Ask any contact center manager what’s the most important element in a contact center, and they’ll tell you it’s efficiency. An efficient contact center can enable agents to help customers more effectively while keeping them from becoming overwhelmed or bogged down by repetitive tasks.

The secret to an efficient contact center is its workflow: a predefined set of steps that efficiently guide agents through customer interactions.

Contact center workflows can leverage automation and AI to streamline daily work and optimize agent productivity. This ensures that customers receive the help they need quickly, records are kept properly, and agents are equipped for success.

With that in mind, what are the essentials for great contact center workflow management? Let’s explore key components and see how to create an effective workflow for a superior contact center experience.

Essential Contact Center Workflows

Let’s begin by looking at the essential tools and features used in contact center workflows. These elements contribute to the overall health, efficiency, and success of your contact center:

1. Inbound call routing

If you want an effective call center workflow, you need to ensure customers reach the agent that’s best equipped to answer their questions. There are several methods that can be used for routing incoming calls, including:

  • Skills-based routing: Skills-based routing is designed to match callers with agents who have the expertise and skills best matched to the customer’s issue. Many skills-based routing features use complex algorithms that consider factors like agent certifications, skills profiles, and how they have handled similar issues in the past to find the best agent/customer matches.
  • Language routing: Language barriers can often be a challenge, especially in contact centers. Language routing directs callers to agents who can speak their native tongue, helping ensure clear communication and a successful outcome. This is why you’ll often reach a contact center and immediately hear, “For English, press one. Para español, oprima dos.”
  • Customer-type routing: Customer-type routing ensures that the customers you can least afford to lose always receive top-tier support. Some organizations have particularly important customers, such as VIPs or major donors. In cases like this, customer-type routing exists to direct high-value customers or those with complex inquiries to experienced agents who can provide personalized service.
  • Time-based routing: Time-based routing can direct calls to the center with the service levels best equipped to handle the call volume, so customers won’t have to deal with lengthy wait times. This is helpful if you have multiple contact center locations, as they’ll have a different number of agents available depending on the time of day or week.
  • IVR-based routing: Interactive voice response (IVR), much like skills-based routing, uses pre-recorded menus to help callers reach the agent or department they need. If you’ve ever called a contact center and heard, “For billing, press 1. For technical support, press 2,” or “Please state your question after the tone,” then you’ve encountered an IVR menu.

2. Email ticketing

Email is a vital channel for customer support. A survey from HubSpot shows that 93% of customers use email to engage with companies.

However, the popularity of this channel makes it easy to lose messages or context in the clutter. With contact centers receiving so many emails each day, proper ticketing, categorizing, and routing are essential.

Key features for managing email as part of a contact center workflow include:

  • Automated tagging and categorization: It’s important to have emails properly categorized and labeled so they can be sent to the best agent for the task. Automation tools can identify keywords and phrases to categorize emails and then route them to the most qualified agent.
  • SLA routing: With SLA routing, you can set timeframes for responding to customer emails based on the urgency of the email and the customer type. This helps get higher-priority emails in front of teams more quickly, so they can resolve them as soon as possible.
  • Collaboration tools: Collaboration tools let agents communicate with each other and work together so that they can handle more complex issues as a team. One of the best ways to improve your workflow is by integrating your email ticketing systems with your team chat or internal communications platform.
  • Predefined responses and templates: There are many times when customers will send an email to ask about a common issue or a frequently asked question. In these cases, prewritten responses and templates can help agents respond quickly and accurately without needing to write a new response from scratch.

3. Live chat support

Live chat is another important channel for customer communications, with research from J.D. Power showing that nearly two-thirds of customers prefer chat for their online communications. You can improve your contact center live chat workflow with features like:

  • Agent presence management: Agents must be able to focus on their tasks without needing to juggle multiple customer interactions, but customers also need to reach a live agent without waiting too long. Agent presence management features help by allowing agents to manage their chat availability based on their workloads so customers can quickly reach an available agent without overwhelming the support team.
  • Co-browsing: An agent often needs to see the customer’s screen to understand the issues they’re encountering and guide them through the support process. For these situations, co-browsing features allow agents to see a customer’s screen in real time to provide more effective troubleshooting. This is particularly useful for technical support, where agents will likely be helping customers through complex issues.
  • Offline messaging: Many contact centers have limited business hours, and not all can be open 24/7. Offline messaging allows customers to leave messages outside of business hours so that agents can respond to them as soon as they’re back in the office. This also includes automated responses acknowledging receipt of the question and estimated response times, so the customers know they’re being heard.
  • Chatbots: Customers often have basic inquiries or need help with common and easily resolved problems, so not every customer question will need a live agent. In these cases, web chatbots can provide answers quickly, providing immediate self-service while freeing up human agents for more complex queries.
Nextiva - human chat vs AI chat

4. Post-call surveys

When the call is over, it is helpful to get feedback from your customers. Many businesses send out post-call customer surveys with a few basic questions to measure customer satisfaction and rate agent performance.


Some best practices for post-call surveys include:

  • Survey timing: Many contact centers will have their agents ask if the customer would mind staying on the line to answer a survey or send a follow-up message shortly after the call ends. This is because the best time to send a survey is right after the phone call while the experience is still fresh in the customer’s mind.
  • Multiple channels: Few customers will want to stay on a call just to answer a survey, and it’s usually just those who had an awful or amazing customer experience that will want to put in that extra time, which doesn’t provide a holistic view of the contact center at all. Instead, offer multiple survey options, such as email or SMS, for customers who would prefer to provide non-verbal feedback.
  • Open-ended vs. closed-ended questions: Many survey questions can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” Others, however, may require more detailed feedback. Try to balance multiple-choice questions with more open-ended ones so you can gather qualitative feedback that can be used to find specific areas needing improvement.
  • Incentives for participation: Customers are less likely to take the time to answer surveys if they’re not getting anything out of it. However, offering small rewards, such as discount codes or gift cards, can encourage customers to complete surveys and provide their feedback. A simple incentive can go a long way to increasing your response rate.

What It Takes to Build Strong Contact Center Workflows

Workflows don’t create themselves. Building a strong workflow requires thought, investment, and the right technology.

How a Call Flow Works

If you want to improve your contact center’s workflow, here are some best practices to follow:

Identify key touchpoints

Understanding your workflow is key to improving it. So the first thing you need to know is where your customers are coming from and how your agents are interacting with them.

Map all your customer interaction and communication channels, such as voice calls, emails, web chats, and social media. These are the key touchpoints you’ll want to monitor and manage to ensure a strong workflow.

You’ll also need to know the specifics of your agents’ tasks and scripts, including greeting customers, gathering information, and resolving tasks. This will help you understand which areas can and should be improved.

Automate repetitive tasks

Contact center agents lose hours on repetitive manual tasks, from logging customer interactions to forwarding calls. Automating these time-consuming tasks immediately frees up that time so it can be put to more productive use.


For instance, with an IVR system, you can automate greetings, data collection, and call routing. You can also integrate a customer relationship management (CRM) solution with your contact center to automate logging customer interactions and call recording details.

Even tasks like outbound calls can be automated with tools like a power dialer. Shaving off those few seconds per call can add up, helping your agents reach customers in less time.

These simple steps can help you implement automated workflows, giving agents more time to focus on helping customers with pressing issues.

Personalize the experience

Customers expect personalized support based on their customer journey and purchase history. Contact centers can personalize interactions by using customer data from their CRM to instantly show agents relevant customer information, helping them tailor their responses to each individual.


Standardize processes

Your customers should all receive the same top-quality service, and the best way to ensure that is by standardizing your processes. Implementing standardized scripts, guidance, and guidelines for your agents can ensure consistent, quality service across all channels.

Measure and improve

Workflow management is not a one-and-done process. You’ll need to constantly monitor your KPIs and track key metrics, such as average handle time (AHT) and customer satisfaction, to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Use that data to identify any shortcomings, then refine, reiterate, and improve based on your learnings.

Simplify & Scale Your Contact Center Workflows

The benefits of a good contact center workflow cannot be overstated. A proper workflow ensures greater efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall success, so setting up and auditing your workflows is important so that your agents can perform at their best.

One of the best ways you can create a great workflow is with a contact center platform like Nextiva. Nextiva’s omnichannel cloud contact center software not only helps you manage all your workflows, but also has an intuitive interface and provides automation tools that you can set up in minutes.

Nextiva’s customer service automation features provide contact centers with tools like chatbots, IVR menus, and workflow automation tools to ensure customers receive the help they need quickly. Additionally, Nextiva’s AI-powered tools can help customers and agents throughout every interaction while providing valuable insights.

If you want to make your contact center efficient, effective, and delightful for your customers, Nextiva is the way to go.

Wow customers every day.

See how Nextiva helps you deliver the best customer experience at scale.

Contact Center Workflow FAQs

How often should workflows be reviewed?

Regularly! It’s advised that you review workflows quarterly at a minimum and after any significant changes in your contact center’s work processes or technology.

Who should be involved in workflow creation?

A contact center is a team environment with many moving pieces. You’ll want to understand the business processes for each aspect of the contact/call center operations, so be sure to include agents, supervisors, and IT teams when creating your workflow.

How can I ensure agent adoption of new workflows?

Communication and preparation are key. Provide clear training and take the time to answer any questions or concerns your agents may have. Offering incentives for using the new system effectively can also help.


Robert Pleasant

Robert Pleasant is an experienced content writer, having begun his career as a freelancer for BCStrategies before moving on to work for several tech and unified communications companies, including ShoreTel and Dialpad. He currently works as a freelance writer, bringing his experience in UCaaS, CCaaS, and AI to news sites and blogs across the communications…

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Call centers are often bogged down by repetitive, mundane tasks that drain agents’ time and patience, leading to frustration, burnout, and long customer wait times. But a simple solution can alleviate these pain points: call center automation.

You might wonder, “How can I leverage automation to free up my team and elevate the customer experience?”

Through advanced features and automation tools readily available in modern call center software. Many of these powerful capabilities are likely already built into your existing contact center platform, waiting to be unlocked and optimized.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through call center automation, its benefits, and key use cases, and provide actionable steps to kickstart your journey toward a more efficient, customer-centric, and future-ready call center.

What Is Call Center Automation?

Call center automation refers to using technology to automate repetitive tasks within a call center, allowing human agents to focus on more complex issues. This can involve automating customer interactions, as well as back-office tasks like scheduling and reporting.

How does it work?

Automated call centers use AI and machine learning behind the scenes. AI powers chatbots, interactive voice response (IVR) systems, virtual assistants, and sentiment analysis to handle routine inquiries, reduce agents’ workload, and personalize customer interactions.

Machine learning analyzes data to automate tasks like call routing, predicting call volume, and even suggesting solutions to agents, reducing their workload and helping them focus on more complex issues.

Automation features in call center solutions streamline call center operations, enhance efficiency, and provide a superior customer journey.

When automating your call center, balance automation and human interaction. Call center automation should complement, not replace, the human touch in customer service.

Key Benefits of Call Center Automation

Call center automation uses advanced technologies to automate repetitive tasks and processes. Here are some key benefits of automating a call center:

📈 Improved efficiency and productivity

Automation reduces mundane tasks for agents, allowing them to focus on more complex customer interactions.

Intelligent call routing increases first-call resolution rates. Self-service options empower customers to address simple requests without agent involvement.

By freeing up time from routine queries, agents can be cross-trained and upskilled, improving agent performance, promoting career growth, and enhancing overall employee satisfaction.

✅ Enhanced customer experience

Faster response times, reduced wait times, seamless call routing, and 24/7 self-service for customer inquiries improve customer satisfaction.

Automation eliminates the frustrating experience of being passed between multiple agents across departments. Instead, callers are efficiently routed to the appropriate skilled agent to have their issue resolved on the first call.

Inbound call routing

💰Reduced operational costs

Call center automation drives significant cost savings through reduced labor requirements for handling basic inquiries.

With automated self-service and intelligent routing in place, businesses need fewer agents. The agents that remain can be up-skilled to take on more high-value roles.

Automation also enables data-driven workforce management, allowing companies to accurately forecast staffing needs and optimize staffing levels based on real-time data — avoiding over or understaffing.

Lower labor costs, staffing efficiencies, and cross-trained employees translate into substantial operational cost savings.

📊 Data collection and analytics

Automated processes continuously gather comprehensive data across all customer interactions and channels. This holistic data provides granular insights into customer behavior, needs, preferences, pain points, and reasons for contacting support.

With contact center analytics, businesses can optimize processes, expand self-service offerings, identify training gaps, uncover new sales opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to improve products, services, and the overall customer experience.

Snapshot of analytics in Nextiva

📉 Better scalability

Call center automation helps businesses keep up with growth and demand fluctuations. Technologies like chatbots, voice bots, and self-service portals can seamlessly absorb spikes in inquiry volumes without impacting service quality.

No need to scramble and hire temporary staff during busy seasons. Automated systems flex capacity up or down as needed. Callers can still self-serve or receive personalized agent service despite surging demand.

☎️ Consistent customer service

With automation, every customer interaction follows the same paths, protocols, scripts, and unified knowledge base. This ensures a consistently professional and predictable experience across all channels and touchpoints. There is no variance in service quality based on the individual agent.

Automated processes eliminate human errors in data entry or missing steps. This reliability builds strong customer relationships, trust, and brand loyalty over time.

Types of Contact Center Automation

Before we jump into key call center automation tools and technologies, let’s overview six key types of automation to use:

1. Forecasting automation

Uses historical data and other factors to predict call volume and agent needs. This helps call centers staff appropriately and avoid long wait times for customers.

Example: Retailers can predict call volume during peak holiday seasons or after product launches.

2. Workflow automation

Automates repetitive tasks that agents perform, such as data entry, sending emails, and scheduling appointments. This frees up agents’ time to focus on more complex customer interactions.

Example: Hospitality companies can automatically send flight confirmations, hotel booking details, or itinerary changes.

Related: Contact Center Workflow Examples & Tips for Peak Efficiency

3. Automated agent guidance

Provides real-time assistance to agents while they interact with customers. This can include suggesting knowledge-based articles, providing scripting guidance, and even offering next-best-action recommendations.

Example: Healthcare firms can recommend treatment protocols or suggest relevant health information based on patient inquiries.

4. Sales and marketing automation

Streamlines the sales and marketing processes for call center agents by automating tasks such as lead qualification, appointment scheduling, and follow-up emails.

Example: Finance companies can automate lead qualification for new credit card applications or schedule follow-up calls for wealth management services.

