13 Tips for Building an Amazing Remote Work Culture

September 12, 2024 9 min read

Chris Reaburn

Chris Reaburn


Remote work has rapidly evolved from a fringe benefit to a mainstream business model. The pandemic accelerated this shift, forcing organizations to adapt and embrace virtual and hybrid work models. While having a remote workforce offers numerous advantages for employees and businesses, cultivating a thriving remote work culture requires careful planning and execution.

Our guide explores key strategies to help you build a high-performing remote team.

What Is Remote Work Culture?

Remote work culture is the shared values and behaviors that define how distributed team members interact, collaborate, and achieve organizational goals in a digital world. It is the environment that a company creates to make sure that remote employees feel connected and supported, despite not working in a shared physical space.

A strong remote work culture focuses on clear communication, trust, inclusivity, flexibility, and making sure that everyone feels a sense of belonging to a team, even while they’re working in their separate homes. To do this effectively a company must use digital tools, have regular check-ins, schedule team-building activities, and prioritize a healthy work-life balance.

Here are thirteen tips to create an amazing remote work culture.

1. Define Company Values and Mission

Defining company values and mission provides a shared understanding of goals, creating alignment across the team. Here are a few tips to ensure your message is instilled throughout your teams working remotely:

2. Hire Candidates Who Will Thrive in a Remote Environment

Hiring candidates who will thrive in a remote work environment makes creating and maintaining a strong remote work culture easier. Remote-first companies that prioritize remote employee recruitment have access to a wider talent pool, enhancing diversity and inclusion that strengthens team dynamics. 

Defining company values in job descriptions attracts candidates aligned with the company culture. Focusing on values alongside skills improves the quality of hires and reduces turnover. Highlighting remote work practices during the hiring process can boost excitement for the candidates, leading to better long-term fit.

Chart showing why call center employee turnover rates matter

3. Create a Seamless Onboarding Experience

Creating a well-structured and engaging onboarding process provides multiple benefits.  Clear communication guidelines and organized materials, accelerates agent training, getting the new hire up to speed faster, and easing them into their roles. Engagement also helps combat isolation, keeping the employee connected to the team during training. 

Pairing new employees with a buddy and providing early team introductions fosters connection and belonging. Leveraging technology to streamline the process, along with thorough pre-boarding and clear communication of company culture, policies, and expectations, ensures a positive first impression and long-term success.

How Nextiva helps: Use workforce engagement software with a unified agent dashboard to shorten employee onboarding.

4. Provide the Right Tools and Access

The right remote work tools, such as a unified digital workplace platform, can enhance collaboration, communication, and productivity. Essential tools, such as Slack, video conferencing software, document-sharing and knowledge base systems, and project management platforms, foster a positive remote work culture by supporting connection and efficiency. 

It’s important to carefully choose tools that align with the team’s work style and provide ongoing training and support to maximize their usage. Regular evaluation and consideration of data privacy and security further contribute to long-term remote work success.

How Nextiva helps: Nextiva’s cloud phone system features all the right tools to enhance remote work, such as a remote phone system, VoIP call center, video conferencing, team messaging, and more.

5. Encourage Asynchronous Work

Asynchronous work is a style of working where team members do not need to be online, available, or working at the same time to collaborate effectively.

Encouraging asynchronous work helps build a strong remote team culture, as it boosts productivity by minimizing interruptions and allowing deep focus. It also enables teams to operate effectively across time zones, giving employees flexibility and autonomy to manage their work-life balance. 

Asynchronous vs. synchronous communication for remote workers

Companies must intentionally reduce meetings, limit notifications, and provide tools like project management software, to facilitate asynchronous collaboration. Clear expectations, proactive management, and training on asynchronous practices are vital to overcoming challenges and ensuring success, while leadership plays a key role in modeling these behaviors.

