Failure is a painful yet necessary part of life. Every successful business leader experiences failures, both large and small, along the way. Practically all of them have had a bad hire, invested in the wrong technology, or lost a VIP customer.

The good news is that failure does not have to define you as a professional. Everyone from Steve Jobs to Michael Jordan had credited a significant loss as a turning point in their life that led them to tremendous success. While everyone seeks to avoid business failure, overcoming it is perhaps the most crucial skill in any professional’s life.

Like failure, change is also a painful, albeit necessary, part of life. By default, people are resistant to change. This friction inevitably is felt in every aspect of operating a business. Whether you’re overcoming fear of selling or you want to implement new strategies in a place that “has always done things a certain way,” this inertia is resistance to change.

In our third episode of the Next Level Podcast, we look at how failure and change alters the trajectory of every business.

Barry Moltz

Founder, Shafran Moltz Group

A longtime entrepreneur, angel investor, speaker, and radio show host, Barry Moltz has enjoyed his fair share of successes and failures in business.

He’s sold successful companies before, and yet he has been fired on multiple occasions. He has hired hundreds of people but also had to let a few of them go. He’s an Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame member, yet also been kicked out of his own business by co-founders. In short, Barry is a subject matter expert on the subjects of failure and change in the world of business.

Moltz sat down with bestselling author and customer service expert Micah Solomon to share how to prevent business failure by revealing his hard-won lessons as an entrepreneur. Barry and Micah also cover some of the unique ways business has changed in 2021, thereby creating opportunities for businesses and consumers alike.

Resources and tips:

  • Choosing co-founders you go into business with is as important as your industry. Be discerning about your business partners.
  • When you fail, learn from the situation and then let go.
  • When world circumstances get difficult, it’s a prime opportunity to innovate and respond to the challenges.
  • Emphasize hiring and retaining talent now. Remember that people leave (and stay with) bosses, not companies.
  • Our brains are pattern-making machines; they want to do the same thing over and over to survive.
  • Change is often many small steps happening consecutively, rather than one monumental event at once.
  • Pain pushes change. The first step to changing is acknowledging why you want to change.
  • Staying in business requires optimism. Be ruthless yet forward-thinking to achieve business success.

We hope you enjoy this episode of the Next Level and stay tuned for future episodes as our hosts discuss critical topics about how businesses are innovating, communicating, growing and improving the customer experience.
Be sure to subscribe to the Next Level Podcast so you can listen to episodes before everyone else does.

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Discover why 100,000 companies count on Nextiva for customer and team communication. Whether you have two employees or 20,000, we’re ready to help you scale with a cloud communications platform built for today’s businesses.


Jeremy Boudinet

Jeremy Boudinet was a senior brand manager at Nextiva, co-president at AA-ISP Phoenix, and a published writer for Time, Entrepreneur, Inc, The Daily Muse, and PopSugar. Today, he heads up growth for Ubiquitous, an influencer marketing agency. He has been giving the people what they want since '86. Connect with him to…

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It’s not supposed to be this way.
Software meant to bring your teams together is keeping them siloed. Apps designed to help your business respond to customer needs are sending them to competitors.
The adoption of unified communications as a service (UCaaS) tools increased dramatically with COVID-19. Companies suddenly had to find a way to support and connect employees working from home. While such cloud-based technologies are vital, integration remains a challenge. UCaaS and contact center as a service (CCaaS) systems exist as separate tools, blocking customer service from other parts of the business and creating barriers between incoming data sets.
What’s the cost of this separation, and how does it impact customers? “Never compromise the customer experience: Why integrating UCaaS and CCaaS is key,” a new e-book from Nextiva and Five9, examines these problems and presents a practical solution.

Download the UCaaS and CCaaS e-book [PDF] from Nextiva: Never Compromise the Customer Experience

The price of disconnected UCaaS and CCaaS

The customer experience environment is only getting more complex.
New channels and evolving customer needs are just the start. The number of customer-facing teams within the business has grown. Contact centers, customer service, marketing, IT, billing, and other teams each have a piece of the customer experience. Without a reliable way to link the insights and context residing in each, no one in the organization can get a clear picture of the customer. The result is siloed teams and lost customers.
Research from Five9 shows that 75% of customers expect businesses to maintain information about their past interactions, and 59% say they’ll end the relationship if getting help requires too much effort. Salesforce’s State of the Connected Customer study uncovered some intriguing trends around consumer sentiment: Almost two-thirds of consumers have to repeat themselves to different representatives. Similarly, 54% felt that sales, service, and marketing teams don’t share information.
Then there are the financial downsides from lost productivity and inefficiency, which include implementation and cloud hosting costs, unexpected project overruns, and security audits and remediation.
Siloed teams, disparate data streams, unhappy customers, and frustrated employees are not a recipe for business success. A customer-first world demands an integrated approach. It’s essential for understanding customers and improving internal collaboration.

Great things happen when you integrate UCaaS and CCaaS

It’s a customer-first world. Speed, convenience, and personalization are table stakes. Businesses that meet the high bar customers themselves have set for great experiences will come out on top. Integrating UCaaS and CCaaS is an important step toward that goal.
Dom Black, Research Director at cloud communications analyst company Cavell Group, cited the data to back that up: “[Our research] shows that 60% of businesses said that the biggest driver to integrate their voice service with their contact center service was to enable better customer experiences. An integrated UCaaS and CCaaS solution enables agents to collaborate with the correct person at any time on the same platform.”
Strategic advisory firm Metrigy found that firms with integrated UCaaS and CCaaS outperform ones with on-premises infrastructure alone. Overall, they have been found to achieve increased revenue and a 56% improvement in customer service ratings.
The good news is that UCaaS and CCaaS can come together. Nextiva works with Five9 to help businesses achieve this.
Using Nextiva Contact Center, an integrated solution that links with its unified communications platform, agents can field calls, chats, and emails using omnichannel features while staying in sync with colleagues.
When agents need help, they can see who’s available for real-time support and call, transfer, or conference them in. This way, they can render the best possible experience and minimize unnecessary callbacks. Nextiva Contact Center also helps businesses:

  • Integrate CRM tools for one source of truth
  • Reach SMEs from across the organization
  • Collaborate better through virtual workspaces
  • Surface real-time customer sentiment
  • Leverage predictive analytics based on customer trends

Related: How to Create a Unified Customer Experience (CX) at Scale in Four Steps

The future of UCaaS and CCaaS is here

Integrating UCaaS and CCaaS changes the way your business operates — and how it delivers on customer needs. This e-book provides insight into:

  • How businesses scale with cloud communication solutions
  • Why segmented communication hurts customer experience
  • How to integrate UCaaS and CCaaS platforms
  • The future of the contact center

To find out more about the benefits of integration, download your copy today!