5. Scheduling automation

Automates scheduling customer calls based on predefined criteria, such as the customer’s availability and the urgency of their issue.

Example: Educational institutions can let students schedule meetings with academic advisors online.

6. Robotic process automation (RPA)

Software robots handle back-office tasks, seamlessly integrating with various CRM systems and databases.

This can include automatically pulling up customer information, account details, or past interaction history, reducing call handling time. It also automates tasks related to data security, audit trails, and generating reports, ensuring adherence to regulations.

Example: For utilities, RPA can automatically retrieve account details or complete meter data verification during customer interactions.

Technologies for Call Center Automation

Based on the types above, various call center technologies have popped up that automate many contact center tasks for you. Here are some key automation tools to look for in call center software.

1. Interactive voice response (IVR) systems to simplify call routing

IVR systems use pre-recorded voice prompts and touch-tone or speech recognition to interact with callers. They can provide information, capture data, and route calls based on the caller’s responses.

An optimized IVR system can significantly improve the customer experience by quickly directing them to the right department, information, or self-service options, reducing agent involvement in basic inquiries.

2. Automatic call distributors (ACDs) to route calls to the right agents

ACDs are intelligent call-routing systems that distribute incoming calls to available agents based on predefined rules and criteria. They consider factors such as agent skills, language proficiency, call priority, and customer value when routing calls.

Automatic call distribution uses various distribution methods like fixed order, talk-time-based, uniform, round-robin, or simultaneous routing making sure the most suitable agent handles each call. This call center automation tool improves efficiency, reduces wait times, and enhances customer engagement.

When you use ACD and IVR together, you free up agents from doing the transferring and letting customer input and automation do the legwork.

3. Chatbots and virtual assistants to field basic inquiries

Chatbots are computer programs that simulate human conversation, typically through text-based interactions. They use predefined scripts or machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to customer inquiries.

By creating a database of FAQs, you can use your chatbot as your first line of defense and keep your agents free for more complex inquiries. If the chatbot can’t solve an issue, customers can talk to a human at any time.

Virtual assistants, also known as intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) or conversational AI, take this a step further by using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to understand the context and provide more natural and personalized interactions, similar to speaking with a human agent.

Virtual assistants can walk through entire customer accounts, access information and documents, and cross-reference with any integrated systems.

In fact, e-commerce giants, such as Amazon and Walmart, use IVAs in their apps (also known as conversational AI) to answer pricing questions, track orders, and provide personalized recommendations. And they do so 24/7, improving accessibility and convenience for their customers.

4. SMS-based solutions to provide proactive reminders

SMS-based solutions leverage the familiarity and convenience of text messaging to provide customers with timely and unobtrusive notifications, updates, and reminders.

These include appointment confirmations, shipping status updates, promotional offers, or even basic inquiries. This offers a good and more cost-effective solution to using an outbound dialer.

Helping customers receive and respond to information at their leisure, SMS solutions improve engagement, reduce no-shows, and provide an additional channel for customer communication.

5. Self-service portals to give customers choice

Self-service portals are secure online platforms for customers to access their accounts, view information, make transactions, and resolve customer issues without direct agent assistance.

These portals can be integrated with knowledge bases, FAQs, and chatbots or virtual assistants to provide a comprehensive self-service experience.

Empowering customers to handle their own inquiries, self-service portals reduce the workload on agents and improve customer convenience and satisfaction.

6. Knowledge bases and FAQs to reduce support tickets

Knowledge bases and FAQs are repositories of information, solutions, and best practices related to products, services, or processes.

Customers, partners, and agents can use them to find answers to common questions or troubleshoot issues.

Knowledge bases provide comprehensive and easily accessible resources, helping businesses reduce repetitive customer queries, improve self-service capabilities, and ensure consistency in the information provided to customers and partners.

Snapshot of Nextiva support center

7. Automated email responses to keep customers updated

HubSpot found that 90% of customers rate immediate responses as important or very important.

Automated email responses are pre-configured messages automatically sent to customers or inquirers upon specific triggers, such as submitting a support request or reaching a particular stage in a process.

These responses provide immediate acknowledgment, set expectations for response times, offer relevant self-service resources, and include personalized information like ticket numbers or account details.

Automated email responses improve customer satisfaction by providing timely updates and reducing the perceived wait time for human intervention.

Contact Center Automation Challenges

Call center automation promises efficiency and improved customer service, but it’s not without its challenges. Striking the right balance is key.

Here’s a breakdown of the key challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

💡Understanding customer needs

One hurdle is ensuring automation meets customer needs.

Chatbots and virtual assistants may struggle with complex issues or frustrated callers who crave human interaction. Imagine a customer calling about a lost package — an automated system might not be able to handle the emotional aspect or navigate the intricacies of the situation.

⚙️ Technology and Implementation

Technology itself presents challenges. Setting up automation can be expensive, and even the most advanced systems aren’t perfect. Speech recognition and natural language processing can lead to misunderstandings, requiring ongoing development and fine-tuning.

⚖️ People and change management

People and change management are also crucial. Agents might worry about job security, so it’s important to focus on reskilling them for more complex interactions that automation can’t handle. Change itself can be disruptive, so clear communication and training are essential for agent buy-in.

📑 Data and compliance

Beyond the immediate challenges, data security, privacy, and regulatory compliance must be considered. Customer data needs robust protection, and call centers must adhere to industry regulations on robocalls and data privacy laws like HIPAA compliance.

Successful call center automation requires careful planning, addressing these challenges, and finding the right balance between automation’s efficiency and the irreplaceable value of human interaction in delivering positive and exceptional customer experiences.

This brings us to..

Best Practices for Implementing Call Center Automation

According to McKinsey, around 30% of customer service tasks can be confidently automated. However, the over-automation of your call center may introduce negative results. 

When automating tasks within your call center, consider the following:

⭕️ Understand your customer journey

Thoroughly analyze your customer journey to identify the touchpoints where automation can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience. This insight will determine the most appropriate automation solutions and where to implement them.

Nextiva Customer Journey and Sentiment

⭕️ Prioritize customer experience

While automation improves operational efficiency, it should never come at the expense of customer satisfaction. Ensure that the implemented solutions provide a seamless and personalized customer experience, addressing their needs promptly and accurately.

⭕️ Choose the right technologies

You need to choose the right call center automation solutions for successful adoption. Here are some points to consider when choosing a call center automation software.

⭕️ Implement gradually

Instead of a complete overhaul, consider a phased approach to implementing call center automation. Start with pilot projects, gather feedback, and refine the solutions before rolling them out across the entire organization. This approach minimizes disruptions and allows for continuous improvement.

⭕️ Train and support employees

Ensure that your call center agents are thoroughly trained on the new automated systems and processes. Provide ongoing support and resources to help them effectively leverage the automation tools and ensure a smooth transition.

⭕️ Monitor and optimize

Continuously monitor the performance of the automated systems, gather customer feedback, and analyze data to identify areas for improvement. Refine and optimize the solutions based on these insights to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Focus on key call center metrics like customer satisfaction (CSAT, Net Promoter Score (NPS), first-call resolution rates), operational efficiency (average handle time, accuracy rate, throughput, error rate, uptime), and data analytics (user engagement) to pinpoint areas for improvement and ensure an automated system that’s both user-friendly and runs smoothly.

Examples of contact center KPIs

⭕️ Maintain human oversight

While automation can handle many routine tasks, it’s crucial to maintain human oversight and intervention capabilities. Ensure that customers can seamlessly escalate to a live agent when needed, particularly for complex or sensitive issues.

Automate Time-Consuming Tasks With Nextiva

Call center automation is a journey, not a destination. As technology evolves, so too will the capabilities of automation tools. And Nextiva understands that.

Nextiva’s call center and contact center software enables businesses to create a future-proof customer service experience.

Seamlessly integrating AI-powered features like chatbots and intelligent call routing, Nextiva automates repetitive tasks, freeing agents to focus on creating happier customers.

Nextiva goes beyond simple automation. Its software provides real-time data and analytics, so call center leaders can continuously refine their strategies and create a seamless customer journey.

Start with automating basic tasks and watch your first-call resolution rates soar.

Automating workflows with Nextiva

Automation that puts your people and customers first.

The modern call center has arrived. See how Nextiva helps you deliver the best customer experience at scale.

Call Center Automation FAQs

Want to know more? Read some frequently asked questions about automating call centers.

Will call center automation replace human agents?

Call center automation is not meant to replace human agents entirely. Instead, it is designed to complement human interaction by handling routine tasks and allowing agents to focus on more complex issues that require a human touch.

How can I get started with call center automation?

There are several call center automation solutions available, from simple IVR systems to complex AI-powered chatbots. The best solution for your business will depend on your specific needs and budget.

Carefully evaluate your options and develop a plan to ensure a smooth transition for both your agents and customers. Nextiva offers both call and contact center options to help you choose the one that best fits your needs. Read the difference here to see which solution works better for you.

What are recent contact center automation trends?

Here are some recent contact center automation trends to look out for:

– Smarter bots with generative AI: AI-powered chatbots that can handle complex issues, personalize responses on the fly, and even predict customer needs.
– Omnichannel contact centers: Customers can now switch between phone, chat, social media, and more, with a smooth, connected experience throughout.
– Personalized service at scale: Using data and AI, contact centers are tailoring interactions to each customer, offering targeted recommendations and support.
– Natural IVRs for easier self-service: IVR systems are getting smarter, allowing for natural conversation and making self-service a breeze.
– Automatic speech recognition: Converting spoken words to text allows for faster data entry and improved agent productivity.


Dominic Kent

Dominic Kent is a content marketer specializing in unified communications and contact centers. After 10 years of managing installations, he founded UC Marketing to bridge the gap between service providers and customers. He spends half of his time building content marketing programs and the rest writing on the beach with his dogs.

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Nextiva vs. Vonage: Which VoIP Provider Is Best?

May 14, 2024 9 min read

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

Nextiva and Vonage are popular VoIP service providers, each offering comprehensive features and competitive pricing.

Although both solutions are tailored to similar business needs, understanding their unique strengths helps you choose the one that fits your workflow. 

Nextiva’s advanced feature set is ideal for larger companies but is also accessible to small businesses, while Vonage focuses more on early-stage startups.

Continue reading for a head-to-head comparison of Nextiva vs. Vonage’s features, pricing and plans, support, and usability to inform your choice.

Nextiva vs. Vonage VoIP Comparison  

Monthly Price (up to 99 users)Professional plan is $22.95 per user Premium plan is $17.49 per user and $3.50 per number
Customer Reviews (G2)Rated 4.5 out of 5
3,147 reviews
Rated 4.3 out of 5 
442 reviews
Video ConferencingUnlimited for up to 250 participants per meetingUnlimited for up to 200 participants per meeting
Ring GroupsAvailable on all plansNot available on the Mobile or Premium plans
Monthly Toll-free Minutes and Numbers2,500+ inbound toll-free minutes includedAdd-on
Customer SupportPhone support and Live Chat (24/7)Phone Support and Live Chat
Mon – Fri 8 am – 12 am EDT;
Sat & Sun 9 am – 9 pm EDT

At a glance, Nextiva offers competitive pricing, higher participant limits in conferences, and inclusive features across plans compared to Vonage.

Vonage vs. Nextiva Pricing & Plans

Nextiva is a complete communications solution that’s affordable for businesses of all sizes. Every plan offers professional-grade communications features.

With Nextiva’s pricing starting at just $18.95 per user per month, Nextiva makes it easy to get the communication tools you need to stay connected and productive.

Vonage’s pricing starts at $10.49 per user monthly on its mobile app plan for businesses with 20-100 users. For plans beyond 99 users, you need to contact Vonage’s sales team.

Regarding features, Nextiva’s plans offer better value and capabilities than Vonage’s across the board.

Nextiva’s Essential plan includes one-to-one video calling, toll-free minutes and numbers, and faxing.

But for more robust functionality like text messaging (SMS & MMS), multi-location management, and CRM integrations, the Nextiva Professional plan, starting at $22.95 per user monthly, is what you’ll most likely want to compare against Vonage.

Nextiva Pricing Plans Start at $18.95/mo.

Whether you need unlimited calling, video conferencing, or voicemail to email, Nextiva has you covered.

Vonage’s Mobile plan, although cheaper than Nextiva, doesn’t offer advanced calling features. 

Vonage’s Premium plan costs $17.49 for 20-99 users but lacks key features like multi-level auto-attendants, no-cost toll-free minutes, and free integrations that Nextiva offers. 

Additionally, some of Vonage’s integrations are available through its paid VBC app center.

Paid Vonage integrations
Some paid integrations Vonage offers

Nextiva and Vonage Products & Features Comparison

Both Nextiva and Vonage offer many VoIP features, including call forwarding, call transfer, voicemail, call routing, and call queues. 

Here are some key differentiators between the two business phone providers.

Business text messaging (SMS & MMS)

Nextiva includes up to 1,000 text messages sent and received per user. This is more than most businesses need but it is definitely one of the features that business owners and their teams enjoy the most.

Shared team text message example from Nextiva.

You can text customers for upcoming appointments, reminders, thank-you notes, and follow-up on completed orders and services. When they reply, you can see right inside Nextiva — including pictures or multimedia messages.

But for even more time-saving functionality, you can route incoming text messages with your team. This way, when customers ping you back that they want to talk with a sales rep or account manager, your whole team is in the loop and can respond to the text message.

What about 10DLC? We’ve got that covered. Our network meets and exceeds all industry standards necessary for reliable text message delivery. We’ll also guide you through registering your numbers.

Business phone features


Nextiva office phone system

With Nextiva’s Essential plan, which costs $18.95 per user per month, you get unlimited voice and video calling, voicemail, toll-free numbers, Outlook/Google Contacts integrations, and internet fax. It’s fantastic value for business owners starting out — but if you want more features, you’ll want to check out the Enterprise plan.

Nextiva’s Enterprise plan offers everything in the Essential plan plus the following features:

  • Unlimited participants on voice & video conferencing
  • Screen sharing
  • Auto attendant (multi-level)
  • Mobile and desktop apps
  • SMS/MMS Functionality
  • Salesforce & HubSpot Integrations
  • Cloud-based call recording
  • Voicemail transcription
  • Microsoft Teams/custom integrations
  • Single Sign-On functionality

Upgrade your communications

Switch to Nextiva and experience the best communications platform.


Vonage’s Premium plan offers unlimited team messaging, calls and SMS, mobile and desktop apps, and Vonage app center integrations but lacks unlimited video calling, voicemail transcription, toll-free numbers, and Outlook/Google Contacts integrations.

