security. It boasts a 99.999% uptime — the gold standard in the business phone system world—so you’re always on.

Nextiva’s VoIP software is compliant with privacy laws, including HIPAA, PCI, and SOC 2. Your business’ and customers’ information is always kept safe.

If you do need help, Nextiva prides itself on customer service. You can reach their support team 24/7 by phone, email, or webchat. Their support center is also available to get quick responses to your questions.

Nextiva pricing options

Pricing for Nextiva’s business phone system is straightforward. Choose from one of the following plans depending on your team size, feature requirements, and budget:

  • Essential Plan: For just $ 18.95 per user per month, you can get unlimited voice calling, a toll-free number, and auto-attendant.
  • Professional Plan: Get everything in Essential, plus unlimited video conferencing, Call Pop., and SMS integration, for just $22.95 per user per month.
  • Enterprise Plan: Nextiva’s most popular plan includes unlimited Call Pop, voice analytics, and extended integrations for $32.95 per user per month.

2. Grasshopper

Grasshopper - OnSIP alternative

Grasshopper is an OnSIP alternative for smaller businesses. Instead of a suite of team collaboration tools that other competitors have to offer, Grasshopper’s core offering adds a business number to an existing personal phone.

What are some of its top features?

Since they’re designed for small business owners, Grasshopper keeps its feature set simple. Amongst some of its most popular features include:

  • Business texting: SMS has amongst the highest open rates of any written content (including email). Grasshoppers’ business SMS feature lets you read your messages by texting customers.
  • Virtual receptionist: Don’t have money to hire a human receptionist to greet incoming callers? Grasshopper offers a virtual receptionist feature that greets callers, asks their reason for calling, and prioritizes their call accordingly.
  • Vanity numbers: Instead of handing out your personal phone number to customers, have them call a vanity number like 1-800-BRAND. The call will be routed to your personal cell phone (where you can choose when to accept them).

Reliability, support, and security

Grasshopper is a reliable phone system with 24/7 US-based support. Should you have questions, you can call, email, or message them on social media.

Plus, since Grasshopper uses your existing service provider to make business calls, the quality of their VoIP calls is just as good as those made using your regular phone number.

However, it’s important to note that Grasshopper is not HIPAA compliant. Their support team needs to access your account settings to deal with queries. This means they’re unable to keep customer and patient information private.

Grasshopper pricing options

Grasshopper has three pricing tiers, each of which comes with a 7-day free trial for you to test before you commit.

All plans have access to its most popular features—including mobile apps, Wi-Fi calling, and custom greetings. The right plan for your small business depends on how many phone numbers and extensions you need:

  • True Solo Plan: For one user, one phone number, and one extension for $14 per month.
  • Solo Plus Plan: Get one phone number and three extensions for $28 per month.
  • Small Business Plan: Get five phone numbers and unlimited extensions for $80 per month.

3. Aircall

Aircall - OnSIP competitor

Aircall is a cloud-based call center software for larger teams. According to its website, more than 8,000 companies use their VoIP service to manage internal and external communication.

What are some of its top features?

Aircall offers great features with its VoIP phone system, including:

  • Integrations: Aircall connects with the tools your business is already using—including Shopify, Intercom, HubSpot, and Zapier. Sync your call data to other tools for greater insight into your business communications.
  • Call commenting: Keep track of why customers call your contact center by leaving notes inside Aircall. These comments sync with your CRM and can be assigned to individual team members, so your entire team stays updated.
  • Click to dial: Tired of copying and pasting a customer’s number into your business phone? If the Aircall app is installed on your device, you’re able to click a number and call it immediately.

Reliability, support, and security

Aircall has 99.99% uptime and seven worldwide data centers to route business calls through, should one go down. It also sends notifications to customers when their phone network is having issues so it can be troubleshot immediately.
As for customer service, Aircall gives every new business an onboarding manager. They’ll walk you through how to set up your new business phone system, and answer any questions you have.

Aircall pricing options

Pricing for Aircall’s cloud phone system is based on the features you’ll get access to.

  • Essentials Plan: Get unlimited calls within the US and Canada, IVR, and phone support with this plan. Prices start at $30 per user, per month.
  • Professional Plan: Get live call monitoring, call tagging, and a dedicated account manager with this plan. Prices start at $50 per user, per month.
  • Custom Plan: Get everything Aircall has to offer, including unlimited worldwide calls and custom analytics, with this plan. These packages are customized; you’ll get a tailored quote for the features you need.

4. CallHippo

CallHippo - Alternative to OnSIP

CallHippo is another OnSIP alternative to look into if you need a simple, flexible business phone service. Over 5,000 companies use CallHippo’s virtual phone system. They promise companies can get started in just three minutes.

What are some of its top features?

CallHippo has some great features to offer its small business customers. Amongst some of the most popular include:

  • Global connect: Contacting people in other countries? Avoid waking them up in the middle of the night with this feature. It’ll show the caller’s timezone before you hit the dial.
  • Voice broadcasting: Save time on phone outreach with voice broadcasting. With this feature, you can record one simple conversation and replay it when having similar conversations.
  • Call tracking: Understand the journey customers go through using this feature. It’ll pull data to explain how the customer found your phone number, the device they’re using to call, and whether they’ve contacted you before.

Reliability, support, and security

CallHippo doesn’t display any information about their data centers on their website. However, they don’t report any incidents or outages over the last three months. They also offer a patent-pending technology that promises to improve VoIP call quality.

CallHippo pricing options

CallHippo offers three main plans alongside a custom tier. Each depends on the features you need access to.
However, it’s worth noting that call insights, custom caller IDs, and voicemail transcription aren’t included as standard with any plan. Each of those features costs extra per month.

  • Bronze: Get one free phone number, voicemail, SMS messaging, and shared team inboxes with this plan. Prices start from $15 per user, per month.
  • Silver: Get unlimited incoming calls, holiday routing, and call queues with this plan. Prices start from $30 per user, per month.
  • Platinum: Get power dialer, call transfer, and three-way calling with this plan. Prices start from $45 per user, per month.
  • Custom: Get everything CallHippo has to offer, including custom reports, app blocking, and advanced integrations with this plan. Prices are tailored for your team size.

5. Ooma Office

ooma phone service

Ooma Office is a cloud phone system designed for smaller businesses to communicate with their customers and remote team. Also known as Ooma Telo, they have a no-contract service so customers are free to use the platform when they need.

What are some of its top features?

Ooma Office has 30+ features available to its customers, including:

  • Business call forwarding: Have a team member who’s out of the office? Have incoming calls to their phone number diverted to another employee. That way, customers always get a response—even if their main contact is away.
  • Voicemail transcription: Save time listening to voicemails. Have them transcribed and sent directly to your email inbox for you to follow up with and reference.
  • VoIP desk phones: Have a dedicated desk phone just for work calls throughout the day, instead of accepting calls on a mobile or desktop.

Reliability, support, and security

Ooma Office’s network has seven data centers used to route business calls. However, calls made through its network are only end-to-end encrypted if the person you’re calling also uses its platform. This also means it’s not HIPAA compliant.
Should you need help with Ooma Office’s business phone system, find an answer using their online support library. You can also contact their customer support through live chat on their website.

Ooma Office pricing options

All Ooma Office plans include access to its 30+ most popular features. You’ll also get one free toll-free number and mobile app with every plan. However, there are two differences between each option:

  • Ooma Office Essentials: The basic plan includes transfer music, call parking, and one conference bridge per user. Prices start at $19.95 per user per month.
  • Ooma Office Pro: Get everything in the basic plan plus video conferencing, desktop app, and enhanced call blocking. Pricing starts at $24.95 per user, per month

6. Dialpad


Dialpad’s virtual PBX is powered by artificial intelligence. Its cloud communication platform is designed for businesses of all sizes to connect with their internal team and customers.

What are some of its top features?

Dialpad has a suite of features available to its customers. Amongst some of the most popular include:

  • Voice intelligence: Dialpad’s platform uses speech recognition, natural language processing, machine learning to deliver real-time coaching to your team. They can use the insights to understand customer sentiment and report on success.
  • Conference calling: Need to hop on a video meeting with your team or customers? You can do that within Dialpad’s virtual conference room.
  • Call routing: Choose which softphone should ring with advanced call routing. For example: configure it so certain team members get calls from people in a specific location.
  • Artificial intelligence: The platform has some contact center AI functionality to transcribe conversations and analyze customer sentiment.

Reliability, support, and security

Because Dialpad uses internet connections to make business calls, the audio and video quality is just as good as your standard internet speed. This often makes them sound clearer than traditional landline calls.

Dialpad is also SOC 2 and HIPPA compliant. Calls are encrypted to prevent eavesdroppers from listening to your private conversations.

Dialpad pricing options

With a 14-day free trial on each plan, you’ve got the choice between three plans if considering Dialpad. The right choice for your business depends on how many users you’ll have.

  • Standard: This plan includes unlimited calls, meetings for up to 10 people, and call controls. Pricing starts at $15 per user per month.
  • Pro: Get all the features in the Standard plan plus Salesforce integration and 24/7 phone support. Pricing starts at $25 per user per month.
  • Enterprise: This plan offers all Dialpad’s features. Pricing is custom, but you’ll need a minimum of 100 licenses.

7. OpenPhone


OpenPhone is another VoIP carrier worth considering if you’re looking for an OnSIP alternative. It works by adding a business line to your existing phone number, so you can take business calls on the go without carrying two phones or extra SIM cards.

What are some of its top features?

OpenPhone offers some great features in its plans, including:

  • Softphone app: OpenPhone has a softphone app that is easy to use and meant to be used instead of office phones.
  • Shared inbox: Talk with your entire team or just a certain department using shared inboxes. Several people can call and text using one phone number.
  • Snippets: Do you have the same conversations over and over again? Create templates that answer your FAQs and reuse them to save time answering repetitive queries.

Reliability, support, and security

OpenPhone runs on Amazon Web Services, which means it can encrypt any conversations made through its network using 256-bit encryption. However, OpenPhone is not HIPAA compliant.
As for customer service, OpenPhone hosts demonstrations on how to use their phone system. They also have a page for real-time assistance to get quick answers to a question.

Related: 10 Best OpenPhone Alternatives & Competitors for Businesses

OpenPhone pricing options

OpenPhone prides itself on having simple, flexible pricing. They offer two plans alongside a custom enterprise package, depending on the features you need access to. Both plans come with a free trial.

  • Starter Plan: This plan includes unlimited calls and SMS to the U.S. and Canada, call recording, and Zapier integrations. Pricing starts at $15 per user per month.
  • Business Plan: Get HubSpot integration, priority support, and in-depth call reporting with this plan. Pricing starts at $23 per user per month.

8. Product Screenshot is a cloud phone system designed to help small and medium-sized businesses to work remotely. It offers voice, text, video, fax, and conferencing features with its virtual phone service.

What are some of its top features?

Amongst some of’s top features are:

  • Bring your own number: If you’re switching from another phone system and have a recognizable phone number you don’t want to lose, allows you to bring your existing number to its network.
  • Do not disturb: In a meeting or at a conference? Turn your business phone off and have it automatically diverted to a team member.
  • Voice tagging: Ask incoming callers to press a number on their keypad that best describes the issue they need help with. View that information before accepting their call so you’re ready to help immediately.

Reliability, support, and security’s text responder and VoIP phone system is HIPAA HITECH ready. They also offer Business Associate Agreements (BAA) for HIPAA compliant VoIP when required and use DES encryption to prevent eavesdroppers from listening in on your video calls.

Should you need help,’s multilingual support team is available 24/7 to answer questions. You can reach them through phone, online chat, or email. pricing options offers three packages for its VoIP phone system. Each one includes access to its 40+ standard features:

  • Basic: This plan includes one phone number, 500 pooled minutes, and video conferencing for up to 10 participants. Prices start at $12.74 per user per month.
  • Plus: With this plan, you can get unlimited minutes and texts, HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for up to 24 participants, and video recording. Prices start at $18.69 per user per month.
  • Pro: This plan includes call recording, video conferencing for 100 participants, CRM integrations, and call analytics. Prices start at $27.19 per user per month.

9. Mitel

Mitel MiCollab

Mitel is an OnSIP competitor with an all-in-one communication platform. They focus on giving the tools enterprise companies need to manage a large influx of calls. However, they also have smaller packages for small and medium-sized businesses to start using VoIP.

What are some of its top features?

Mitel’s business phone system has some great features on offer, including:

  • MiTeam meetings: Host a virtual meeting using Mitel’s video conferencing software. It’s ideal for remote teams with employees working from different locations.
  • Artificial intelligence: Mitel uses Google Cloud’s AI platform to deliver virtual agents in its phone system dashboard. Have the machine learning software handle responses to FAQs while you spend time on complex queries that need a human response.
  • Softphone apps: Turn any internet-connected device into a business VoIP phone with Mitel’s app. You’ll find one for Mac, PC, iOS, and Android.

Reliability, support, and security

Mitel prides itself on having superior customer support. Businesses using their phone system have a dedicated success manager and several ways to contact their support team, should they need any help.
As for reliability and security, Mitel’s network is built on Google Cloud. They have 14 data centers around the world. Should one go down, your business calls are automatically routed through another.