Jeff Hermann

Jeff Hermann was a content marketing manager at Nextiva. He blends product knowledge, customer empathy, and writing savvy to create content that helps you understand how Nextiva solves business communication and customer engagement problems. He loves when technology helps people be better at what they want to be better at.

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Fall Product Update: New Ways to Improve Customer Experiences

October 26, 2021 3 min read

Chethan Visweswar

Chethan Visweswar

Pumpkin-spiced lattes and cooler weather only mean one thing. It’s time to share the latest product updates with you. ?

We’ve been busy making many improvements to our products and product portfolio. Here are a few of the exciting new products and solutions designed to help businesses improve customer experiences.

Nextiva Contact Center

We made summer hotter than ever when we introduced Nextiva Contact Center. This new product helps sales and service teams manage customer interactions across multiple communication channels.

Integrated with Nextiva Business Phone System, our contact center solution makes it easier for businesses to connect their core customer and internal communication technology, so you can focus on delivering and scaling superior customer experiences that help grow the business.

For example, when a customer emails a request, the support agent can see it and instantly place an outbound call and reply over email at once. No separate emails. No additional transfers. One and done! Likewise, when contact center agents need to consult with an internal subject matter expert, they can reach colleagues across departments for real-time support, and either transfer the call or conference the business expert in without additional toll charges for a smooth handoff.

Many customers are already serving their customers better through our integrated solutions, and this is only the beginning!

Get the full scoop on our integrated cloud contact center and how it increases productivity and customer satisfaction.

Nextiva Mobile App update

For busy folks who prefer to talk rather than text but don’t have time for a phone call, we added in-app support for audio files (.mp3, .wav, and .m4a up to 2 MB) in the new version of the Nextiva Mobile App (25.1.0). This is an exciting new feature for customers who use multimedia messages (MMS) to communicate.

We also made minor UI updates and performance improvements, implementing valuable customer feedback to improve call and text functionality and make the user experience even more seamless.

NextOS Admin Dashboard: New user and teams features

We’ve also continued to build on our phone service dashboards over the summer, adding more features that help businesses adjust settings and route calls with confidence. For example, we’ve added more ways to set call forwarding on teams and more ways for users to control their own phone settings.

Admins now have a much simpler way to set call forwarding for an entire team and then use those settings to route calls in a call flow, choosing from call forward always, unanswered, busy, and selective.

Once a team’s call forwarding settings are configured on the team voice settings page, admins can make updates to those settings without disabling a live call flow.
Users are now able to configure more of their own phone settings, including:

  • Voicemail for all calls, busy calls, and unanswered calls.
  • Do not disturb (to send all calls to voicemail, instead of ringing to the phone).
  • Call forward always, unanswered, and busy.
  • Block my caller ID (which blocks the user’s name and number when making external calls).

Nextiva Sales and Service

With some recent performance improvements to Nextiva Sales and Service productivity tools, it’s even easier to track the customer journey in one interface.

Bulk upload your contacts, whether you use Google or Outlook, then track how your customers are feeling using feedback trend and sentiment analysis. Get visibility into how a person is feeling at any time by clicking the Analytics tab. Or automatically send surveys at key points during the customer lifecycle, and watch how those survey results impact these customer trends.

When you use our quick automation templates to send a five-star customer feedback survey, you can get the insight you need about your customers, without the hassle of doing the work. Simply select the template that fits your business need, copy it, and turn it on.

Then use Nextiva Sales and Service to track the customer journey, whether you’re looking at an account, contact, or case — without leaving the screen you’re working in.

These four product milestones focus on helping businesses provide a better, lasting customer experience. When it’s easy to manage and use, employees can exceed customer expectations and carry out their best work.

As I tell my family and friends, more than 100,000 companies choose Nextiva for our vast customer and team communication tools so they can work smarter and grow faster.


Chethan Visweswar

Chethan Visweswar leads Nextiva’s global product and engineering organization. With more than 30 years of experience in building products, he’s fueled by a passion for building elegant solutions that customers love. He loves traveling and exploring the world with his family. Chethan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Ask any entrepreneur or business leader who has achieved a modicum of success, and they’ll mention that unexpected stresses led to their victory.

Here are a few examples of this in action.

The Shark Tank Effect: A small business suddenly gets massive publicity but is unprepared to respond to the new wave of demand. Goodwill turns to consumer frustration towards the brand. A great opportunity becomes squandered.

The Hyper-Scale Problem: A high-growth company launches a successful product and attracts customers at a record rate. As its customer base expands, it struggles to scale the customer service team around onboarding, support, and wowing its swelling clientele. Frustration results in higher churn and missed growth targets.

The Burnout: A small business keeps gaining popularity. Growing momentum pushes its owners, leadership, and frontline staff to a breaking point as they struggle to adapt to the new growth challenges. Hiring, onboarding, training, and retention suffer from neglect, and the business starts to turn over its essential staff as they burn out, one by one.

In our second episode of the Next Level Podcast, we tackle a genuine challenge that all thriving businesses will inevitably face in one form or another — The Success Crisis.

Daniel Pentecost

Founder, Anyion

Nextiva partner Daniel Pentecost is the acclaimed owner of Anyion and its sister company CLT Geek. The company is an IT consulting firm specializing in helping businesses meet the challenges of achieving real-world success.