The company’s Advanced plan bridges the gap with multi-level auto-attendant and CRM integrations (Google Workspace, HubSpot, Zendesk, etc.). It also includes IP desk phone capability, call group, visual voicemail, and toll-free numbers, plus everything in the Premium plan.

It still lacks some essential features like limited meeting participants of up to 100 participants and call recording, which is available on demand and only valid for up to 15 hours.

When it comes to VoIP capabilities, Nextiva outperforms in terms of functionality, flexibility, and value. The Essential plan offers key features at an affordable price, while the Enterprise plan caters to companies looking for advanced communication and collaboration tools.

Read our guide for a deeper pricing comparison to understand Vonage business pricing plans better.

Unified communications

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) combines the capabilities of an office phone system and other real-time messaging apps in one place.

NextivaONE consolidates all business communication functions into a single platform. It works perfectly on desktop (Windows and MacOS) and mobile devices (iOS and Android). 

The app ensures a seamless and consistent user experience. Users can easily access instant messaging, file sharing, video conferencing, and collaboration tools from a central location. 

Vonage also offers some unified communications features, including team messaging and file sharing, but lacks advanced tools and some CRM integrations.

Contact center capabilities

Nextiva’s sales and service tools cater to companies with high-volume call centers and contact centers. These tools include call recording, call analytics, and integrations with popular customer relationship management (CRM) systems. 

A snippet from Nextiva's contact center software

Vonage lacks pricing transparency, where users must request a quote. Nextiva, on the other hand, has public pricing shown on its contact center solutions page.

Vonage’s contact center platform offers comparable functionality but isn’t as advanced as Nextiva’s sales and service tools.

Vonage contact center pricing - must contact sales.
A snippet of Vonage’s contact center pricing

Nextiva vs. Vonage Analytics

Nextiva and Vonage reports provide call recordings to improve the analysis of call statistics and enable you to gain deeper insights into customer interactions.

The Vonage Summary report offers a comprehensive snapshot of account-wide call activity. You can also track, measure, and correlate activity with detailed reporting. 

However, reports can only be accessible to the Reports Administrators, Super User, Call Queue Reporting Administrators, Account Administrators, and Call Queue Administrators.

Vonage analytics for supervisors
Analytics for supervisors (via Vonage)

On the other hand, Nextiva features a built-in business intelligence tool that helps you make smart business decisions, find hidden insights, and boost staff performance. 

Nextiva platform, in particular, has a voice analytics tool that provides a real-time synopsis of all actions in your contact center. You can also see the voice analytics data that you need with Nextiva’s interactive maps and graphs.

Nextiva Analytics Dashboard - Call Center Technology

Vonage vs. Nextiva Screen Pops

Call Pops are built into the Nextiva communications platform, making them easy to use. The feature displays important information about the caller on the screen before you answer the call and during your conversation.

When a customer calls, Call Pop displays contact and essential account information, such as the customer experience score, last survey score, account value, and last interaction sentiment.

Nextiva's call pop functionality

Businesses can customize the Call Pop to contain the most relevant information. Nextiva Call Pops can also be integrated into CRM systems, making customer data readily accessible for an integrated customer experience.

Vonage screen pops are not integrated into the platform and require outside integration with Zoho CRM. This can be a disadvantage for companies that don’t use Zoho CRM or want a more integrated solution. Additionally, Vonage’s screen pops are not as customizable as Nextiva’s Call Pops.

The screen pops are still easy to use and work well for basic call management, including outgoing and incoming call reporting and call history. You can also add contacts, notes, and future tasks directly in Zoho CRM, even while on the phone.

Nextiva and Vonage Performance Comparison

Nextiva’s network is one of the most reliable in the world, with eight points of presence and carrier-grade data centers.

The company is committed to providing 99.999% uptime so you can always stay connected with your customers. It’s also highly secure, with multiple layers of protection to keep your data safe.

Nextiva’s network performance is consistently praised by its customers, who appreciate its uptime and speed. The company has a proven track record of providing businesses the reliability they need to stay connected and productive.

“We can’t operate without a sturdy, high-functioning phone system. Nextiva has been tremendously reliable, and I definitely see us growing with Nextiva. I think Nextiva really gives us the flexibility we need to grow, and it’s a very important part of our business.”

Cara Barineau
Creative Director & Principal, Blue Marble Media

On the other hand, Vonage also claims to have a 99.999% uptime guarantee on all of its services. This is significant because the breadth of its uptime reliability adds value to its customers as it expands its communications offerings. 

Vonage vs. Nextiva Customer Support

Nextiva is known for its legendary customer support. A team of experts is always available to help with questions and concerns.

The company offers numerous options for customer support, including online ticketing support, online chat service, and quality response, starting from the base package. 

They also provide email and phone support Monday through Friday between 5 a.m. and 6 p.m. MST and Saturday between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. MST.

Overall, Nextiva is rated 9 out of 10 (2,494 responses) vs. Vonage 8.7 (343 responses) for its Quality of Support on G2.

G2 Comparison between Nextiva and Vonage.
A side-by-side comparison of Nextiva and Vonage (via G2)

Vonage also provides its users with phone, email, live support, tickets, and training. They offer Phone Support and Live Chat between (Mon – Fri, 8 a.m. – 12 a.m. EDT; Sat & Sun, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. EDT).

However, some Vonage customers have reported experiencing long wait times and difficulty resolving their problems. 

One Ron C. cited issues with making changes to the service, like porting a number away from Vonage and canceling an account. Also, there are mentions of slow service when customers waited several hours for a support call back.

Nextiva and Vonage Setup and Usability

Nextiva’s platform is designed for ease of use and intuitive navigation. In just a few clicks, users can quickly set up accounts, manage users and devices, and configure communication settings.

The platform is also well-documented, with a comprehensive help center and various training resources.

Vonage’s platform is also relatively easy to use. It provides a comprehensive introduction and setup resource to help new users get up and running quickly with their service.

Its simplistic design makes it easy to locate the functionality you need at a glance.

Which VoIP Provider Is Right for You?

Vonage makes sense for your business if:

Your business has 10 to 50 people who work mostly in a traditional office environment rather than remotely.

Vonage is also a good option for companies that already utilize many communication platforms or CRM systems and are looking to integrate those systems into their Vonage package.

Nextiva is best for your business if:

You want to get the most value for your money, prefer native functionality above third-party compatibility, and want to expand rapidly in the near future.

Nextiva’s platform is suitable for businesses that rely significantly on voice, video, and text communications. 

Nextiva is also best suited for companies that don’t have a business communication system and want a full system or teams that find utilizing several software solutions too difficult and time-consuming and want to switch to an all-in-one solution. 

The best choice in business VoIP

Boost productivity and cut costs by up to 60% with Nextiva.

So, which business VoIP should you choose?

Vonage’s strength lies in its communication APIs and residential service offerings. The API allows businesses to integrate their VoIP phone system with other business applications.

Nextiva works best for small businesses and enterprises due to its ease of use and affordable pricing. Nextiva wins when it comes to transparent pricing, plans, and basic features, such as one-to-one video calling, toll-free minutes & numbers, and faxing.

Ready to give Nextiva a try? Speak to a Nextiva expert.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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16 Must-Have Call Center Features for Sales Teams

May 14, 2024 9 min read

Hava Salsi

Hava Salsi

If you’re setting up an outbound call center, chances are you’re looking at which software can support your team the best. Even the highest-performing agents need the right tools to drive sales, maintain productivity, and guarantee customer satisfaction.

Here, we’ll cover the features that are must-haves in your next call center software, the benefits of implementing the right platform, and best practices for your outbound sales team.

What to Look for in a Sales Call Center 

The right call center solution can become a pillar of your sales strategy, and it’s hard to rip and replace it, so finding the right platform the first time around is critical.

Advanced features like automation and data analytics make you more efficient and leave you more time to focus on improving customer relationships, which is essential when 71% of people demand personalization — and feel frustrated when they don’t get it. 


Here are the 16 essential call center features you should put on your checklist:

Dialing features

Lead management


Productivity and coaching



Best Practices When Running an Outbound Sales Team

Although a call center solution can help you meet targets, success still hinges on how well you manage your team. Here are some best practices to help you make the most of your call center tool.

Set clear goals and key performance indicators

Defining goals and tracking your progress can guide your sales team toward success. Everyone knows what good performance looks like and what they need to do. 

Here are some of the most relevant metrics to follow:

  • Call volume 
  • Connect rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Average handle time
  • First-time close rate
  • Wrap-up time
  • Call quality ratings

Setting key performance indicators (KPIs) can even help you encourage agents and reward top performers. 

With the right call center solution, you can use gamification to motivate your sales team. Nextiva has this feature built into our analytics dashboard. All you have to do is click on the icon and set up leaderboards or contests.

Gamification outcomes

Understand your ideal customer profile

Identifying your ideal customer profile (ICP) helps you concentrate your resources on the most promising leads and shortens the sales process. That means analyzing existing data and conducting market research to discover which demographics usually lead to conversions. 

Closed sales don’t count for everything, though. Consider which groups have the highest retention rates and upsell opportunities, too.

Work alongside other departments to gain extra insights into your ICP. For example, the customer support team and inbound call center often have firsthand knowledge about customer needs and the challenges they face.

Incorporate all this customer data into your call center sales strategy. If you know that certain groups often use your product to solve a particular issue, mention that use case in your pitch. By tailoring your approach, your team can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its outreach. 

Invest in quality lead generation

Once you’ve defined your ICP, apply this information to ensure sales reps contact the right groups and generate quality leads. That way, you can increase conversion rates and see a higher return on investment (ROI) for your sales initiatives.

Use lead scoring and prioritization to optimize your sales funnel. Your CRM software can assign a value to each lead based on the demographic and behavioral data you input. 

If you need to, you can customize the different types of outgoing calls to identify which ones have the highest priority. 

Monitor your team’s efforts through your tool’s analytics dashboard. You should be able to see how many high-scoring prospects agents contact and what percentage of their calls lead to sales. 

If the number is lower than expected, you might need to revisit your ICP or invest in some training and development for your team.

Screenshot of a wallboard displaying real-time analytics from Nextiva.

Use the best tools

The best outbound sales tools let you improve customer interactions and boost sales. They also help you share data among all the software platforms to give your team total oversight. 

Here are some popular types of software you can integrate with for better call center operations:

  • CRM: Many types of call centers already have access to a CRM solution via their company. This software is essential for building workflows around potential and existing customers. Ensure your CRM software not only has all the essential features but also is connected to other apps. Platforms like HubSpot and Zendesk are known for their integrations. 
  • Productivity: Platforms like Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace allow your team to communicate and work together better. Many customers use these brands by default. So being able to sync with tools like Google Calendar for appointment setting (rather than forcing leads to install a new app) creates a better customer experience.
  • Revenue intelligence: This software can analyze your customer data to generate actionable insights you can incorporate into your sales strategy. One popular tool is Gong Collective.

Choose tools that not only suit your needs but also integrate well. You need the ability to switch seamlessly between platforms so you don’t lose momentum. That’s why Nextiva offers integrations with all the leading apps for call centers.

Nextiva integrations

Develop winning call scripts

Developing effective scripts helps you standardize communication to ensure consistency across your team. Try to create a script for every scenario that you know gets results. 

Start by considering your ICP and which ideas and strategies will resonate with them. 

One key element is pain points. For example, executives are more likely to respond to offers that demonstrate clear ROI, whereas operational staff will appreciate solutions that save them time and effort.

As you write your script, give it a logical structure with some flexibility. Customers need to feel as though you’ve reached each stage of the conversation organically. However, agents need scripts that let them discuss a wide range of scenarios.

Prioritize coaching and development

Never forget the human element. While software sets your team members up for success, they’re still the ones who close deals. Ongoing call center training is essential to equip salespeople with the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs well. 

Regularly monitoring calls and discussing performance is a powerful development strategy. Staff are 80% more likely to be engaged if they receive constructive feedback. You can set platforms like Nextiva to start recording when a specific situation arises that you want to work on.

Clarify the areas of agent performance you’re assessing and how you’re measuring them to structure your reviews. 

Are you checking the individual’s communication skills or their product knowledge? Hold review sessions promptly to make sure your insights are still relevant to their role.

Incentivize the right behaviors

Recognizing and rewarding actions that align with your goals can motivate teams. Incentives also have a knock-on effect. If agents see their colleagues get shout-outs or bonuses, they will be more likely to emulate their behaviors.

If you’re using a platform with gamification, you have an instant way to identify top performers. You can offer agents perks for upselling or cross-selling products.

Recognition is a powerful motivator. A recent study revealed that public recognition is the most effective and memorable way to acknowledge employees. 

Consider posting about achievements to your company’s social media or presenting an award for specific accomplishments.

Hit Your Sales Goals With Nextiva

A sales call center equips outbound sales teams with the tech and tools to improve customer relationships, make more calls, and ensure that those calls are more likely to be successful. 

Besides offering a pricing plan that matches your budget, your next platform should have features like:

This helps you truly empower your team rather than just adding to their workload. 

Nextiva’s AI-powered contact center solution brings all these essential tools (and more) into one place. From tracking KPIs and handling high call volumes to cold calling and call recording, you can get it all done in a single platform.

Plus, Nextiva integrates with some of the world’s top CRM and help desk software, so it can fit right into your existing workflows.

Scale up with contact center AI.

The modern contact center has arrived. See how Nextiva helps you deliver the best customer experience at scale.


Hava Salsi

Hava Salsi is a content writer and editor specializing in B2B SaaS, HR, and tech. With over five years of experience working with startups and businesses around the world, she produces engaging, user-centric content that educates, ranks highly, and drives conversions. She spends her time building her virtual writers' community, the H Spot, and tending…

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How Call Centers Can Help Financial Services Companies

May 13, 2024 8 min read

Robert Pleasant

Robert Pleasant

Managing finances can be a major source of stress for customers. They leave their money in the hands of financial institutions, trusting that these companies will properly secure and manage it, and they expect great service that they can rely on.

Unfortunately, many financial institutions simply aren’t investing enough in their call centers, which can create poor customer experiences (CXs). If customers are constantly feeling frustrated, stressed, and angry during their calls, something needs to change.

Investing in the best call center software can make the difference between a great experience and an angry customer taking their money to a competitor. 

So, what benefits can call center software bring to financial service companies such as retail banks, credit unions, and fintech companies?