Mitel pricing options

Mitel has three packages on offer. What’s interesting is that not all team members have to be on the same plan. You can mix and match which package each employee has, depending on the features they need access to. Here’s a quick breakdown of their options;

  • Essentials: Get collaboration, conferencing, and PBX features with this plan. Prices start at $20.99 per user, per month.
  • Premier: Get all essential features plus CRM integration and call recording with Mitel’s most popular plan. Prices start at $26.59 per user, per month.
  • Elite: Get all premier features plus archiving and always-on call recording with this plan. Prices start at $38.49 per user, per month.

10. Vonage

Vonage product screenshot

Vonage is another OnSIP alternative to investigate if you’re looking for a flexible VoIP platform. It’s used by many companies including Glassdoor and DHL, who rely on its business phone system to communicate.

What are some of its top features?

Vonage has 50+ VoIP features to offer businesses using its phone system, including:

  • Follow me: Never miss a business call by configuring Vonage to follow you where you go. For example: set your cell phone to ring for the first five seconds of an incoming call. If there’s no answer within those five seconds, have their call automatically diverted to your desktop.
  • Conference bridge: Allow up to 30 team members to dial into a video conference from anywhere. Mute and add people from the admin dashboard at any point.
  • Call flip: Need to take calls on the go? Instead of hanging up and redialing, Vonage can transfer live calls across multiple devices.

Reliability, support, and security

Vonage has an average uptime of 99.999% across its servers. It also prioritizes the protection and security of customer data, and is HITECH, HITRUST, and HIPAA compliant.
Customers of Vonage also have the ability to contact its support team at any time using phone, email, or live chat. There’s also a self-service portal on their website containing answers to FAQs.

Vonage pricing options

Businesses have three packages to choose from when using Vonage. Each comes with a 14-day free trial for up to 99 phone lines.

  • Mobile: With this plan, you can make unlimited calls in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico and send unlimited team messages. Prices start at $13.99 per month, per user.
  • Premium: This plan includes unlimited video conferencing for up to 200 participants, auto attendants, and a call queue. Prices start at $20.99 per month, per user.
  • Advanced: This plan includes all professional features plus company-wide call recording and visual voicemail. Prices start at $27.99 per month, per user.

What’s the Best Alternative to OnSIP?

OnSIP is a good option for small businesses needing a simple VoIP provider. But for growing businesses looking to get the most out of their business phone system, the best choice is Nextiva.

Nextiva cloud communications

First, customers love Nextiva’s Amazing Service promise. You can get real-time responses to your questions through the channel you prefer—including live chat, phone, and email. It’s why Nextiva continues to win award after award for its customer support.

Customers love Nextiva’s product, features, and ease of use. It has a 4.5-star rating on G2, and the vast majority (92%) of people who’ve reviewed Nextiva on GetVoIP would recommend it. It’s why Nextiva’s VoIP platform was ranked the #1 business phone system by U.S. News for two years in a row.

Want to learn more about our highest-rated business phone system? Compare Nextiva’s plans and find the ONE to meet all your business requirements.

OnSIP, Grasshopper, Aircall, CallHippo, Ooma Office, Dialpad, OpenPhone,, Mitel, and Vonage have no relationship with Nextiva, Inc. and are the registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Cameron Johnson

Cameron Johnson was a market segment leader at Nextiva. Along with his well-researched contributions to the Nextiva Blog, Cameron has written for a variety of publications including Inc. and Cameron was recently recognized as Utah's Marketer of the Year.

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Want to make your phone system cost less and do more? You’ve likely come across cloud telephony, and you want to know whether it can help your specific use case.

If you’re debating the switch from your existing business phone service to cloud telephony, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’re covering everything you need to know, including the essentials of cloud telephony, how it works, how it benefits your business, and how to choose your cloud telephony provider.

Let’s jump right in.

What is Cloud Telephony?

Cloud telephony is a phone system that runs through your internet connection. It’s also known as a VoIP-based hosted PBX solution. It helps you move your business phone service to the cloud.

Cloud telephony streamlines your business communications and grows with your business. Whether you’re opening new offices, hiring remote workers, or expanding your in-house teams, cloud telephony will make the expansion effortless and cost-effective.

Cloud telephony is a type of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS). UCaaS is a unified communications model, meaning it brings various communication systems and collaboration tools together. With cloud telephony, you won’t just move your phone calls to the cloud but also connect them with your video meetings, instant messaging, CRM, and business processes across the board.

As part of your UCaaS platform, cloud telephony will better connect your teams and make your employees more focused, engaged, and satisfied in their roles. As a matter of fact, a study conducted by CMBR for Cisco concluded that nearly 8 in 10 employees experience improved productivity levels due to remote work capabilities, like team chat and video conferencing.

How Does Cloud Telephony Work?

Cloud telephony works through a VoIP service provider. When you dial the phone number you want to call, your service provider handles the routing. It converts analog voice signals into data packets and transmits them over your internet connection. That’s how it connects your phone to the person you’re calling.

On your end, you would replace individual phone extensions with a VoIP desk phone. Rather than connecting to a landline, you plug your phones into your existing network. You can also use a softphone or an app installed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. In both cases, you’re calling from a modern, easy-to-use interface and establish a call in a split second.

Because cloud telephony runs in the cloud, you can manage your business phone system through an online dashboard for full control over phone numbers, call forwarding, adding new users, and more.

Related: Computer Telephony Integration: What Is It, Benefits & How It Works

Cloud telephony vs. traditional PBX: What’s the difference?

For your employees, the end-users of your telephone system, things might not look much different between cloud telephone and traditional PBX. When we look under the hood, we’ll find quite a different story.

As you’ll see in the next section, cloud telephony removes your need for physical equipment. Your staff can communicate with each other and with your customers using any internet-connected device. They can do so wherever they can use Wi-Fi or a 4G internet connection.

From your company’s perspective, getting started with cloud telephony is simple. Instead of a complex, expensive process to connect to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), all you need is a VoIP service provider and a reliable broadband connection.

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Traditional PBX presents a much steeper challenge, both in starting up and maintaining your phone service. Here’s why:

First, there’s the setup cost and effort. A telephone provider needs to visit your location and install stationary equipment, and you’ll end up paying both for both the work and the gear.

You also have to maintain the technical setup of the Private Branch Exchange (PBX) equipment at your location. If something overheats, breaks, or becomes outdated, you have to fix or replace it. It’s not only costly, but it robs your team of their productivity and focus.

A traditional PBX makes your phone calls, especially long-distance calls, more expensive. It offers basic calling features, which can be a hassle if you want to use advanced features like HD audio, voicemail-to-email, or call analytics.

If your company is growing, you’ll want to open new locations, add more phone lines, or introduce remote working options. Traditional PBX systems don’t scale easily because they add more equipment, maintenance, and costs. They also aren’t a convenient option for employees who travel for work and want to stay productive because their phone number is tied to a physical desk phone.

A traditional PBX system can be a good option for small companies whose business needs rarely change and who don’t plan on expanding. But if you want to grow and make sure that your phone setup doesn’t slow you down, you’ll love the flexibility that VoIP offers.

Benefits of Cloud Telephony

What does a problem with your phone system mean for your company? You can lose a customer, miss an important deadline, or terminate an employee due to a communication issue.

It’s no surprise. The way we work has become dynamic and diverse, and we need technology to keep up.

If you want to make sure you never lose a customer, an employee, or your peace of mind because of communication problems, here are cloud telephony benefits you’ll want to know.

1) Quick and easy implementation

Cloud telephony implementation requires no on-site infrastructure. This advantage means you can get up and running within a few days, potentially even within a day.

There’s no waiting for a technician, no installation of phone lines, no delays, and no lengthy process of hiring a full-time employee to configure your new telephony system. Your cloud telephony provider takes care of everything. You’ll instantly get virtual phone numbers and access to a dashboard that allows you to manage the entire phone service.

2) Lower cost of running your business phone system

There are many ways cloud telephony services will save you money. You can save up to 65% of your traditional phone bill. Cloud telephony saves your business from maintenance contracts, limited calling minutes, restrictive local and toll-free phone numbers, and paying for separate business SMS services.

With cloud telephony, there are no unexpected maintenance costs or bills. And if you’re bootstrapped and want to get started as low cost as possible, you can skip buying VoIP phones and use laptops with headsets through a softphone app.

3) Robust, powerful calling features

We’re not talking just about features that look good on paper. Advanced calling features that come with cloud telephony allow you to work smart, be effective, and focus on the right tasks at the right time. You can avoid manual, repetitive tasks and step up your team collaboration and customer support.

Here are some of the most valuable call management features of cloud telephony:

  • Auto-attendant, which allows your caller to reach the right team.
  • Call forwarding, which directs inbound calls based on predefined criteria.
  • Advanced Interactive Voice Response (IVR), a more conversational approach to automated customer service.
  • Call forwarding, so that you can forward calls to any desk phone or mobile phone.
  • Video conferencing and screen sharing for productive remote meetings.
  • Toll-free numbers, which lets customers reach you from landlines without extra toll charges.
  • Local numbers, so you can establish a local presence wherever you want.
  • Call recording securely and reliably, so you can maintain quality service.
  • Contact center, which lets your customer support team resolve questions faster.

Even better, you’ll get these features along with HD audio and video call quality. This is a massive benefit for remote teams. There’s nothing worse in life than a poor-sounding conference call.

Related: What Is a Contact Center? Definition, Features, and Uses

4) Flexibility and scalability of your phone system

Cloud telephony will make growth seamless. More specifically, a VoIP solution will allow you to add more users in just a few clicks.

With traditional PBX, you’d have to pay extra every time you hire a new employee and want to assign them a phone line. Their desk phone needs wiring, which can take a while to set up. Your growth will always bring delays and extra costs if you rely on an on-site phone system.

A cloud-based PBX isn’t just scalable, but it’s effortless to manage. You don’t have to be an IT expert. For example, if your call volume rapidly increases during the year’s busier times, you can easily add and remove lines. This will help you maintain your customer experience thanks to a flexible system you can easily customize as your business needs shift.

5) Increased mobility

Companies are increasingly switching to remote working options over the long haul. Hosted phone systems are the perfect answer to this trend.

Your employees can access their company phone lines wherever they are, as long as they have an internet connection. It’s not just about answering phone calls; they can access their voicemail, and set up or change call routing on the go.

Cloud telephony is the ideal solution for companies that embrace remote work, have satellite offices, or have multiple office locations.

6) Simplify work with integrated communications

Cloud communications help you store and access every piece of information on one platform.

When you use separate systems for your calls and meetings, you have notes and important details in too many places. Computer notes, spreadsheets, Post-It notes, notebooks, and the list goes on. Finding past interactions can take ages and throw everyone out of their flow.

Cloud telephony consolidates everything into a single user interface. You can use it to collaborate with colleagues, manage customers, analyze real-time data, collect feedback, and move important projects forward.

You’ll bring your business communication workflow to a single source of truth and move efficiently through your day. No more frustrating interruptions or time wasted on hunting down crucial information.

7) Superior reliability and resilience

Can you afford to be unavailable to your customers? In case something happens to the power grid, what are the consequences for your business? A wiring issue, overheating, or a small storm can wreak havoc on your communication and reputation.

Reputable cloud telephony solutions provide 99.999% uptime, so you can keep working unaffected no matter what happens. It also has built-in redundancy; in case of jitter or similar issues, your calls stay online, and you always have a backup you can use.

Related: Disaster Preparedness Plan for Business — The CIO’s Action Strategy

How to Choose a Cloud Telephony Provider

If you’re looking to move to a cloud telephony solution, here’s what you need to consider when evaluating your options.

Service quality and proven reliability

High uptime and reliability are a must. Your cloud telephony provider must provide redundant service with redundant data centers. Features and attractive pricing are nothing if your phones won’t work.

What uptime does the provider deliver? Can they ensure you’ll have availability of phone service? Check out your provider’s status page. For Nextiva, you can check

Nextiva status page

High availability is possible using data centers located strategically across the United States. All of which are equipped with uninterruptible power and have gigabit fiber-optic network connections.

You can also check social media sources like Twitter and Facebook to get an unbiased picture of each provider’s reliability. Searching for the brand on Twitter with the “@” before their name helps you wade through all brand mentions.

On top of that, you’ll want to make sure your provider offers 24/7 network monitoring so that issues can be flagged and solved before they affect your business.

Security and industry compliance

The next step is making sure the cloud telephony provider meets industry standards. Here are some certifications to look for:

  • HIPAA compliance: Vital voice and fax services for healthcare service providers.
  • ISO/IEC 20071: The global standard for security threat responses.
  • PCI compliance: Securely handle credit card payments with confidence.
  • SOC 2 compliance: Incident response plans to protect your privacy and data integrity.

Another thing to check is whether your provider of choice ensures call encryption. Encrypted calls mean you can use Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) to establish high-grade security in every call.

Features and integrations

What are the business needs you’ll fulfill by adding cloud telephony to your toolkit? This is where phone system features and integrations come in.

