Nextiva Unity Supervisor Interface

Nextiva Unity Supervisor is a powerful reporting and management application that provides Supervisors relevant, real-time performance information on Agents and queues. Key performance indicators, such as the total number of calls in queue, wait time, and Agents available are all displayed.

Nextiva Unity Supervisor Interface

  1. ACD State Buttons: Used for updating the Supervisor’s availability in the Call Center queue (Unavailable, Available, and Wrap-up).
  2. Call Control Buttons: Provides quick access to common phone features such as Dial, Transfer, Hold, Conference, Voicemail, Recording, Reports, Settings, etc.
  3. Personal Wallboard: View performance metrics for the Call Center(s) the Supervisor is assigned to. Metrics are broken down by My Statistics, which shows the User’s individual performance metrics, and Overall Queue Statistics, which detail the current metrics across all Call Centers.
  4. Active Call Window: Provides a list of all active calls, the current status (Ringing, Active or On-Hold), including the total duration of the call.
  5. Contacts: Displays up to 30 Users, including their phone number/extension, current status, and ACD state.
  6. Call Logs: View all Missed calls, Received calls, and Dialed calls.
  7. Voicemail: Listen and manage voicemail. Right-click any voice message to Play, Save, Delete, Call, or Copy number.
  8. Agent Activity: View and manage all Agents, or those for a specific queue. Make Agents “Available,” or move them in and out of queues as required.




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