Financial Call Center Software Benefits

The goal of any call center is to assist customers efficiently and effectively, and this is particularly imperative in the financial services industry. Fortunately, there are several benefits that a great platform can bring to a financial services call center, including:

Enhanced customer experience

One of the main benefits of call center software is its impact on the CX. Many modern call centers have become omnichannel contact centers, which expand beyond phone calls to encompass every customer touchpoint and digital channel, including web chat, email, and social media.

Omnichannel CX helps businesses

A key aspect of this is the ability to seamlessly switch between communication channels within the same interaction without losing any information. If a customer sends an email with a question and then calls in later with a follow-up, the call center agent can see the records of the email, along with a full view of the customer’s journey.

Improved efficiency

Poor agent efficiency can have detrimental effects on a call center. It leads to longer wait times, a decrease in first-call resolutions, and overworked call center agents. However, a good call center solution can improve efficiency across the board.

For instance, implementing an interactive voice response (IVR) system can significantly improve efficiency. IVR can automate basic inquiries through self-service menus, allowing customers to carry out tasks like checking their balances or making transfer requests without needing an agent. This, in turn, frees up agents for more complex issues.

how IVR works

Another recent innovation is maintaining the full context of past customer interactions across digital service channels, such as knowledge bases, email requests, SMS responses, social media posts, and website visits. Agents can consider all these touchpoints when helping a customer.

Additionally, using automatic call distribution (ACD) with skills-based routing can help direct calls to the agent with the skills and availability to best resolve the customer’s issue. This can reduce wait times and improve first-call resolution rates, making the call center experience better for customers and agents alike.

Personalized service

Today’s customers expect a more personalized call center experience. If an agent has information about a customer’s account, history, and past interactions, they’ll be able to provide support that’s helpful and relevant to the customer’s needs.

This is why call center platforms often include screen pop features with relevant customer information. As soon as the agent receives a call, the call pop can tell them everything they need to know about the customer, like previous issues they’ve encountered, the support they’ve received through other channels, and past questions they’ve called in about.

Nextiva call pop

This helps agents provide more effective, efficient, and personalized service, improving the customer relationship and customer retention.

Increased agent productivity and training

A good call center solution can help agents be more productive by combining quality management with real-time agent support.

It begins with call recording and quality monitoring, which managers can use to evaluate agent performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure the agents adhere to all regulations, such as PCI compliance when handling credit card details.

Managers can use this information to find areas where agents can use extra guidance and provide training accordingly.

However, contact center software can go one step further by empowering supervisors to provide coaching and feedback in real time. Managers can monitor calls to see if an agent needs assistance and step in as needed, improving agent performance and success rates across the call center.

Additionally, call centers can use knowledge base integrations to give agents easy access to product information, frequently asked questions, and regulatory guidelines. With all that information at their fingertips, agents can provide faster and more accurate responses to user queries.


Improved security and compliance

It goes without saying that data security is incredibly important for financial institutions. Users need to know their personal and financial information is kept private and safe, which is why the financial industry has some of the strictest requirements for their security measures.

A good call center solution includes data encryption for securely storing and transmitting sensitive customer data. This means that information like Social Security numbers, account details, or credit card information will remain safe from prying eyes.

Additionally, financial call center software that includes call recording and archiving can help maintain a record of all customer interactions. This is important for dispute resolution, as companies can use the records to find out who said what. Companies can also use the recordings for fraud prevention and regulatory audits, such as FINRA for investment services.

Data-driven decision making

Data, as the saying goes, is king. With the right data, you can make informed decisions to improve your call center’s performance. 

So, how do you get that data?

Call center solutions can use call analytics features to track key metrics and KPIs, like average call time, call volume, and customer satisfaction. Call center managers can analyze this data to gain new insights, helping them identify trends, optimize staffing levels, and improve the overall call center performance.

Additionally, call centers can use customer satisfaction surveys to gather post-call feedback. This feedback provides a better view of the CX and identifies areas for improvement, helping make agents more effective.

Nextiva analytics

Reduced costs and increased revenue

One major concern for companies is the overall cost of running a call center. While call centers are important for customer service, keeping them cost-effective can be challenging.

Call center solutions can actually reduce costs and even improve revenue. Call center software can improve first-call resolution and agent efficiency, which leads to lower call volumes and repeat calls. This, in turn, reduces operational costs and frees up agents to help even more customers.

Additionally, financial call center software can equip agents with the customer data and product knowledge they need to identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities during calls. This can potentially increase revenue and turn customer calls into sales opportunities.

Use Cases in the Financial Services Industry

We can better understand the impact a good call center solution can have on financial service companies by looking at potential use cases and case studies of real financial companies.

For instance, the insurance company Reliance Partners managed to increase its revenue by over 300% after switching to Nextiva for its business communications. Nextiva’s platform lets Reliance handle over 1,000 phone calls per day and provide an exceptional CX. Features like an auto-attendant and simultaneous ring aid in helping customers quickly.

There are several use cases where call centers play a critical role in financial services, including:

Scenario 1: Lost or stolen bank card

Imagine you’re a customer and you’ve suddenly discovered that your bank card is missing. It could have been dropped somewhere or stolen, but you can’t take any risks. You call your bank in a panic, needing to deactivate your card as quickly as possible before someone uses it.

Fortunately, your bank has an IVR system and an auto-attendant feature. With these, you can report the card as lost and deactivate it without even needing to speak to an agent. There’s no wait, no fuss, just a quick confirmation and you’re all set.

Alternatively, you could speak with an agent who can verify your identity (starting with your ANI), check for fraudulent charges, and place an expedited order for a replacement card. At the same time, the agent can explain the bank’s fraud protection services and enroll you if you’re interested.

Whether you speak to an agent or use an auto-attendant, the result is the same: immediate satisfaction and peace of mind.

Scenario 2: Mortgage application inquiry

Applying for a mortgage can be stressful. Imagine you’re a customer about to buy your first home, but the mortgage application process and eligibility requirements are dense and confusing.

If your bank has an omnichannel contact center, you can web chat with a virtual assistant to get basic information and answers to your questions. The virtual assistant could even provide you with information to help you pre-qualify for a loan.

Potential questions you might have include: 

  • “What’s the difference between my loan’s APR and rate?”
  • “How long is my rate-lock good until?”
  • “Can you send my agent a pre-qualification letter?”

For these types of complex inquiries, you could be transferred from the web chat to a live agent with loan experience. The loan officer could then access your pre-qualification information, answer your questions, and guide you through the application process.

Even in an AI contact center, the team benefits from a “heads-up” that the customer has asked these questions before the call — saving them from repeating themselves and faster resolution. 

Scenario 3: Regulation compliance and fraud detection

For this scenario, imagine you’re an employee working at a bank when a customer calls in about a suspicious transaction on their account. The customer is likely upset and worried (and understandably so), but your call center platform gives you the tools to help.

Potential topics a customer may mention include: 

  • “What is this charge on my credit card?”
  • “I want to file a chargeback.”
  • “Someone stole my wallet and I need help.”

The call center software would have been integrated with the bank’s fraud detection system to flag suspicious activity and prevent potential losses. The system automatically records the call for compliance purposes (in this case, FINRA, which is used for reporting suspicious activities) to ensure the agent meets all the necessary regulations.

This allows you to efficiently support the customer, file the claim, and protect them from further fraud. You can also alert future agents that the customer is a recent fraud victim and re-validate the account for contact info updates. 

Nextiva: The Preferred Call Center Software for Financial Services Companies

Good financial call center software helps financial service companies run smoothly. The right contact center can provide customers with self-service options, empower agents to provide a better service, and ensure security and efficiency across your organization.

This brings us to Nextiva, which offers enterprise collaboration and AI-powered omnichannel contact center features to financial services providers.

Nextiva’s platform provides financial institutions with a secure, reliable contact center platform and the latest in advanced business communications and customer support technology. This includes:

All these features and more have helped Nextiva’s financial service clients delight their customers, improve their agents’ efficiency, and cut costs while improving revenue. If your financial organization needs a better call center, Nextiva is the way to go.

Related: Top Benefits of Call Center Software for Insurance Agencies

Wow customers every day.

All conversations in one platform. Empowering agents. Leveling up the CX in every interaction.


Robert Pleasant

Robert Pleasant is an experienced content writer, having begun his career as a freelancer for BCStrategies before moving on to work for several tech and unified communications companies, including ShoreTel and Dialpad. He currently works as a freelance writer, bringing his experience in UCaaS, CCaaS, and AI to news sites and blogs across the communications…

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Amazon Connect: Is Usage-Based Pricing Right for You?

May 13, 2024 9 min read

Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby

AWS Connect, also known as Amazon Connect, is a contact center solution offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Amazon uses the same platform to communicate with several customers on its website. 

It’s an extension of AWS services, which is suitable if you already use Amazon cloud-based services. However, there are a few situations where Amazon Connect doesn’t meet user requirements, especially regarding pricing. 

Some users feel its contact center pricing is not very predictable. The pay-as-you-go pricing model lets you pay only for usage, but this makes forecasting the total costs tricky. 

Some users have also experienced pricing-related issues and feel enabling support for small businesses is too costly. 

Source: G2

Overall, numerous usage elements determine the actual costs of the service. Let’s cut through the confusion and get precise details on Amazon Connect pricing to better understand the costs. 

AWS Connect Usage-Based Pricing Explained

Amazon Connect pricing follows a pay-as-you-go model with no long-term commitments or minimum fees. You’re billed based on the minutes of usage. It helps businesses that prefer not to commit long-term and offers them more flexibility. You can easily avoid fixed monthly fees if it doesn’t work. 

However, the pay-as-you-go model presents a variety of usage elements that affect the final costs. For example, you’re charged per minute for service usage. There are also PSTN charges, the cost of additional features, and a monthly targeted audience. 

Amazon Connect pricing includes a free tier that covers monthly usage, such as 90 minutes of voice service and 30 minutes of telephony. Savings plans are available to commit to a certain usage level, which can reduce costs significantly if you’re sure of your usage levels.

Let’s discuss the costs you can encounter when considering AWS Connect as your contact center solution. 

1. Amazon Connect pricing for voice services

AWS Connect Voice fees consist of two costs: A) voice service charges and B) the cost of communication services. 

A) Voice service charges are billed per minute (minimum 10 seconds). Billing for inbound calls starts when the end customer is connected to the service. You’re charged for outbound calls or campaigns when AWS Connect initiates the contact attempt. For unsuccessful attempts, you’ll be charged the minimum 10-second cost. 

These are the per-minute rates for different voice calls: 

B) The cost of communication services includes the per-day cost of the number and telephony rates for inbound or outbound calling. 

These are the per-day costs of numbers:

Last, calling rates are billed per minute for at least 60 seconds. The telephony per-minute usage rate for inbound calls is $0.0022 for DID numbers and $0.0120 for toll-free numbers. 

Example to calculate the cost of an inbound call with AWS Connect
A customer calls a company’s DID numbers (in the US-West2 region) on a softphone and talks to your representative for 5 minutes. 

Voice service charge = $0.018 × 5 = $0.09
Cost of communication service = Per-day cost of the number + telephony rates
Cost of communication service = $0.03 + ($0.0022 × 5) = $0.41

Total cost = $0.131 (plus applicable taxes, surcharges, and fees)

2. AWS Connect in-app, web, and video calling charges

AWS Connect also charges for in-app, web, and video calls. Let’s understand these charges with an example. Suppose a customer makes a seven-minute call using your organization’s mobile app and connects with an agent on their softphone. You’ll be charged as follows: 

👉 That makes the total cost of the call $0.196.

On the other hand, when a customer initiates a seven-minute call through your organization’s website, an agent responds via their softphone. Both the customer and the agent use video for the entire call. The charges break down as follows:

👉 This makes the total cost $0.406. 

3. AWS Connect outbound voice campaign charges

👉 Outbound campaign call usage cost: $0.025 per minute

When targeting customers for marketing (or any specific endpoints), the first 5,000 endpoints are free on AWS Connect. Beyond that, it costs $1.20 per 1,000 endpoints. Amazon Pinpoint manages this while orchestrating contact lists for your campaigns. 

Let’s understand how the monthly targeted audience fits into calculating the cost of an outbound campaign. 

Suppose you run an outbound campaign using Amazon Connect in the US East. Here are a few things you should know: 

These details will help you calculate the total outbound campaign cost. 

Target audience charges 

Since the first 5,000 targeted audience members in the campaign are free, we need to calculate the cost of the remaining 1,000 audience members at $1.20 per 1,000 audience members. 

👉 Target audience charges = $0 (5,000 free) + $1.20 (1,000) customers = $1.20 

Voice service charges

At a 25% connection rate, 1,500 calls connect and play the message. 

Total connected call durations = 1,500 × 30 seconds = 750 minutes.

Since 90 minutes is free, the billable connected call duration will be 660 minutes at a rate of $0.025 per minute. 

For unsuccessful attempts, you’ll be charged a minimum 10-second call rate. Therefore, 4,500 unsuccessful call attempts will add 750 billable minutes, making the total billable minutes 1,500. 

👉 At a rate of $0,025, the total cost of voice service comes to $37.5. 

Telephony charges

AWS Connect doesn’t charge the per-day cost of the number for the first 12 months due to the free tier. So there’s no day charge for the toll-free number. AWS Connect also provides 30 minutes of free calling with the free plan. 

The total connected call duration is 750 minutes. With 30 minutes free, you’ll pay for 720 minutes at $0.0048 per minute, which adds up to $3.45.

Apart from these charges, Amazon Pinpoint will charge$6 to manage the processing of endpoints (target audience).

Now you just add up all these charges to get the total bill. 

👉 For this outbound campaign, the total bill will be $48.15.

4. AWS Connect omnichannel messaging and chat charges

Below are the rates for messaging and chat options on Amazon Connect: 

For example, a customer may start a chat and send nine messages, and the agent sends 11 messages. 

👉 The total charges of the chat = (11 + 9) × 0.004 = $0.08

If the above 20 conversations happened via SMS, it would be billed at $0.01 per message, making the total SMS cost $0.20. Plus, there will be a per-message cost for the Amazon Pinpoint service. 

For chat experiences, the total bill is calculated based on two charges: the cost of using the chat (at a rate of $0.004 per message) and using guides (at a rate of $0.005 per message). Suppose agents and users exchanged five messages; the total cost would be $0.045. 

5. AWS Connect costs for additional features

Different costs related to agent productivity can appear on your bill, such as: 

If you thought your contact center’s phone bill was hard to read before, wait until you get hit with the surprise fees and granular reporting that Amazon Connect provides. 