6. Engage Employees With Virtual Team-Building Activities

Taking the team to a baseball game after work isn’t easy with remote employees scattered across the globe. However, hosting virtual team-building activities helps build camaraderie and break down the walls that can often form between employees in remote environments. Regular video calls and virtual “water cooler” chats mimic face-to-face interactions that can be missed in a virtual environment. 

Team activities that cater to different interests create a sense of connection and inclusion. Some examples include:

Continuous commitment to team-building activities — while balancing work and fun — is key to maintaining a strong, productive remote culture.

7. Reward and Recognize Achievements

Rewarding and recognizing achievements is essential for building a great remote work culture by boosting employee morale and motivation. Public acknowledgment of successes fosters a positive culture, while regular and personalized recognition reinforces the value of employees’ contributions. 

Celebrating both personal and professional milestones strengthens engagement, and consistent feedback helps drive employee growth. Recognition programs should align with company values, promote peer-to-peer appreciation, and be fair and inclusive for all employees.

8. Use Gamification to Make Work Fun

Using contact center gamification to make work fun contributes to a great remote team culture by fostering camaraderie and creating opportunities for friendly competition and social interaction. It boosts morale and reduces isolation by engaging employees in enjoyable activities, enhancing team bonding, and creating a sense of community. 

Gamification should align with the company’s culture and be inclusive, allowing everyone to participate. While beneficial, it should complement other team-building efforts, and its impact on engagement and productivity should be tracked.

A table displays statistics about remote work culture gamification

9. Invest in Professional Growth and Development

Investing in professional growth and development is key to building a strong remote work culture by fostering increased engagement, loyalty, and a sense of belonging. Providing personalized development opportunities and financial support shows commitment to employee growth, while knowledge-sharing through workshops and mentorship promotes skill development. 

Clear career paths and performance management help employees take ownership of their career progression. Leadership support and regular feedback ensure that development programs remain effective and aligned with employee needs.

10. Establish Clear Goals and Performance Metrics

Establishing clear customer service goals and performance metrics contributes to building a strong remote work culture by focusing on outcomes rather than hours worked. Clearly defined KPIs align individual and team goals with company objectives, while specific and measurable goals provide direction and focus. 

Regular performance reviews, open communication, and employee input in goal-setting foster trust and autonomy, helping avoid micromanagement. Celebrating successes and maintaining flexibility in goals contribute to a positive and adaptive remote work environment.

Screenshot of performance metrics

11. Support a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Supporting a healthy work-life balance is important for a great remote work culture in two ways:

  • It demonstrates respect for employee time
  • It prevents call center burnout by making time off mandatory

Clear boundaries between work and personal time, along with flexible work arrangements, help maintain balance and prioritize employee well-being. Managers should lead by example and model healthy behaviors while also providing resources and regular check-ins. Mental health and wellness programs further enhance employee satisfaction and long-term success.

How Nextiva helps: Our workforce management (WFM) software enables team leaders to make data-driven decisions that put employees first, and empowers agents with tools that make it easy for them to get the job done well, during their scheduled time.

12. Gather Employee Feedback

Gathering employee feedback helps identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall work experience. Regular, anonymous surveys and diverse feedback channels encourage honest responses and address various aspects of work, including job satisfaction and management relationships. 

Actionable insights from feedback drive positive changes, while transparent communication about how feedback is used fosters a culture of openness and trust. Encouraging employee involvement in the feedback process also supports continuous improvement.

13. Optimize Team Meetings 

Optimizing meetings with remote teams is important for building a great remote workplace culture by improving efficiency and ensuring productive use of time. Reducing unnecessary meetings, planning effectively with clear agendas and roles, and leveraging technology enhance the remote meeting experience. 

Considering cultural differences and being flexible with formats and schedules supports diverse team needs. Seeking employee feedback, establishing meeting norms, and exploring asynchronous communication options contribute to continuous improvement and accountability.

The Benefits of Remote Work Culture

A solid remote company culture offers numerous advantages for both employees and businesses. By fostering flexibility, trust, and innovation, remote work can significantly enhance overall organizational performance.

A table lists different ways employees, businesses, and customers benefit from a great work culture.