Do you make lots of outbound calls or receive many inbound calls? Do you have multiple business locations? Are your customers in the U.S. or internationally? These are a few of the many questions to consider when looking at cloud telephony features. Talk to prospective service providers and learn how they can accommodate your business needs.

You’ll also need to consider how a new phone system will work into your employees’ existing routines and workflows.

Do you need your phone system to integrate with your project management software? What about your CRM? How easy is it to implement and maintain your phone system configuration? Again, these are the questions to think about when looking for prospective service providers.

The true cost of ownership

Pricing often looks great on paper. Then, when you start using the service, you get an unexpected, uncomfortable bill that doesn’t look anything like you saw when signing up.

Look for transparent pricing that outlines everything that’s included in rates and anything you’ll need to pay extra for. Confirm pricing specifics such as:

  • The number of users you’ll have on your plan.
  • Monthly or annual payment plans (and discounts), if available.
  • Is there any required equipment for the service to work properly?
  • Flexibility to change plans as your needs change.
  • Costs for inbound and outbound calls (on local and toll-free numbers).
  • Optional features added à la carte.
  • Mandatory taxes, surcharges, and other fees.

Make sure that the pricing you review leaves no stone unturned. Our pricing page provides full transparency on what is and isn’t included in each phone service option.

Fast and efficient customer support

Finally, make sure your provider’s customer service team can help you when you need them.

Look into their support options. Are they available on live chat? Can you call them? Do you need to wait for 24 hours or more until you get an email reply?

Then, consider the answers you get to your questions. Do they take into account your specific situation, or are they generic? Is the support rep taking their time to understand the problem? Is it easy to ask follow-up questions?

You can test a provider’s customer support by taking on a free trial, but you can also get a solid idea by reaching out as a prospect, too. This will give you a solid idea of how your provider can help you grow and improve your entire communication system for many months and years to come.

Move Your Phone System to Cloud Telephony

Cloud telephony will lower your communication costs, enhance productivity, and increase your resilience. It also acts as a single source of truth for business communications.

You’ll gain the most benefits if you choose a reliable, battle-tested cloud telephony provider. Nextiva’s cloud telephony service costs as low as $19.95 per user per month for features that will enhance your entire business.

Don’t take our word for it; Nextiva reviews speak for themselves! If you’ve been on the lookout for a new phone system, look no further.


Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby is a marketing specialist at Nextiva. He spent three years on the front lines of technical support, troubleshooting internet and VoIP topics. He moved forward into the technical writing and content creation space. He’s helped set up hundreds of businesses and advised thousands of people with their cloud communications.

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No customer wants to be left waiting on hold or bounced between multiple agents when they call with an issue.

They expect quick, seamless service from start to finish. As a business, meeting this expectation is critical for boosting customer satisfaction.

One of the most effective tools for managing calls effectively is an automatic call distribution (ACD) system. This sophisticated business phone system feature routes each incoming call to the right agent, providing callers with a smooth, efficient experience.

In this article, we’ll explore how an ACD system works to enhance call center operations. You’ll learn how intelligent call routing and automatic processes help companies deliver exceptional service. We’ll also discuss key benefits of ACD, from reducing hold times to improving agent collaboration.

What Is Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)?

ACD, or automatic call distribution, is a technology used in contact centers to route incoming calls to available agents based on predetermined rules.

You can distribute calls based on caller ID, business hours, support level, and IVR selections. As a result, inbound calls reach the right agent or department quickly and without the caller having to dial a different phone number.

Imagine a customer calling about a specific appliance at a big-box store. ACD can identify keywords and route the call to an agent familiar with that product line, ensuring expert assistance on the first try.

Automatic call distributors prevent unnecessary transfers by getting inbound calls to the appropriate agent with skill-based routing or other distribution methods. And since it reaches the right agent, handle times remain low with improved customer satisfaction.

What Is the Difference Between IVR and ACD?

An automatic call distributor and interactive voice response (IVR) system are related but distinct technologies that together enable efficient call routing and handling. Understanding how they complement one another is important.

An IVR system handles the initial incoming call by presenting the caller with an IVR menu and options via pre-recorded audio prompts. For example:

“Thank you for calling ABC Company. To speak with sales, press 1. For customer service, press 2. For billing questions, press 3.”

Once the caller selects an option by pressing a number on their phone keypad, the IVR system classifies the type of inquiry and passes the call context to the ACD system.

The ACD then uses intelligent call routing algorithms to direct the call to the best-suited available agent. IVR handles initial call classification while the ACD handles optimal routing and agent assignment.

Together, they facilitate quick, streamlined call resolution using context and logic instead of luck and guesswork.

How Does ACD Work?

An automatic call distribution system optimizes call routing using a multi-step process:

1. Classifies incoming calls

The ACD first uses data from the IVR system or dialed number to classify each call by type and purpose. Customer service calls are flagged differently than billing inquiries, for example.

2. Evaluates agent availability

Next, the ACD system checks the status of call center agents to determine availability to handle additional calls. The system determines the order of the call queues based on factors like:

3. Assigns call priority

With call type and agent status clarified, the ACD can assign a priority level to each call. VIP customers and high-revenue accounts may be placed higher in the queue.

4. Routes call to the best-fit agent

Agent skills play a key role here. The ACD automatically connects the call to an available agent with the appropriate skills and capacity to handle that specific call type.

5. Offers callback option if needed

If no suitable agents are available, the system places the caller on hold and may offer a callback option to preserve their place in the queue. Agents can then make an outbound callback.

6. Call monitoring and agent performance

Finally, built-in reporting is provided through computer telephony integration (CTI) with insights like average handle time, wait times, abandon rates, and other metrics to refine the routing strategy.

Optimizing these steps enables more efficient assignment of calls to available agents. This gets customers’ answers faster while providing managers with better oversight of operational performance.

The end result is higher customer satisfaction through reduced wait times and better first-call resolution.

Related: Call Center Metrics: 24+ KPIs and Tips To Track Performance

6 Types of ACD Distribution Methods

The best ACD routing option for your business depends on three things: 

There are six key ACD distribution methods to choose from.

1) Round-robin

Round-robin call routing is the simplest way to distribute phone calls. Inbound customer calls are distributed in a fixed queue within your team.

Example: If five agents are available, the first incoming call will go to the first agent. After they accept that call, the next one goes to the second agent. Finally, after the fifth agent is busy, the first agent receives a call, and the process starts again.

2) Talk time-based

Talk time-based call distribution aims to ensure that agents talk to callers for the same amount of time of day, so no one agent is taking on more calls than the others. It works similarly in practice to round-robin distribution.

Example: When a call comes in, it will be routed to the agent with the least handle time. When the next call comes in, the same process repeats, and so on. 

3) Fixed order

Fixed order call distribution, sometimes called regular ACD routing, needs a specified order to be determined. That is, calls will be connected to specific agents in the order that you specify.

Example: The policy always insists on routing in hierarchical order if three agents are assigned to the call center. If agents one and two are unavailable, customer calls will be directed to the third agent.

4) Uniform

Uniform call routing sends the inbound call to the agent that has been available the longest. Once they accept a call, they return to the queue until they have the longest available time again. This makes the call volume fairer among staffers, especially for those with a low average handle time.

Example: If you have five agents on your team and agent one took a call seven minutes ago, and agent two received a call 16 minutes ago, the next incoming call will be directed to agent two.

5) Simultaneous

Simultaneous call distribution rings all the available agents’ phones ring simultaneously, thus shortening the call queue. Routing calls this way is ideal when speed is essential to your business. In addition, this minimizes the odds that calls will go to voicemail.

Example: If you have three members of a call group, all of their phones will ring when a new call comes in. The one who answers it first takes the call.

6) Weighted

A weighted call routing plan lets managers set a portion of calls to be routed to specific agents, adding up to 100%. This approach is similar to a sales pipeline for new leads.

Directing calls this way is great for onboarding new employees or routing calls toward your best-performing agents.

Common use cases for weighted routing include weighing calls based on the following: 

Example: You have 100 customer calls coming in and three available agents. The first agent has a 40% weighted call distribution, the second agent has 25%, and the third agent has 35%. Therefore, the call routing policy will deliver 40 calls to agent one, 25 calls to agent two, and 35 to the third agent.

Benefits of ACD 

Almost 90% of customers who reach a call center expect their issue to be resolved in one call. SQM Group, an analytics software company, found that each unavoidable follow-up interaction costs the brand a 15% drop in customer satisfaction.

SQM data on customer satisfaction

ACD technologies allow companies to provide excellent, efficient, and consistent call-handling experience that would otherwise require a large manual effort.

Here are some of the main benefits of automatic call distribution (ACD):

“By implementing an ACD system, we’re able to convert our generic customer support agents into experts. This had an immediate impact on employee satisfaction as the agents were able to specialize on certain topics.

Charley Dirksen
Chief Wellbeing Officer, Nowatch

Implementation Challenges With ACD


Deploying a robust ACD system requires investment in software, hardware, and potentially consulting services. While the long-term benefits outweigh the initial cost, it can be a barrier for smaller businesses.


Agents need thorough training on using ACD effectively, including navigating features and adapting to new workflows. Inadequate training can lead to glitches and hinder initial adoption.


Implementing ACD can temporarily disrupt existing call center routines. Careful planning, communication, and phased rollouts are crucial to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition.

But there are ways to maximize ACD’s potential:

How To Choose the Right ACD System for Your Call Center

The right ACD system can significantly improve call center efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall productivity. Take the time to choose wisely.

Here are some tips for choosing the right ACD system:

1. Determine your call volume needs. Consider the number of agents you need to support, peak call times and seasons, and expected growth. This will help you pick an ACD that can handle your capacity.

2. Consider the types of calls and routing rules needed. Do you need simple rules like round robin or skills-based routing to certain agents? Or more complex priority and overflow rules? Make sure the system supports the call flows you want.

3. Look at reporting and analytics. A good ACD provides historical, real-time, and forecast reporting to help you understand caller information, call metrics, agent performance, service levels, and more. Pick one with robust reporting.

4. Ensure flexibility and scalability. Your needs may change so choose an ACD that allows easy config changes and scaling up/down as needed. Cloud-based systems are often more flexible.

5. Evaluate ease of integration. If integrating with CRM or other systems, make sure the ACD has good integration capabilities and APIs.

6. Consider the total cost of ownership over 3-5 years, not just upfront costs. Subscription cloud systems have lower upfront costs but ongoing subscriptions.

7. Look for an easy-to-use agent desktop. A simple, intuitive interface improves the experience for contact center agents.

8. Don’t underestimate the value of good technical support, training resources, and documentation. Find an ACD vendor that provides solid post-implementation support.

Where Can I Get an Automatic Call Distributor?

We have good news if you have a small business phone system like Nextiva. You don’t have to get separate automatic call distribution software because you likely have some ACD built-in functionality. In addition, select contact center solutions include advanced automatic call distribution.

For those using an older PBX, you’ll have to begin a search for compatible hardware, software, and experts to configure automatic call distribution. The upfront pricing could be pretty high.

Or you can choose a ready-to-use call center solution to handle all calls with the call routing you want. Customer service agents don’t need desk phones; you can launch within weeks, not months. And, the monthly or yearly pricing is significantly lower than it would be with an on-premises system. 

With a seamless IVR and ACD system, you can achieve the ultimate goal for your contact center: keep your customers and agents happy.

Launch your cloud call center in days.

Give your team the best tools to scale with Nextiva


Dominic Kent

Dominic Kent is a content marketer specializing in unified communications and contact centers. After 10 years of managing installations, he founded UC Marketing to bridge the gap between service providers and customers. He spends half of his time building content marketing programs and the rest writing on the beach with his dogs.

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Auto Dialer vs. Predictive Dialer: What’s the Difference?

January 18, 2024 5 min read

Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby

Predictive dialers and auto-dialers help you address the time your agents spend not talking to your contacts, which can cost your campaign some cents. In some cases, it might be preferred over using a business VoIP service.

But, it’s important to understand the difference between the predictive dialer and auto dialer so you can choose the perfect solution for each campaign and increase conversions.

This post highlights everything you need to know to decide between a predictive dialer and an auto dialer.

What Is a Predictive Dialer?

A predictive dialer is an outbound calling software that calls multiple people at the same time. It works with the help of AI technology and statistical algorithms to begin dialing numbers even before the agents wrap up the previous call.

As a result, the agents will have another call in the queue after completing the current call. This guarantees that there is no time wasted and that agents can connect with a maximum number of prospects.

What Is an Auto Dialer?

An auto dialer is a type of automated calling software that dials phone numbers, connects a caller (customer or prospect) to the contact center agent, and plays a recorded message. 

Agents must upload a list of leads’ and prospects’ contact information before launching a campaign.  The numbers are then dialed sequentially by the autodialer. And if the call goes to voicemail without being answered, your agent has the option to end it.

Predictive Dialer vs. Auto Dialer: What to Know

An auto dialer simply automates the calling process to deliver messages or connect calls to agents, while a predictive dialer uses algorithms to optimize call timings based on agent availability and other criteria.

While auto dialers are noted for effectively managing the workload by assigning connected calls to available agents, predictive dialers are the favored option for campaigns that aim to maximize connectivity.