Pentecost sat down with Micah Solomon, a bestselling author and customer service expert, to relay his key learnings from over a decade of experience helping growing companies navigate success crises. He also has practical advice on how businesses can avoid them in the first place.

Resources and tips:

  • Invest in IT that will help you scale your operations with an eye on the future.
  • Don’t be a spendthrift when it comes to your mission-critical technology solutions. Invest in systems that enable you to scale as your business grows.
  • Be careful not to over-automate your customer experience. People still want to talk with other people versus a knowledge base or a chatbot.
  • There’s no replacement for quality hardware and software. Every growing business needs good laptops and computers with cutting-edge capabilities.
  • Look for business technologies that have mobile apps and empower you to take your office wherever you want to go.
  • Dedicate resources to making your website as impactful as it can be. In today’s digital age, it’s your storefront!

We hope you enjoy and stay tuned for future episodes as our Next Level hosts explore what customers care about, forward-thinking ways to grow, and what’s behind remarkable customer experiences.

Subscribe to the Next Level Podcast so you can listen to episodes before everyone else.

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Whether you have two employees or 20,000, we’re ready to help you scale with a modern cloud communications platform built for today’s brands. Over 100,000 companies count on Nextiva for customer and team communication.

Want to see how we can help you? Schedule a demo today!


Jeremy Boudinet

Jeremy Boudinet was a senior brand manager at Nextiva, co-president at AA-ISP Phoenix, and a published writer for Time, Entrepreneur, Inc, The Daily Muse, and PopSugar. Today, he heads up growth for Ubiquitous, an influencer marketing agency. He has been giving the people what they want since '86. Connect with him to…

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Introducing the Next Level Podcast: Anita Campbell

September 28, 2021 2 min read

Jeremy Boudinet

Jeremy Boudinet

Where do you look when you want to level up your company’s performance? You likely look to those who have walked in your shoes and conquered similar growth challenges.
As you might have guessed, we’ve launched the Next Level Podcast.
Each episode features business leaders that beat the odds of failure and soared. You won’t find polished luminaries like on other podcasts.
Instead, we’ll bring you the entrepreneurs and experts that have made the big decisions and rolled up their sleeves to outwit rivals and take their companies to the next level. Business strategy, tactics, and results — you’ll hear about it on the Next Level Podcast.
With no further ado, let’s say hello to our first guest.

Anita Campbell

CEO, Small Business Trends

Nextiva customer Anita Campbell is the successful CEO and founder of Small Business Trends, which commands over 4 million page views every month. However, she still likes to refer to herself as an “accidental publisher” because of the way she formed her blog empire into a business she “didn’t even know existed.”
Campbell sat down with Micah Solomon, a bestselling author and customer service expert, to share her passion for the small business community, and how she scaled her company over the last 18 years.

Key takeaways:

  • Use free content publishing tools to build your audience online.
  • Change is the only constant in business – you must anticipate and adapt to customer needs quickly.
  • Use customer data to inform your strategy by understanding who you are serving and what they need.
  • Remember to look backwards and measure how far you’ve come — it’s important to celebrate success!
  • Invest in technology to empower your employees and better serve your customers.

Be sure to subscribe to the Next Level Podcast so you can listen to episodes before everyone else does.

  • Listen to the Next Level Podcast on Apple Podcasts
  • Listen to the Next Level Podcast on Google Podcasts
  • Listen to the Next Level Podcast on Spotify

No matter if you have two employees or 2,000, we’re ready to help you scale. More than 100,000 companies rely on Nextiva for customer and team communication. Want to see how we can help you? Schedule a demo today!


Jeremy Boudinet

Jeremy Boudinet was a senior brand manager at Nextiva, co-president at AA-ISP Phoenix, and a published writer for Time, Entrepreneur, Inc, The Daily Muse, and PopSugar. Today, he heads up growth for Ubiquitous, an influencer marketing agency. He has been giving the people what they want since '86. Connect with him to…

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Today marks an exciting step for Nextiva. We have raised $200M in funding from Goldman Sachs.
This is a powerful endorsement of Nextiva’s vision and our team’s strength in creating a market-changing platform that helps businesses communicate better, work smarter, and grow faster.
We have been preparing for this moment for 8 years. We filed and were granted over 50 patents in customer interactions and journeys. We invested over $100M of our earned capital to test and successfully validate our platform in the market.
Nextiva’s purpose since the very beginning was to help businesses to grow with communication at the core.
The customer experience is more broken than ever, and more businesses need help. We are accelerating our vision to serve the growing number of businesses that are struggling to grow and develop lasting relationships.
Businesses lack the context of their conversations with customers, because the content, which is the most valuable part, is essentially being thrown away by existing solutions.
To compensate for this, companies are using 15-25 applications to communicate, manage, and collaborate with customers and teams. This results in silos of data that give an incomplete view of a customer’s journey, which only increases the gap.
Instead of getting closer to customers, they further fragment their environment, becoming separated from customers and increasing complexity for their teams.
This is the #1 struggle that businesses face today, regardless of how many tools and technologies they add.
Nextiva views things differently. It’s not enough to connect two people on the phone, video, email, SMSthis is expected. We believe that connection is just the start. The real value lies in understanding the content of the conversations with customers.
We are bringing all customer communications into a single stream of information to enable deep customer understanding, while eliminating application clutter.
By automating supporting tasks, we optimize business users’ time and allow them to focus on the relationships that really matter.
By setting up the right conversations with the right context at the right time, we enable businesses to build customer relationships that last.
Our vision of “Powering Human Connections” extends beyond business. Helping people connect and create a shared understanding is not only a business thing⁠—it’s a virtue in and of itself.
This is the change we drive in the world. In the future, we see everyone using Nextiva or something like it.
Get ready for connected communications!


