Charlotte, North Carolina is in the 704 and 980 area codes in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
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A Charlotte area code is perfect for any business looking to expand in North Carolina. Access area code 704 and 980 with Nextiva digital phone systems! Are you ready to grow your business in North Carolina? If so, it’s time to consider connecting to area code 704 and 980. The Charlotte area code has an estimated population of 842,000 people and covers 297 square miles, making it the biggest city in North Carolina.
Charlotte is located in Mecklenburg County in the western part of the state. 12 counties in the state are served by area code 704 and 980, including Anson, Lincoln, Rowan, Stanly, Union, and others. Charlotte, North Carolina is located 167 miles from the state capital of Raleigh, and 130 miles from the popular mountain city of Asheville.
Charlotte was originally the home of the Catawba Indian Tribe, and was first colonized by Scots-Irish and German settlers. It was settled in 1755 and incorporated in 1768, and the city was one of the first to declare their independence from British rule before the American Revolution. The Charlotte area code first grew from a small gold rush in the area, and then again with the rise of cotton and a railroad built through the city in 1880. The establishment of Camp Green during World War II helped it continue the population surge, and it now sits as the most populous city in the state of North Carolina.