Predictive Dialer
Auto Dialer
Outbound calling software that makes a call a few seconds before an agent completes the previous call. 
Automated calling software that dials phone numbers from a prepopulated log and directs calls to available agents 
Maximizes an individual agent’s call log
Maximizes an entire call list by redirecting calls to an available agent
Suitable for large teams & campaigns
Suitable for teams less with than 8 agents
Uses AI technology and statistical algorithms to determine dial rate 
Requires manual set of up dialer rate per agent

Predictive dialer software places a call a few seconds before an agent completes the previous call. It does that by estimating the agent’s call duration and availability. Conversely, an auto dialer dials a number of contacts and connects answered calls to an available representative.

While you have to set up the auto dialer call rate per agent, the predictive dialer estimates and sets the dial rate based on the number of agents, call duration, etc.

An auto dialer is suitable for teams with less than eight agents and campaigns with small contact lists. 

Predictive dialer software is perfect for teams with more than eight agents and outbound calling campaigns with high call volumes and fast turnaround times.

Benefits of a Predictive Dialer

1. It Helps Increase Agents’ Productivity

A predictive dialer dials multiple calls at once. And this implies that a new call will be waiting for the agent as soon as they wrap up an active call. As a result, there is no time wasted.

Additionally, the software will route the call to the appropriate department, saving the agent time from picking up the wrong calls. All of this increases agent productivity while ensuring the highest customer satisfaction. 

2. High Scalability

The ability to add multiple agents or remove agents from a row makes a predictive dialer very scalable. You can use this dialer for a number of marketing campaigns; thus, it’s most suitable for call centers and big organizations.

3. Call Monitoring and Analysis

Monitoring outbound calling campaign calls is difficult, which is why a predictive dialer is helpful. The dialer makes it easier to keep track of calls by providing different metrics, including the total number of dialed calls, the average call duration, the overall duration of the call, etc. All these metrics help supervisors understand how an agent is performing.

4. Customizable List

With a predictive dialer, a user is able to create and customize their own list of customers. And this means any agent can create their own marketing campaigns. The dialer will help them achieve set targets as it makes dialing easier.

Weaknesses of a Predictive Dialer

  • Failure of the algorithm could be a risk.
  • It poses the risk of abandoned calls if reps take too much time to connect
  • Agents must be adept at promptly answering calls after one has ended.
  • It performs better with big campaigns because more data is available for the algorithm to use.

Benefits of an Auto Dialer

1. Advertising

An auto dialer helps you effectively carry out advertising campaigns by ensuring that agents pay close attention to leads with high conversion rates.

2. Ensures 100% Utilization of Agents’ Call Time.

Compared to manual dialing, an auto dialer enables you to use an agent’s talk time best. And by reducing the idle time, your agent will be more productive and thus help to increase the call-connect ratio.

3. Keep Constant Interaction With Customers

The primary goal that contact centers should pursue is customer interaction. This is where a good auto dialer software comes in handy. Instead of doing needless tasks, agents can concentrate on taking calls.

Weaknesses of an Auto Dialer

  • It does not check to see if an agent is available, leading to dropped calls.
  • It needs more than a few outbound calling agents.
  • It causes a short wait time before the agents connect to the call.
  • It does not always correctly detect answering machines.

Related: Outbound Dialers: Benefits and Essential Use Cases

Optimizing Outbound Calls for Your Call Center

In reality, many businesses’ outbound dialing strategies have been enhanced by the development of predictive and auto dialer software.

Your organization can minimize overall downtime and increase operational efficiency with a scalable VoIP phone system. Integrating dialer software also increases efficiency while helping eliminate idle time and time zone navigation concerns for your call center agents.

You might still wonder, “How can I optimize my outbound calling strategy once I decide on an auto dialer software?” For more questions about predictive dialers, check out this set of FAQs.

Here are some strategies for optimizing outbound calls to increase sales and revenue while maintaining a positive call center environment.

1. Personalize Scripts

Sales scripts act as a blueprint for your outbound call. They decide why you are placing the call in the first place and leave the rest up to you to improvise.

Scripts are a useful tool that can work for or against your company. The solution to ensuring that your reps don’t rely on scripts too heavily or come off as overly scripted, train your sales and support reps on how to pull up data from your CRM and use it to personalize calls.

2. Use a Variety of Channels for Awareness Campaigns

 Customers that consider telemarketing calls to be spam will simply hang up. Thus, utilizing email, SMS, and chat instead of only cold sales calls seems more like engagement and relationship-building.

3. Scale Your Call Center

Analyze data from your dashboard, such as average handle time and the number of calls made, to decide how many sales or support agents are required to achieve your goals.

  • Set fair, challenging, but realistic quotas for sales and support representatives
  • Monitor and analyze call data to determine which representatives are performing effectively and which ones aren’t
  • Evaluate your goals carefully, and set metrics and KPIs that are appropriate. Then establish workflows that lead to progress.
  • Record and review customer interactions to determine whether sales and support agents take too many or too few calls. 

Learn more about how to scale your call center operations with a predictive dialer system. Talk to a Nextiva expert today.


Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby is a marketing specialist at Nextiva. He spent three years on the front lines of technical support, troubleshooting internet and VoIP topics. He moved forward into the technical writing and content creation space. He’s helped set up hundreds of businesses and advised thousands of people with their cloud communications.

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Remote Workforce: Why It Matters and How To Manage One

January 18, 2024 8 min read

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

The modern workforce is experiencing a massive shift toward remote work. Technological advances and changes in work culture and expectations have enabled more people to work productively from home or other flexible locations.

Despite the return to offices, remote work is still a preferred choice for many employees and businesses alike. 38% of companies have employees that work remotely.

The rise of remote workers shows no signs of slowing down, and it’s time businesses adapt to this emerging work trend and manage their remote teams better.

But how?

We’ll walk you through everything you need to know about a remote workforce and share best practices to manage remote employees effectively. Let’s get started.

What Is a Remote Workforce?

A remote workforce refers to employees who work from home or another off-site location instead of commuting to a central workplace or office.

The terms “remote work” and “telecommuting” refer to work arrangements where employees enjoy flexibility in their working location and hours.

Rather than commuting every day to the office, remote workers conduct their duties predominantly from home or co-working spaces of their choice, collaborating with colleagues online. 

According to a recent Gallup survey, over 60% of U.S. workers are completing at least some of their work at home, with the remote share averaging two days per week. Furthermore, over 85% of surveyed employees desire at least some degree of remote flexibility.

Gallup survey on the state of remote work

This represents a dramatic departure from traditional work norms where fixed on-site schedules were standard. 

Advances in networking, communication, and productivity software have enabled businesses to maintain productivity outside centralized offices.

As these technologies improve along with cultural comfort with remote collaboration, more companies are recognizing substantial benefits in flexible work arrangements.

Advantages of a Remote Workforce

Having a remote workforce offers a slew of advantages for both employers and employees. Here are some of the key benefits:

For employees

Improved work-life balanceRemote work eliminates the need for commuting, saving employees precious hours that can be dedicated to personal pursuits, family time, or even exercise and hobbies. This leads to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, reducing stress and boosting overall well-being.

Increased productivity and focus: Employees also get to work in a quieter and less distracting environment, improving concentration and focus and translating to higher productivity and better quality work.

Greater flexibility and autonomy: Remote work gives employees more control over their schedules and work styles. They can choose to work when they’re most productive, whether it’s early mornings, late nights, or even during breaks throughout the day. This flexibility can be especially beneficial for people with childcare responsibilities, health conditions, or other commitments.

Reduced costs: Remote employees save money on commuting, professional attire, and childcare, which can be a significant financial benefit. Additionally, companies can save on office space, utilities, and other overhead costs.

For employers

Reduced overhead costs: Businesses enjoy significant cost savings in terms of office space, utilities, and other overhead expenses.

Increased employee productivity and satisfaction: Remote workers are often more productive and satisfied than their office-based counterparts. Meaning, that remote work results in better employee retention, reduced absenteeism, and lower turnover costs.

Access to a wider talent pool: Remote work allows companies to tap into a global talent pool, attracting the best candidates regardless of their location.

Improved employee morale and engagement: Employees get a sense of autonomy and trust working remotely, which boosts morale and engagement. Remote teams also have a stronger sense of collaboration and communication to stay connected.

Enhanced corporate image: A company that offers remote work options is seen as more progressive and attractive to potential employees and customers.

Related: How to Spot Call Center Absenteeism and Fix It

Challenges of Managing a Remote Team  

Despite the many advantages, managing a remote team isn’t without its challenges. You’ll come across many leadership and collaboration obstacles that should be preemptively addressed for long-term success.

Communication barriers

Without the benefit of nonverbal cues and water cooler chats, misunderstandings between employees can arise more easily through emails, messages, and video calls.

At the same time, with various communication channels open, team members can be bombarded with information, making it hard to stay focused and prioritize tasks.

In-person brainstorming and impromptu discussions become rare when working remotely, which hinders creativity and teamwork.

Team building and culture

It can be harder to build genuine relationships and a sense of camaraderie without regular face-to-face interaction.

Maintaining team morale is also challenging. Feeling isolated and disconnected from colleagues can lead to lower morale and a lack of motivation. Creating a shared identity and sense of belonging is tricky when team members are geographically dispersed.

Productivity and workflow

Working from home comes with various distractions. It’s difficult to stay focused and maintain productivity.

Without a clear visual of someone’s work schedule, managers may also struggle to set and monitor expectations, leading to potential issues with accountability.

Another hit in productivity is coordinating schedules and meetings across different time zones, which impacts teamwork and workflow.

Besides, blending work and personal life can be difficult for remote workers, leading to burnout and stress.

Best Practices to Manage a Remote Workforce

Managing a remote workforce has challenges, but many companies have been leading their remote teams for many years. Check out these strategies to set your team up for success.

1. Implement clear communication tools and channels

The right technology can make all the difference. On the most basic level, they’ll need hardware like laptops, smartphones, and other devices to work anywhere. However, that’s not the end of the story.

You should equip your team with an essential telecommuting technology toolkit.

2. Foster a culture of trust and transparency

When you aren’t all working together, the lines on roles can get blurry. Make sure to establish clear roles and responsibilities right away.

This practice starts with well-defined job descriptions, so individuals know their responsibilities. 

Inform others about their core functions and processes to avoid conflicts. Maintain an updated office directory. Whenever roles or members of the team change, update the rest of the remote workforce.

Also, decide what results you’re looking for and how you’ll judge them. Think creatively about different kinds of KPIs for different jobs, and track and measure them timely.

3. Ensure work-life balance

Remote workers are likely to keep working beyond the typical workday and many times overwork themselves. You need to step in to help your whole team stay healthy and happy and maintain a work-life balance. How?

4. Promote virtual team-building activities

According to recent Gallup data, having good workplace friendships work has gained quite a lot of importance since the start of the pandemic, even considering the dramatic increase in remote and hybrid work.

So how do you encourage friendships and build teams with a remote workforce?

Video meeting in Nextiva
Video meetings are fun and engaging when done right

5. Invest in employee development and training

Supporting remote employees and actively investing in their continuous development and training is key to a happy remote workforce and better employee engagement. Investing in development and training leads to more empowered, motivated employees and stronger business outcomes.

When employees lack opportunities to learn new skills or refresh existing ones, they may start to feel stagnant in their roles or disconnected from the organization’s mission and culture.

By offering remote learning and development initiatives like online courses, skill-building workshops, coaching sessions, and more, employers demonstrate their commitment to nurturing talent and helping team members reach their full potential, even from afar.

These development investments also allow remote workers to gain knowledge that directly translates to improved performance and productivity.

6. Advertise your remote job opportunities

Remote jobs can be a powerful component of successful recruiting. For many people, working from home is a real draw.  

Don’t bury the fact that you offer remote work and flexjob opportunities. Make it front and center on your job postings and descriptions. Tout it as a benefit for your employees on social media like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Example of a LinkedIn job posting (Via recruitics)
Example of a LinkedIn job posting (Via recruitics)

And be specific. Articulate why your company has embraced remote roles, who they might work with, and the additional perks to make remote work more appealing.

Plus, your talent pool is no longer limited to people close enough to commute to your office. Now the whole world is your talent pool. You can now advertise your positions everywhere. You can recruit from geographically remote areas.

7. Invest the cost savings

One significant advantage of a remote workforce is cost savings for your bottom line, and there are better ways to invest them in your employees.

Why? You might realize you have more cash on hand so you can hire more, reward your team, and expand your company benefits. 

Start by saving on office space and commercial real estate. You could stick with the same office space you have and hire more employees remotely. With an entirely remote workforce, you don’t even need an office.

Offer employees health and wellness benefits, so remote working is a healthier work arrangement.

The Future of Work

Having a remote workforce affords numerous competitive advantages. Employees gain more autonomy. Employers grant more trust. And there are some incredible gains to be had by going all-in on working from home. 

But it takes serious effort to be successful. You need your management team to grow into more significant leadership roles. They need to adapt to the new tools of the trade to listen and support their team. 