Why Contact Centers Prefer Nextiva Over AWS Connect

AWS Connect’s over-complicated pricing makes it tricky for companies to risk purchasing the call center solution when there is no clear view of what size budget to set aside. There are several other reasons that companies look for other ways to find better solutions when onboarding a reliable cloud-based contact center solution

While doing so, many companies choose Nextiva to solve their pain points and streamline their cloud contact centers’ workflows. 

Predictable pricing

Nextiva features all-inclusive, cost-effective plans that cover unlimited calling, messaging, and additional features. This contrasts with the Amazon Connect pricing pay-per-minute model, which may cause your costs to vary monthly.

With Nextiva, you have a clear picture of how much it would cost per month, which helps you set a budget and easily negotiate with stakeholders involved in procuring and onboarding a contact center platform.

Related: Sprinklr Pricing: Is It Right for Your Contact Center?

Rich features and CRM integration

Nextiva’s automated contact center solutions include features like advanced call routing, call recording, AI-based suggestions, and several functionalities to improve customer interactions at scale. They integrate seamlessly with your existing business applications, such as customer relationship management software. 

Nextiva is easy to configure with your existing apps to enable agents to get the complete context of customer interactions, making your communication more effective. It also makes you more efficient and better equipped to handle communications at scale. 

Ease of use and support

Nextiva users usually provide positive feedback on the contact center platform’s user-friendly interface, ease of use, and support quality.

Users say they don’t need any technical skills to set up Nextiva, and if they need anything, their questions get answered quickly. Nextiva also offers an intuitive user interface. 

Overall, Nextiva ensures a smoother customer experience, which is crucial for businesses requiring reliable communication solutions.

High reliability

With rock-solid 99.999% uptime, Nextiva provides consistent and reliable communication capabilities, minimizing potential disruptions.

Nextiva maintains a record of the availability of its systems and keeps track of issues (if any) reported daily. When you want to offer your audience an uninterrupted communication experience, you can go with Nextiva. 

Scale Your Contact Center as You Grow 

Nextiva offers a range of solutions to grow your business. It’s a flexible solution that caters to the changing needs of a business. 

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Nextiva offers features and functionality that help companies manage and streamline their contact center operations, no matter how their needs evolve. 

Simmons Bank chose Nextiva’s cloud communications and contact center solution to transform 240 locations from on-premises to the cloud.

You have a simple choice as you’re researching contact center platforms. 

You can either build it from scratch and spend thousands of dollars to reinvent the wheel and never have a simple bill again. 

Or, you can choose one that is ready to use today. Tell us your needs and key requirements, and we’ll help you launch your contact center!

Related: Amazon Connect vs. Genesys: Which CCaaS Platform Is Better?

Your complete call center solution.

Nextiva helps you launch your contact center in record time – and you won’t need a full-stack developer, either.


Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby is a marketing specialist at Nextiva. He spent three years on the front lines of technical support, troubleshooting internet and VoIP topics. He moved forward into the technical writing and content creation space. He’s helped set up hundreds of businesses and advised thousands of people with their cloud communications.

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May Product Update

May 13, 2024 2 min read

Tallon Brown

Tallon Brown

NextivaONE Desktop App: Missed call details

With just one click, admins can download a CSV file that contains all necessary account information. 

From the NextOS admin home page, navigate to the Phones and Devices, Numbers, Roles, Teams, or Users section and click Download CSV on the top right. 

NextOS Admin: Improved sorting & filtering

Sort and filter user data most pertinent to you and your business. 

From the NextOS admin home page, select Users. Under Users, click the Settings icon on the top right to choose which fields (up to five) to be displayed. 

Sort data by clicking the arrow next to each column title. Choose to sort alphabetically, highest to lowest or lowest to highest, based on the field value.

NextOS Admin: New export options

Administrators can download a CSV file with just one click containing all necessary account information. 

From the NextOS admin home page, navigate to the Phones and Devices, Numbers, Roles, Teams, or Users section and click Download CSV on the top right. 

Want to learn more?

Check out our Product Updates page to see what else you can do.

Still need the Nextiva app?

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Desktop – Windows 8 & earlier.


Tallon Brown

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Zoom Phone offers a cloud-based business phone system that seamlessly integrates with Zoom’s existing video conferencing, streamlining communication and boosting collaboration within your business.

Consolidating phone calls, meetings, and chats into a single platform, Zoom Phone improves communication efficiency and productivity.

But how much does it cost? And is the pricing worth it for your business?

Every business’s phone system needs and feature requirements differ. For some, Zoom Phone pricing and features may complement expectations, while others may find it tricky to use Zoom Phone as their business communication system

Let’s break down the factors that influence Zoom Phone pricing and help you decide if it fits your business needs.

Zoom Phone Plans and Pricing: A Deep Dive

Zoom Phone System Screenshot
Source: GetVoIP

Zoom Phone offers a variety of pricing plans, depending on the features you need and the number of users. Here’s a quick look at the main plans (broken down below):

PlanMonthly Cost
(Billed monthly)
Outbound CallingInternational CallingKey Features
US & Canada Metered$10/month/userPay-as-you-goAdditional chargesAuto attendant, dial-by-name directory, voicemail transcription, call recording
US & Canada Unlimited$15/month/userAll features of the Metered PlanOptional add-on for 19 countriesAll features of Metered Plan
Global Select$20/month/userUnlimited domestic calling in 48 countriesIncludedAll features of Unlimited Plan, DID service

1. US & Canada Metered Plan

This is a pay-as-you-go subscription plan. With a monthly cost of $10 per user, it offers unlimited internal and metered outbound calls. There are additional costs for international calling.

Outbound call charges vary according to the geographic location. The plan comes with a Zoom One management portal, where you can provision and manage users while monitoring call quality and usage data. It’s like a centralized admin portal. 

Zoom Phone offers 24/7 live chat and phone support to help customers if they run into an issue or need help changing settings. 

As a VoIP provider, Zoom Phone delivers decent call quality with the ability to use SMS and MMS for US, Canada, and Australia numbers.

SMS and MMS features work with direct numbers and not company numbers, and they work with many operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as native mobile apps on iOS and Android. 

Below are some notable features of Zoom Phone’s US & Canada Metered Plan: 

You get other features such as call handoffs between devices, letting users transfer ongoing calls. Call park capabilities on this plan move incoming calls to “park,” where agents can pick them up at their earliest convenience. This plan lets you chat 1:1 and on team chats (presence, 1:1, and team messaging).

You can choose a hot-desk, plug-and-play VoIP phone, and, if needed, add analog devices such as pagers and other equipment. 

Zoom lets you take calls to video conferencing and transfer them to a Zoom Room. It’s easy to work with and integrates with business apps such as Salesforce, Slack, and other tools. The platform comes with enterprise-grade features such as single sign-on.

Lastly, the US & Canada Metered Plan offers security features with zero-touch phone provisioning while providing real-time reporting and support for a virtual desktop environment. A hybrid integration will serve your requirements if you work with a legacy public switched telephone network. 

While the US & Canada Metered Plan offers a robust set of features, there are a few limitations to consider:

2. US & Canada Unlimited Plan

The US & Canada Unlimited Plan comes at a monthly cost of $15 per user. It includes all features of the Metered Plan. You get unlimited outbound calling and an option to purchase an add-on for unlimited calling to 19 countries.

Below is the list of countries you can call with an optional add-on: 

There are additional fees for international calling, but you get unlimited regional calling with this subscription plan. 

3. Global Select plan

The Global Select plan includes all features of the US & Canada Unlimited Plan and comes at a monthly cost of $20 per user. It offers unlimited domestic calling in one of 48 select countries and territories. 

The plan comes with direct inward dialing (DID) service, allowing people to connect to your company’s private branch exchange (PBX) with a block of numbers.

Zoom Phone Add-Ons

Those who have at least one licensed user can select Zoom Phone add-ons. Below is the list of add-ons you can choose: 

Zoom occasionally offers discounts or promotions on their services. Be sure to check their website or contact their sales team for any current offers.

Zoom Phone Alternatives

While Zoom Phone offers a robust set of features, there might be situations where exploring alternatives proves beneficial. Here’s a look at some reasons why you might consider looking beyond Zoom Phone.

Let’s weigh Zoom Phone against Nextiva to see why a Zoom Phone alternative might better fit your business needs.

Nextiva Pricing & Plans

Nextiva’s cloud phone system and conferencing solution offer an affordable option for lean teams. Below are some details about Nextiva’s pricing for you to compare before making a decision. 

Nextiva Phone System Screenshot

Essential Plan

Nextiva’s Essential plan costs $18.95 per user per month. Compared to Zoom’s US & Canada Metered Plan, you pay an additional $8.95, but its value is worth much more than that.

Nextiva offers more value in its Essential plan, with features typically found in higher-tier plans of other service providers, focusing on integrated business communication tools and customer support features. You get unlimited calling and fax within the US and Canada. 

Below are a few details on the value you get with Nextiva: 

Zoom Phone mentions toll-free numbers but doesn’t suggest free minutes like you get with Nextiva. 

Professional Plan

Nextiva’s Professional plan comes at a monthly cost of $22.95 per user. Below are some additional features you get in the Professional plan: 

Enterprise Plan

Nextiva’s Enterprise plan costs $32.95 monthly per user. It offers enterprise features such as single sign-on and more integrations with platforms such as Zendesk and HubSpot. 

Below are some additional features you get over the Professional plan: 

Nextiva integrations

Common features across all Nextiva’s plans

Among these three Nextiva pricing plans, there are a few features common in all, including the following: 

Top 5 Features of Zoom Phone and Nextiva

When considering a business phone system, you should look for features that cater to your unique business needs. Below are the top Nextiva and Zoom Phone features you can compare to find the right fit for your business.

Zoom Phone

Here’s a list of the top five features of Zoom Phone: 


Here’s a list of the top five features of Nextiva:

Nextiva vs. Zoom Phone Comparison

Here’s a table comparing Zoom Phone’s and Nextiva’s features:

FunctionalityNextiva EssentialNextiva EnterpriseZoom Phone US & Canada Metered PlanZoom Phone Global Select Plan
Monthly pricing $18.95$32.95$10$20
Unlimited internal calling
Unlimited voice and video calls (US & Canada)No
Toll-free numbers
Toll-free minutes1,00010,000
Call recording
Unlimited internet fax

Which Provider Is Right for Your Business?

Both Zoom Phone and Nextiva have their positives and negatives when it comes to pricing and features. There are a few things that stand out for both solution providers, including the following: 

Zoom Phone

Zoom offers a strong video conferencing solution and allows Zoom Phone to integrate seamlessly with Zoom video meetings. You get unlimited calling in one of 48 select countries and territories under the Global Select plan. 

It also offers basic telephony features such as direct dial numbers and centralized administration, making it easier for teams to use. 


Nextiva brings all your voice, video, SMS, email, and CRM communication into one platform. The unified CX platform offers robust collaboration tools and mobile applications for remote or distributed teams. 

You get detailed call insights on the customer support and sales side, helping you manage customer interactions at scale. 

Don’t overlook Nextiva’s conference calling service, either. When it’s time for a scheduled all-hands meeting or a client sync call, all it takes is two clicks, and your team is talking. No apps to download — you can call in from anywhere. 

Nextiva offers a range of integrations, especially CRM integrations, that are crucial for sales and support teams to maintain customer relationships and streamline workflows.

With the NextivaONE app and comprehensive mobile device support, you can easily connect with clients no matter if you’re an on-the-go, hybrid, or remote employee. 

The Final Verdict on Nextiva

Nextiva tops the chart if your priorities include integrated communication, scalability for various business sizes, remote work optimization, and potential value for money with unlimited calling. 

If you rely on a phone system day in and day out for customer support and management, Nextiva is a suitable choice. It offers unlimited calling and a platform to integrate all communication channels into one, so you always stay within context.

Considering the value Nextiva drives, it’s a cost-conscious solution for businesses looking for a full-featured VoIP phone solution

On the other hand, if your system is heavily integrated and reliant on the Zoom suite, then Zoom Phone will likely make more sense for your business. 

Cloud VoIP service done right.

Integrate secure phone service, SMS, video, and team chat in VoIP platform.

Zoom Phone Pricing FAQs

Which Zoom Phone plan is right for my business?

The best Zoom Phone plan for your business depends on several factors, such as:
– The number of phone users you need
– Your calling volume and destinations (local, national, or international)
– The features you need (e.g., voicemail, call recording)

Here are some things to consider:

Team Size:
Small Teams (1-10): Metered (low call volume) or Unlimited US/Canada (frequent domestic calls).
Growing Businesses (10-50): Unlimited (US/Canada calls, auto attendant, int’l add-ons).
Large Enterprises (50+): Pro Global Select (unlimited calls in 40+ countries, advanced features).

Calling & Features:
Domestic Focus: Unlimited US/Canada or higher (domestic features).
Frequent International: Unlimited calling add-ons or Pro Global Select (global calls).
Basic Needs: Metered or Unlimited US/Canada.
Advanced Needs: Unlimited or Pro Global Select (recording, analytics).

Cost-Conscious: Metered (pay-as-you-go).
Feature-Driven: Higher tiers (more features, higher cost).

Consider contacting Zoom sales for personalized recommendations.

Is a Zoom Phone number free?

No, Zoom phone numbers are not free. They are included with a paid Zoom Phone plan.

What features are included in each Zoom Phone plan?

Features vary depending on the plan you choose. Generally, all paid plans include unlimited calling within the US and Canada, voicemail, auto attendant, call forwarding, and integration with Zoom Meetings and Chat. Higher tiers offer additional features like international calling minutes, call recording, and advanced analytics.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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10 Inspiring Customer Service Examples

May 8, 2024 13 min read

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

When competition is fierce and customer expectations are higher than ever, delivering exceptional customer service is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity. Businesses that thrive are those that understand the power of a memorable customer experience. They know every interaction is an opportunity to build loyalty, trust, and an emotional connection with their customers.

Whether you’re a small startup or a global giant, the secret to standing out lies in the consistency and quality of your customer service. It’s not just about solving problems; it’s about creating moments that matter, moments that turn ordinary transactions into unforgettable experiences.

Is your CX falling short?

Assess and elevate your strategy with the Gartner® CX Maturity Model report.

We’ll explore 10 real-world examples of brands that have mastered the art of going the extra mile. These stories highlight how authentic, thoughtful, and innovative customer support can transform a business, spark positive reviews, and generate buzz on social media.

Get ready to be inspired and see how you can elevate your own customer service strategy to new heights.

Why Is Customer Service Critical for Business Success?