Tomas Gorny

Tomas Gorny is a Polish-born American Entrepreneur. He is the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of UnitedWeb, a holdings company, and Nextiva, a cloud communications provider. Tomas has founded several successful technology companies including IPOWER in 2001, Nextiva in 2006, and SiteLock in 2008. IPOWER sold to Warburg and Goldman Sachs for nearly $1B in 2011…

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How Call Center Software Made Phat Rides Wildly Successful

August 31, 2021 3 min read

Jeremy Boudinet

Jeremy Boudinet

One of the best things about Nextiva is seeing firsthand how we help our customers deliver the best customer experience for their customers. So every month, we’ll share a detailed example of how Nextiva does much more than business VoIP with downright amazing customer stories.

Have you ever wondered what call center software can do for a business? The truth is that most companies rarely, if ever, think about this until it’s too late. When they add more customers, they soon realize its business phone system isn’t designed for scalable customer interactions.

I want to tell you about the high-growth startup whose custom motorized scooters can be found zipping around near you: Phat Rides.

A flourishing brand like Phat Rides (previously Phat Scooters), conquered this challenge seamlessly. With a deep desire to elevate their customer experience, they looked to Nextiva for their communications system.

Since 2017, the company has been selling its exclusive brand of high-end scooters to people worldwide. Their customers range from Bill Murray to Larry Fitzgerald, and they’ve quickly earned a reputation for their fun, customizable scooters and excellent customer service.

As the business grew, it attracted more customers and more employees. The nature of its product entails a high degree of customization, unlike any other electric vehicle out there. It offers a range of up to 40 miles, a top speed of 20 MPH, and is fully electric.

They established a simple call center to meet the demand, but it lacked the sophistication to provide quality assurance (QA), call recording, and powerful analytics. With the need for a distributed customer service team on the horizon, it was time for a cloud call center solution

To ensure they could scale to rising customer needs, Phat Rides Head of People Operations Ashley Fairchild compared multiple cloud communications solutions for her growing team. Ultimately, she singled out Nextiva as the phone system most capable of meeting her team’s needs.

“I’ve worked in call center environments before,” Fairchild said. “So I know what a good one looks like.” To Fairchild, a great call center requires reliance upon call recording software. Today’s top call center solutions allow managers to record, store, and review calls on their own time, and then offer training based on the contents of the call recording transcripts.

Businesses looking to scale a phone-based team often onboard new team members, making it difficult for managers to stay on top of their team’s performance. Moreover, as call centers have shifted to remote work environments, call recordings are more prevalent to achieve quality assurance.

Phat scooters used professional call center software to exceed customer expectations.

At Phat Rides, their direct-to-consumer experience has created heavy call volume. Most of their orders are finalized over the phone. With over 250 orders every month, its customer service team must be equipped to answer questions, make changes, and ensure no customer falls through the cracks.

All told, the team at Phat Rides handles the entire customer journey, from the initial inquiry, customization, payment, shipping, and receipt of the scooter. These stages mean Fairchild’s team is in continuous contact with their customers for a matter of days or weeks to ensure complete satisfaction.

To arm her contact center with the technology they need, Fairchild turned to Nextiva. “What led us to look for a new business communications platform was the efficiencies of Nextiva. The cost, capabilities, call recording, call groups, and ability to do the attendants and receptionist were critical to our business.”

Out of all the features, Fairchild credits call recording as the most beneficial to her business. “Nextiva just took Phat Rides to the next level for customer service,” Fairchild says. “It is built [directly] into our process.”

Related: What Is a Contact Center? Definition, Features, and Uses

Read the case study →


Jeremy Boudinet

Jeremy Boudinet was a senior brand manager at Nextiva, co-president at AA-ISP Phoenix, and a published writer for Time, Entrepreneur, Inc, The Daily Muse, and PopSugar. Today, he heads up growth for Ubiquitous, an influencer marketing agency. He has been giving the people what they want since '86. Connect with him to…

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Is Nextiva HIPAA Compliant?

July 14, 2021 4 min read

Rae Repanshek

Rae Repanshek

At Nextiva, we know how important it is to safeguard protected health information, especially because healthcare providers that experience data breaches or HIPAA violations face astronomical fines and damaged reputations.
The reality is that healthcare communications are more challenging with remote work and telehealth solutions, making it more complicated to provide care while keeping sensitive interactions and data safe.
For optimal patient privacy and security, Nextiva provides HIPAA-compliant voice, fax, and video services. Read on to find out which VoIP services are HIPAA-compliant.
To familiarize you with our HIPAA-compliant offerings, we’ll cover these essential HIPAA topics:

What is HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, otherwise known as HIPAA, is a federal law that defines national standards for security and privacy to safeguard protected health information.
There can be protected health information in all communications — from voicemails to virtual consultations — and service providers must collect and protect this information regardless of communication type. Additionally, patients have a reasonable expectation that any private information shared in these communications will be safely stored and only used for health-related purposes.
The goal of HIPAA is to ensure health information is properly protected, while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide and promote high-quality healthcare and to protect the public’s health and well-being.

What does it mean to be HIPAA-compliant?

All healthcare service providers must be HIPAA-compliant. It’s their responsibility to protect all medical records and health-related information, so it’s incredibly important for these healthcare service providers to use HIPAA-compliant communications solutions that ensure protected health information is transmitted securely.

“Ensuring that we were on a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform that was tested and validated was the highest priority. Knowing that the system you communicate on has that security just makes our business much more efficient.”

Joseph Berardo, CEO, Concordia Care

Joseph Berardo, CEO, Concordia Care

What falls under protected health information according to HIPAA?

Protected health information includes individually identifiable health information that is transmitted or maintained in any form or medium (electronic, oral, or paper) by a covered entity or its business associates, excluding certain educational and employment records.
For example:

  • A patient’s name, address, birth date, and social security number
  • An individual’s physical or mental health condition
  • Any care provided to an individual
  • Information about the payment for the care given

How does Nextiva maintain HIPAA-compliance?

