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Customer Experience October 18, 2024

How To Nail Customer Experience Personalization & Why It Matters

CX personalization
Learn how to create personalized customer experience (CX) at scale while maintaining the human touch customers crave with a unified CX strategy.
Danny Grainger

Danny Grainger

CX personalization

Today’s customers — who are less loyal and less satisfied than ever before — demand a personalized customer experience. This means customer experience personalization is essential for any modern business. 

The numbers speak for themselves. According to our State of Customer Experience Report, customers who experience personalized interactions are likely to repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others.

What’s more, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly pivotal in enhancing personalization efforts. Our report shows that 57% of customers now prefer AI-generated responses over human-written ones, highlighting the effectiveness of AI in delivering personalized experiences at scale.

As we dive deeper into this topic, we’ll explore modern customer needs and provide actionable insights to elevate your CX strategy. We’ll discuss how a customer experience platform can help meet the ever-more demanding needs of the contemporary business landscape. 

Areas To Personalize in Customer Experience

Personalization can be applied across all aspects of your global customer experience program. From customer-facing departments to loyalty programs, all can be personalized.

1. Communication channels

Different communication channels offer different touchpoints for you to deliver a personalized user experience for your customers. Ensure you optimize each of the following channels:

Personalized customer experience with Nextiva


Personalization can significantly enhance the customer experience when it comes to phone interactions. Greet customers with some historical knowledge of their past interactions. This could be as simple as acknowledging their loyalty or referencing a recent purchase.

For outbound dialing campaigns, prep your agents before they connect with leads. Equip them with relevant information about the lead’s interests or previous interactions with your brand.


Email personalization goes beyond just using the customer’s name in the greeting. Tailor your emails based on customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history. Include personalized product recommendations or exclusive offers. 

For instance, if a customer frequently browses running shoes on your website but has yet to purchase, send them an email featuring your top-rated running shoes and customer reviews. You could also offer a personalized discount to encourage the purchase.


Use dynamic content that changes based on the user’s browsing history, location, or previous interactions. This could involve showing different homepage banners to new customers versus returning customers or highlighting products that complement their recent purchases. 

You might also personalize product recommendations based on items they’ve viewed or added to their cart.

Social media

Engage with customers using personalized messages or targeted ads based on their interests and online activity. If a customer frequently interacts with your posts about a particular product line, ensure they see more content related to that line. 

Use retargeting ads to show products they’ve viewed on your website. Respond to comments and mentions with personalized replies that show you value their feedback.

Mobile apps

Customize the app experience by offering personalized dashboards, notifications, and content that aligns with the user’s preferences. For example, a fitness app might prioritize yoga content for users who frequently access yoga videos, or a retail app could send push notifications about restocked items a user has shown previous interest in.

2. Product recommendations

AI-powered suggestions

Leverage AI and machine learning to analyze customer personal data and recommend products or services that are most relevant to individual customers. This goes beyond simple “customers who bought this also bought” suggestions. 

Advanced AI can consider factors like browsing behavior, search history and purchase history, demographic information, relevant content, and current trends to make highly accurate predictions about what a customer might want next.

Conversational AI Components
Via: What Is Conversational AI and How Does It Work?

Cross-selling and upselling

Use purchase history and browsing behavior to suggest complementary products or premium alternatives. For example, if a customer buys a camera, recommend compatible lenses, tripods, or camera bags. For a customer who frequently purchases budget items, occasionally suggest premium versions, explaining the added benefits to justify the higher price point.

3. Customer service interactions

Every support interaction offers a prime opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to personalization, turning routine queries into memorable experiences that foster loyalty and satisfaction. Use these customer service tips to take your personalization to the next level. 

Chatbots and virtual assistants

Implement AI-driven bots that recognize customer segments. Possible types of customers include returning customers, new customers, and customers looking for self-service options. These bots should be able to access the customer’s history, tailoring their language and suggestions accordingly.


Live chat

Equip agents with customer data so they can offer personalized assistance in real time, addressing customers’ specific needs or concerns. This could involve seeing what pages the customer has recently viewed on your website, their purchase history, or any ongoing customer support tickets. Agents can use this information to provide more relevant and efficient support.

4. Loyalty programs

Tiered rewards

Personalize loyalty programs by offering meaningful rewards based on individual customers’ purchasing habits. For a frequent travel customer, offer extra points on travel-related purchases or exclusive hotel upgrades. For a home cook, provide early access to new kitchen products or cooking class vouchers.

Personalized offers

Send tailored promotions or discounts to customers based on their engagement level or buying frequency. A customer who hasn’t purchased in a while might receive a “We miss you” discount, while a frequent buyer might get early access to new product launches.