Thankfully, it’s been done before. These actionable insights on how to build and scale your workforce will get you a headstart. Your remote team will appreciate your efforts to support and guide them to become even more successful.

Use these helpful tips to manage your remote workers more effectively, stay connected, and get more work done. 

Don’t forget to choose a communication tool that makes working remotely a breeze for your business.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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13 Top Business Communication Platforms to Work Faster

January 18, 2024 12 min read

Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell

Communication is the backbone of any successful business, but with countless cloud platforms and options, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming.

A staggering 83% of companies have experienced missed deadlines, lost sales, and even employee turnover due to communication breakdowns.

Don’t let poor communication hold your business back!

This guide will break down the 5 key types of communication platforms and introduce you to the top tools available. We’ll also share valuable tips to help you choose the perfect communication tool for your needs and streamline your workflows like never before.

What Is a Communication Platform?

A communication platform is software that enables external and internal messaging within the workplace. It uses multiple channels, including phone, video conferencing, task management, and team messaging. Businesses use communications software to keep their teams connection, serve customers, and reduce repetitive or unnecessary work.

Business communication platforms offer project management, file sharing, and customer communication capabilities.

Businesses use effective communication tools to provide secure employee messaging across distributed teams and networks. Modern solutions deliver far more than just instant messaging and online meetings.

Robust feature sets help employees meet company goals, serve customers efficiently, and complete projects on time by making it easy to reach the right team members across a variety of business communication channels.

With many firms embracing remote work, providing flexible tools for your team members is a must. You’re setting them up for failure without the proper security features and collaboration tools.

Examples of communication software include:

5 Types of Communication Platforms

Communication platforms can be divided into five categories, each with distinct benefits. These platforms use real-time and asynchronous communication to simplify the way you work.

1. Internal communications

Internal communication platforms establish real-time conversations between employees, supervisors, and authorized partners. The channels often include VoIP calls, group chats, and text notifications.

Examples: Nextiva, Slack, Confluence

Team chat in Nextiva
Example of an internal communication tool – Team Chat in Nextiva

2. Customer communications

Customer communication tools help customers feel heard, supported, and satisfied. Top functions include a CRM to store customer interactions, support tickets, and live chat.

Customer communication platforms organize requests, track customer sentiment, and analyze trends. Advanced solutions offer customer service automation using artificial intelligence to help you scale.

Examples: Nextiva, Zendesk, Help Scout, Zoho Desk

3. Project management

Project management platforms provide oversight into team workflows to align dispersed groups. Features like task management, Gantt charts, timelines, and custom fields add structure to visualize progress.

With large initiatives broken into smaller assignments, all stakeholders can update deliverable status to surface potential delays early and often to keep efforts on track.

Examples: Asana,, Basecamp

4. Video conferencing

Video meetings replicate the experience of face-to-face gatherings for everything from daily standups to quarterly all-hands events, trade show keynotes, and external webinars.

Advanced solutions move beyond basic video streaming with robust options — dial-in audio lines, group messaging, attendee management, polling questions, cloud recordings, and more to power impactful virtual session sizes small and large.  

Examples: Nextiva, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts

Nextiva video meeting software

5. Collaboration tools

Collaboration platforms allow fluid teamwork and feedback cycles through real-time editing and annotation capabilities for delivering dynamic presentations.

Teams can exchange ideas freely without getting bogged down in scheduling meetings or circulating endless email chains trying to settle on directions.

Video conferencing, cloud storage, virtual whiteboarding, and secure external portals are table-stakes features companies should look for. Equally important are the identity and access components to control document access and maintain version histories for compliance.

Examples: Nextiva, Google Drive, Trello, Workvivo

13 Best Communication Platforms for Businesses

We’ve rounded up 14 platforms you should know for seamless business communication. Consider these solutions to enhance your workflow and customer satisfaction.

1. Nextiva

Nextiva phone system

Type of platform: Internal communications, Unified Communications, Customer Communications, Video Meetings, Collaboration, Productivity

Nextiva is a connected communications platform that brings your customers and teams together. It works out of the box with your mobile devices, VoIP phones, and desktops via a softphone app

Nextiva has earned its place among the top communication platforms thanks to its powerful mix of features, flexibility, and scalability. But what exactly makes it tick? Let’s look at its key features and pricing.

Nextiva’s key features:


Nextiva offers three main VoIP plans, each catering to different business needs:

2. Slack

Slack Main Image

Type of platform: Internal communications

Slack is an alternative to internal emails as a real-time messaging tool for business. It offers channels for specific topics, departments, or offices. Employees can also talk to each other through direct messages.

Key features of Slack include:


Slack offers a freemium model, catering to both individual users and businesses. Growing teams can upgrade to the Pro plan for unlimited messages, storage, and guest access, starting at $7.25 per user per month (billed annually).

3. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft teams

Type of platform: Collaboration

Microsoft Teams is a team collaboration app for those in the Microsoft ecosystem. It brings meetings, chats, calls, and collaboration to one place. Microsoft Teams makes it easy to go from group chat to video call with a single click.

Key features of Microsoft Teams include:


Teams offers three main tiers. Microsoft Teams Essentials starts at $4 per user/month (subscribed annually) and adds video conferencing, live captions, and 10 GB of cloud storage per user.

4. Zoom

Zoom conference service

Type of platform: Video conferencing

Zoom is a video meeting and conferencing tool. Participants can join meetings from any device, including dialing in from their phones. Administrators can record meetings and can set up integrations with other third-party services.

What are some of Zoom’s key features?


The Pro plan starts at $149.90 per user/year and offers longer meetings, recordings, branding, and reports. Large enterprises need to contact Zoom for a custom enterprise plan quote.

5. GoTo Meeting

GoTo meeting

Type of platform: Video conferencing

GoToMeeting is a web-based platform for online meetings, video conferencing, and screen sharing. It’s primarily designed for business professionals and remote teams, but can also be used for educational webinars.

Key features of GoTo Meeting include:


GoToMeeting offers tiered pricing plans catering to different needs and team sizes. The Professional plan starts at $12 per month (billed annually), offering video meetings with up to 150 participants, meeting recordings, and attendee insights. Large organizations need to contact GoTo’s sales for custom pricing.

6. Asana


Type of platform: Project management

Asana is a cloud-based project management tool. You can use it for unlimited projects, which you can organize into lists, boards, and calendars. It makes it easy for small businesses to ship projects large and small.

Key Asana features include:


Asana offers tiered pricing based on features and the number of users. The Starter plan starts at $10.99 per user/month (billed annually), offering project templates, custom fields, reports, and integrations for small teams and individuals. Contact Asana for a custom Enterprise plan with enhanced security, data control, and priority support.

7. Basecamp

Basecamp product shot

Type of platform: Project management

Basecamp is a project management and team communication software. It’s a trusted app for remote firms — it’s worth pointing out that Basecamp has always been a remote company. It helps you move your work from emails, file services, and spreadsheets.

Key Basecamp features include:


Basecamp’s base plan costs $15/user per month, which is ideal for small teams or startups. Basecamp Pro Unlimited costs $299/month (billed annually), and adds features like automatic check-ins, goals, and enhanced file-sharing capabilities.

8. Trello

Trello product shot

Type of platform: Project management

Trello organizes your projects into attractive task boards. It’s a visual task management tool and provides a clear workflow map.

Key Trello features include:


Trello offers a tiered pricing plan. Standard at $5 per user/month, billed annually, is best for small teams. Premium costs $10 per user/month and is ideal for businesses requiring enhanced features and admin controls.

9. product shot

Type of platform: Project management is a visual planning platform. It lets you plan, organize, and track all your team’s work. Users receive real-time updates, so everyone has context on the project at hand.

Keay features of include:

Pricing offers tiered pricing based on features and the number of users. The Basic plan costs $9 per seat/month. The Pro plan at $19 per user/month brings advanced automation, guest access, and private boards. Both plans are billed annually and you need to pay for a minimum of 3 seats. Contact for a custom Enterprise plan.

150K+ businesses can’t be wrong.

Voice. Video. Collaboration. Automation. AI. All in one.

10. Google Drive

Google Drive product shot

Type of platform: Collaboration

Google Drive is a cloud storage solution that allows you to access saved files anytime. Store company assets like videos and logos, internal guides, slide decks, and more.

Everything on Google Drive is in sync for every employee that has access. It’s an attractive solution for remote collaboration and file version control.

What are some of Google Drive’s key features?


Paid plans for Google Workspace start at $6 per user/month (billed annually). You can also pick from other plans for businesses and teams, including unlimited storage, advanced security features, and custom email domains.

11. Dropbox

dropbox cloud app for unified communications

Type of platform: Collaboration

Dropbox is another cloud storage solution. It lets you back your files up through file sync, file recovery if you delete a file and version history. Collaboration features make it easy to share links or file previews and leave comments on a file.

Key Dropbox features include:


Dropbox’s Plus plan costs $9.99/month and gives you 2TB for work and play. It’s good for personal use. Dropbox’s Business plan costs $20/user/month and is ideal for small teams.

12. Skype

Skype product shot

Type of platform: Video conferencing

Skype offers high-quality video and audio conferencing, international calling, and group communication. It’s an excellent tool for video collaboration.

Key features of Skype include:


Basic plan fits personal calls and small meetings with up to 50 participants. For unlimited calling within the US, the plans start at $2.95/month. Skype Credit lets you call internationally.

13. Loom

Loom product shot

Type of platform: Collaboration

Loom is a video-sharing tool that lets you record your screen, narrate, or appear on camera. What makes Loom unique is that it’s intended for screen-sharing videos. You can also connect with team members without having to find time in everyone’s calendar.

Key Loom features include:


Start free for 5-minute videos and personal projects. The Business plan, at $12.50/month (billed annually), brings shared workspaces, analytics, and custom recording sizes. Contact Loom for a custom Enterprise plan.

Related: Communications Service Provider: Overview & Key Features

Tips for Choosing a Communication Platform

Choosing the right communication platform can be tricky, but with the right checklist, you can easily find one that connects you with your audience and drives your communication. Here are some tips to guide you:

1. Know your purpose

What are you going to use the tool for? Is it for internal communication, customer engagement, project collaboration, or something else? Clearly defining your goals will help you narrow down options and focus on features that support those goals.

2. Understand your audience

Who are you trying to reach? Consider their age, tech savviness, preferred communication methods, and location. Choose a platform that’s accessible and user-friendly for your target audience.

3. Analyze your message

Is your message formal or informal? Does it require real-time interaction or asynchronous collaboration? Different platforms excel at different message types. For example, email might be better for formal announcements, while instant messaging could suit quick updates.

4. Consider your resources

What’s your budget? Some platforms offer free or basic plans, while others have different pricing tiers based on features and user count. Also include setup, training, and ongoing maintenance costs in your budget considerations.

5. Explore key features

Prioritize features that align with your needs. Do you need video conferencing, file sharing, project management tools, or integrations with other software? Make a list of must-have features and compare different platforms to see which ones offer the best combination.

Nextiva voip service

Once that’s dialed down, here’s what to look for in a platform:

Remember, the perfect communication platform doesn’t exist. Focus on your needs and priorities to find one that bridges the gap between you and your audience, fostering clearer and more effective communication.

Want To Make The Choice Easy? Choose Nextiva

For businesses seeking a communication platform that scales seamlessly with their growth, Nextiva stands out.

With robust telephony, omnichannel contact options, integrated analytics, and easy CRM integrations, Nextiva provides end-to-end capabilities for effective customer engagement.

Strong reliability and support as well as flexible plans suit even small businesses. Nextiva makes it easier to unite distributed teams and provide consistent customer experiences.

Tame your tech stack.

Improve the way your team works with Nextiva.


Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell was a growth marketer at Nextiva. He combines his skills in content marketing, SEO, data analysis, and marketing strategy to meet audiences in their journey. He has helped scale SaaS brands like G2 and Sphere Software and contributed to G2's traffic growth. You can find him tweeting about e-commerce, sports, gaming, and business.

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The more information you have on a customer, the more personalized the experience you can provide them. That’s exactly what automatic number identification (ANI) provides. 

In most contact centers, a lot of time is wasted gathering data and information. Wouldn’t it be better for your agents and customers if you had a way to source data automatically to speed up the process?

ANI helps automate the process of customer discovery, improving up first call resolution and providing a more personalized experience for your customers.

What Is ANI?

ANI is a system used by phone carriers to identify the telephone number of anyone making a call. It’s also being adopted by call centers to provide agents with more information about each caller.

ANI originated as a tool used for billing purposes. Using ANI, phone companies could match a caller with their account and provide accurate billing. For example, when Joe from Pets R Us makes a call from number 602-555-1234, it matches the Pets R Us account, which is then billed without manual intervention.

How does ANI work?

When anyone makes a call, the telephone exchange can identify the caller’s number in real time. Without this information, the exchange could not successfully connect the call because it takes two parties to establish a phone call over a telecommunications network.

When the exchange receives the caller’s number, it sends this information when connecting the call. The following information is included:

  • Dialing code
  • Phone number (including mobile and toll-free numbers)
  • Location (based on the area code)

The exchange receives this information from the calling party and passes it on to the recipient of the incoming call. Simple, right?