Customer service is when a company provides support to its customers before, during, and after purchasing and using its products or services. It entails addressing customer inquiries, resolving issues, offering support, and making sure customers are happy. Customer service can be provided via various channels, such as in-person, phone, email, live chat, and social media.

Here are a few reasons why every customer interaction is important to the success of your business:

Great customer service is a vital aspect of a business’s operations that directly impacts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall success. 

Now, let’s move on to the ten excellent customer service examples.

1) Trader Joe’s: Encourage Your Customer Service Team to Create Personalized Experiences

Trader Joe’s is a popular American grocery store chain known for its unique and high-quality products, affordable prices, and distinctive store environment. Founded in 1967 by Joe Coulombe, the chain has grown to over 500 locations across the United States – and one of the reasons is because of they strive to offer a unique shopping experience.

Take a look at this incredible customer service example of Trader Joe’s:

Trader Joe's customer service example of a customer service rep who delivered groceries

This example highlights how Trader Joe’s encourages employees to find creative solutions that exceed customer expectations. Going the extra mile, whether it’s fulfilling an unusual request or making an exception for someone who needs extra assistance, illustrates Trader Joe’s commitment to outstanding customer service.

Takeaway: A culture of excellent customer service never gets old. Groom your employees to be future leaders; even if they don’t become CEOs, the customer service skills they learn will be invaluable throughout their life. Plus, those skills will only improve your brand reputation! 

2) Starbucks: Give Your Customers Something to Talk About!

Starbucks strongly believes in meeting customer service standards. A great customer service example is about a man named Wei who went to meet some friends at Starbucks and ordered a coffee. Mishearing his name, the barista wrote “Wayne” on the cup. Wei pointed out the misspelling in a friendly way and went to enjoy his drink.

Before his friends arrived, he ordered a second coffee, and this time, the same barista wrote “Bruce Wayne” on the cup. When Wei saw that, they shared a smile. Finally, Wei’s friends arrived, and when he got a third coffee, the barista wrote “Batman” and drew a bat. The Starbucks employee could have simply corrected the name and been done with it.

Still, instead, the employee created a unique, personalized experience that recognized the customer as an individual and made them feel special. 

Three Starbucks cups with the names "Wayne", "Bruce Wayne" and "Batman" on them

It’s no wonder that 20% of Starbucks customers visit one of their cafés 16 times or more in a month!

Takeaway: Great customer service is more than just being quick or efficient. There’s always an opportunity to delight your customers by adding personal touches to their experiences. As shown by the Starbucks barista who turned a simple name correction into a fun, memorable interaction, these small gestures can make customers feel recognized and appreciated, which drives repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.

3) Restaurateur Danny Meyer: Train Your Employees in the Art of Hospitality

Danny Meyer is a successful New York restaurateur who loves creating a real sense of hospitality. All his restaurants have a distinctive Meyer touch. Led by Meyer, Union Square Hospitality Group (USHG) is known for its restaurants and its distinctive culture of “Enlightened Hospitality,” which has allowed his small group of restaurants to evolve into a multi-faceted hospitality organization.

As Meyer says: “The best way to make the most customers happy is to make sure that the people who come to work in your organization are having a great experience coming to work.”

He only hires new employees based on what he calls the “hospitality quotient ” whose skills are divided 51-49% between emotional hospitality and technical excellence. These skills, or personality traits, are: 

  • Optimistic and kindness
  • Curiosity about learning
  • Exceptional work ethic
  • Self-awareness and integrity
  • High degree of empathy
5 personality traits of excellent customer service reps

Takeaway: The human aspect of customer experience is irreplaceable. Apply Meyer’s tips to your customer support hiring process to make sure that your employees are well-equipped to make your customers feel recognized. In turn, they’ll give your company the recognition it deserves. 

4) Virgin Atlantic Airlines: There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Customer

It’s impossible to please every customer every time, but customer service statistics show that your response to unhappy customers matters A LOT. Virgin Brands is spectacular at using negative feedback to bond with its customers.

“A complaint is a chance to turn a customer into a lifelong friend,” says Virgin Group co-founder Richard Branson. “At Virgin, we think that if we address a complaint well and even involve the customer in the solution, it brings customers closer to our brand.” 

In a famous episode, a customer in first class had what sounds like a dreadful Indian-themed meal on a flight. The letter he wrote to Branson was both funny and disturbing. The passenger described one item as a “miscellaneous central cuboid of beige matter.”

Customer complaint letter to Richard Branson

The most significant part of the story isn’t the letter, though, it’s how Branson responded. He invited the passenger to help Virgin overhaul its menu. He also later asked the passenger to be on the board of the airline’s culinary council. 

Takeaway: A customer complaint is a gift, so treat them as opportunities to engage and win over your customers. Respond promptly, listen actively, and involve them in finding solutions if possible. By transforming negative experiences into positive interactions, you can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.

5) Zappos: Empower Your Employees to Wow Your Customers

Can you imagine a leading e-commerce company whose core principle is “to live and deliver WOW”? Zappos is exactly that company. 

With its obsessive customer devotion, Zappos grew to be a leader in the online shoe space. The company is willing to spend any amount of time on the phone to serve and bond with a customer – even up to a world record 10 hours and 29 minutes, made famous on late-night TV by Jimmy Fallon! 

A customer service representative will do anything — even spend Zappos’ money — to “wow” customers. Not only has the company won customer support awards for it, but its founder literally wrote the book on customer service best practices

Takeaway: Strive to wow — in other words, to surprise and delight — every customer need. Your customers are real people and people love feeling special. What can you do to make a customer say “Wow” about your company?

6) The Ritz-Carlton: Taking Personalized Service to the Next Level

The Ritz-Carlton is a luxury hotel chain renowned for its exceptional customer service, personalized experiences, and unwavering commitment to creating memorable stays for its guests. For instance, when a family departed from their stay at the Ritz-Carlton in Florida, their young son became upset when he realized that he’d accidentally left behind his beloved stuffed giraffe named “Joshie.”

The father told his son that Joshie was just staying for an extra vacation at the hotel, and when the hotel staff was alerted to this, they went above and beyond. They took pictures of Joshie “on vacation” to make the father’s story more believable. A few days later, a package arrived at the family’s home with Joshie along with Ritz-Carlton branded items like a frisbee and football.

But most impressively, the package included a binder documenting Joshie’s “extended stay” with pictures of him getting a massage at the spa, sunbathing by the pool, meeting other stuffed animal “friends,” and even working the hotel security cameras!

The Ritz-Carlton's example of outstanding customer service: photos of a child guest's stuffed bear's "extended stay"

Takeaway: The Ritz-Carlton staff put in the extraordinary effort to make the young boy happy and turn a negative situation into an amazing memory for the family – who will remember this experience forever. It’s a great example of the hotel chain’s renowned customer service philosophy of going above and beyond expectations. So remember, there are always efforts you can make to ensure that your customer support stands out.

7) Amazon: There’s No Reason Not to Provide Swift Problem Resolution

Among other things, Amazon is known for its customer-friendly return and replacement policies. The company prioritizes quick resolution of issues, usually shipping replacement items immediately, providing prepaid return labels, or even letting the customer keep the wrong shipment. This practice is a key aspect of Amazon’s customer service model and is frequently praised by customers.

One customer hopped on Amazon’s live chat to complain that they hadn’t received their order. Without first pummeling the customer with a slew of questions, the customer service rep simply said, “I’ll just create a replacement order for this with one day shipping.” 

Screenshot of live chat with Amazon customer service rep providing a super quick return

Another customer story involves a person who had accidentally received a duplicate of an order they’d already received. Using Amazon’s “Call Me” service, in which you leave your number and they call you back within five minutes, a customer rep immediately told them to just keep the duplicate order (worth about $75)!

Amazon's “Call Me” service

Takeaway: Prioritize swift problem resolution to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By quickly addressing issues and offering convenient solutions, such as immediate replacements and hassle-free returns, you can turn potential frustrations into positive experiences that strengthen your brand’s reputation. Any financial costs your brand eats will be recouped by the happy customer making additional purchases and referring their friends to you.

8) USAA: Treat Your Employees as Your First Customers

The United Services Automobile Association (USAA), an American financial services company exclusively for military members and their families, always has a top rating for customer satisfaction. One of their secrets is their unique approach to propelling customer-focused innovation.

The company’s culture of innovation is so strong that a security guard authored 25 patents. These patents are among the 10,000 employee submissions each year—and 897 of them have received U.S. patents! Each is about ideas to improve USAA’s customer experience. 

USAA also urges employees to look for moments to create loyal customers. Beyond this, USAA harvests ideas through its internal “Always On Ideas Platform,” which allows all employees, from the CEO to frontline staff, to submit and vote on ideas for new products, services, or improvements. Employees submitted over 10,000 ideas, and 1,206 of them were implemented.

Takeaway: Foster a company culture of innovation by treating your employees as your first customers. Encourage them to contribute ideas and solutions to improve the customer experience, as USAA does with their “Always On Ideas Platform.” By empowering employees to innovate and recognizing their contributions, they will then create loyal customers for you.

9) Nordstrom: Be Willing to Say “Yes!” Every Time

It is rare to stay in business for over 100 years, and it is even rarer to thrive in a competitive field. Seattle-based Nordstrom could not have managed to pull this off year after year with poor customer service. 

For example, Nordstrom values customer retention so much that it once refunded a customer for a tire – even though the company doesn’t sell tires! This is a great example of a business that strives to get you a “yes” to anything you request. 

Takeaway: Be ready to say “yes” to your customers, regardless of the request. With this approach, not only will your brand reputation skyrocket, but you’ll have a loyal customer for life.

10) Drybar: Deliver a Customer Experience They Can’t Find Elsewhere

Drybar, the renowned “blowout bar,” has grown from founder Alli Webb’s basement to over 100 locations. Their $40 hair wash and blowout service, along with their bestselling line of hair dryers and products available at Sephora, have cultivated a loyal customer base.

The key to their success? Exceptional customer service experience at every touchpoint. With romantic comedies playing on flat screens and custom-designed chairs, Drybar spares no detail. “The experience is everything — if it weren’t for the experience we create, we would just be another place styling women’s hair,” says co-founder Michael Landau.

Takeaway: Transform your offering from a commodity into a unique experience that makes your customers say, “Wow.” Invest in out-of-the-ordinary customer care whenever possible to differentiate your brand and build lasting customer loyalty.

So, What Do All These Companies Have in Common?

While each customer story here spans different industries, they have these in common:

Any business with an efficient customer service organization will stay relevant, but customer service that goes above and beyond will reap many more rewards. Excellent customer support has a measurable link to customer retention, customer satisfaction, and revenue. And it’s easy to optimize your business’s customer service with a CRM.

Nextiva's customer service platform

Nextiva’s Customer Service Solution

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, customer service plays a vital role in attracting, retaining, and nurturing your valuable clients. Customer success leads to revenue generation, customer loyalty programs, and referral campaigns. So get inspired by these examples and build them into your own customer service strategy.

Nextiva’s call center solution offers features such as intelligent call routing, real-time analytics, and seamless integration with CRM systems, which helps your customer service team provide efficient and personalized support. By leveraging Nextiva’s technology, you can streamline your customer service operations, improve response times, and deliver a consistently high-quality experience that will delight your customers and set your business apart.

Related: How Restaurants Can Benefit From Call Center Software

The perfect call center solution is here

Customers get personalized phone support. Sales teams get a flexible inbound call center.

Customer Service Examples FAQs

What are good customer service examples?

Some excellent customer service examples include:

Personalized Service: A customer calls a tech support line and the representative addresses them by name, recalls their past interactions, and resolves their issue promptly.
Proactive Support: An airline sends notifications about flight delays along with alternative booking options before the customer even realizes there’s a problem.
Quick Resolution: A retail store quickly processes a return without hassle, providing a replacement or refund within minutes.
Follow-Up: After a service is rendered, a company follows up with a call or email to make sure the customer is satisfied and to see if there are any further issues.
Empathy and Understanding: A hospitality business accommodates special requests or needs, such as dietary restrictions, with care and concern so that the customer feels valued.

What are the 7 qualities of good customer service?

Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of the customer to provide more personalized and compassionate service.
Patience: Allowing customers to explain their problems fully without rushing them or cutting them off, and handling frustrations calmly.
Knowledge: Having a deep understanding of the products or services offered, enabling the representative to answer questions and solve issues effectively.
Reliability: Being dependable and consistent in providing service and resolving issues.
Communication Skills: Clear, concise, and effective communication, both in listening and in providing information.
Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to quickly understand the issue, find a solution, and implement it efficiently.
Positive Attitude: Maintaining a friendly and positive demeanor, even in challenging situations, to make the customer feel appreciated and respected.

What are the 3 types of customer service?

The three types, or channels, of customer support that are most common are:

Phone Support: Customers call a dedicated phone line, often at a contact center, to speak with a representative who can address their questions or resolve issues. Phone support is known for its direct and personal interaction, making it a popular channel for handling complex or urgent issues.
Email Support: Customers send an email detailing their questions or concerns, and a customer service representative responds, typically within 24-48 hours. Email support is preferred for less urgent issues and allows for detailed, documented exchanges.
Live Chat: Customers use a website’s live chat feature to communicate in real-time with a customer service representative. Live chat is popular due to its convenience and speed, offering immediate assistance without the need for a phone call.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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Best IVR Systems of 2024

May 8, 2024 13 min read

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

What Is an IVR System?

An IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system is an intelligent, automated phone menu that uses prerecorded messages, touch tones, and voice recognition to understand caller needs, route them to the right place, or even complete tasks without needing a live agent.

Finding the right IVR software can make a world of difference in enhancing customer experiences and streamlining operations. Customers don’t like to wait, and IVR software offers a solution for that pain point. With phone system features like IVR, you can provide faster service, reduce wait times, route customers to the right agent or department, and handle common tasks. 

We’ve made choosing the perfect IVR for your business easier by creating a list of the best IVR systems of 2024. We provide an overview of each vendor, along with features and pricing, so you have all the answers you need to make a data-driven decision.