😁 Increases employee and customer satisfaction: A remote work culture empowers employees with greater autonomy and flexibility, leading to increased job satisfaction and work-life balance. Happy employees are more engaged and productive, resulting in improved customer service and satisfaction.

📈 Boosts productivity and efficiency: Employees working remotely often experience increased focus and productivity without the distractions of a traditional in-office environment. Additionally, remote work can streamline operations by reducing commuting time and office overhead costs.

💲Lowers costs: Transitioning to a remote work model can lead to significant cost savings. Companies can reduce expenses related to office space, utilities, and equipment.

⭐ Builds a positive brand reputation: Embracing remote work demonstrates a company’s commitment to employee well-being, innovation, and flexibility. This can enhance the company’s reputation as an employer of choice and attract top talent.

🏆 Widens talent pool: Remote work eliminates geographic limitations, allowing businesses to recruit from a global talent pool. This access to diverse skill sets can drive innovation and problem-solving.

🤝 Increases employee retention: Offering remote work options can improve employee satisfaction and loyalty, reducing turnover rates. Companies can create a more engaged and committed workforce by investing in employee well-being and flexibility.

The Challenges of Remote Work Culture

While remote work offers numerous benefits, it also presents unique obstacles that organizations must overcome.

Bar graph of common challenges of hybrid work

Here are a few remote work challenges and how to handle them.

🕜 Managing different time zones: Coordinating meetings and projects across multiple time zones can be complex and time-consuming. Effective communication and planning are important elements that help remote teams overcome time zone challenges and ensure seamless collaboration.

🔥 Overcoming isolation and employee burnout: Remote employees may experience feelings of isolation and disconnection, leading to decreased morale and productivity. Fostering a strong sense of community and providing opportunities for social interaction is crucial to combat these issues.

😎 Creating a virtual safe space: Building a culture of trust, open communication, and psychological safety is vital for remote teams. Encouraging active participation, supporting diverse ideas, and providing a platform for feedback without fear of retaliation are key to creating a positive and inclusive work environment.

Elevate Your Remote Work Culture with Nextiva

Building a successful remote work culture takes a holistic approach that integrates remote practices into the organization’s core operations and values. Key components include embracing asynchronous work, ensuring the right to disconnect, implementing fair policies, and exercising effective remote leadership. 

A strong remote-first culture benefits employees and the company, driven by a focus on diversity, tailored benefits, and employee well-being. With a strategic approach to team building and scaling, remote work becomes a sustainable trend that enhances collaboration and productivity over the long term.

The phone system for remote teams.

Move your PBX to the cloud or get a hosted VoIP system with superpowers. Nextiva is your remote work solution.

Remote Work Culture FAQs

Still have some questions about how to build a thriving remote work culture? We’ve got answers.

Why is remote work culture so important?

A solid remote company culture fosters employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. It builds a sense of community, trust, and shared purpose among team members, leading to better collaboration between remote workers and on-site employees. 

What are effective communication strategies for remote teams?

Effective communication is vital for remote workers. Prioritize clear and consistent communication channels, encourage open dialogue, and leverage collaboration tools. Regular check-ins, virtual team-building activities, and transparent feedback mechanisms are also important.

What tools and technologies are essential for remote work?

The right tools can significantly enhance remote work productivity and collaboration. Essential tools include video conferencing platforms, project management software, document-sharing tools, and instant messaging apps. When selecting tools, consider your team’s specific needs.

What are the key elements of remote work culture?

A strong remote work culture is built on trust, autonomy, open communication, flexibility, and employee well-being. It also requires clear expectations, regular feedback, and opportunities for professional growth.

Chris Reaburn


Chris Reaburn

Chris Reaburn is the Chief of Strategic Execution at Nextiva. Known as "Reaburn" by friends/family, he is responsible for championing Nextiva's brand and products into the market in support of the company's vision to change the way businesses around the world work and serve their customers. With his previous leadership roles in the communications industry…

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