In the background, a signaling system known as Signaling System No. 7 does the hard work. It uses the signals within a phone call to send the data from point A to point B (caller to recipient). 

Once the information is in transit, the data is sent through a separate channel and is available even if the caller ID information is blocked.

Sounds like normal caller ID, right? We hear you. Here’s how ANI is different.

How ANI differs from caller ID

ANI has three main characteristics that set it apart from standard caller ID:

4 Benefits of ANI for Your Call Center

1. Rapid identification

When a customer or prospect calls, call center agents immediately receive their information, allowing for manual or automatic account lookup without asking the caller for information. All in all, this is a more efficient, less customer-reliant process for identity verification.

Rapid identification

One classic example is a banking call center. When validating a customer account, you can use ANI as part of the process. The interactive voice response (IVR) system checks the incoming number against the customer’s details on file. If it matches, verification is complete, and there’s one less step for your customer.

2. Personalized service

If you’ve ever used computer telephony integration (CTI), you’ll be used to features such as screen pop and customer accounts appearing automatically in your customer database or CRM.

Nextiva screen pop

ANI ensures this happens every time by providing the phone number information needed to access your customer interaction history. When this is loaded without the customer providing input, you decrease the average handle time and can access everything you need to know about the customer. There’s no need to ask them to recap their last call, as everything is right in front of you.

Pro tip: Train call center agents to avoid revealing sensitive information about callers to mitigate social engineering attempts. For example, don’t say, “This is John Smith, right?” when answering an inbound call.

3. Routing inbound calls

If you have an automatic call distributor (ACD) or pre-configured call routing based on specific phone numbers, locations, or priority customers, ANI ensures the information you need is carried through to your phone system.

When callers hide their caller ID accidentally or by design, they won’t get routed correctly and must start their call at a receptionist or IVR system. This halts their progress and becomes a source of frustration, as they must explain their reason for calling to be transferred manually. The alternative, using call routing alongside ANI, is they are routed to the right place the first time they call.

An example where ANI can be useful for call routing is when you have high-value accounts and provide these customers with VIP-level customer service. Customers who can access this shortcut line are used to getting through to their desired agent or department without queuing. 

Without ANI in place, you can’t guarantee they get through every single time, and your metrics may be affected.

4. Fraud prevention

If you’re subject to frequent or disruptive scam calls, you can use ANI to flag numbers known for conducting fraudulent activity. 

For example, a number might be recorded on your database for connecting and hanging up. These are called nuisance calls and will impact your call center productivity.

Likewise, someone might be calling from a location that doesn’t match your customers’ calling patterns. Sure, long-distance calls happen, but if it’s never happened before, it’s worth looking into.

The ANI service will flag this so your agent is aware there’s an anomaly and can conduct further verification when they answer the call.

If you have a specialist fraud team, you can route suspicious calls to them or flag the activity for further investigation by your telephone company.

Pro tip: ANI should be a factor in verifying inbound callers but should not be the only method of identity verification. 

Applications Beyond Call Centers

Outside of the call center environment, we see ANI in use with telephone operators such as those in emergency services. 

When an ambulance is required on scene, for example, it’s vital the location is correct. Using the information attached to the phone number of the calling party (this is called E911), emergency services can verify the address with the location associated with the phone number.

Having this information readily available can be life-saving.

Privacy Considerations

If everyone’s phone number information is revealed, it naturally raises the question of privacy. If some users or businesses block their numbers for personal or compliance reasons, they may not feel secure calling you.

When you have customers like these, or if someone questions how you knew they were calling from a specific company, you must be honest and upfront. When using ANI to benefit your business and your customers, it’s advisable to include this in your privacy policy. 

What about *67?

Unlike caller ID, ANI can’t be blocked when placing a call. Every phone call comes from a telephone network and has a subscriber attached to it. The use of *67 obscures the name and number, but the ANI data is passed along to the telephone provider. So, even when someone dials your call center with a blocked or anonymous number, the call is still traceable. 

Advanced contact centers employ ANI and shared CNAM (caller ID name) databases to authenticate the names and numbers of inbound callers.

After explaining the benefits of ANI, i.e. shorter answering and call resolution times and providing personalized service, most customers will not object.

Speed Up Your Contact Center Operations With Nextiva

ANI helps agents provide a more efficient and personalized customer experience. By recognizing the phone number information (area code, number, and location), you can route calls to the right place and greet customers without the need for prolonged introductions and catch-ups.

To use ANI to help your team provide a better customer experience, you need a contact center solution that supports such a service.

Nextiva can be an agent’s best friend when it comes to resolving issues quickly and reaching contact center performance benchmarks.

Nextiva provides contact center software that is trusted by businesses like Heaton Eye Associates. Nextiva helps thousands of businesses serve their patients and customers in the most efficient manner possible while ensuring they feel comfortable.

“When our team is communicating with a patient to schedule an appointment, it’s very involved. Fast, speedy, and reliable communication is strategically important to what we do daily.”

-Jerry King, Director of Contact Center and Telecommunications, Heaton Eye Associates.

Fast, speedy, and reliable? It must be Nextiva.

A complete call center solution

See why top brands use Nextiva to handle calls at scale. Easy to use. Fast setup.


Dominic Kent

Dominic Kent is a content marketer specializing in unified communications and contact centers. After 10 years of managing installations, he founded UC Marketing to bridge the gap between service providers and customers. He spends half of his time building content marketing programs and the rest writing on the beach with his dogs.

Posts from this author

Contact Center vs. Call Center: Which Platform Is Best?

January 17, 2024 10 min read

Dominic Kent

Dominic Kent

As businesses seek better ways to deliver a better customer experience, deciding between a call center and a contact center can be tricky.

This article describes exactly what you get with each solution and covers the similarities and differences.

By the end of this post, you’ll be in the know and ready to choose the best contact center solution for your company.

If you’re in a rush, we compiled a quick cheat sheet showing the main differences between call centers and contact centers.

Call center vs. contact center differences

Call CenterContact Center
Voice calls onlyVoice + email, live chat, social media, video
Call reports onlyMultichannel analytics
Focus on call metricsFocus on customer engagement
Disjointed customer experienceConnected customer experience
Lacks future expansion capabilitiesAble to connect future media channels

Consider a call center if:

  • Your focus is managing call flows
  • Your customers only make phone calls to reach you
  • Outbounds calls are more important than inbound customer interactions

Consider a contact center if:

  • Your customers use other digital channels
  • You value cross-channel reporting
  • Your business is ready to scale

What Is a Contact Center?

When defining a contact center, we land on “a business function responsible for communicating with customers.” This often occurs via telephone, SMS, email, social media, or video.

A contact center is also the business unit that assists customers across all contact methods. Typically, a contact center is based in an office, but there are also remote teams.

We now also see hybrid contact centers; some work in the office, and others at home.

Contact center software describes the technology used in these office or hybrid environments. However, we primarily associate it with people answering inbound transactions or making outbound calls.

When only phone calls are involved, that’s a call center. We’ll take a closer look at it in the next section.

contact center handles all types of customer contact. Expect to see the following digital channels supported:

  • Phone Calls
  • Emails
  • Video
  • Live chat
  • Chatbot escalations
  • Social media
  • Text messages (SMS)

A contact center solution has a single interface for handling multichannel customer inquiries. They also have a sophisticated reporting suite on the back end. All the data captured in your contact center becomes useful for forecasting and planning.

Get a cloud contact center software from Nextiva.

IVR, call recording, VoIP numbers, call routing, advanced reporting–integrated in ONE cloud platform.

What Is a Call Center?

A call center is a centralized destination for customers to call in and get their questions handled by agents. It could be banks of desks, cubicles, or an open office environment. Call center agents often wear headsets that connect to the phone system to make and answer calls.

In technical terms, a call center is a voice-only deployment. SIP trunks are the foundation for call center software to handle heavy call volumes. The call center then routes calls to the IVR system or call distribution functions.

Nextiva communication

Related: 5 Types of Call Centers: Which Is Right for Your Business?

Unlike a multichannel contact center, no web chat, social media, or other channels are available to agents.

While you might offer these support channels, many keep these touchpoints separate. So, for example, when a customer calls in and asks for an update on their Twitter message, your call center agent won’t have access.

But they have access to a host of features and functionality to assist customers who call in.

Call center technology includes the following features:

  • Interactive voice response (IVR)
  • Automatic call distributor (ACD)
  • Auto attendants
  • Call monitoring
  • Call recording
  • Call queuing
  • Call disposition and KPIs
  • Agent availability
  • Built-in reporting
  • Supervisor dashboards
  • Live call status
  • Wallboards with wait times
  • Computer-telephony integration (CTI)
  • CRM integrations
  • Queue whisper announcements

What is the difference between a contact center and a call center?

Want a quick breakdown of contact centers and call centers? Watch our three-minute video below:

Contact center and call center differences

Many people use the two terms interchangeably, but they’re different. The primary difference between a contact center and a call center is the channel or medium used. Call centers handle communications by voice calls, while contact centers handle communications via phone, SMS, email, and social media. 

  • Contact centers support multiple contact methods
  • Call centers only handle voice-based phone calls
  • Customer experience, automation, and workforce capabilities vary considerably between them
  • They’re both suitable for high-volume customer interactions

Support and sales teams use them both to initiate or field incoming customer requests. But let’s take a closer look at the call center vs. contact center differences.

1) Call centers only support voice calls

If your customers currently contact you via other channels, a call center limits how customers get through to the right people.

Your call center agents must be the first line of support for any inbound inquiries.

What happens if they aren’t?

When your teams work in silos, customers aren’t updated, and agents can’t see what other team members say to your customers.

It happens all the time when customers send Twitter DMs and emails, but your agents only answer calls. 

2) If a customer uses an unsupported channel, their experience is disjointed

The other day, I requested a refund for receiving my Christmas decorations smashed into pieces.

The company had promised a refund over social media for the last six weeks. However, when I called to escalate this, the agent had no visibility of the history.

It wasn’t their fault. They were powerless because customers chose other channels, but traditional call center agents had no access.

When other contact channels exist, but you keep them isolated from your call center, the customer experience is disjointed.

3) Call centers lack expansion capabilities 

It’s not just your agents and customers today that get affected when you choose call center over contact center. And we’re not just talking about call volume.

If your plans include channels like SMS, email, and social media, it means moving from a call center to a modern contact center.

This newer technology also means training for agents. It means deploying new software. It means change.

The likelihood of your customers wanting to use another channel is high. Just because you don’t offer them in a centralized manner, it doesn’t mean they can’t find them or don’t want to use them.

If you have an Instagram account, you might only use it to promote new products. But what happens when a customer prefers Instagram over calling you? 

They send you a DM that you don’t check. After all, you schedule your posts and use Instagram as a one-way promotional communication channel. Your customer doesn’t know this, doesn’t get a reply, and becomes frustrated. Eventually, they leave for a competitor.

What’s more, multichannel contact centers often give you the upper hand over the competition.

In fact, 92% of organizations that view customer experience as a differentiator offer multiple contact channels.

Don’t get left behind if there’s a chance your customers are using channels other than voice.

Contact Center and Call Center Similarities

While there’s no doubt that contact centers and call centers are different, you must consider some fundamental similarities.

1) Both support voice calls

The selling point of a contact center vs. a call center is the extra channels you have available. But that doesn’t mean it can’t support voice.

In fact, the majority of Nextiva’s contact center customers use voice as their primary channel. They then use channels like web chat, email, and social media as complementary solutions.

When wait times are high, send a customer communication to use self-service options, like checking out your help center.

When this is the case, the other channels come in handy when customers still need help and don’t want to wait on hold.

That said, all the features and capabilities available in a cloud call center are available when you choose a cloud-based contact center.

2) Both can include comprehensive reporting and analytics

When many inbound callers or any customer contacts hit your business, you generate a ton of data. This information includes conversations and data from your customer relationship management tools.

What you do with this data depends on your business needs. But both contact center and call center solutions include extensive reporting and analytics. 

Call Center and Contact Center Analytics - Nextiva

In call centers, your analytics provide details on real-time and historical calls into your business. These are valuable in high-volume scenarios like inbound technical support. With historical trends, you can optimize workforce management around the holidays.

With contact center reporting, you get all your call details plus information about customer behavior on other channels. You also have more canaries in the coal mine. Say your website goes down; you’re bound to hear about it from multiple people on social media first.

The added benefit is that everything is available in the same place and to all agents. When access and information get shared across contact channels, we call this an omnichannel contact center.

Think of it like dinosaurs. Omnivores eat both plants and meats at the same time. Omnichannel contact centers serve customers across all channels at any time.

3) Both are available via the cloud

There’s not much you can’t put in the cloud these days.

While some niche use cases exist for on-premises deployments, only 4% of businesses resist migrating to the cloud.

Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) is the term for cloud deployments of contact centers. This is instead of installing a call center module to your phone system and adding many individual servers per channel you need.

Instead, you download a desktop app or log into a web URL and access all the channels you need via the cloud.

cloud call center works much the same way. For example, you might start with a VoIP phone system with features like call flows and call queues, then work your way up to an advanced package with an IVR, intelligent callback, and quality assurance.