IVR SoftwareKey FeaturesBest ForStarting Price
Nextiva24/7 support, call routing and queuing, and holiday schedulingCustomer Support$18.95 per user per month, billed annually
Five9Visual IVR prompts, embedded call widget, visual customer surveysMobile support $175 per user per month, billed annually
GoTo ConnectAutomatic call distribution, auto-queue callback, pre-recorded messages Customization$29 per user per month, billed annually
AircallSingle-level and multi-level IVR, setup options for creating classic and IVR numbers, dynamic visual editorRemote teams$30 per user per month, three-user minimum, billed annually
RingCentralSelf-service options, skills-based call routing, speech recognition and natural language processingIntegrations$20 per user per month, billed annually
8×8Advanced reporting and analytics tools, speech-enabled voice response system, customizable optionsCloud-based IVRContact 8×8 for custom pricing
ZendeskPhone trees, call recording and monitoring, warm transfer optionsEnterprises$55 per agent per month, billed annually
LiveAgentAutomated call routing, customizable menus, call prioritizationLive chat $9 per agent per month, billed annually
ZoomUnlimited IVR and auto attendants, no-code customization, speech recognition and text-to-speechVideo conferencing$13 per user per month, billed annually
CallHippoIntelligent call routing and automatic call distribution, multilingual IVR, power DialerBulk calling for small businesses$16 per user per month, billed annually

1. Nextiva 

Best IVR system for customer support and office phone systems

Nextiva IVR system for customer support and office phone systems

Nextiva’s IVR system is part of its unified communications platform as a service (CPaaS), aiming to improve business communications, call flows, and customer interactions. It offers a user-friendly interface to create custom IVR menus and supports multi-channel communication, including SMS and video chat. The system provides advanced call routing, directing callers to appropriate agents based on various criteria. 

Nextiva includes integrated features like self-service options, speech recognition, and real-time analytics. Nextiva emphasizes scalability, system reliability, and security with its cloud-based solution. Finally, its conversational AI also offers customizable voice response systems to enhance call handling and improve customer experience. 

Related: How to Use Conversational Analytics Software Effectively


Nextiva’s IVR system has the right IVR features to enhance the customer experience, including:

Nextiva also integrates telephony advancements and ensures secure payment transactions with PCI DSS Level 1 Compliance.


Nextiva offers pricing plans for businesses of all sizes with features that support scalability.

  • Essential: $18.95 per user per month, billed annually
  • Professional: $22.95 per user per month, billed annually
  • Enterprise: $32.95 per user per month, billed annually

Nextiva also offers a free demo so you can see the benefits first-hand. 

Unified communications platform
Easy-to-use interface
Advanced analytics and reporting
Not suitable for companies outside of the U.S.
No free trial 

2. Five9

Best IVR system for mobile support

Screenshot of Five9's IVR system.

Five9 offers an advanced IVR system designed to enhance customer interactions and streamline call routing through its visual IVR, multi-channel support, and personalized greetings. The platform also provides self-service options for tasks like account inquiries and bill payments, reducing the workload on live agents and improving customer satisfaction


Five9’s IVR system offers various features, including:

Additionally, Five9’s integration with CRM systems and real-time analytics offers businesses valuable insights to optimize their IVR performance.


Five9 has various pricing plans for digital, voice, and additional services.

  • Digital: $175 per month 
  • Core: $175 per month
  • Premium: $235 per month
  • Optimum: $290 per month
  • Ultimate: $325 per month

Five9 also offers custom plans to meet individual business needs.

Omnichannel support
Visual IVR
Advanced integrations
Connectivity issues
Limited advanced analytics

3. GoTo Connect

Best customizable IVR system

Screenshot of GoTo Connect's IVR system.

GoTo Connect offers a cloud-based phone system and contact center features like VoIP calling, video conferencing, messaging, and integrations, and an IVR system. GoTo Connect’s IVR offers menus and prompts for callers to choose self-service options or connect with a human agent. 


GoTo Connect’s IVR system features include:

GoTo Connect also offers recorded greetings and call queue information, auto-queue callback, pre-recorded agent messages, international calling, video conferencing, and a mobile app. 


GoTo Connect offers pricing for its phone system, customer engagement software, AI tools, and contact center. However, you’ll need to contact their sales team for a quote.

Customizable greetings and menus
Configurable call paths
No pricing transparency
Basic analytics

4. Aircall 

Best IVR system for remote teams

Screenshot of Aircall's IVR system.

Aircall is a cloud-based phone system and call center software equipped with IVR software. Its customizable IVR allows users to add files, choose text-to-speech voices, and select language options, complete with accents. However, creating complex multi-level IVRs can be challenging due to Aircall’s call routing limitations.


Aircall’s IVR system offers these unique features:

In addition to IVR capabilities, Aircall provides access to integrations, APIs, SMS functionality, telephony features like call recording and click-to-dial, and unlimited simultaneous outbound calls. 


Aircall offers these flexible pricing plans:

  • Essentials: $30 per license, billed annually
  • Professional: $50 per license, billed annually

Aircall also offers a customizable plan (for 25 licenses or more).

International support
Real-time call monitoring
Call recording
Sales-oriented features
Limited self-service options

5. RingCentral

Best IVR system for integrations

Screenshot of RingCentral's IVR system.

RingCentral offers an IVR system as part of its cloud-based phone software. It provides functionalities like multi-level menus, text-to-speech or custom recordings, and call routing based on various criteria. It offers capabilities such as self-service options, speech recognition, integrations with CRM systems, and analytics and reporting to optimize support team performance. 


RingCentral offers features aimed at enhancing the customer experience.


RingCentral’s pricing comes in three tiers:

  • Core: $20 per agent per month, billed annually
  • Advanced: $25 per agent per month, billed annually
  • Ultra: $35 per agent per month, billed annually

Potential users should consider RingCentral’s pricing plans, which vary based on features and user capacity. They should also note that creating complex menus may require technical expertise or training. 

Seamless operation across desktop and mobile devices
Robust integration options
Remote, hybrid, and on-premises communication
Some features are only available with an upgrade
Complex menus

6. 8×8

Best cloud-based IVR system

Screenshot of 8x8's IVR system.

8×8 provides contact center software with an intelligent IVR system and self-service options. The platform uses conversational AI technology to handle routine customer inquiries and offers customizable self-service resources to help with call routing decisions. 

8×8’s contact center includes reporting and analytics tools for insights into the customer journey and IVR system performance. It also offers scripting tools for administrative tasks and allows manual adjustments to caller options without involving IT.  


8×8’s key features include:


8×8 has many pricing plans that allow businesses to customize. However, businesses need to contact 8×8 to get a custom quote. 

Easy to build Intelligent routing
Conversational AI
Limited integrations
Inconsistent experiences

7. Zendesk 

Best IVR system for enterprises

Screenshot of Zendesk's IVR system.

Zendesk offers an IVR phone tree with its Professional and Enterprise Suite plans. Its IVR feature allows businesses to create phone trees and conditions to route customers to the right place. Zendesk’s multi-level IVR systems also provide information and answers to frequently asked questions, like business hours or sales promotions, via recorded messages.


A few of Zendesk’s key features include:

Zendesk’s IVR also offers custom greetings, call recording, group call routing, and queue size and wait time information. Finally, Zendesk features options for customers to request a callback or text back while keeping their place in line.


Zendesk offers various pricing tiers in its customer service suite:

  • Suite Team: $55 per agent per month, billed annually
  • Suite Growth: $89 per agent per month, billed annually
  • Suite Professional: $115 per agent per month, billed annually

Zendesk also offers an enterprise suite, but you need to contact sales to discuss your needs and get a quote.

Robust integration options
Advanced reporting tools
Intelligent routing and triage
Expensive pricing tiers
Low-rated AI

8. LiveAgent

Best IVR system for live chat

Screenshot of LiveAgent's IVR system.

LiveAgent is a help desk software platform that manages customer requests across various channels. It offers a built-in IVR system with functionalities like automated call routing based on customer selections from pre-recorded menus or touch-tone options. 

Users can design multi-level IVR menus with greetings, prompts, and options, record messages, or use text-to-speech functionality. The system also prioritizes calls from high-priority customers or VIPs to specific agents or departments for service. 


LiveAgent’s IVR system features:

Additional features include callback functionality and an automatic callback request feature that prompts callers when they reach preset wait times.


LiveAgent’s business pricing offers four different pricing tiers:

  • Small: $9 per agent per month, billed annually
  • Medium: $29 per agent per month, billed annually
  • Large: $49 per agent per month, billed annually
  • Enterprise: $69 per agent per month, billed annually

LiveAgent also offers a limited free plan and a 14-day free trial. 

Easy to use
Fast support
Seamless communication structure
Clunky visual layout
Cluttered interface

9. Zoom

Best IVR system for video conferencing

Screenshot of Zoom's contact center software with an IVR system.

Zoom provides omnichannel cloud contact center software featuring unlimited IVR and auto attendants. The software offers call routing based on dialed numbers and supports multi-level menus with voice prompts, self-service options, and speech recognition for natural language interaction. 

Zoom’s visual IVR system allows for phone number provisioning and is customizable through drag-and-drop modules. Users can automate customer engagement using features like speech recognition, recordings, and text-to-speech capabilities. 


Some of Zoom’s primary features include:

Additionally, Zoom’s auto attendant feature enables the creation of pre-recorded greetings to guide callers to specific extensions or voicemail boxes.


Zoom price plans include a free tier with limited features. They also offer different pricing tiers for businesses.

  • Pro: $13.33 per user per month, billed annually
  • Business: $18.33 per user per month, billed annually 
  • Business Plus: $22.49 per user per month, billed annually
High-quality video and audio
Supports heavy call-volume
Scalable for small, medium, and large businesses
Primarily focused on video conferencing use cases
Outbound calling requires an upgrade

10. CallHippo

Best IVR system for small businesses

Screenshot of CallHippo's contact center software with an IVR system.

CallHippo offers an IVR system as part of their office phone system and call center software packages. Their IVR software includes both single-level and multi-level systems. Features of CallHippo’s IVR include 24/7 support through recorded messages, categorized menus with submenus for navigation, and real-time call recording for quality maintenance. 


CallHippo boasts IVR system features, including:

CallHippo also provides call forwarding options, advanced reporting, and integrations.


CallHippo offers pricing tiers for startups, small teams, feast-growing teams, and larger teams, including:

  • Basic: $0 per user/month
  • Bronze: $16 per user/month 
  • Silver: $24 per user/month 
  • Platinum: $40 per user/month 
User-friendly interface
Essential call routing functionality
Connectivity issues
Limited customer support 

CallHippo also offers a 10-day free trial for the Bronze, Silver, and Platinum plans.

Related: Best Call Center Software to Try in 2024

Features to Look for When Choosing an IVR Solution 

Different types of IVR software can have a variety of features. Here are some of the top features to look for in an IVR system:  

IVR System FeatureWhy It Matters
Input recognitionThe IVR system recognizes caller choices through touch-tone keypad presses using dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) and speech recognition technology where callers can verbally express their preferences.
Call routing and queuingBased on the selected option, the IVR system directs calls to configured destinations such as agents, departments, call queues, or automated messages. 
Holiday schedulingThe IVR system can include pre-recorded messages, directing customers to voicemail for specific departments, or providing self-service options during holidays or closures.
Ease of useIVR systems should be intuitive — meaning it’s easy enough for non-IT people to make changes quickly and confidently. 
Self-service optionsThis allows callers to complete tasks like checking account balances, making payments, or resetting passwords without needing an agent.
Analytics and reportingTrack important call center metrics like call volume, wait times, and menu selections. This data helps identify areas for improvement and optimize your IVR system.
Integration capabilitiesIntegrate your IVR with your CRM or other business software for a seamless flow of information. This allows agents to access caller details and provide more personalized service.
Intuitive menu navigationMake sure the IVR menu is easy to understand and navigate. This includes clear prompts, short options, and the ability to repeat messages for callers who miss something.
Omnichannel supportExtend self-service options beyond phone calls. Look for IVR systems integrating with web chat, SMS, or mobile apps for a unified customer experience.
Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) functionalityDNIS allows the IVR to recognize the specific dialed phone number and route calls accordingly.
Callback functionalityGive callers the option to request a callback instead of waiting on hold. This improves customer satisfaction and reduces wait times.
Conversational AIThis advanced feature uses natural language processing to understand spoken commands and complete tasks based on caller requests. 

How to Choose the Best IVR System Provider

Choosing the best IVR service providers for your business can be easy if you have the right information.

A person talking on the phone stands next to a list of questions to ask when choosing the best IVR system provider.

Here are a few common questions when deciding which vendor is right for you.

  • Define business needs: Knowing the goals you want to achieve can help you find a provider that aligns with those needs. Some examples include enhancing the customer experience through self-service, improving sales, and streamlining workflows.
  • Choose must-have features and capabilities: Create a list of essential features that make it easy to meet those business needs. Consider self-service options, conversational AI, or call center reporting and analytics.
  • Consider scalability and flexibility: Choose a provider that can grow with your business. Look for systems that allow you to easily add new features or handle increased call volume.
  • Ensure data security and reliability: IVR systems handle sensitive customer information. Verify the provider offers robust security measures and a reliable infrastructure to prevent downtime.

Reduce Hold Times and Scale Operations Easier With Nextiva

The best IVR systems are created with the perfect blend of self-service and human interaction throughout the touchpoints of the customer journey. With Nextiva, you get the best of both worlds: An advanced IVR system with intelligent virtual agent functionality that provides fast, reliable self-service and understands when the customer needs a human touch. See what Nextiva can do for your business today.

Conversational AI is the next generation of IVR.

Focus your agents on the important cases and let AI automate and improve call routing, reduce hold times, and save you money.

IVR Systems FAQs

Check out these IVR systems FAQs to fill in the blanks.

What are the benefits of IVR systems?

A contact center solution with IVR systems benefits businesses and customers by reducing hold times, improving agent efficiency and productivity, lowering operational costs, fostering scalability, and creating a better customer experience.

How much do IVR systems cost?

The cost of IVR systems varies based on complexity, features, business size, and vendor. Pricing models commonly include one-time license fees ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars or subscription (or usage-based) fees. Additional contact center costs include setup, customization, integration, maintenance, and support.

How does IVR software work?

IVR software answers phone calls with pre-recorded messages or text-to-speech. It offers callers menu options, such as using their phone’s keypad or speaking. Based on the caller’s choices, the IVR system directs the call to the appropriate agent, department, or self-service option to help them with their needs.

Is setting up an IVR difficult?

Setting up an IVR doesn’t have to be difficult. Traditional IVRs require technical knowledge of XML and scripting languages — but with Nextiva’s visual Call Flow Designer, anyone can create and update their IVR to handle incoming calls. No matter your skill level, configuring your IVR system is a breeze with Nextiva.

What is the best IVR phone system?

The best IVR phone system is Nextiva, full stop. We may be biased, but we’re not the only ones who think so. Forbes named Nextiva as the best IVR software of 2024 for customer support. When choosing an IVR for your business, consider placing ease of use and minimal tech burden high on your priorities to ensure it’s a great fit long term.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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App Fatigue: What It Is and How to Solve It

May 7, 2024 8 min read

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

If you’ve ever unlocked your mobile device and were immediately greeted by a sea of apps, many of which you barely use, then you know what app fatigue feels like. 

