Have you ever considered a Riverside area code for your business? If you’re ready to grow in California just purchase area code 951 from Nextiva to get started today!
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Riverside is located in southern California. With an estimated population of 324,000 people, it comes in as the 12th biggest city in the state. Riverside covers 84 square miles in Riverside County but area code 951 is home to parts of San Bernardino County as well. A Riverside area code is an asset to any business looking to expand in California because the city is only 53 miles from Los Angeles and 120 miles from San Diego.
Riverside was incorporated in 1883. The first industry in the city was citrus and the first settlers planted and raised orange trees. The population increased significantly as citrus trees flourished in the Southern California climate and brought thousands of growers to the area. Although the citrus industry is no longer dominant in Riverside, the town is still well-known as a vacation destination because of the temperate weather. Tourism plays a major role in the Riverside economy alongside education. La Sierra University was founded in Riverside in 1922, the California Baptist College began in 1950 and the University of California - Riverside was opened in 1954.