Nextiva provides secure and reliable communications to every customer regardless of their industry. For HIPAA-compliant accounts, we limit some functionality to protect private patient data. Doing so helps businesses stay in compliance without any changes on their part.
We’ve adjusted the following features:

  • Visual voicemail: Disabled.
  • Nextiva App: Disabled listening to voicemails.
  • Voicemail to email or text: Disabled.
  • vFAX: Disabled sending faxes from an email. View incoming faxes using a secure email link or logging into your portal.

Nextiva also executes a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) that addresses our covered services and states the privacy, security, and breach notification rules required for business associates under HIPAA.

Related: Healthcare Call Center Best Practices for Better Patient Care

Which Nextiva products and services are HIPAA-compliant?

Nextiva offers cloud-based, unified communications solutions that are HIPAA-compliant, including phone service, virtual fax, and video conferencing.
Any business can use our services, but when we partner with organizations in the healthcare industry we add security measures to ensure protected patient information isn’t shared.
For example, we won’t attach a fax to an email so that only the correct parties can access the fax, and the document or a link cannot be shared with unauthorized parties.
See the table below for more information.

Phone service
Auto attendant
Call recording
Advanced call recording
Voicemail transcript
Visual voicemail
1:1 video conferencing
Team video conferencing
Audio-only conferencing
Advanced IVR 1
Go Integrator (Skype for Business, CTI, and CRM integrations)
SSAE 16-certified data centers
Redundant call network path
Eight points of presence throughout the U.S.
Business Associate Agreement (BAA)2

1 Except for SMS
2 Nextiva requires that customers using its HIPAA products sign a comprehensive Business Associate Agreement (BAA) that addresses covered services and states the privacy, security, and breach notification rules required for business associates under HIPAA.

Nextiva offers healthcare service providers unified communications solutions that provide the extra monitoring required to be HIPAA-compliant.
The Nextiva core platform, NextOS, resides in data centers across North America with the highest security protocols. For maximum reliability, they are connected with dual OC48 (2.5 Gbps) rings to create redundant call paths.
We also deploy best-of-breed equipment that protects our network from security breaches. The data centers are SSAE 16-certified, SOC II audited, and offer PCI-DSS certification. Each data center has a dedicated power grid with sophisticated energy consumption to deliver 100% uptime.
Most NextOS services are covered by the HIPAA-compliant offering, including phone service, virtual fax, and video conferencing.
Request a demo with one of our experts to see how easy (and compliant) business communications can be.

Related: What Is VoIP? The Newbie’s Guide to Voice over IP


Rae Repanshek

Rae Repanshek was a product marketing manager at Nextiva. She loves sharing stories about how we make it easy for businesses to serve their customers. Her goal is to create accessible product content while keeping everyone informed about innovations happening behind the scenes. A huge customer advocate, she works with the product teams to ensure…

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Whether it’s increasing sales or improving internal productivity, our customers are always looking for ways to better manage their business communications.
And while some are heading back into the office, others are re-upping their commitment to remote work.
With so many businesses still in flux, the ability to work from anywhere has become even more crucial.
That’s why our most recent product enhancements were focused on providing even more flexibility.
From routing phone calls to new mobility features, these updates give customers more flexible ways to communicate.

1) Teams in NextOS

Our platform, NextOS, utilizes a powerful call flow builder to route calls. In this latest update, we’ve added the ability to route calls to teams.
A team is simply a group of people, meaning you could add every sales team member to a team called “Sales” or select individuals to create a custom team.
Team voice settings determine how calls are routed to that team. For example, you could set the call distribution method to ring all team members at once, in a round-robin, or in a specific order.
With the team’s voice settings in place, the call flow builder intelligently routes calls based on those settings. Or, you can choose to override those settings in a call flow.

This comes in handy when you’re running a promo or campaign that uses a different phone number or has requirements outside of your normal call flow.
This critical, new feature gives our customers the flexibility to route customer calls to the right place, whether that’s through a team or a single person.
To see all the other ways we’ve enhanced our call flow builder since it launched in Dec. 2020, read our Spring 2021 blog.

2) Nextiva Mobile App SMS/MMS

According to G2, 85% of consumers prefer to receive a message over a phone call or an email, making messaging one of the most essential communication channels for any business.
That’s why we’ve added text messaging (SMS) and picture messaging (MMS) to our Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate plans at no additional cost.

This feature enables users to send and receive texts, images (JPG, PNG, BMP), and GIFs with customers and colleagues from their Nextiva business phone numbers, so they can maintain professionalism even when they’re on the go.
This gives our customers more flexibility to communicate using a preferred channel. Learn more about how to use text messaging to improve your business.

3) Nextiva Mobile App UI update

Screenshots of the Nextiva App for desktop and mobile phones.

We’re always improving the Nextiva Mobile App with new features, but we gave the app a more refined look in this latest update.
In version 25.0.1, we enhanced the colors, and we gave our contacts without profile photos a new style. We also released some performance improvements and bug fixes.
Because the Nextiva Mobile App and Nextiva Desktop App now have a more consistent look and feel, switching between the two is easier.
This familiar experience means our customers spend less time looking for the feature they need and more time communicating with confidence.

These minor improvements provide our customers more flexibility in using the Nextiva Mobile App to communicate. Click here to download the latest version.
This product update is just the start. Since we launched NextOS in Dec. 2020, we’ve been making it even better with new features that make it easier to manage business communications.
We’re constantly innovating to help our customers find new ways to solve real-world problems, and we’ll be launching several new product updates and features between now and the end of the year.
Related: Introducing New Ways to Improve Customer Experiences [Fall 2021 Update]


Chethan Visweswar

Chethan Visweswar leads Nextiva’s global product and engineering organization. With more than 30 years of experience in building products, he’s fueled by a passion for building elegant solutions that customers love. He loves traveling and exploring the world with his family. Chethan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Did you know text messaging is the most responsive business communication channel? It crushes email, chat, and social media.
According to G2, 85% of consumers prefer to receive a message over a phone call or an email. They expect to communicate using the channels they’re used to — whenever and wherever they are.
There’s no better time than now to deliver amazing, seamless customer experiences.
Messaging customers using your business phone number lets you chat on their terms. And you can do it while maintaining your professional brand.
There are two types of text messages you should know about:

  • Short Message Service (SMS) consists of text-based messages.
  • Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) allows pictures and other media.