How Agents Can Personalize Customer Interactions

The interactions your customer-facing service agents have with clients are ideal opportunities to deliver a personalized experience. Follow these steps to ensure you capitalize on this opportunity:

Provide access to comprehensive customer data

Ensure agents have access to a unified customer profile that includes previous interactions, purchase history, and preferences across all channels. This comprehensive view lets agents understand the customer’s journey and provide more relevant assistance. 

For example, when an agent can see that a customer has recently viewed FAQ pages about product returns, they can address potential concerns proactively.


Utilize CRM tools that integrate with communication platforms to provide real-time data analytics to agents during customer interactions. This integration ensures that agents have the most up-to-date information, enabling them to personalize their approach on the fly.

Encourage empathy and emotional intelligence

Train agents to recognize emotional cues and personalize their responses to align with the customer’s mood and needs. This might involve adjusting their tone for a frustrated customer or sharing in the excitement of a customer making a big purchase.

To create a more personalized experience, encourage agents to use customer names, reference past interactions, and acknowledge customer preferences.

Enable real-time personalization

Use AI-driven tools that provide agents with suggestions for personalized responses or actions based on real-time customer inquiry or behavior analysis. These tools can recommend relevant products, suggest solutions to common problems, or even predict the customer’s next question.

Implement systems that allow agents to quickly adapt their approach based on the conversation’s context and the customer’s real-time responses. This could involve changing the script mid-conversation or offering a different solution if the customer seems unsatisfied with the initial recommendation.

AI driven personalization impact (Stats)

Incorporate feedback

Personalize follow-up interactions by referencing specific feedback or concerns that the customer previously shared. If a customer mentioned they found a particular feature confusing, the next interaction could include a reference to the assistance they received in their past interaction.

Equip agents with tools that help them track customer feedback and use it to tailor future interactions, ensuring continuous improvement and relevance. This could involve setting reminders to follow up on specific issues or flagging accounts for personalized check-ins.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Personalization in CX

To justify any investment in any business, you need to know how it impacts your bottom line. For this, you need to track specific metrics to assess the effectiveness of your customer experience personalization efforts.

Customer satisfaction scores (CSAT)

Track CSAT scores to measure customer satisfaction with personalized interactions. Higher scores can indicate successful personalization. Implement post-interaction surveys that specifically ask about the personalized aspects of the experience.

How businesses benefit from CSAT

Net promoter score (NPS)

Use NPS to gauge customer loyalty and willingness to recommend the brand. An increase in NPS after implementing personalization strategies can signal effectiveness. To measure impact, compare NPS scores before and after implementing personalization initiatives

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Monitor CLV to assess the long-term value of customers who receive personalized experiences. An upward trend may suggest successful personalization efforts. Consider correlations between increased personalization and higher CLV to justify further investment in personalization technologies.

Conversion rates

Analyze the conversion rates of personalized recommendations and offers. Higher conversion rates can be a direct indicator of effective personalization. To measure the impact, compare the performance of personalized campaigns against non-personalized ones.

Engagement metrics

Measure engagement levels in personalized email campaigns, apps, and websites, such as open rates, click-through rates, and interaction times. Look for increases in these metrics as you implement more sophisticated personalization strategies.

First contact resolution (FCR)

Evaluate FCR rates in personalized interactions. If personalization helps resolve issues more efficiently, FCR should improve, indicating effective personalization. Monitor how FCR rates change as you provide agents with more comprehensive customer data and personalization tools.

How to improve FCR

Churn rate

A reduced churn after implementing personalized strategies suggests that customers feel more valued and connected to the brand. To demonstrate impact, track churn rates over time, and correlate them with the rollout of personalization initiatives.

Feedback and surveys

Collect direct feedback through surveys that ask customers about their experiences with personalized services. Use this data to refine and improve personalization efforts. Include open-ended questions to gather qualitative insights about what aspects of personalization customers find most valuable.

Personalize Every Customer Experience With Nextiva

As you’ve seen, personalization drives modern business success. Nextiva’s unified CX platform, powered by AI, empowers your team to implement personalization strategies effectively. Our solution creates personalized customer experiences while maintaining the human touch customers crave.

Nextiva enables you to:

  • Access unified customer profiles across all communication channels
  • Leverage AI-driven insights for real-time personalization
  • Implement personalized loyalty programs and product recommendations
  • Track and analyze key personalization metrics to continuously improve your customer experience strategy
Nextiva Unified Customer Experience Management Platform

Nextiva’s platform transforms your customer interactions, making each customer feel uniquely valued and understood. This approach meets customer expectations and drives brand loyalty and business growth.

In today’s competitive landscape, personalization defines exceptional customer experiences. Nextiva provides the tools and strategies you need to nail customer experience personalization.