Transform Your CX with Text-to-Speech Technologies

Improve your CX in every customer conversation.

Scale your contact center with advanced speech technology.

IVR with speech recognition

Text-to-speech capabilities

Multi-language support

Enhanced searchability

IVR with speech recognition

IVR with speech recognition transforms how your contact center operates. It allows customers to interact using natural language, making their experience more intuitive and efficient. This reduces frustration and wait times, leading to higher satisfaction.

For your agents, this feature means fewer repetitive tasks and more time to focus on complex issues. It automatically routes calls to the right department, ensuring that customers get the help they need quickly. This improves overall productivity and job satisfaction for your team.

By integrating speech recognition, your contact center becomes more agile and responsive. It adapts to customer needs in real-time, providing a personalized experience. This not only enhances customer loyalty but also streamlines your operations, making your business more competitive.

Text-to-speech capabilities

Text-to-speech transforms written text into spoken words, eliminating the need for human voice recordings. This feature is perfect for creating automated attendants and voice bot phrases, saving time and resources. It ensures consistent and clear communication, enhancing the customer experience.

For contact center operators, text-to-speech simplifies the testing of voice response dialogs. You can quickly generate and modify prompts without waiting for new recordings. This flexibility allows for rapid iteration and improvement, ensuring your system always meets customer needs.

Agents benefit from text-to-speech by having more time to focus on complex tasks. Automated prompts handle routine interactions, reducing the workload. This leads to increased efficiency and better performance, as agents can dedicate their attention to providing exceptional service.

Multi-language support

Multi-language support transforms your contact center into a global powerhouse. It allows you to communicate with customers in their native language, breaking down barriers and creating a more personalized experience. This feature ensures that no matter where your customers are from, they feel understood and valued.

For your agents, multi-language support means they can handle calls from diverse regions without the stress of language barriers. This leads to more efficient call handling and reduces the time spent on misunderstandings. Your agents can focus on solving problems rather than struggling with translations.

Customers appreciate when they can speak in their preferred language, leading to higher satisfaction rates. This feature not only improves the customer experience but also boosts your agents’ confidence and performance. They can provide better service, leading to happier customers and a more successful contact center.

Enhanced searchability

Enhanced searchability transforms how you manage call recordings. It allows you to quickly locate specific interactions, saving valuable time. This feature ensures that you can easily find and review calls, improving your ability to address customer concerns promptly.

For customers, this means faster resolutions and a more personalized experience. They no longer have to repeat themselves, as agents can quickly access previous interactions. This leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty, as customers feel heard and understood.

Agents benefit from enhanced searchability by having immediate access to relevant information. This reduces the time spent on manual searches and allows them to focus on providing exceptional service. It also helps in training and quality assurance, as supervisors can easily review and analyze calls.