These technologies help you to stay in touch with your customers. All you need is their phone number and permission.

Here are three ways to use text and picture messages to serve customers and grow your business.

1) Announce sales or promotions.

Real-time customer feedback - Example of SMS for business communication

Quickly get in front of your customers with information about your products and services. If you’re running a special sale, let people know right away using messages and pictures.
You can even send your customers offers based on products or services they’ve shown interest in previously. That way, you’re sharing a promotion with people using a channel they prefer.

2) Send reminders and confirmations.

Text messaging is perfect for managing appointments, including reminders and confirmations. These updates often include date, time, and location details.
Customers can quickly reply to confirm that they’ll be there or that they’ll need to reschedule, making it easier to communicate about scheduling.
It’s also a simple way to follow up on work completed. You can document on-site visits or deliveries, and share updates via a quick text or picture message. Plus, you’ll have timestamped updates, which also helps avoid any disputes.

3) Build rapport with customers and ask for feedback.

Customer feedback and surveys - Example of SMS for business communication

Text or picture messages also help you build relationships with your customers using personalized content. For example, a massage company may text a client after an appointment to ask how they’re feeling and offer a promotional discount on the next massage.
You can even ask customers for candid feedback about how your company is performing. When customers feel valued by the company they’re doing business with, they’re more likely to come back for more.

Almost every business can use SMS and MMS to improve relationships with their customers. The data shows that customers are more likely to respond to a text than an email.

Gartner reports SMS open and response rates as high as 98% and 45%, respectively — in contrast to corresponding figures of 20% and 6% for email.

The Future of Sales Follow-Ups: Text Messages

The Future of Sales Follow-Ups: Text Messages

We’ve included business VoIP texting and picture messaging with our popular business communication plans. It’s one of the many advantages of using Nextiva.

The best part? Your team can manage their contacts and messages in one place with the Nextiva Mobile App. This helps employees provide amazing customer experiences over the phone, text, or chat.
Sign up today and start using text and picture messaging to improve the customer experience.

Related: What Is A2P 10DLC? The Complete Guide for Small Businesses


Rae Repanshek

Rae Repanshek was a product marketing manager at Nextiva. She loves sharing stories about how we make it easy for businesses to serve their customers. Her goal is to create accessible product content while keeping everyone informed about innovations happening behind the scenes. A huge customer advocate, she works with the product teams to ensure…

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Spring Product Update: Creating Call Flows is Easier Than Ever

April 19, 2021 4 min read

Chethan Visweswar

Chethan Visweswar

When we launched the new NextOS platform in December 2020, we wanted to make it as simple as possible for our customers to run their businesses with Nextiva by adding more user-friendly options and more customizations. Since then, we’ve been hard at work developing additional features and making improvements so now the platform is even easier to use.
While our customers have multiple priorities for their phone systems, we know how important it is for calls to reach the right place, and that’s why we’ve put a ton of focus on our call flow builder over the past few months. The call flow builder lets anyone design the ideal way they want their calls answered.

What’s a call flow?

A call flow enables business owners to design the first impression a person has when they call in. For example, when you hear an automated menu that tells you to “press 1 to speak with someone in customer service,” that was designed in a call flow.
Call flows are the more modern approach to auto attendants. They’re more capable and easier to set up. In one canvas, you can adjust business hours, call routing, and more.
Our customers regularly tell us that call flows are crucial to their businesses. Business owners rely on them to help their customers reach the right person or department when they call in. This customer experience serves as a key pillar to how a business is perceived by its customers.

We’ve acted on this feedback and added multiple features to improve call flows. The five features listed below are brand new in NextOS, and they make the call flow builder experience even more powerful. We invite you to try out these features and provide feedback to our team.
If you’re not yet a Nextiva customer, get started today.

1) Edit active call flows.

Screenshot of changing call flows in Nextiva

Sometimes you need to make a simple update to your call flows during business hours. Maybe you’re closing early for an employee appreciation event, or you’re running a monthly promotion.
Now you can edit your business hours and phone menu greetings without deactivating the call flow. With just a few clicks, you can edit your call flow to quickly adapt to the changes in your business.
We’ll be adding more ways to edit live call flows soon, so stay tuned.

2) Add additional numbers to a call flow.

Businesses often have more than one phone number, depending on specific needs.
For example, you may have a direct phone number to the sales team and a direct number to the customer support team, or you may have a special 1-800 number for a new customer promotion.
Each of these numbers needs a call flow assigned to it, to ensure that your customers promptly get to the right person.
Now you can create one call flow and apply it to any and all phone numbers that serve your business, saving you time when setting up and editing your flows.

3) Start a call flow from an extension.

Screenshot of adding phone numbers to any call flow in Nextiva.

Internal calls need to be routed too! When you need to transfer someone to another department, such as human resources or the finance team, starting a call flow with an extension allows you to do just that without using a full phone number.
This provides more flexibility without increasing costs, making it even easier to route callers.

4) See all the details of a call flow.

You’re a detail-oriented person. Aren’t we all? When it comes to your phone system, you might want to review your call flows regularly to optimize how calls are routed.
Simply click on each area of the flow to get the information you want. See all the details within a call flow without making any changes to it.
This improvement lets you see how your virtual phone service handles incoming calls at a glance.


5) Catch the errors in a call flow.

Imagine this: You crafted the ideal way for your company to handle inbound calls. Then you push it live and realize that you missed a step. Oops!
Worry no more. Before you press that “Go Live” button, Nextiva’s call flow builder lets you know if there’s a problem and shows you how to fix it.


