Nextiva Contact Center: Security

Nextiva offers password rules to safeguard access to the Nextiva platform. Password rules are a set of parameters designed to encourage users to use strong passwords and passwords properly. 

Defining a Password Rule 

To define a Password Rule, enter the following: 

Field Name Description
Name The name of the rule. 
Description A description of the rule. 

Defining an Account Policy 

For an Account Policy, the following can be configured:

Field Name Description
Lockout Threshold  Determines the number of failed sign-in attempts that will cause a user account to be blocked. 
Lockout Duration  Determines the amount of time with no activity, in milliseconds, that a locked-out account remains blocked before sign-in can be reattempted. 
Session Timeout  Determines the amount of time with no activity, in milliseconds, for a user to be automatically logged out. 

Password Positive Rules: Possible Configurations 

For Password Positive Rules, the following can be configured: 

Field Name Description
Allowed Regex  Requires passwords to conform to a regular expression. 
Allowed Alphabetical  Defines the minimum number of alphabetical characters the password requires (upper and lower case). 
Allowed Digit Defines the minimum number of digit characters that the password requires. 
Allowed Lowercase Defines the minimum number of alphabetical characters the password requires (lowercase). 
Allowed Uppercase Defines the minimum number of alphabetical characters the password requires (upper case). 
Allowed Special The list of possible characters to be used in a password. (Use this to restrict the characters from a keyboard they can use.) 
Allowed Characters The list of possible characters to be used in a password. (Use this to restrict the characters from a keyboard they can use.
Expiration Date Determines the period of time, in milliseconds, that a password can be used before the system requires the user to change it. 

Negative Password Rules: Possible Configurations 

For Negative Password Rules, the following can be configured: 

Field Name Description
Allowed Dictionary  Rejects passwords that exactly match an entry in a dictionary (exact match semantics). 
Allowed Sub String Dictionary  Rejects passwords containing a dictionary entry (substring match semantics). 
Illegal Sequence Alphabetical  Rejects passwords that contain a sequence of N alphabetical characters. (Defines the maximum number of alphabetical characters used in a row inside a password.) Example: Illegal Sequence Alphabetical = 4 – You cannot use more than four letters in a row before requiring a digit or special character break inside the password. 
Illegal Sequence Numerical  Rejects passwords that contain a sequence of N-digit characters. (Defines the maximum number of digits used in a row.) 
Illegal Sentence Qwerty  Rejects passwords that contain a sequence of N US QWERTY keyboard characters. Example: Illegal Sequence qwerty = 3 – Cannot go past “qwe” or “tyu” or “iop”. 
Illegal Regex  Rejects passwords that contain a match to a regular expression. 
Minimum Length  The minimum required length. 
Maximum Length  The maximum required length. 
Lower Number Range  Rejects passwords that have numbers that are lower than the defined limit. (Used with upper number range.)
Upper Number Range  Rejects passwords that have numbers that are above the defined limit. (Used with lower number range.) 
Illegal Character  Rejects passwords that contain any of the defined set of characters. 
Repeat Character  Rejects passwords that contain multiple sequences of repeating characters. (Defines the maximum number of times a character can be repeated.) 
Username Rule  Rejects passwords that contain the username of the user providing the password. 
Whitespace Rule  Rejects passwords that contain whitespace characters. 
Enforce History  If enabled, users will be prevented from resetting their passwords to prior passwords used in the last year. 


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