App fatigue is more than just a minor annoyance – it’s a pervasive issue that might be affecting your efficiency and well-being without your even realizing it. This feeling of being overwhelmed not only impacts your personal life, but can extend into the workplace, where it undermines productivity, diminishes employee morale, and can even affect a business’ financial health.

In this article, we’ll explore what app fatigue is, how to recognize its symptoms, and offer practical strategies to combat this modern-day dilemma. 

What Is App Fatigue?

The reality is that most of us need apps to do our jobs faster and more efficiently. On their own, they are a good thing. It’s when you have too many — or worse, multiple apps that accomplish the same thing — that you veer into the dangerous territory of mobile app fatigue.

App fatigue refers to a sense of overwhelm and exhaustion that users experience from managing too many applications on their digital devices. This phenomenon has become increasingly common as smartphones, tablets, and other devices have become integral to daily life. 

Here are a few key points about app fatigue:

As a response, some people choose to streamline their app usage by uninstalling rarely used apps and disabling excessive notifications.

Symptoms of app fatigue

So how do you know if you’re suffering from app overload? The symptoms can vary among individuals, and some on this list may have different causes, but in general, common signs include:

App fatigue is bad enough on a personal level (think: dating app, health app, WhatsApp), but if managing many apps is required for work, that can take your exhaustion to a new level.

If you fear your company has entered the “too many apps” territory, take comfort that you’re not alone. It depends on the size, but companies use an average of 291 apps!

Average number of apps companies use

And, worse yet, the majority of companies use more apps than they actually need. As remote work became more popular, apps became even more essential to keep employees engaged and connected. As a result, many well-meaning companies doubled down, investing in even more apps to make work-from-home life easier. 

Benefits of having fewer apps

Reducing your workplace app load is a great idea. If you’re a business owner, CEO or manager, take a look at these benefits of getting rid of unnecessary apps:

How to Combat App Fatigue in the Workplace

With mindful fatigue management, you can solve this issue and improve workplace productivity. Here’s how:

1. Review your app stack

Make a list of all the essential apps your company uses and categorize them by function (communication, project management, HR, etc.). Note any duplicate apps (those with similar functionality). Odds are you probably have some. 

2. Get rid of redundant apps

Apps with redundant functionality or that have fallen into disuse are easy choices to get rid of. Of the remaining apps, see where functionality overlaps. Also consider whether you are using all the functionality available. For example, there may be one app that offers the same features you currently get from two other apps. You can replace the two apps with the one app.

3. Use a unified communications system

Implement a unified communications system that integrates various communication functions (email, chat, video calls, file sharing) into a single platform. This approach can decrease the need to switch between multiple apps for communication.

4. Check in with your team

Regularly check in with your team to see how your current apps are serving them. Appoint an app ambassador from each department to report on what’s working and what isn’t. Work together to brainstorm solutions. It could be better training, upgrading for additional features, or something else.

5. Offer training and support

Provide adequate training and ongoing support for any digital tools used in the workplace. Sometimes the fatigue sets in during the beginning stage of app use because you’re trying to figure out how to use it while your work just stacks up. You should make sure that employees feel comfortable and competent with the technologies they are expected to use.

6. Provide digital detox policies

With an unprecedented amount of virtual meetings, employees are staring at their computers more than ever before. Introduce policies or guidelines that encourage breaks from digital tools, such as designated no-email hours or meeting-free days. Also, remind people of the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for about 20 seconds. 

By taking these steps, organizations can mitigate app fatigue and create a more efficient and pleasant working environment. This not only boosts productivity but also contributes to better job satisfaction and employee retention.

6 ways to solve app fatigue in the workplace

Nextiva’s Answer to App Fatigue: All-in-One Communications 

Often, business applications for communication and collaboration are the largest culprit of app fatigue. It’s typical for companies to select one payroll or benefits system, for instance, but they often communicate in multiple apps, none of which speak to each other. This leads to missed messages and lost information. 

Think about it. How many apps does your company use for email (internal and external), chat (internal and external), text messaging, phone or video conferencing?

Bringing these various apps into a single software can solve most, if not all, of your app fatigue woes. With Nextiva, it’s easy.  Here are three features of Nextiva’s business software that can help solve app fatigue:

Nextiva's VoIP phone with desktop and mobile app

All-in-one communications solution. 

Say goodbye to siloed apps and say hello to a unified customer conversation solution!

App Fatigue FAQs

What is application fatigue?

Application fatigue refers to the feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted by managing a large number of apps on one’s digital devices. It arises from the challenges associated with using, updating, and navigating numerous apps, leading to a sense of overload and decreased productivity. This can be both personal (social media or dating app fatigue) or work-related (project management or cybersecurity app fatigue). 

What is the app that measures fatigue?

There isn’t a universally recognized single app dedicated solely to measuring fatigue, but there are several apps designed to help track various aspects of health that include fatigue measurement. 

These include wellness tracking apps, sleep monitors, and health management apps that allow people to log symptoms and analyze patterns over time. Examples include “Sleep Cycle” for sleep quality and sleep patterns, and “MyFitnessPal,” which can track energy levels alongside diet and exercise.

Do people download apps anymore?

Yes, people still download apps frequently. The market for mobile apps continues to grow, with millions of apps available across various platforms like Google Play Store and Apple App Store. While there is some market saturation and app fatigue, a new app that offers unique functionalities or improved user experiences will continue to attract downloads. 

Can you have too many apps on your phone?

Absolutely, it is possible to have too many apps on your phone. Having a large number of them can lead to several issues, such as reduced device performance, decreased battery life, and increased storage consumption. Plus, simply managing an excessive number of apps can lead to app fatigue, where the user experience is poor due to the sheer number of choices and app notification.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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In a call center, taking inbound calls is very different from placing outbound calls. And we’re not just talking about the surface-level call scripts. You’ve got to think about the back-end logistics like dialing capacity, call routing, caller ID, compliance, workforce management, and, of course, legal requirements. 

Contact center operators should set up their call centers to handle both call directions. Proper planning now will save you a lot of time and work later when you need to scale sales or customer support workflows — or both at the same time.

What Are Inbound Call Centers?

Inbound call centers receive incoming calls from current customers. Agents respond to these calls and resolve customer issues when they come in , making the call center teams reactive. 

These teams strive to serve customers and support them when they’re struggling to solve issues independently, even after trying self-serve options in many cases. 

Calling a company for support is still the most popular inbound contact method today. According to CFI Group, 76% of consumers still prefer using a phone for customer service:

Phone calls still dominate as the customer’s channel of choice

You need empathetic and well-trained staff to ensure customers feel heard and valued.  This is key to satisfying customers and retaining them. 

Leaders usually use a few call center metrics to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of inbound teams. 

Inbound Call Center Success KPIsHow to Calculate
Customer satisfaction score(Number of positive responses ÷ total number of responses) × 100 
Customer dissatisfaction score (Number of negative responses ÷ total number of responses) × 100
Net Promoter Score[(Number of promoters − number of detractors) ÷ total number of responses] × 100
First contact resolution rate(Number of issues resolved in first contact ÷ total number of issues) × 100

Inbound call center software makes it easier to track these metrics and streamline operations. A few notable processes come in handy for inbound call centers dealing with customers at scale:

Inbound call center benefits

Below are some notable benefits of adding an inbound call center to your business. 

Customer loyalty

People may forget what you say, but they remember how you make them feel. Treating your customers well when they contact you and quickly resolving their issues makes them feel valued. 

This feeling translates into loyalty, which is reflected in your business’s repeat, upsell, or cross-sell revenue. A personalized query resolution experience on the phone goes a long way to adding such revenue. 

Customers who receive excellent service via your inbound call center will remain loyal to your brand and think of you when they’re ready to purchase again. On the contrary, customers with not-so-excellent customer service experiences with your inbound call center team will likely switch brands. Poor phone-based interactions frustrate around 76% of customers


Inbound calls are reliable channels for understanding customers’ general pains, needs, and preferences. Use customer feedback to improve your product and service, creating a more satisfactory customer experience. 

Feedback helps you continuously improve and build a better product for people who use and purchase it. Inbound call center teams review customer feedback and turn them into action items for their teams. 

Customer retention

A personalized support experience encourages customers to contact you with any issue they have. When you deliver consistently high-quality technical support during every customer interaction, customers know you value them every time they contact you. 

As a result, customers feel special and are more likely to remain loyal to your company for an extended period of time.  


What Are Outbound Call Centers?

Outbound call centers take a more proactive approach than inbound call centers. Agents call new and existing customers to generate leads or conduct market research. Outbound call center agents need to be persuasive and skilled at handling objections while conducting daily cold calls, sales calls, and follow-ups. 

There are some similarities between inbound and outbound call center setups. For example, outbound call centers also use call recordings to train agents and improve the quality of cold calls or pitches. Similarly, integrations with CRM software, websites, and other business systems let agents and salespeople use data from any channel to improve the contextual relevance of their calls and boost conversions. 

To maximize the success of your outbound call center, regularly monitor agent performance against these standard metrics. 

Outbound Call Center Success KPIsHow to Calculate
Answer success rate (Number of calls answered ÷ total number of calls made) × 100
Lead conversion rate(Number of successful outcomes ÷ total number of calls made) × 100
Average handle time[(Total talk time + hold time + after-call work time) ÷ total number of calls made] × 100
Cost per callTotal operational cost ÷ total calls made
Cost per acquisitionTotal cost of call campaign ÷ number of new customers acquired

Sometimes, your metrics suffer if customers block or avoid picking up your calls, considering them spam.

 Implement the following strategies when building your outbound call center to minimize the rate of rejected calls.

Outbound call center benefits

Due to their proactive approach, outbound call centers have several benefits for your business.

Boosts lead generation and sales 

According to HubSpot, 15% of marketers struggle to generate leads. Outbound call agents relieve the pressure on the marketing and inbound sales teams by skillfully identifying prospects who are likely to turn into customers.

They access customer data to target pain points and persuade customers to move forward in the sales funnel. A personalized interaction opens upselling or cross-selling opportunities.

Increases brand awareness 

Businesses can tailor brand communications to the interests of their target market through outgoing calls. Since customers value human interaction, they’ll notice your brand more when engaging in meaningful conversation. 

Reps can proactively inform customers about your product offerings or service quality and build good relationships. When it is time to purchase, these callers are more likely to remember your brand.

Helps conduct market research 

You can learn what customers want through outbound call centers. By directly engaging with your buyers, you uncover valuable information about their needs, preferences, motivations, trends, etc. This concrete market research lets you invest more confidently in updating your services and developing your products.

Choosing the Right Call Center for Your Business

Inbound and outbound call centers fulfill different purposes and customer expectations. 

For example, service-oriented businesses, like those in healthcare or banking, benefit from having an inbound call center to resolve customer concerns. Conversely, businesses focused on acquiring new customers and demographics, like those in the retail sector, need an outbound call center.

The choice depends on how you operate and in which industry. 

Let’s identify the right match for your business needs.

Consider your business goals

Align your strategy with your short- and long-term business goals. Are you looking for scalability? Do your short-term goals involve introducing new products, entering new markets, capturing more leads, etc.? In this case, a strong outbound call center team can help. 

However, you need an inbound call center strategy if you already have a solid customer base and want to increase customer satisfaction and retention. 

If you are struggling to decide, you can check in with your team to see where they are struggling and choose your type of call center accordingly.

Analyze your customer base

Evaluate your customer’s expectations. If your customers value after-sales service and customer support as much as product quality, then inbound call centers contribute to a unified customer experience

The contact center solution from Nextiva covers every social media, messaging, and business communication channel. It helps sales and support teams communicate with customers. 

For example, if you have numerous leads stuck in the sales funnel who need a little nudge, or you need to increase brand awareness among prospects, outbound phone calls can be more successful. When your team works from one platform, it helps everyone perform better instead of using several different tools. 

Evaluate resources

Consider the agents on your team and their training needs. Inbound calls can be complex, requiring agents who know your product and can handle customer service calls politely, professionally, and empathetically. 

Outbound call agents, however, typically work with scripts and dialing lists. Sales-oriented staff with good communication and persuasion skills are best suited for this role.

Blended Call Centers: The Best of Both Worlds

If you can’t decide between inbound vs. outbound call centers, there is a secret option C — blended call centers. Most organizations require the benefits of inbound and outbound call centers, so they centralize their customer communications in one call center team.


This approach brings together the best of both worlds by:

  • Increasing efficiency: Since call center agents handle both inbound and outbound calls, the calling software directs customer calls to any available agent, reducing idle time among the team and waiting time for the customer.
  • Improving customer satisfaction: With one team handling proactive outreach and customer support, callers don’t have to jump on multiple calls to get what they need. This approach increases customer satisfaction rates.
  • Capturing sales and leads: You can train agents to convert interest or generate new sales from inbound calls through personalized interactions. Potential customers feel comfortable taking action or moving through the sales process when they have built a connection with an agent.
  • Adding flexibility: A centralized communications system gives agents a holistic view of customer profiles and past interactions. Agents can quickly switch between inbound and outbound calls when tackling high call volumes, as all data is available in one place.

Considerations when choosing a blended call center

A blended team has many benefits, but you might also encounter challenges. Awareness of these issues helps you take proactive or preventive steps and keep your team running smoothly.

  • Training: Training agents to hone diverse skills and handle both call types requires time and effort. Specialized training is needed to help them address complex issues, different temperaments, and high call volumes. But this effort will pay off in the long run.
  • Technology: Blended call software can be complex and costly, and it can take a while for your team to get the hang of it. However, there are many reasonably priced cloud call center software applications that blend inbound and outbound call center services. You should conduct thorough research to find an intuitive tool at a suitable cost. 
  • Call patterns: It is important to strike the right balance between inbound and outbound call patterns. If your agents are more focused on outbound calls, you risk being less available for incoming callers. 

Nextiva’s Blended Call Center Platform

When you consider the above pointers and plan accordingly, a flexible call center platform adds substantial value to your business. It gives your customers a consistent communication experience regardless of whether they’re dealing with your sales or support team. 

Call center software by Nextiva has been a valuable choice for many companies dealing with inbound and outbound calls. It helps your business satisfy customer needs while turning call centers into lead-generation engines. 

Optimize your call center operation.

Maximize your team’s productivity effortlessly and see why top brands use Nextiva to handle calls at scale.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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