Now anyone can manage their company’s phone system like a pro.
These five new features in the NextOS platform make it easier than ever to manage your company’s phone system. You don’t need any technical skills or training to provide an exceptional customer experience.
Stay tuned for more product updates.
Related: Introducing New Ways to Improve Customer Experiences [Fall 2021 Update]


Chethan Visweswar

Chethan Visweswar leads Nextiva’s global product and engineering organization. With more than 30 years of experience in building products, he’s fueled by a passion for building elegant solutions that customers love. He loves traveling and exploring the world with his family. Chethan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Moving to a new Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system is exciting but can be a big project to tackle. After all, you want to make sure your company’s phone system is operational at all times.
No matter if you’re coming from landlines, PBX, or another VoIP phone system, it helps to have a plan. The good news is we’ve done the work for you.
Our VoIP installation checklist shows you the way in three stages. You can harness the power of a virtual phone system in just 12 steps.
Let’s begin!

I. Research & Prep

  1. Identify phone system needs
  2. Prioritize features
  3. Perform bandwidth tests
  4. Select optional VoIP phones

II. Migration & Setup

  1. Transfer phone numbers
  2. Add and manage users
  3. Download VoIP apps
  4. Design the ideal call flow

III. Post-Installation

  1. Verify network connectivity
  2. Confirm number assignments
  3. Record voicemail greetings
  4. Activate extra VoIP features

Phase 1: Research & Prep Before You Buy

VoIP Research & Preparation
You’ll want to gather details about your voice communication needs to have a plan in mind.

1) Identify your phone system needs

We’ve heard from thousands of business leaders. It’s not uncommon to find they don’t have a list of requirements for their phone service. If the basics aren’t covered, it doesn’t matter how trendy the communications feature.
Examples of phone system needs:

  • Number of users (local and remote)
  • Active business phone numbers
  • Phone system usage (a phone bill works)
  • Expenses and budget changes
  • Legal and regulatory requirements

Once you have these in hand, think about what you want from your new telephone service. Do you have a remote team? If so, you’ll need a provider that offers softphone apps for devices employees use. If you have a global presence, you’ll need affordable international calling.
Figuring out your business needs first will put you on the right path to choosing the best VoIP provider. It’ll save you time and money in the long run.

2) Prioritize communication features

You might have some phone system features that you’ve always wanted. There might be some phone system features you’ve never heard of. The world of unified communications opens up a lot more functionality to interact with your team and customers.
Several notable VoIP features include:

  • Auto attendants to welcome and guide incoming callers.
  • Call routing for directing calls to one or more team members.
  • Video conferencing to meet with your team and customers over video.
  • Instant messaging lets you chat with a coworker securely.
  • Voicemail transcription delivers voicemails to your inbox so you can read them instantly.

And these are just the start. We listed out more than 40 telecom features you can get included with business VoIP plans. You might be surprised.

3) Perform bandwidth tests

VoIP works by connecting calls over an internet connection. You’ll need enough bandwidth to take those calls. This isn’t a problem for most people. On average, Ookla reports that most broadband connections are above 50 Mbps.
For reliable Voice over IP calls, heed these guidelines:

  • Bandwidth: 100 Kbps per line (Example: 10 lines need 1,000 Kbps or about 1 Mbps)
  • Latency: 150 milliseconds or less
  • Jitter: 20 milliseconds or less

Take our VoIP speed test to see whether your bandwidth is healthy enough for VoIP. It simulates voice traffic on your network to test if your internet connection is good to go. Rest assured that individual VoIP calls take a minuscule amount of network traffic.
Most networked routers today are more than enough to handle Voice over Internet Protocol traffic. But if you’re shopping around, look for one that has QoS and bandwidth management functionality.

4) Select optional VoIP phones

The allure of VoIP is that you don’t need new equipment. You can use your existing smartphones and computers with internet phone service.
VoIP phones connect to the internet, not through a conventional phone line. If you prefer the feel of a desk phone, browse our VoIP desk phones and check out the variety of handsets and specs. Keep in mind that headsets and other peripherals vary between manufacturers.
We don’t recommend committing to only one model. Speak with your cloud communications expert to get their recommendations. As an insider tip, ask about VoIP phone rebates or promotions.

Phase 2:  Migration & User Setup

Business VoIP Installation and Setup
Once you’ve chosen a provider, it’s time to set up your new VoIP phone service. This stage is stress-free when your communications provider guides you through the transition.

5) Transfer phone numbers

What’s in a number? For almost all companies, it’s their identity. Customers likely know your phone number, or it appears in your marketing materials. It’s essential to transfer your existing phone numbers. Porting or “port-in” both describe the process of moving telephone numbers.
Your new VoIP provider will migrate your numbers seamlessly. Get a copy of your old phone bill, and Nextiva will guide you through completing a Letter of Authorization (LOA). Your service provider will inform you when your numbers are ready.
You can transfer any phone numbers you use, such as PSTN/analog, wireless, and virtual numbers. Of course, you always have the option to pick out new digits if you’d like.
Tip: To switch to a cloud phone service immediately, get started with temporary phone numbers and port your numbers later.

6) Add and manage users

How many employees need to use your business phone system? This question isn’t a trick. The number of users might differ from the number of phone extensions and employees. Perhaps you might not want some staffers to have a direct-dial number (DID). Either way, add them to your phone system so they can make and receive calls.
For most small businesses, this should all fit on a spreadsheet. Plan out the users, phone extensions, permissions, and any desired call flows you want so you can be ready on day one. Large organizations should think about ring groups, administrators, and profiles. Don’t worry; you’ll cover all these and more during onboarding.
Tip: For employees that work from home, provide their home address for their E911 location. Public safety dispatchers can access this information when a user dials 911.

Related: E911: What Is It & How Does It Affect My Business?

7) Download VoIP apps

It’s now time to set up the devices you want to use for your new phone system. Arguably, this is the most exciting part of any VoIP solution.
You can fast-track your VoIP installation. Use a softphone to make business calls from your smartphone or desktop. The Nextiva App is available for iPhone, Android, macOS, and Windows. After you sign in, you’re done.