Call Center vs. Contact Center: Which One to Choose?

Making the right choice between a contact center and a call center could be the difference between increasing customer satisfaction and losing once-loyal customers.

Here are some guiding principles to follow when choosing between contact centers vs. call centers. See which best describes your business.

Choose a call center when:

Your customers only use the phone to reach you.

If you’re confident your customers won’t use new channels like web chat and SMS, choosing a contact center becomes unnecessary. As a result, you have empty reports and have spent money on unused contact center technology.

For some businesses, a simple call center is all they need. And that’s not a problem at all. In instances like outsourced customer service functions, an inbound call center is all you need.

If your business model is fielding calls for your customers (or your customer’s customers), a call center is a good choice.

Your primary focus area is managing call flows.

You might be tasked with managing complex call flows outside of receiving simple calls. 

When call volume is an essential KPI, features like analytics dashboards and custom reporting are non-negotiable.

If you’re anything like Roman Voytsekhovskiy, the Support Center Manager at Orthodontic Experts Ltd., monitoring for enough call center agent coverage and ensuring every customer call gets answered is a huge priority.

“With Nextiva, the supervisor dashboard allows me to monitor call flow in real-time. It allows me to ensure I always have sufficient agent coverage, so that calls are never missed. I can easily make changes to my call flow without having to wait for hours on hold.”

Roman Voytsekhovskiy, Support Center Manager
Orthodontic Experts Ltd.

In this case, calls are the lifeblood of the organization. No other channels come close.

If a standalone voice option is right for your business, check out Nextiva Call Center.

Choose a contact center when:

Your customers use multiple channels.

Sometimes, you have no choice but to choose a contact center over a call center. If your customers already use email and social media to contact you, you must connect the experience.

Failure to do so is not just “leaving dollars on the table” but choosing not to repair the holes in your leaking bucket.

It’s all about strengthening your customer journey. If you can’t provide a good enough answer every time a customer calls you to find out what’s happening with their Facebook inquiry. You’re building them up for the next big step: finding another option.

Regardless of how complex your customer journey map might be, you must respond when and where your customers need help.

Don’t force your customers down a grueling path of repetitive tasks when you could choose a multichannel contact center.

You’re ready to expand and scale

If you have a call center solution today, you don’t have to have a call center tomorrow. Just because it’s the old way or because it’s what you need today, it doesn’t mean it’s right for the future.

It might be.

But make a conscious decision on what adding more channels to your business will mean.

We’ve seen this with sales calls. Telemarketing was very popular several years ago, but BDRs at outbound call centers have shifted outreach to digital channels. The same effect could happen with your team.

In most cases, the benefits of a multichannel contact center are:

  • Higher NPS
  • Cross-skilled agents
  • Shorter wait times
  • Cost-effective staffing
  • Improve brand consistency
  • Higher customer satisfaction
  • Improved customer retention
  • Higher first call resolution rate
  • Agents free for specialist support
  • Multichannel reporting and analytics

Ultimately, providing a contact center (unlike a call center) allows you to service your customers on the channel they prefer. And that’s a huge benefit in itself.

Contact Centers Are the Future of Call Centers

Think about 911 call centers for a moment. This industry has evolved from accepting inbound phone calls as fast as possible. Dispatchers rapidly became contact centers with text messaging capabilities along with multi-agency and partner support. In 2020, 911 operators handled more than 492,000 inbound text messages.

They expanded beyond traditional call centers because people did. Texting affords more privacy and speed to sending an SMS message to 911. From just one message, dispatchers have a ton of actionable data to assist you.

Ultimately, using a contact center (as opposed to a call center) allows you to support your customers on the channel they prefer. And that’s a priceless benefit in itself.

If multichannel is right for your business, check out Nextiva Contact Center.

How is call center training different for contact centers?

Contact center training differs from call center training by focusing more on omnichannel customer interactions rather than voice calls alone. Live agents learn to effectively handle various channels like email, live chat, messaging apps, and social media alongside traditional phone support.

Training also builds upon soft skills like scaling customer relationships, upselling/cross-selling, and resolving more complex issues.

Is it hard to migrate from a call center to a contact center?

Migrating from a call center to a contact center has challenges but can be achieved with proper planning and investment.

We recommend setting up your infrastructure to support omnichannel interactions, hiring staff with digital customer support experience, developing policies for new channels, training agents on new channels/expectations, and aligning operations to an omnichannel service model.

From there, it’s relatively straightforward to deploy your contact center in a few phases to ensure everything is covered. Don’t worry; Nextiva provides additional guidance and professional services to ensure a smooth contact center launch.

What are signs you’re ready for contact center software?

Signs a business may be ready to transition from a call center to a contact center include rising call volumes, increasing inquiries via self-service and digital channels, more customer data spread across silos, and demand for consistent omnichannel customer experiences.

Leveraging a contact center becomes necessary to manage higher interaction volumes and deliver seamless journeys efficiently.


Dominic Kent

Dominic Kent is a content marketer specializing in unified communications and contact centers. After 10 years of managing installations, he founded UC Marketing to bridge the gap between service providers and customers. He spends half of his time building content marketing programs and the rest writing on the beach with his dogs.

Posts from this author

Nextiva Reviews: What 17,300+ Verified Customer Reviews Say

January 16, 2024 16 min read

Yaniv Masjedi

Yaniv Masjedi

Nextiva has earned over 17,315 reviews with its unwavering focus on Amazing Service and objectively impressive business communication solutions for companies of any size.

What is Nextiva best for? What do other SMBs and enterprises think of it?

This guide will showcase highlights from thousands of Nextiva reviews, its most-loved features, and facts about Nextiva to consider.

Highlights at a glance:

Nextiva Reviews & Ratings

Across the board, Nextiva upholds a high level of customer service for thousands of companies with its unified communications solution. 

Review SiteRatingNumber of Reviews
GetVoIP4.6 out of 53,171
G24.5 out of 53,018
Trustpilot4.6 out of 52,690
Apple App Store3.8 out of 53,900
Google Play4.3 out of 53,050
Google Business Profile4.2 out of 5652
Gartner4.5 out of 5639
TrustRadius9.0 out of 10195
Total4.38 out of 517,315 reviews

GetVoIP Nextiva Reviews

GetVoIP is among the most reputable review sites for detailed reviews and insights on VoIP, conferencing, contact centers, and team collaboration software. It’s a reliable resource to get a balanced view of how people think about business communication. 

GetVoIP Nextiva reviews

Small business reviews

Todd G.says:

The system is great. Fast updating of people and changes. Support is fast to get online and quick to make changes.

Every time I call for support, they clearly understand my changes, make the changes with a check to verify that all is good. They even have ideas on the changes and can make suggestions that are right in line with my needs.

Pros: Available 24/7 and always has a smile to help.
Cons: None
May 18, 2023

Jay H.says:

I recently helped my company switch over to Nextiva from a different service provider. Nextiva’s resources and staff were helpful, patient, and clear and made the transition nearly seamless.

Since then, the support has been stellar, and the quality of our calls is significantly improved. The team has done a great job of helping specifically tailor the service to our needs as a company.

Pros: Helpful support, quality service, good resources for transitioning from a different provider.
Cons: None.
May 18, 2023

Russell M.says:

Switched [to Nextiva] for its technical support. I have not been disappointed. I don’t have much spare time, and it is a great relief to have good tech support available when I need them so that I don’t have to spend hours trying to solve the problem alone. If you are looking for a responsive company with a great product and great people, look no further than Nextiva.

May 1, 2023

Katy B.says:

We switched over to Nextiva in 2020 during the pandemic, and it’s been a successful switchover for the firm.

We were able to work from home and still receive and make calls from our desktop app or mobile devices without clients noticing the difference we were in the office or home. We even switched over our fax service as well to Nextiva so we could fax from a desktop.

Pros: Mobile App and Desktop Options.
Cons: Park Calls.
April 24, 2023

Randell T.says:

I have been with Nextiva with my business for almost 10 years. They have always been responsive to my needs for support. They are affordable. They can easily scale up or down depending on your business needs.

Since I first joined them as a customer, their product offerings have increased significantly!

Pros: Great support (live and asynchronous), affordable, scalable.
Cons: None.
April 24, 2023

Mid-market and enterprise reviews

Krista K.says:

I have personally used the Nextiva VoIP phone system for the last 5 years and have implemented the Nextiva system for several clients, as well. Our client base is varied across healthcare, government, and other private commercial industries. Each installation has been a bit different, but the Nextiva system is adaptable to the needs of the clients.

The installation project is streamlined, and you truly have a “partner” in the implementation process, as well as after the installation, when needed.

As an admin on the Nextiva system, one can make many of the changes that may be needed to add/delete a user, change call flows or groups, etc; however, if I’d rather have some assistance or just work with support, they are able to assist. Nextiva offers multiple options for support when it is needed – chat, email, online portal access with quick videos, and via phone. They have a support team that is knowledgeable but have an escalation path for more advanced features when needed.

I personally use the Nextiva mobile and desktop app, as do many in my company, as well as our clients.

In short, I’m a fan of the Nextiva system for small to large businesses.

Pros: Value
Cons: App
May 1, 2023

Mark A.says:

We use Nextiva in our organization of 115 staff. It is user-friendly, and the administration portal for setting adjustments is intuitive. The app for the cell phone is very problematic. That is my only complaint. Often at the beginning of the call, there is an echo & the calls drop frequently. I hope Nextiva can fix this at some point in the near future.

Pros: Value
Cons: App
May 16, 2023

Kenyatta C.says:

I enjoy working with the Enterprise team for any setup, configurations, or working to resolve an issue. They are knowledgeable and helpful.

It is a pleasure to receive great customer support and to be shared information for self-service options in the future if needed. This makes myself and my team equipped to manage our services and customers as well.

April 18, 2023

Tiffany K.says:

While a little pricey, our agency appreciates the value we receive from Nextiva. The call recording features and good customer service we get from the 1-800 number make the price worth it. Any time we have had any questions regarding using our phones, Nextiva has gone above and beyond, no matter how small our request was. Thank you, Nextiva!

Pros: Good customer service.
Cons: None.
March 27, 2023

G2 Nextiva Reviews

G2 is a renowned product review platform where businesses discover, review, and manage the technology they need to reach their potential. The review process on G2 is rigorous and transparent, ensuring that every review is from a genuine user without any bias.

Verified reviews about Nextiva on G2.

Small business reviews

Heather I.says:

What do you like best about Nextiva?
It was exactly what I was looking for; an immediate solution without the headache. I called from a referral, and by the time I got off the phone, I had established a phone system for my agency ready for immediate use.

What problems is Nextiva solving and how is that benefiting you?
I started with a Google Voice number and now I’ve established direct numbers for all my team and a way for them to work from anywhere.

Rating:5 out of 5
June 21, 2023

Management Consultant (Anonymous)says:

What do you like best about Nextiva?
The platform is super user-friendly. Voicemail allows you to record through their software, or you can upload your own recording. The call flows are great for small businesses trying to manage their incoming calls. Callers can be directed to recorded lines for basic information, freeing up time for office staff to do things other than just answering the phone all day.

What problems is Nextiva solving and how is that benefiting you?
We have a remote employee working out of the country, and this allows her to call and text our customers with a local number and allows her to reach us directly via text message without incurring international fees.

Rating:5 out of 5
June 21, 2023

Kaylyn M.says:

What do you like best about Nextiva?
The onboarding agent was extremely helpful and patient, as I didn’t have all the information needed. They explained everything and answered all questions with clear answers!

What problems is Nextiva solving and how is that benefiting you?
Nextiva is being utilized to start our call center infrastructure. It allows us to have one area where we can see and monitor our calls, view reporting, and ensure our agents are providing excellent service.

Rating:5 out of 5
June 15, 2023

Mid-market and enterprise reviews

Raimer E.says:

What do you like best about Nextiva?
In general, I am delighted with Nextiva’s performance. It integrates many advantages for our business, including adapting capacity and communication services as needs arise quickly. It also provides the flexibility to add or remove users, adapt functions and expand the infrastructure without costly hardware investments or complex configuration modifications. One of the outstanding features of this software is its use of encryption technologies, data redundancy and secure servers to safeguard confidential information and ensure uninterrupted service operation.

What problems is Nextiva solving and how is that benefiting you?
Nextiva has revolutionized my business, changing the rules of the game. One of its main advantages is its intuitive user interface, which simplifies the management of all my communication channels, such as calls, videoconferences and messaging, from a single platform; Nextiva also offers me the possibility of adapting my communication preferences according to the specific needs of my company, giving me the required flexibility. In addition, it is vital to mention its excellent integration with other business tools, such as Salesforce, which significantly impacts our workflow’s efficiency.

Rating:4.5 out of 5
June 23, 2023

Bella H.says:

What do you like best about Nextiva?
We love how easy is to get the invoices for our 80 offices, and we love the app.

What problems is Nextiva solving and how is that benefiting you?
We used to pay for so many different services, but now we can have only one service provider.

Rating:5 out of 5
June 13, 2023

Anthony S.says:

What do you like best about Nextiva?
The software is easy to use, provisioning new phones is simple, and the interface is easy to navigate.

