Burbank, California is in the 818 area code as part of Los Angeles County, California.
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Burbank, California is located in area code 818. Get a local phone number in the Burbank area code with Nextiva digital phone services.
Connecting a number with a Burbank area code to your business will give you a local presence in the “Media Capital of the World.” With a population of 103,000, Burbank may be small, but the city is mighty. The town covers 17.4 square miles and is located in Los Angeles County in Southern California, only a few miles away from North Hollywood. Glendale, Griffith Park, and Toluca Lake surround Burbank and use area code 818 as well.
Burbank California is named after a dentist from New Hampshire, Dr. David Burbank. He moved west with other Americans in the 1860’s and bought a large plot of land in what is now called Burbank to start a sheep ranch.
In the 1920’s, both the aviation industry and the film industry moved into Burbank, and the population began to increase significantly. In the 1990’s, Lockheed Martin moved out of the city, and many areas that were once their offices and factories were redesigned as shopping districts. Now, a focus on libraries, nature centers, bikeways, and other community features has helped steadily improve the quality of life of the residents in the city.