The 913 area code
is the place to be
Kansas City was first incorporated in 1872 and then combined with surrounding areas to create the “new” Kansas City in 1886. Strangely enough, the Kansas City area code was named after Kansas City, Missouri. The Kansas City in Kansas is located just across the state lines from Kansas City, Missouri, and grew up alongside it as a suburb for its larger counterpart in Missouri.
The main period of growth in Kansas City was between the 1890’s and 1930’s with the railroad industry. It also experienced another surge as an aviation city during World War II, and now Kansas City sits as the third largest city in the state.
The Kansas City area code contains only one Fortune 500 company. The Seaboard Corp., a multinational agriculture, business, and transport company, was ranked #486 on the 2017 list. The major industries in area code 913 are manufacturing, finance, and transportation and the General Motors Assembly Plant, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and Associated Wholesale Grocers are some of the staple companies of the economy.
The five biggest employers in the Kansas City area code start with the University of Kansas Hospital which employs over 5,000 residents of the city. Next on the list are the University of Kansas Medical Center, General Motors Corporation, the Kansas City School District, and the Burlington/Northern Santa Fe Railroad.
The average unemployment rate in the United States is 5.2%, and the unemployment rate is slightly higher in kansas City at 5.7%. However, job growth in the Kansas City area code is predicted around 37% over the next ten years. The average household income in Kansas City is $38,000, which is lower than the US national average of $53,000. Only 10% of the population in area code 913 makes over $100,000 a year, and the three largest occupations for residents in the city are health care and social assistance, manufacturing, and retail trade.
Kansas City MO-KS was ranked #7 on the Forbes list of “The Cities Winning the Battle for America’s Biggest Growth Sector” in 2012. Some of the annual events that take place in area code 913 are the Brookside Art Annual, Jazz in the Woods, and the Roots Festival.