DID Number management (outbound ANI)

Improve answer rates with trusted numbers.

Scale your team with smart calls.

Number Optimization

Caller Identification

Reliable calls

Number Optimization

Optimizing numbers in contact centers is a straightforward strategy to improve customer service. This approach involves analyzing call data to identify patterns and adjust resources accordingly. For example, if data shows high call volumes on Monday mornings, managers can schedule more staff during these times. This ensures customers spend less time waiting on hold, leading to a better overall experience.


In addition to staffing adjustments, number optimization can also refer to the strategic use of phone numbers themselves. Businesses can set up different numbers for various departments or services, making it easier for customers to reach the right person. This not only streamlines the process but also reduces the frustration of being transferred multiple times.


Ultimately, optimizing numbers is key to creating a unified customer experience. It allows contact centers to be more efficient and responsive to customer needs. By analyzing call data and making smart adjustments, businesses can significantly improve their service levels and customer satisfaction.

Caller Identification

Caller identification is a feature that allows businesses and contact center operators to see the phone number and, when available, the name of the incoming caller. This feature is particularly useful in providing personalized customer service and efficiently managing incoming calls. By knowing who is calling, agents can greet callers by name, access their account information more quickly, and tailor the conversation to meet the caller’s specific needs.


In addition to enhancing customer interactions, caller identification helps in prioritizing calls. For instance, if a high-value client calls, the system can recognize the number, allowing the agent to prioritize this call over others. This capability ensures that important calls are not missed and that VIP clients receive the attention they deserve. It’s a simple yet effective way to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Furthermore, caller identification can be integrated with contact center software to automate workflows. When a call comes in, the software can automatically pull up the caller’s history, previous interactions, and any open cases or tickets. This streamlines the process for the agent, reducing the time spent searching for information and allowing them to focus on solving the caller’s problem. This integration not only improves efficiency but also enhances the overall customer experience by making interactions smoother and more informed.

Reliable calls

Reliable calls are a cornerstone for any business, especially for contact center providers. Nextiva’s VoIP technology ensures that every call is crystal clear, without any lag or distortion. This is vital for maintaining professionalism and ensuring effective communication with clients. The technology adapts to various internet speeds, making it versatile for different business settings.


For contact center providers, reliable calls mean fewer dropped calls and satisfied customers. Nextiva’s system automatically reroutes calls through the most stable connection available. This feature is particularly useful during high traffic times or when internet stability fluctuates. It keeps businesses running smoothly, without interruptions.


Additionally, Nextiva’s reliable calls feature comes with advanced analytics. This allows businesses to monitor call quality in real-time, identify issues promptly, and make necessary adjustments. For contact center providers, this means they can maintain high standards of service, ensuring that every customer interaction is successful.