What problems is Nextiva solving and how is that benefiting you?
Nextiva offers us a complete VoIP, texting, and call center solution without needing multiple companies and sets of software.

Rating:4.5 out of 5
June 22, 2023

Joshua S.says:

What do you like best about Nextiva?
Any time you need help, they have several channels to assist. There is always a resource or person to help with anything you need. I have not been disappointed.

What problems is Nextiva solving and how is that benefiting you?
Nextiva allows us to centralize all of our remote office telephone systems. This makes it much easier to monitor and manage multiple sites. The phone service itself is also very reliable. Nextiva assists you every step of the way.

Rating:4.5 out of 5
October 14, 2022

Gartner Peer Insights Reviews About Nextiva

When it comes to a review site that caters to the enterprise, look no further than Gartner Peer Insights. This platform is an accumulation of customer reviews and ratings from verified professionals.

Gartner Peer Insights is recognized for its stringent review process, ensuring that all reviews are authentic and unbiased. With that said, let’s dive into what the Gartner Peer Insights reviews have to say about Nextiva.

Reviews and ratings about Nextiva on Gartner Peer Insights.

Small business reviews

Director of IT in Manufacturing says:

Nextiva has been great. I somewhat adopted the system when I took over as Director, but I have been pleasantly surprised by it. Our account manager has been awesome and great to work with. He responds quickly and with at least some sort of solution every time.

What do you like most about the product or service?

The ease of use when creating a new user [and] provisioning new devices The overall administration capabilities.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
May 5, 2023

Customer Service Manager in Real Estate says:

Personally, I’m sure this tool helps me with client interaction daily since I work directly with appointments coordination between several parties. This is a really effective communication tool indeed.

What do you like most about the product or service?

Easy installation – Really fast and reliable installation process. Great connectivity – A very stable connectivity worldwide. User friendly – Information is very clear and useful for users.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
May 3, 2023

Director of Technology in Manufacturing says:

Overall Nextiva has been the best VoIP solution I have used. Their customer service is unmatched in the industry

What do you like most about the product or service?

Customer service, integration support, ease of management.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
November 17, 2022

Mid-market and enterprise reviews

Audit Associate in Healthcare says:

Nextiva has been great. I somewhat adopted the system when I took over as Director, but I have been pleasantly surprised by it. Our account manager has been awesome and great to work with. He responds quickly and with at least some sort of solution every time.

What do you like most about the product or service?

The ease of using my laptop to answer, transfer, and make calls, all staff are listed in the laptop application so no need for company [phone extensions].

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
March 29, 2023

Office Manager in Business Services says:

Customer service with Nextiva is wonderful! I have no trouble getting assistance when needed, but the portal is very user friendly. I can always find an answer or someone willing to work with me to solve the problem, which doesn’t occur very often! Most recently, I had a billing question and this was investigated and answered promptly.

What do you like most about the product or service?

Easy admin portal navigation, wonderful customer service and quality of calls. The support team chat is one of the easiest to use, with a quick moving queue.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
October 31, 2022

Reviews Around the Web

U.S. News & World Report

Best business phone systems

U.S. News is a leading digital news and information publisher. Their assessment not only placed Nextiva as one of the top VoIP providers but named them the best business phone system in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Customers can get unlimited calling throughout the U.S. and Canada, a local or toll-free phone number, at least 1,500 toll-free minutes, internet faxing, and voicemail to email notifications with all plans. Nextiva also provides various conferencing options and the ability to schedule meetings through integrations with Google and Outlook. […]

Nextiva provides business customers with three highly customizable service plans: Essential, Professional, and Enterprise. Unlike some VoIP services, Nextiva provides upfront pricing for its plans. Moreover, once you have 100 users, the cost maxes out at $39.95 per month per user. In addition to scalability, Nextiva’s pricing is transparent and easy to calculate.

In 2023, U.S. News named Nextiva the second-best business phone system.

WP Beginner

WP Beginner

Small business owners and entrepreneurs have likely visited WP Beginner before. WP Beginner is more than a blog — it’s a hub of tutorials, guides, and product reviews for small businesses using WordPress.

After the company researched several VoIP phone services, it decided to use Nextiva.

Over the last two years of using Nextiva as our unified communication platform, we have come to really appreciate some of their other advanced features like video meetings for conference calls, audio conferencing, and voicemail transcription.

What our team really likes about Nextiva is their high call quality, pretty much 100% uptime, and the fact that we can receive phone calls on the go from our iPhone (iOS), Google Android phones, as well as our tablets & laptops. rated Nextiva a solid 9 out of 10

Starting and running a successful business isn’t easy. That’s exactly what aims to solve. Their extensive guides and comprehensive reviews help entrepreneurs learn and get helpful business product recommendations.

Nextiva stood out from other business phone services with its new, unified interface that keeps all your customer and employee communications in sync.

Companies can ditch the spreadsheets and use Nextiva trend analysis to increase visibility into past, present and future activities. Indeed, Nextiva’s business intelligence features make it the best small business phone system for analytics and reporting. And with NextivaONE’s desktop apps, users can see a customer’s history, from emails to text messages, without switching applications.

It’s no surprise why rated Nextiva a solid 9 out of 10 for its user-friendliness, reliability, and overall features.

Facts about Nextiva

Most-Loved Nextiva Features

Nextiva is renowned for its business VoIP phone system, which is packed with features designed to enhance communication and productivity.

Let’s dive into the top 10 VoIP features users rave about in their reviews:

  1. Auto attendant: This IVR phone system feature allows companies to use call flows to automate incoming calls, providing a professional first impression.
  2. Advanced call routing: Nextiva’s intelligent call routing ensures no call goes unanswered, optimizing customer service. Direct inbound calls to your support or sales team based on your set criteria using its award-winning contact center solution.
  3. Mobile app: The NextivaONE VoIP app lets users stay in touch with customers and team members anywhere, making business communication seamless and efficient.
  4. Business SMS: Nextiva provides built-in business text messaging (SMS) support that works across all cellular carriers. It lets users send texts from their business phone lines.
  5. Video conferencing: Nextiva offers high-quality voice and video conferencing, facilitating effective team collaboration. Easily join a conference call with a click with the Nextiva desktop or mobile app.
  6. Voicemail to email: Get an accurate voicemail transcription and attachment directly to users’ emails so they never miss details when they’re busy. This way, users can streamline how they check their missed calls without wasting time.
  7. Platform integrations: Integrate your preferred business collaboration tools with Nextiva, enhancing its functionality and usability for your whole team. Nextiva integrates with Salesforce, Oracle Sales Cloud, HubSpot, and Microsoft Outlook.
  8. Call recording: Record business calls in the cloud for quality control and training purposes. Record and store phone calls securely for up to six months. 
  9. Business phone numbers: Nextiva walks new users through picking business phone numbers and transferring (porting) their existing numbers at no charge. Its onboarding team ensures your lines are always operational.
  10. Amazing Service: Whenever you need a second opinion or want some help setting up a phone feature, Nextiva includes 24/7 customer support with every plan.

In addition to these helpful features, Nextiva provides free online faxing, a complementary toll-free business number, and Microsoft Outlook integration, making it a smart choice for business owners. 

Nextiva communications

Why Nextiva Tops the VoIP Industry

We could rattle off a bunch of reasons why we’re the best VoIP provider for businesses. Or, we could let our customers share the top four reasons why Nextiva earns its high praise.

1) One platform to power their business

When you have your company’s communications in one place, you not only save time but also have the context you need to manage all of your customer and team conversations.

All Nextiva customers get unlimited nationwide calling. But on its Enterprise plan, they get unlimited conference calls, screen sharing, and call recording.

This way, small business owners get the insight to provide stellar customer experiences.

“Nextiva is reliable, and I never have issues with it. I like the accessibility the online portal gives us. It’s easy to pull up past invoices to see what features we’ve added, such as voicemail to email. I can also tweak settings as needed in the portal and see a record of inbound and outbound calls.”

Imahn Nadim
Office Manager, West Coast Trial Lawyers

2) Ease of use keeps everyone happy

You don’t have to be an IT wizard to use Nextiva, with a straightforward onboarding process. They don’t have the time to learn how to set up a phone system from scratch.

“The NextOS portal is very intuitive and user friendly, and it is a snap to make changes. I can set up a new line for a new user in less than five minutes.”

Chris Kontz
Director of IT and CIO, Arizona Commerce Authority

3) Outstanding customer support

No matter where you get your business phone service, you’re going to have questions. Even IT staff get stuck sometimes. Nextiva support is there for your team whenever they need a second opinion or a refresher on using its phone features.

“Customer service is one of the big selling points, I’d tell anybody about Nextiva. We’re a very customer service-driven business. That’s number one on our list.”

Michael Hall
Operations Manager, Spectrum Eye Care

4) Ultra-reliable communications network

Business communications must be reliable and dependable for your customers and your team. It’s why Nextiva has invested millions into developing a multi-point, redundant network engineered for excellent call quality and uptime.

“We can’t operate without a sturdy, high-functioning phone system. Nextiva has been tremendously reliable, and I definitely see us growing with Nextiva. I think Nextiva really gives us the flexibility we need to grow, and it’s a very important part of our business.”

Cara Barineau
Creative Director & Principal, Blue Marble Media

The Bottom Line: Nextiva is the Best Business VoIP Provider

Nextiva clearly stands out as the champion for business VoIP solutions. There are many reasons, but let’s sum it up to a few key points:

  • Upholds superior network quality: Nextiva delivers crystal-clear call quality from its actively monitored enterprise-grade network, ensuring every phone call and video meeting is as good as it can be. Every data center meets stringent security standards set by ISO/IEC 27001.
  • Includes top business features: Nextiva offers a vast array of features, from voicemail-to-email functionality to a powerful IVR, as well as simpler features like call flow builder and auto attendants to keep your business communication online.
  • Provides more than phone service: Nextiva offers much more than reliable cloud phone service. It now has social media management and reputation monitoring as a part of its product suite. These features are a must-have for any company to build its brand and help its customers — and something you won’t get from RingCentral or Ooma.  

Related: The Top RingCentral Alternatives for Business Phone Service

Among many others, these points have been echoed by the thousands of satisfied customers in their reviews, reinforcing Nextiva’s position as the best choice for VoIP phone service.

Looking for more VoIP provider comparisons? Check out these head-to-head comparisons:

VoIP provider comparisons

FAQs about Nextiva

What do people like about using Nextiva?

Nextiva has earned rave reviews from its users for a myriad of reasons. The platform’s ease of use and setup tops the list, making it a cinch even for those not tech-savvy. Let’s delve into the specifics of what users really love about using Nextiva. 

Reliability: Nextiva is a dependable phone service provider with virtually no downtime. See why Nextiva is named the most reliable VoIP provider
Customer service: Customers routinely mention the outstanding customer service they’ve received. It’s not a premium add-on; it’s included with every plan, including the Essential plan, Professional plan, and Enterprise plan.
Features: Nextiva provides comprehensive VoIP features made for small businesses and enterprises, including advanced call routing, call forwarding, and video meetings.
Value: Even with its extensive product features, Nextiva is affordably priced, effectively replacing additional services that a company pays for (like Hootsuite or Aircall), making it a great value for small and large businesses.

What makes Nextiva different from competitors?

Nextiva stands out from its competitors due to its exceptional customer service and robust feature set. The company prides itself on its 24/7 customer support, which is rare in the industry. It’s Nextiva’s dedication to Amazing Service that sets them apart. 

Another Nextiva advantage is the comprehensive suite of business communication tools. Nextiva offers a range of products, including cloud phone service, video conferencing, team messaging, social media, virtual call centers, and customer relationship management (CRM) tools.

This makes it a one-stop shop for businesses looking for a complete communication solution.

What could Nextiva stand to improve? 

Despite overall user satisfaction, Nextiva still has room for improvement. Some customers have cited occasional reports of dropped calls and audio glitches. These VoIP issues, however, seem to be related to one’s internet or cellular coverage rather than Nextiva itself.

Nextiva created a VoIP quality test to help users with an independent analysis to determine if their internet connection supports the real-time demands of video calling and simultaneous phone calls.

How many companies use Nextiva?  

Currently, over 150,000 businesses worldwide trust Nextiva for their communication needs.

These firms represent many industries and sizes, from small local businesses to large corporations with a global presence. With its flexible platform and top-notch customer service, Nextiva has a wide appeal for companies of all types. 

Notable clients include Shelby American, United Way, Taco Bell, Pac-12, and YMCA, illustrating the flexibility of Nextiva’s offerings. Whether you run a small business or an enterprise, Nextiva has the communication solutions to meet your needs.

Editor’s Note: Customer reviews have been lightly edited for clarity and grammar. Some of the review sites mentioned may earn a fee for helping business owners find the best business phone service for their needs.


Yaniv Masjedi

Yaniv Masjedi is the chief marketing officer at Nextiva, a leading provider of cloud-based unified communication solutions headquartered in Scottsdale, Ariz. He manages the firm's marketing and branding efforts and initiates programs related to brand management, demand generation, advertising, marketing communications, and thought leadership.

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