June Product Update

June 11, 2024 2 min read

Tallon Brown

Tallon Brown

NextivaONE App: Business contacts location and timezone

Quickly locate the right teammate based on their location or timezone for efficient and productive collaboration.

You can now view the location and time zone details of all business contacts, aka teammates. Location and local time are visible in their profile. Location is also visible when searching or hovering over a teammate under Contacts.

NextOS Admin: Enhanced admin navigation menu

We’ve reorganized the left navigation menu to make it more intuitive, reducing the number of clicks required to access frequently used features.

The updated design includes clearer labels and an improved hierarchical structure, making it easier to understand and navigate through various sections of the admin portal.

NextOS Admin: Bulk edit existing users

With Nextiva’s new bulk edit option, you can efficiently update multiple user details, such as phone numbers, extensions, and licenses, all at once. 

Under Users, click the arrow next to Add user and select Bulk edit existing users. Download the edit user template.

Tallon Brown


Tallon Brown

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