For those with desk phones, plug them in. Through the magic of IP telephony, they will connect to your VoIP provider. From there, associate the physical phone with the user in your admin portal. With Nextiva, your VoIP implementation is done — no firmware updates or struggles with TFTP.
Tip: If you have a Power over Ethernet (PoE) switch, you won’t need to use the AC adaptor. The phones will power up from just your Ethernet cable.

8) Design the ideal call flow (auto attendant)

Nextiva's Call Flow Designer configures auto attendants the easy way.

Finally, you want to think about the journey when someone calls your company. A professional auto attendant is your saving grace here. You might already have one of these if you’re coming from an on-premises or hosted PBX.

Auto attendants greet callers with a short menu of choices. Businesses need to be aware of the customer experience when setting up their call flow. Nextiva’s visual Call Flow Builder makes it a breeze to create the ideal experience.

“There are two types of callers: people who are unfamiliar with your company and will need guidance, and callers who know exactly who they need to speak to and know their extension.”

James Bucki, The Balance

James Bucki, The Balance

Record a brief greeting that welcomes callers. Name the destination then the number you want them to press. For instance, “For sales, press 1.”  Keep it simple and straightforward as you get started.
With VoIP, you can always change it without any technical help.

Phase 3: After installation

Finalizing Business Phone System Extra Features
Congratulations, you’ve completed most of the business phone installation. These final four steps ensure you take full advantage of everything a VoIP phone system has to offer.

9) Verify network connectivity

Occasionally, your network configuration can take you by surprise. For peace of mind, double-check your connectivity during the VoIP installation. Confirm your Voice over IP connections are operating correctly.
Here are easy ways to test your new phone system:

  • Call your number from your cell phone.
  • Call your cell phone from your business phone number.
  • Complete a test call for approximately 20 minutes to listen for any audio issues.

As a best practice, disable SIP ALG inside your network’s router. Go a step further and configure Quality of Service (QoS) settings for VoIP. Doing so will maintain superior call quality and performance. If you have any voice communication issues, now’s the perfect time to adjust your firewall.

10) Confirm your number assignments

Besides direct inward dial numbers, you might also use ring groups (also known as call groups). These can direct incoming calls to a handful of users from one phone extension. This functionality varies between VoIP service providers.
Likewise, confirm that you’ve configured the outbound caller ID as you desire. A user’s caller ID might default to the location’s phone number. It may take a few weeks for telecom providers to update their caller ID databases.
Tip: Try calling 1-800-444-4444, which is the MCI Automated Number Announcement Circuit (ANAC). It will read back the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) for your phone number.

11) Record voicemail greetings

Voicemail is vital to every business phone system. Your voice helps customers and coworkers know if they reached the correct number. Suppose you prefer a text message instead — a voicemail greeting establishes that convention.
Don’t let the horrors of dialing into your PBX scare you away from setting up your voicemail. Nextiva’s online portal enables you to craft the perfect greeting right from your browser. It will take you just seconds to complete.
Tip: For optimal call quality, use a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi.

12) Activate extra VoIP features

The last step to install your VoIP phone system is to set up the extra communication features. These aren’t essential on day one, but they help your company enhance its workflow and productivity.
Popular communication features that businesses need include:

  • Call forwarding: There are times when you might not be ready to work. Set up automatic call forwarding to direct calls to your cell phone or a colleague when you’re away or are otherwise unavailable.
  • Online faxing: Send and receive faxes over your VoIP network, just like email. No wires, no toner, no problem.
  • Call recording: Listen to your phone calls from the cloud anytime you want. Recorded calls offer actionable training opportunities for your sales or customer support teams.
  • Text messaging: Do you engage with clients or manage appointments? Exchange SMS text messages using the same app to speak with customers over the phone.
  • Call screening: Stop spam callers (robocalls) from wasting your time. With this feature, you can block unwanted voice calls so customers can reach you.

Business VoIP installation checklist

Here’s a handy implementation checklist you can take with you. It’s a summary of the big picture for researching, setting up, and enjoying a new VoIP phone system.

I. Research II. Migration III. Post-setup
Phone system needs
Users, phone numbers, extensions, and must-haves.
Transfer phone numbers
Toll-free, direct-dial, and virtual phone numbers.
Verify connectivity
Incoming calls, outbound calls, and network performance.
Desired VoIP features
Call recording, call queues, conferencing, and email integrations.
Add users and E911 info
Usernames, extensions, permissions, and physical addresses for E911.
Confirm phone numbers
Outbound caller ID and inbound call paths work as desired.
Bandwidth tests
~100 Kbps per line with less than 150ms latency.
Install VoIP apps
VoIP softphone apps for smartphones and desktops.
Record voicemails
Record greetings and messages for future call flows.
Optional desk phones
Desk phones, conference phones, headsets, etc.
Set up call flows
Auto attendants, holiday schedules, and call routing.
Activate extra features
Conferencing, recording, faxing, and text messaging.

Your specific VoIP installation might look much different depending on the size of your company. This template helps you understanding how a typical VoIP plan might go.

Transition to VoIP with confidence

VoIP Installation: IP Phones, Softphones, and Mobile Apps
Ready to make the switch to a modern VoIP phone system? Not only does it provide you with more features, but it’s also surprisingly easy to install. You don’t have any interruptions to your business while you switch to the cloud.
For the third consecutive year, U.S. News named Nextiva the #1 business phone system. Nextiva was also ranked the top VoIP service on G2 for businesses sized 51-1000 employees.
You don’t have to brave it alone. Our onboarding and simple online setup have you covered. In a matter of minutes, you can transition your phone system to the cloud. The first step is to get a personalized quote.  From there, we’ll guide you through your VoIP implementation.
Related: 10 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Business Phone System


Joe Manna

Joe Manna was a senior content marketing manager at Nextiva. He blends his marketing acumen and deep technical background to improve people's lives with technology. His expertise helps companies large and small serve more customers. He enjoys a rich iced latte and a non-fiction business book when he's not pressing words.

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